5 research outputs found

    La producci贸n de becerros en Chihuahua: un an谩lisis econ贸mico marginal

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    El uso de los recursos con productividad (eficiencia, eficacia, calidad y econom铆a) deben ser el objeto de uso en el sector agropecuario. Se realiz贸 un an谩lisis para cuantificar la situaci贸n econ贸mica marginal de costos, ingresos y utilidad en productores con 40, 100, 200 y 500 vacas del sistema vaca-becerro, en las cuatro principales zonas productoras del estado de Chihuahua. Los datos se analizaron con el programa de simulaci贸n MEXSIM, utilizado por la SAGARPA para analizar los principales sistemas de producci贸n agropecuaria de M茅xico y desarrollado por Agricultural and Food Policy Center (AFPC), de la Universidad de Texas A&M (TAMU). La situaci贸n econ贸mica fue precautoria para todas las escalas de producci贸n, debido a bajas precipitaciones que provocaron la disminuci贸n del forraje producido y de los becerros destetados. Sin embargo, el 100% de las unidades de producci贸n analizadas son rentables; asimismo, es variable entre escalas de producci贸n y se incrementa a mayor escala de producci贸n. La utilidad marginal promedio fue de 1,656.82 /vaca,115.18/vaca, 115.18 /ha, 2,563.41 /becerroy16.34/ becerro y 16.34 /kg de becerro. El sistema de producci贸n muestra una ineficiencia de 32%, provocada por los productores de menor escala

    Par谩metros bio-econ贸micos de la producci贸n intensiva de la carne de bovino en M茅xico

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    Art铆culo in茅ditoEl objetivo de esta investigaci贸n fue evaluar la productividad de carne de bovino en confinamiento estabulado en M茅xico, a trav茅s de criterios de eficiencia, eficacia, calidad y econom铆a, en cinco entidades (Nuevo Le贸n, Tamaulipas, Coahuila, Sonora y Baja California); considerando cinco escalas de producci贸n (desde 3,000 a 7,000 cabezas finalizadas por ciclo). El peso vivo inicial promedio fue 267.00 卤 35.99 kg y final 470 卤 11.73 kg. El ciclo productivo promedio fue de 136 卤 22 d铆as y 2.67 卤 0.34 ciclos por a帽o. La eficiencia fue de 7.84 卤 1.39 kg alimento/kg y 61.20 卤 0.84 % de carne de rendimiento en canal, eficacia 99.55 卤 0.26 %, calidad 100 % y econom铆a 3.36 卤 1.89 $/kg de ingreso neto. La relaci贸n beneficio-costo fue de 1.08 卤 0.03, con una inversi贸n marginal promedio de 17,815.98 卤 4,795.81 pesos por cabeza. La conclusi贸n es que la actividad econ贸mica presenta una productividad promedio de 63.50 卤 15.20 %

    Estimation of growth parameters in Brahman cattle from Mexico

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    The objectives were to evaluate non-linear models (NLM) to define the growth curve of Brahman cattle in Mexico. The database was derived from weight development control, with live weight measurements (150,932 in females and 286,804 in males) taken in the interval from birth to 1095 days of age. Four NLM were evaluated: Brody, Bertalanffy, Gompertz and Logistic. The selection of the NLM with the best adjustment was made based on the Akaike and Bayesian information criteria. Growth parameters were generated: adult weight (AW), growth rate (GR), correlation (蠏) between AW and GR, age and weight at the inflection point, evolution of live weight (as a percentage of adult weight), maturity level, daily growth rate (DGR; kg/day). The model with the best fit was Brody, followed by Bertalanffy. For AW, the average value was 787.2 kg for males and 592.1 kg for females; for GR, the average values (%) were 0.28 for males and 0.25 for females. All聽蠏 were less than -0.90. The DGR, for males presented values in the range of 0.347 to 0.786 and a mean of 0.537; for females, the mean was 0.424 with values in the range of 0.274 to 0.620. Heifers at 15 months of age reach an average weight of 287 kg, representing 57.7% of the adult weight. The growth analysis shows the response and/or adaptation to tropical livestock, based on a growth curve with a constant growth rate and no inflection poin

    Microbial characterization and diversity of artisanal Ranchero cheese with emphasis in Lactococcus strains

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    Abstract The aim of this work is to characterize the natural microflora of artisanal Ranchero cheese and to identify Lactococcus isolates. Ten artisanal Ranchero cheese samples made with raw milk were obtained from local producers located in different geographical areas. Aerobic mesophilic, Staphylococci, Psychrophilic , total coliforms, molds, yeast and, lactic acid bacteria (LAB) (Lactococcus , Streptococcus mesophilic and thermophilic, Lactobacillus , Enterococcus, Leuconostoc) were numbered through agar plating. LAB isolates were classified by genus. Then, nineteen randomly selected presumptive Lactococcus isolates were assigned to specie by PCR amplification and DNA sequence. A high number of aerobic mesophilic Staphylococci, Psychrophilic, total coliforms, molds, and yeast were found. Lactococci, mesophilic and thermophilic Streptococci and Lactobacilli were the dominant LAB. Enterococci and Leuconostoc were also present. The isolates were identified as L. lactis subsp. lactis and L. garvieae . And both were found to be the dominant Lactococcus species that could be selected and used in a starter culture. Sanitation deficiencies in the production of artisanal Ranchero cheese were evident, which may translate into being a potential consumers health risk factor

    Sex differences in animal models of psychiatric disorders

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