309 research outputs found

    Sulfur and mercury MIF suggest volcanic contributions to Earth’s atmosphere at 2.7 Ga

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    This study received funding from a Natural Environment Research Council Standard Grant NE/M001156/1 (ALZ, EGN), and from the European Research Council under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (Grant 678812 to MWC).The Archean eon is associated with large-scale changes in Earth’s geosphere and biosphere, including the onset of plate tectonics and the expansion of oxygenic photosynthesis, although the full impacts of these changes on the atmosphere remain unclear. Here we present coupled records of mass independent fractionation of sulfur (S-MIF) and mercury (Hg-MIF) isotopes from well preserved sediments of the ∼2.7 billion year old (Ga) Manjeri Formation, Belingwe Greenstone Belt, Zimbabwe. These palaeoatmospheric proxies record different trends for S-MIF and odd number Hg-MIF versus even number Hg-MIF, providing novel constraints on atmospheric chemistry during this time. S-MIF and odd number Hg-MIF values are muted in comparison to values preserved in later Archean sediments, representing a combination of enhanced volcanic input and local mixing. Even number Hg-MIF is absent from these sediments, consistent with complete photo-oxidation of gaseous Hg0, which could have been driven by increased halogen emissions from arc volcanism. When considered within a global geodynamic context, these MIF data suggest an important role for subduction zone-related volcanism associated with early plate tectonics in modulating the ∼2.7 Ga atmosphere.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Hot Lines

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    On the occasion of Heather Phiillipson's 'Annotation's residency at The Drawing Room, Helena Reckitt chaired an evening of readings, presentations and discussions. Joining Heather Phillipson were invited friends: Helen Cammock, artist; Karen Di Franco, archivist and curator; and Helen Nisbet, Curatorial Fellow, Cubitt. Contributors considered intersections of drawn and written lines – the potential convergences for visual and poetic practices in attempting to, as Kathy Acker said, ‘mine the hot stuff’

    Enhanced stochastic oscillations in autocatalytic reactions

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    We study a simplified scheme of kk coupled autocatalytic reactions, previously introduced by Togashi and Kaneko. The role of stochastic fluctuations is elucidated through the use of the van Kampen system-size expansion and the results compared with direct stochastic simulations. Regular temporal oscillations are predicted to occur for the concentration of the various chemical constituents, with an enhanced amplitude resulting from a resonance which is induced by the intrinsic graininess of the system. The associated power spectra are determined and have a different form depending on the number of chemical constituents, kk. We make detailed comparisons in the two cases k=4k=4 and k=8k=8. Agreement between the theoretical and numerical results for the power spectrum are good in both cases. The resulting spectrum is especially interesting in the k=8k=8 system, since it has two peaks, which the system-size expansion is still able to reproduce accurately.Comment: Submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Lung adenocarcinoma originates from retrovirus infection of proliferating type 2 pneumocytes during pulmonary post-natal development or tissue repair

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    Jaagsiekte sheep retrovirus (JSRV) is a unique oncogenic virus with distinctive biological properties. JSRV is the only virus causing a naturally occurring lung cancer (ovine pulmonary adenocarcinoma, OPA) and possessing a major structural protein that functions as a dominant oncoprotein. Lung cancer is the major cause of death among cancer patients. OPA can be an extremely useful animal model in order to identify the cells originating lung adenocarcinoma and to study the early events of pulmonary carcinogenesis. In this study, we demonstrated that lung adenocarcinoma in sheep originates from infection and transformation of proliferating type 2 pneumocytes (termed here lung alveolar proliferating cells, LAPCs). We excluded that OPA originates from a bronchioalveolar stem cell, or from mature post-mitotic type 2 pneumocytes or from either proliferating or non-proliferating Clara cells. We show that young animals possess abundant LAPCs and are highly susceptible to JSRV infection and transformation. On the contrary, healthy adult sheep, which are normally resistant to experimental OPA induction, exhibit a relatively low number of LAPCs and are resistant to JSRV infection of the respiratory epithelium. Importantly, induction of lung injury increased dramatically the number of LAPCs in adult sheep and rendered these animals fully susceptible to JSRV infection and transformation. Furthermore, we show that JSRV preferentially infects actively dividing cell in vitro. Overall, our study provides unique insights into pulmonary biology and carcinogenesis and suggests that JSRV and its host have reached an evolutionary equilibrium in which productive infection (and transformation) can occur only in cells that are scarce for most of the lifespan of the sheep. Our data also indicate that, at least in this model, inflammation can predispose to retroviral infection and cancer

    Molecular dynamics studies on the NMR and X-ray structures of rabbit prion protein wild-type and mutants

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    Prion diseases are invariably fatal and highly infectious neurodegenerative diseases that affect a wide variety of mammalian species such as sheep, goats, mice, humans, chimpanzees, hamsters, cattle, elks, deer, minks, cats, chicken, pigs, turtles, etc. These neurodegenerative diseases are caused by the conversion from a soluble normal cellular protein into insoluble abnormally folded infectious prions and the conversion is believed to involve conformational change from a predominantly alpha-helical protein to one rich in beta-sheet structure. Such conformational changes may be amenable to study by molecular dynamics (MD) techniques. For rabbits, classical studies show they have a low susceptibility to be infected, but in 2012 it was reported that rabbit prion can be generated (though not directly) and the rabbit prion is infectious and transmissible (Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 109(13): 5080-5). This paper studies the NMR and X-ray molecular structures of rabbit prion protein wild-type and mutants by MD techniques, in order to understand the specific mechanism of rabbit prion protein and rabbit prions.Comment: (The 2nd version of arXiv1304.7633

    The Botanical Record of Archaeobotany Italian Network - BRAIN: a cooperative network, database and website

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    The BRAIN (Botanical Records of Archaeobotany Italian Network) database and network was developed by the cooperation of archaeobotanists working on Italian archaeological sites. Examples of recent research including pollen or other plant remains in analytical and synthetic papers are reported as an exemplar reference list. This paper retraces the main steps of the creation of BRAIN, from the scientific need for the first research cooperation to the website which has a free online access since 2015

    The Botanical Record of Archaeobotany Italian Network - BRAIN: a cooperative network, database and website

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    The BRAIN (Botanical Records of Archaeobotany Italian Network) database and network was developed by the cooperation of archaeobotanists working on Italian archaeological sites. Examples of recent research including pollen or other plant remains in analytical and synthetic papers are reported as an exemplar reference list. This paper retraces the main steps of the creation of BRAIN, from the scientific need for the first research cooperation to the website which has a free online access since 2015

    Investigation of relationship between vitamin D status and reproductive fitness in Scottish hill sheep

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    There is a growing interest in the influence of vitamin D on ovine non-skeletal health. The aim of this study was to explore the relationship between pre-mating vitamin D status, as assessed by serum concentrations of 25-Hydroxyvitamin D [25(OH)D; comprising D2 and D3] and subsequent reproductive performance of genetically unimproved Scottish Blackface (UBF), genetically improved Scottish Blackface (IBF) and Lleyn ewes kept under Scottish hill conditions. 25-Hydroxyvitamin D2 (25(OH)D2) and 25-Hydroxyvitamin D3 (25(OH)D3) concentrations were determined in serum samples harvested in November from ewes grazed outdoors. There were no significant differences in 25(OH)D2concentrations amongst the 3 genotypes. Lleyn ewes had significantly higher 25(OH)D3 and 25(OH)D concentrations than both Scottish Blackface ewe genotypes, whereas these vitamin D parameters did not differ significantly between the UBF and IBF ewes. Concentrations of 25(OH)D3 and 25(OH)D were positively associated with subsequent birth weights of singleton and of twin lamb litters. No significant associations between vitamin D status and number of lambs born or weaned per ewe were found. This study demonstrates that concentrations of cutaneously-derived 25(OH)D3, but not of orally consumed 25(OH)D2, differed between breeds. The positive association between ewe vitamin D status and offspring birth weight highlights the need for further investigations