69 research outputs found

    The Devil and Jane Austen: Elizabeth Bennet\u27s Temptations in the Wildnerness

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    The Sabbath of the Heart : Transgressive Love in Lady Morgan\u27s India

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    This article discusses the book The Missionary: An Indian Tale by Sidney Owenson. The book presents a tragic love story between a Western cleric and an Indian princess, fraught with all the tensions and pressures that contraries of culture bring to bear on forbidden love. Such transgressive love is a powerful metaphor for cultural conflict, which Owenson uses to represent the crisis faced by a non-European woman in love with a celibate Christian and Western missionary. Much of it is set in the valley of Kashmir, India, during a time of political conflict and religious tempest when idealism, nationalism, patriotism, and radicalism collided with an oppressive European hegemony over ancient people from a civilization alien to Western understanding

    A re-evaluation of the magnitude and impacts of anthropogenic atmospheric nitrogen inputs on the ocean

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    We report a new synthesis of best estimates of the inputs of fixed nitrogen to the world ocean via atmospheric deposition, and compare this to fluvial inputs and di-nitrogen fixation. We evaluate the scale of human perturbation of these fluxes. Fluvial inputs dominate inputs to the continental shelf, and we estimate about 75% of this fluvial nitrogen escapes from the shelf to the open ocean. Biological di-nitrogen fixation is the main external source of nitrogen to the open ocean, i.e. beyond the continental shelf. Atmospheric deposition is the primary mechanism by which land based nitrogen inputs, and hence human perturbations of the nitrogen cycle, reach the open ocean. We estimate that anthropogenic inputs are currently leading to an increase in overall ocean carbon sequestration of ~0.4% (equivalent to an uptake of 0.15 Pg C yr-1 and less than the Duce et al., 2008 estimate). The resulting reduction in climate change forcing from this ocean CO2 uptake is offset to a small extent by an increase in ocean N2O emissions. We identify four important feedbacks in the ocean atmosphere nitrogen system that need to be better quantified to improve our understanding of the perturbation of ocean biogeochemistry by atmospheric nitrogen inputs. These feedbacks are recycling of (1) ammonia and (2) organic nitrogen from the ocean to the atmosphere and back, (3) the suppression of nitrogen fixation by increased nitrogen concentrations in surface waters from atmospheric deposition, and (4) increased loss of nitrogen from the ocean by denitrification due to increased productivity stimulated by atmospheric inputs

    Ammonia Production Technologies

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    Incorporating a prognostic representation of marine nitrogen fixers into the global ocean biogeochemical model HAMOCC

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    Nitrogen (N2) fixation is a major source of bioavailable nitrogen to the euphotic zone, thereby exerting an important control on ocean biogeochemical cycling. This paper presents the incorporation of prognostic N2 fixers into the HAMburg Ocean Carbon Cycle model (HAMOCC), a component of the Max Planck Institute Earth System Model (MPI‐ESM). Growth dynamics of N2 fixers in the model are based on physiological characteristics of the cyanobacterium Trichodesmium. The applied temperature dependency confines diazotrophic growth and N2 fixation to the tropical and subtropical ocean roughly between 40°S and 40°N. Simulated large‐scale spatial patterns compare well with observations, and the global N2 fixation rate of 135.6 Tg N yr−1 is within the range of current estimates. The vertical distribution of N2 fixation also matches well the observations, with a major fraction of about 85% occurring in the upper 20 m. The observed seasonal variability at the stations BATS and ALOHA is reasonably reproduced, with highest fixation rates in northern summer/fall. Iron limitation was found to be an important factor in controlling the simulated distribution of N2 fixation, especially in the Pacific Ocean. The new model component considerably improves the representation of present‐day N2 fixation in HAMOCC. It provides the basis for further studies on the role of diazotrophs in global biogeochemical cycles, as well as on the response of N2 fixation to changing environmental conditions

    A Marriage of True Minds: The Community of Faith in Wordsworth and Austen

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    This essay examines the similarity of the works of William Wordsworth and Jane Austen in terms of their commitment to the community. Focus of the poem The Excursion, by Wordsworth on social awareness; Importance of the notion of goodness and duty to the larger community in the novel of Austen; Claim of others of the shared taste of Austen with Wordsworth and the Romantic Age

    Maria Edgeworth and the Irish \u27Thin Places\u27

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    The Extrospective Vision: The Excursion as Transitional in Wordsworth\u27s Poetry and Age

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    The Redemption of the World : The Rhetoric of Jane Austen\u27s Prayers

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    The article deals with the prayers written by Jane Austen in The Works of Jane Austen: Minor Works, Volume 6, edited by R. W. Chapman. The prayers written by Austen are cited. The focus of the language of Austen\u27s prayers and novels is discussed. The context of Austen\u27s Christianity is examined. In the study Jane Austen and the Clergy, by Irene Collins, it was argued that Austen was a religious woman