5,714 research outputs found

    Problems associated with operations and measurement in cryogenic wind tunnels

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    Cryogenic wind tunnel T'3 under continuous blower operation has been the object of improvements and the installation of auxiliary equipment, dealing in particular with the enlargement of the liquid nitrogen injection reservoir and the hook-up to a fast data acquisition system. Following a brief description of the installation and its functioning, we present the main experimental techniques and the instrumentation used in the cryogenic environment

    The role of oxygen ions in the formation of a bifurcated current sheet in the magnetotail

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    Cluster observations in the near-Earth magnetotail have shown that sometimes the current sheet is bifurcated, i.e. it is divided in two layers. The influence of magnetic turbulence on ion motion in this region is investigated by numerical simulation, taking into account the presence of both protons and oxygen ions. The magnetotail current sheet is modeled as a magnetic field reversal with a normal magnetic field component BnB_n, plus a three-dimensional spectrum of magnetic fluctuations ÎŽB\delta {\bf B}, which represents the observed magnetic turbulence. The dawn-dusk electric field Ey_y is also included. A test particle simulation is performed using different values of ÎŽB\delta {\bf B}, Ey_y and injecting two different species of particles, O+^+ ions and protons. O+^+ ions can support the formation of a double current layer both in the absence and for large values of magnetic fluctuations (ÎŽB/B0=0.0\delta B/B_0 = 0.0 and ÎŽB/B0≄0.4\delta B/B_0 \geq 0.4, where B0_0 is the constant magnetic field in the magnetospheric lobes).Comment: 8 pages, 8 figures. J. Geophys. Res., in pres

    Denaturation transition of stretched DNA

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    We generalize the Poland-Scheraga model to consider DNA denaturation in the presence of an external stretching force. We demonstrate the existence of a force-induced DNA denaturation transition and obtain the temperature-force phase diagram. The transition is determined by the loop exponent cc for which we find the new value c=4Μ−1/2c=4\nu-1/2 such that the transition is second order with c=1.85<2c=1.85<2 in d=3d=3. We show that a finite stretching force FF destabilizes DNA, corresponding to a lower melting temperature T(F)T(F), in agreement with single-molecule DNA stretching experiments.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Acceleration and transport of ions in turbulent current sheets: formation of non-maxwelian energy distribution

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    The paper is devoted to particle acceleration in turbulent current sheet (CS). Our results show that the mechanism of CS particle interaction with electromagnetic turbulence can explain the formation of power law energy distributions. We study the ratio between adiabatic acceleration of particles in electric field in the presence of stationary turbulence and acceleration due to electric field in the case of dynamic turbulence. The correlation between average energy gained by particles and average particle residence time in the vicinity of the neutral sheet is discussed. It is also demonstrated that particle velocity distributions formed by particle-turbulence interaction are similar in essence to the ones observed near the far reconnection region in the Earth's magnetotail

    Bubbles, clusters and denaturation in genomic DNA: modeling, parametrization, efficient computation

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    The paper uses mesoscopic, non-linear lattice dynamics based (Peyrard-Bishop-Dauxois, PBD) modeling to describe thermal properties of DNA below and near the denaturation temperature. Computationally efficient notation is introduced for the relevant statistical mechanics. Computed melting profiles of long and short heterogeneous sequences are presented, using a recently introduced reparametrization of the PBD model, and critically discussed. The statistics of extended open bubbles and bound clusters is formulated and results are presented for selected examples.Comment: to appear in a special issue of the Journal of Nonlinear Mathematical Physics (ed. G. Gaeta

    Global Response to Local Ionospheric Mass Ejection

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    We revisit a reported "Ionospheric Mass Ejection" using prior event observations to guide a global simulation of local ionospheric outflows, global magnetospheric circulation, and plasma sheet pressurization, and comparing our results with the observed global response. Our simulation framework is based on test particle motions in the Lyon-Fedder-Mobarry (LFM) global circulation model electromagnetic fields. The inner magnetosphere is simulated with the Comprehensive Ring Current Model (CRCM) of Fok and Wolf, driven by the transpolar potential developed by the LFM magnetosphere, and includes an embedded plasmaspheric simulation. Global circulation is stimulated using the observed solar wind conditions for the period 24-25 Sept 1998. This period begins with the arrival of a Coronal Mass Ejection, initially with northward, but later with southward interplanetary magnetic field. Test particles are launched from the ionosphere with fluxes specified by local empirical relationships of outflow to electrodynamic and particle precipitation imposed by the MIlD simulation. Particles are tracked until they are lost from the system downstream or into the atmosphere, using the full equations of motion. Results are compared with the observed ring current and a simulation of polar and auroral wind outflows driven globally by solar wind dynamic pressure. We find good quantitative agreement with the observed ring current, and reasonable qualitative agreement with earlier simulation results, suggesting that the solar wind driven global simulation generates realistic energy dissipation in the ionosphere and that the Strangeway relations provide a realistic local outflow description

    A multi-satellite study of accelerated ionospheric ion beams above the polar cap

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    This paper presents a study of nearly field-aligned outflowing ion beams observed on the Cluster satellites over the polar cap. Data are taken at geocentric radial distances of the order of 5&amp;ndash;9 &lt;i&gt;R&lt;sub&gt;E&lt;/sub&gt;&lt;/i&gt;. The distinction is made between ion beams originating from the polar cusp/cleft and beams accelerated almost along the magnetic field line passing by the spacecraft. Polar cusp beams are characterized by nearly field-aligned proton and oxygen ions with an energy ratio E&lt;sub&gt;O+&lt;/sub&gt; / E&lt;sub&gt;H+&lt;/sub&gt;, of the order of 3 to 4, due to the ion energy repartition inside the source and to the latitudinal extension of the source. Rapid variations in the outflowing ion energy are linked with pulses/modifications of the convection electric field. Cluster data allow one to show that these perturbations of the convection velocity and the associated ion structures propagate at the convection velocity. &lt;P style=&quot;line-height: 20px;&quot;&gt; In contrast, polar cap local ion beams are characterized by field-aligned proton and oxygen ions with similar energies. These beams show the typical inverted V structures usually observed in the auroral zone and are associated with a quasi-static converging electric field indicative of a field-aligned electric field. The field-aligned potential drop fits well the ion energy profile. The simultaneous observation of precipitating electrons and upflowing ions of similar energies at the Cluster orbit indicates that the spacecraft are crossing the mid-altitude part of the acceleration region. In the polar cap, the parallel electric field can thus extend to altitudes higher than 5&amp;nbsp;Earth radii. A detailed analysis of the distribution functions shows that the ions are heated during their parallel acceleration and that energy is exchanged between H&lt;sup&gt;+&lt;/sup&gt; and O&lt;sup&gt;+&lt;/sup&gt;. Furthermore, intense electrostatic waves are observed simultaneously. These observations could be due to an ion-ion two-stream instability

    Priming moral self-ambivalence heightens deliberative behaviour in self-ambivalent individuals

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    Background: Recent work on cognitive-behavioural models of obsessive-compulsive disorder has focused on the roles played by various aspects of self-perception. In particular, moral self-ambivalence has been found to be associated with obsessive-compulsive phenomena. Aims: In this study we used an experimental task to investigate whether artificially priming moral self-ambivalence would increase participants' deliberation on ethical problems, an index that might be analogous to obsessive-compulsive behaviour. Method: Non-clinical participants completed two online tasks designed to prime either moral self-ambivalence, general uncertainty, or neither. All participants then completed a task requiring them to consider solutions to moral dilemmas. We recorded the time participants took to respond to the dilemmas and the length of their responses; we then combined these variables to create a measure of deliberation. Results: Priming moral self-ambivalence led to increases in deliberation, but this was only significant among those participants who scored highly on a baseline measure of moral self-ambivalence. Priming general uncertainty had no significant effect upon deliberation. Conclusions: The results suggest that moral self-ambivalence may play a role in the maintenance of obsessive-compulsive behaviour. We propose that individuals who are morally self-ambivalent might respond to situations in which this ambivalence is made salient by exhibiting behaviour with obsessive-compulsive characteristics. These findings have implications for the incorporation of ideas about self-concept into theories of obsessive-compulsive disorder

    Kinetic-scale magnetic turbulence and finite Larmor radius effects at Mercury

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    We use a nonstationary generalization of the higher-order structure function technique to investigate statistical properties of the magnetic field fluctuations recorded by MESSENGER spacecraft during its first flyby (01/14/2008) through the near Mercury's space environment, with the emphasis on key boundary regions participating in the solar wind -- magnetosphere interaction. Our analysis shows, for the first time, that kinetic-scale fluctuations play a significant role in the Mercury's magnetosphere up to the largest resolvable time scale ~20 s imposed by the signal nonstationarity, suggesting that turbulence at this planet is largely controlled by finite Larmor radius effects. In particular, we report the presence of a highly turbulent and extended foreshock system filled with packets of ULF oscillations, broad-band intermittent fluctuations in the magnetosheath, ion-kinetic turbulence in the central plasma sheet of Mercury's magnetotail, and kinetic-scale fluctuations in the inner current sheet encountered at the outbound (dawn-side) magnetopause. Overall, our measurements indicate that the Hermean magnetosphere, as well as the surrounding region, are strongly affected by non-MHD effects introduced by finite sizes of cyclotron orbits of the constituting ion species. Physical mechanisms of these effects and their potentially critical impact on the structure and dynamics of Mercury's magnetic field remain to be understood.Comment: 46 pages, 5 figures, 2 table
