615 research outputs found

    A unified theory for excited-state, fragmented, and equilibrium-like Bose condensation in pumped photonic many-body systems

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    We derive a theory for Bose condensation in nonequilibrium steady states of bosonic quantum gases that are coupled both to a thermal heat bath and to a pumped reservoir (or gain medium), while suffering from loss. Such a scenario describes photonic many-body systems such as exciton-polariton gases. Our analysis is based on a set of kinetic equations for a gas of noninteracting bosons. By identifying a dimensionless scaling parameter controlling the boson density, we derive a sharp criterion for which system states become selected to host a macroscopic occupation. We show that with increasing pump power, the system generically undergoes a sequence of nonequilibrum phase transitions. At each transition a state either becomes or ceases to be Bose selected (i.e. to host a condensate): The state which first acquires a condensate when the pumping exceeds a threshold is the one with the largest ratio of pumping to loss. This intuitive behavior resembles simple lasing. In the limit of strong pumping, the coupling to the heat bath becomes dominant so that eventually the ground state is selected, corresponding to equilibrium(-like) Bose condensation. For intermediate pumping strengths, several states become selected giving rise to fragmented nonequilibrium Bose condensation. We compare these predictions to experimental results obtained for excitons polaritons in a double-pillar structure [Phys. Rev. Lett. 108, 126403 (2012)] and find good agreement. Our theory, moreover, predicts that the reservoir occupation is clamped at a constant value whenever the system hosts an odd number of Bose condensates

    High-temperature nonequilibrium Bose condensation induced by a hot needle

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    We investigate theoretically a one-dimensional ideal Bose gas that is driven into a steady state far from equilibrium via the coupling to two heat baths: a global bath of temperature TT and a "hot needle", a bath of temperature Th≫TT_h\gg T with localized coupling to the system. Remarkably, this system features a crossover to finite-size Bose condensation at temperatures TT that are orders of magnitude larger than the equilibrium condensation temperature. This counterintuitive effect is explained by a suppression of long-wavelength excitations resulting from the competition between both baths. Moreover, for sufficiently large needle temperatures ground-state condensation is superseded by condensation into an excited state, which is favored by its weaker coupling to the hot needle. Our results suggest a general strategy for the preparation of quantum degenerate nonequilibrium steady states with unconventional properties and at large temperatures

    Generalized Bose-Einstein condensation into multiple states in driven-dissipative systems

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    Bose-Einstein condensation, the macroscopic occupation of a single quantum state, appears in equilibrium quantum statistical mechanics and persists also in the hydrodynamic regime close to equilibrium. Here we show that even when a degenerate Bose gas is driven into a steady state far from equilibrium, where the notion of a single-particle ground state becomes meaningless, Bose-Einstein condensation survives in a generalized form: the unambiguous selection of an odd number of states acquiring large occupations. Within mean-field theory we derive a criterion for when a single and when multiple states are Bose selected in a non-interacting gas. We study the effect in several driven-dissipative model systems, and propose a quantum switch for heat conductivity based on shifting between one and three selected states.Comment: 5+3 pages, 2+2 figure

    Non-equilibrium steady states of ideal bosonic and fermionic quantum gases

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    We investigate non-equilibrium steady states of driven-dissipative ideal quantum gases of both bosons and fermions. We focus on systems of sharp particle number that are driven out of equilibrium either by the coupling to several heat baths of different temperature or by time-periodic driving in combination with the coupling to a heat bath. Within the framework of (Floquet-)Born-Markov theory, several analytical and numerical methods are described in detail. This includes a mean-field theory in terms of occupation numbers, an augmented mean-field theory taking into account also non-trivial two-particle correlations, and quantum-jump-type Monte-Carlo simulations. For the case of the ideal Fermi gas, these methods are applied to simple lattice models and the possibility of achieving exotic states via bath engineering is pointed out. The largest part of this work is devoted to bosonic quantum gases and the phenomenon of Bose selection, a non-equilibrium generalization of Bose condensation, where multiple single-particle states are selected to acquire a large occupation [Phys. Rev. Lett. 111, 240405 (2013)]. In this context, among others, we provide a theory for transitions where the set of selected states changes, describe an efficient algorithm for finding the set of selected states, investigate beyond-mean-field effects, and identify the dominant mechanisms for heat transport in the Bose selected state

    Generalized Bose-Einstein Condensation in Driven-dissipative Quantum Gases

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    Bayesian statistical approach for protein residue-residue contact prediction

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    Despite continuous efforts in automating experimental structure determination and systematic target selection in structural genomics projects, the gap between the number of known amino acid sequences and solved 3D structures for proteins is constantly widening. While DNA sequencing technologies are advancing at an extraordinary pace, thereby constantly increasing throughput while at the same time reducing costs, protein structure determination is still labour intensive, time-consuming and expensive. This trend illustrates the essential importance of complementary computational approaches in order to bridge the so-called sequence-structure gap. About half of the protein families lack structural annotation and therefore are not amenable to techniques that infer protein structure from homologs. These protein families can be addressed by de novo structure prediction approaches that in practice are often limited by the immense computational costs required to search the conformational space for the lowest-energy conformation. Improved predictions of contacts between amino acid residues have been demonstrated to sufficiently constrain the overall protein fold and thereby extend the applicability of de novo methods to larger proteins. Residue-residue contact prediction is based on the idea that selection pressure on protein structure and function can lead to compensatory mutations between spatially close residues. This leaves an echo of correlation signatures that can be traced down from the evolutionary record. Despite the success of contact prediction methods, there are several challenges. The most evident limitation lies in the requirement of deep alignments, which excludes the majority of protein families without associated structural information that are the focus for contact guided de novo structure prediction. The heuristics applied by current contact prediction methods pose another challenge, since they omit available coevolutionary information. This work presents two different approaches for addressing the limitations of contact prediction methods. Instead of inferring evolutionary couplings by maximizing the pseudo-likelihood, I maximize the full likelihood of the statistical model for protein sequence families. This approach performed with comparable precision up to minor improvements over the pseudo-likelihood methods for protein families with few homologous sequences. A Bayesian statistical approach has been developed that provides posterior probability estimates for residue-residue contacts and eradicates the use of heuristics. The full information of coevolutionary signatures is exploited by explicitly modelling the distribution of statistical couplings that reflects the nature of residue-residue interactions. Surprisingly, the posterior probabilities do not directly translate into more precise predictions than obtained by pseudo-likelihood methods combined with prior knowledge. However, the Bayesian framework offers a statistically clean and theoretically solid treatment for the contact prediction problem. This flexible and transparent framework provides a convenient starting point for further developments, such as integrating more complex prior knowledge. The model can also easily be extended towards the Derivation of probability estimates for residue-residue distances to enhance the precision of predicted structures

    Generalized Bose-Einstein Condensation in Driven-dissipative Quantum Gases

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    Bose-Einstein condensation is a collective quantum phenomenon where a macroscopic number of bosons occupies the lowest quantum state. For fixed temperature, bosons condense above a critical particle density. This phenomenon is a consequence of the Bose-Einstein distribution which dictates that excited states can host only a finite number of particles so that all remaining particles must form a condensate in the ground state. This reasoning applies to thermal equilibrium. We investigate the fate of Bose condensation in nonisolated systems of noninteracting Bose gases driven far away from equilibrium. An example of such a driven-dissipative scenario is a Floquet system coupled to a heat bath. In these time-periodically driven systems, the particles are distributed among the Floquet states, which are the solutions of the Schrödinger equation that are time periodic up to a phase factor. The absence of the definition of a ground state in Floquet systems raises the question, whether Bose condensation survives far from equilibrium. We show that Bose condensation generalizes to an unambiguous selection of multiple states each acquiring a large occupation proportional to the total particle number. In contrast, the occupation numbers of nonselected states are bounded from above. We observe this phenomenon not only in various Floquet systems, i.a. time-periodically-driven quartic oscillators and tight-binding chains, but also in systems coupled to two baths where the population of one bath is inverted. In many cases, the occupation numbers of the selected states are macroscopic such that a fragmented condensation is formed according to the Penrose-Onsager criterion. We propose to control the heat conductivity through a chain by switching between a single and several selected states. Furthermore, the number of selected states is always odd except for fine-tuning. We provide a criterion, whether a single state (e.g., Bose condensation) or several states are selected. In open systems, which exchange also particles with their environment, the nonequilibrium steady state is determined by the interplay between the particle-number-conserving intermode kinetics and particle-number-changing pumping and loss processes. For a large class of model systems, we find the following generic sequence when increasing the pumping: For small pumping, no state is selected. The first threshold, where the stimulated emission from the gain medium exceeds the loss in a state, is equivalent to the classical lasing threshold. Due to the competition between gain, loss and intermode kinetics, further transitions may occur. At each transition, a single state becomes either selected or deselected. Counterintuitively, at sufficiently strong pumping, the set of selected states is independent of the details of the gain and loss. Instead, it is solely determined by the intermode kinetics like in closed systems. This implies equilibrium condensation when the intermode kinetics is caused by a thermal environment. These findings agree well with observations of exciton-polariton gases in microcavities. In a collaboration with experimentalists, we observe and explain the pump-power-driven mode switching in a bimodal quantum-dot micropillar cavity.Die Bose-Einstein-Kondensation ist ein Quantenphänomen, bei dem eine makroskopische Zahl von Bosonen den tiefsten Quantenzustand besetzt. Die Teilchen kondensieren, wenn bei konstanter Temperatur die Teilchendichte einen kritischen Wert übersteigt. Da die Besetzungen von angeregten Zuständen nach der Bose-Einstein-Statistik begrenzt sind, bilden alle verbleibenden Teilchen ein Kondensat im Grundzustand. Diese Argumentation ist im thermischen Gleichgewicht gültig. In dieser Arbeit untersuchen wir, ob die Bose-Einstein-Kondensation in nicht wechselwirkenden Gasen fern des Gleichgewichtes überlebt. Diese Frage stellt sich beispielsweise in Floquet-Systemen, welche Energie mit einer thermischen Umgebung austauschen. In diesen zeitperiodisch getriebenen Systemen verteilen sich die Teilchen auf Floquet-Zustände, die bis auf einen Phasenfaktor zeitperiodischen Lösungen der Schrödinger-Gleichung. Die fehlende Definition eines Grundzustandes wirft die Frage nach der Existenz eines Bose-Kondensates auf. Wir finden eine Generalisierung der Bose-Kondensation in Form einer Selektion mehrerer Zustände. Die Besetzung in jedem selektierten Zustand ist proportional zur Gesamtteilchenzahl, während die Besetzung aller übrigen Zustände begrenzt bleibt. Wir beobachten diesen Effekt nicht nur in Floquet-Systemen, z.B. getriebenen quartischen Fallen, sondern auch in Systemen die an zwei Wärmebäder gekoppelt sind, wobei die Besetzung des einen invertiert ist. In vielen Fällen ist die Teilchenzahl in den selektierten Zuständen makroskopisch, sodass nach dem Penrose-Onsager Kriterium ein fragmentiertes Kondensat vorliegt. Die Wärmeleitfähigkeit des Systems kann durch den Wechsel zwischen einem und mehreren selektierten Zuständen kontrolliert werden. Die Anzahl der selektierten Zustände ist stets ungerade, außer im Falle von Feintuning. Wir beschreiben ein Kriterium, welches bestimmt, ob es nur einen selektierten Zustand (z.B. Bose-Kondensation) oder viele selektierte Zustände gibt. In offenen Systemen, die auch Teilchen mit der Umgebung austauschen, ist der stationäre Nichtgleichgewichtszustand durch ein Wechselspiel zwischen der (Teilchenzahl-erhaltenden) Intermodenkinetik und den (Teilchenzahl-ändernden) Pump- und Verlustprozessen bestimmt. Für eine Vielzahl an Modellsystemen zeigen wir folgendes typisches Verhalten mit steigender Pumpleistung: Zunächst ist kein Zustand selektiert. Die erste Schwelle tritt auf, wenn der Gewinn den Verlust in einer Mode ausgleicht und entspricht der klassischen Laserschwelle. Bei stärkerem Pumpen treten weitere Übergänge auf, an denen je ein einzelner Zustand entweder selektiert oder deselektiert wird. Schließlich ist die Selektion überraschenderweise unabhängig von der Charakteristik des Pumpens und der Verlustprozesse. Die Selektion ist vielmehr ausschließlich durch die Intermodenkinetik bestimmt und entspricht damit den oben beschriebenen geschlossenen Systemen. Ist die Kinetik durch ein thermisches Bad hervorgerufen, tritt wie im Gleichgewicht eine Grundzustands-Kondensation auf. Unsere Theorie ist in Übereinstimmung mit experimentellen Beobachtungen von Exziton-Polariton-Gasen in Mikrokavitäten. In einer Kooperation mit experimentellen Gruppen konnten wir den Modenwechsel in einem bimodalen Quantenpunkt-Mikrolaser erklären

    Process automation for analytical measurements providing high precise sample preparation in life science applications

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    Laboratories providing life science applications will gain on improved analysis´ efficiency and reliability by automating sample pretreatment. However, commercially available automated systems are especially suitable for the standardized MTP-format allowing for biological assays, whereas automating analytical sample pretreatment is still an unsolved challenge. Therefore, the purpose of this presentation is the design, the realization, and evaluation of an automated system that supplies multistep analytical sample pretreatment and high flexibility for easy upgrading and performance adaption
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