43 research outputs found


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    RESUMENLa importancia de los polinizadores en la reproducción de seis especies de plantasde subpáramo fue determinada en el Pico Naiguatá. En cada especie fueron estudiados aspectosde la biología floral, características de la red de visitantes florales y la capacidad deproducir frutos y semillas sin intervención de agentes polinizadores. Las flores de las especiesestudiadas presentaron estructuras de atracción, recompensas florales y alta relaciónpolen/óvulo; estas características morfológicas están asociadas con la polinización cruzada.Los visitantes florales incluyeron 14 especies de insectos pertenecientes a los órdenes Hymenoptera,Coleoptera, Diptera y Lepidoptera. La tasa de visitas fue alta en comparacióncon otras comunidades de alta montaña. Las abejas fueron los visitantes más frecuentes ypresentaron las cargas de polen más abundantes. Los niveles de especificidad de plantas yanimales antófilos fueron bajos y resultaron en una elevada proporción de interacciones débiles(Conectancia = 0,51). Las pruebas de reproducción espontánea indicaron que la reproducciónde Libanothamnus neriifolius, Monnina phytolaccaefolia, Solanum americanum,Arcytophyllum nitidum y Castilleja fissifolia depende significativamente de la actividad delos polinizadores, mientras que en Phytolacca icosandra es independiente. Sin embargo,los polinizadores son fundamentales en la reproducción de las seis especies, ya que, aunqueP. icosandra presenta mecanismos alternativos para la polinización cruzada, depende significativamentede los visitantes florales para una producción de semillas más eficiente.ABSTRACTRelevance of pollinators in the reproduction of six plant species from subpáramo wasdetermined in Peak Naiguatá. Aspects of floral biology, species visitors network and the facultyto produce fruits and seeds without pollinators contribution were studied from eachspecies. The flowers of the studied species present attraction structures, floral rewards andhigh pollen/ovule ratio, which indicated cross pollination. The floral visitors included 14 insect species belonging to the Hymenoptera, Coleoptera, Diptera and Lepidoptera orders. Therate of visit was high in comparison with other high mountain plant communities. Bees werethe most frequent visitors with most abundant pollen loads. Specificity levels of plants andanimals were low and resulted in a high proportion of weak interactions (Conectance = 0.51).Spontaneous reproduction test indicated that reproduction in Libanothamnus neriifolius,Monnina phytolaccaefolia, Solanum americanum, Arcytophyllum nitidum and Castilleja fissifoliawas significantly dependent from pollinators’ activity, whereas it was independent inPhytolacca icosandra. However, pollinators have a fundamental role in the reproduction ofthe six species, even of P. icosandra, that though presents alternative mechanisms to crosspollination, significantly depends from floral visitors for a more efficient seed set

    Afectaciones en la producción de cerdos en una granja comercial en el noreste de México

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    ESPAÑOL: Al evaluar la productividad de cerdas de una granja comercial en el noreste de México para el número de parto, solamente se presentó un efecto (P< 0.05) sobre el intervalo destetecelo. Se presentó un efecto significativo (P <0.05) de la línea materna sobre el intervalo destete-celo y el intervalo entre partos. El grupo de año influyó sobre el intervalo destetecelo, y se obtuvieron los valores más bajos en los grupos 1992 -1994, 1995-1997 y 2004-2006. En cuanto a la época de servicio, no se encontraron efectos significativos para las variables estudiadas. Con relación a los factores ambientales es importante considerarlos desde el punto de vista reproductivo en este tipo de granja comercial. ENGLISH: In assessing the productivity of sows from a commercial farm in northeastern Mexico for parity number, only the effect on the interval from weaning to estrus was significant (P <0.05). There was a significant effect (P <0.05) in the maternal line on weaning-estrus interval and calving interval. Year group influenced the weaning-estrus interval, obtaining the lowest values in the groups 1992 -1994, 1995-1997, and 2004-2006. As for the time of service, no significant effects were found for the variables studied. With regard to environmental factors it is important to consider them from the point of view in this kind of commercial farms

    Unraveling heterogeneous susceptibility and the evolution of breast cancer using a systems biology approach

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    This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License.-- et al.[Background]: An essential question in cancer is why individuals with the same disease have different clinical outcomes. Progress toward a more personalized medicine in cancer patients requires taking into account the underlying heterogeneity at different molecular levels. [Results]: Here, we present a model in which there are complex interactions at different cellular and systemic levels that account for the heterogeneity of susceptibility to and evolution of ERBB2-positive breast cancers. Our model is based on our analyses of a cohort of mice that are characterized by heterogeneous susceptibility to ERBB2-positive breast cancers. Our analysis reveals that there are similarities between ERBB2 tumors in humans and those of backcross mice at clinical, genomic, expression, and signaling levels. We also show that mice that have tumors with intrinsically high levels of active AKT and ERK are more resistant to tumor metastasis. Our findings suggest for the first time that a site-specific phosphorylation at the serine 473 residue of AKT1 modifies the capacity for tumors to disseminate. Finally, we present two predictive models that can explain the heterogeneous behavior of the disease in the mouse population when we consider simultaneously certain genetic markers, liver cell signaling and serum biomarkers that are identified before the onset of the disease. [Conclusions]: Considering simultaneously tumor pathophenotypes and several molecular levels, we show the heterogeneous behavior of ERBB2-positive breast cancer in terms of disease progression. This and similar studies should help to better understand disease variability in patient populations.JPL was partially supported by FEDER and MICINN (PLE2009-119), FIS (PI07/0057, PI10/00328, PIE14/00066), the Junta de Castilla y León (SAN673/SA26/08; SAN126/SA66/09, SA078A09, CSI034U13), the “Fundación Eugenio Rodríguez Pascual”, the Fundación Inbiomed (Instituto Oncológico Obra Social de la Caja Guipozcoa-San Sebastian, Kutxa), and the “Fundación Sandra Ibarra de Solidaridad frente al Cáncer”. AC was supported by MICINN (PLE2009-119). SCLL is funded by a JAEdoc Fellowship (CSIC)/FSE. MMSF and ABG are funded by fellowships from the Junta de Castilla y Leon. WR was supported by a Forschungsstipendium of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) [RE 3108/1-1]. TN, BPB and DYL acknowledge support from the US Department of Energy Low-Dose SFA Program at Berkeley Lab [DE-AC02-05CH11231], the National Institutes of Health [RC1NS069177] and the California Breast Cancer Research Program [15IB-0063]. JHM was supported by the National Institutes of Health, a National Cancer Institute grant (R01 CA116481), and the Low-Dose Scientific Focus Area, Office of Biological and Environmental Research, US Department of Energy (DE-AC02-05CH11231).Peer Reviewe

    Morbilidad infecciosa asociada a la operación cesárea

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    Introduction: Cesarean section is performed nowadays with increased frequency; however, this type of delivery is associated with infectious complications in up to 15% of the cases. Objective: To characterize the infectious morbidity associated with cesarean section at the Mariana Grajales Obstetrics and Gynecology University Hospital from 2008 to 2010. Methods: A retrospective case-control study was carried out with cesarean patients that presented infectious complications during this period. The sample was formed by 94 patients with post-cesarean sepsis, as the study group. The control group was formed with 94 non-septic patients who underwent cesarean section. Information was collected through a form; the data were taken from medical records and the record book of cesarean sections. The data were processed by a statistical program to make frequency tables in order to allow the analysis of variables. Results: During the study period, 6 033 caesarean sections were performed; 94 cases had infection for a rate of 1.55%. The average age was 31.7±4.2 years. Cesarean section was performed as emergency in 71.2% of women. The multiple vaginal examinations and the rupture of the membranes for more than 24 hours were significant factors associated with puerperal infection. The risk of infection was two times higher in patients intervened due to the prior cesarean section and cephalopelvic disproportion. Surgical wound infection (53.2%) and endometritis (32%) were the most frequent locations. Staphylococcus aureus (34%) and Escherichia coli (17%) were the most frequent isolates. Conclusions: Despite the increased amount of cesarean delivery, the post-cesarean infection rates showed a downward and stable trend. However, there are still preventable and avoidable factors on which we must continue working to make cesarean section as safe as possible for mothers.Introducción: La operación cesárea se realiza actualmente con una frecuencia cada vez mayor; sin embargo, el nacimiento por esta vía está asociado a complicaciones infecciosas hasta en el 15% de los casos. Objetivo: Caracterizar la morbilidad materna infecciosa asociada a la operación cesárea en el Hospital Universitario Gineco-Obstétrico “Mariana Grajales” en los años 2008-2010. Métodos: Se realizó un estudio retrospectivo, de tipo caso-control, con las pacientes cesareadas con complicaciones infecciosas durante los años de estudio. La muestra estuvo representada por las 94 pacientes con sepsis poscesárea que constituyeron el grupo estudio y un grupo control conformado por 94 féminas cesareadas no sépticas. La información fue recogida mediante formulario y los datos fueron extraídos de los expedientes clínicos y el libro de registro de cesáreas. Los datos se procesaron por un sistema de programa estadístico para elaborar tablas de frecuencia que facilitaron el análisis de variables. Resultados: En el período de estudio se realizaron 6033 cesáreas; 94 casos presentaron infección, para un índice de 1.55%; la edad promedio fue de 31.7±4.2 años; la cesárea se realizó como urgencia en el 71.2% de las mujeres; los tactos vaginales múltiples y la rotura de las membranas de más de 24 horas constituyeron factores de importancia relacionadas con la infección puerperal; en las intervenidas por cesárea previa y desproporción cefalopélvica fue dos veces más frecuente el riesgo de infección; la infección de la herida quirúrgica (53.2%) y la endometritis (32%) fueron las localizaciones más frecuentes y el staphylococus aureus (34%) y la escherichia coli (17%) fueron los gérmenes aislados más frecuentes. Conclusiones: A pesar del incremento del número de cesáreas, los índices de infección poscesáreas se comportaron con una tendencia baja y estable; pero existen aun factores prevenibles y evitables sobre los que debemos trabajar para que la cesárea sea una operación segura para las madres

    Análisis filosófico de la economía política: Una introducción al pensamiento crítico

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    Abordar lo que se conoce como Economía Política presupone un marco conceptual de análisis de los fenómenos que se analizan, puesto que ésta es una concepción eminentemente crítica de los acontecimientos exacerbados a partir de las revoluciones industriales, específicamente en Europa, que con el curso del tiempo y los acontecimientos dichos problemas se extendieron a nivel mundial, con un nivel acuciante en Latinoamérica. Es decir, la Economía Política o Volkswirtschaftslehre es un marco de concepción omniabarcante de las leyes de funcionamiento de lo social, lo cual atraviesa lo político, económico, antropológico, entre otras ideas y saberes de orden menor, como la logística, por ejemplo. Para que nuestro análisis sea coherente, puesto que es muy extenso, nos remitiremos a la historia que posibilitó dicho marco conceptual, en su praxis y teoría, mostrando la hilación entre unos y otros autores de la historia de la filosofía en los períodos comprendidos entre el siglo XVIII y XIX, desembocando en el siglo XX. Asimismo, en el esquema que se plasma a continuación, se mostrará el mapa de recorrido sobre los planos de análisis, en sus categorías específicas, reduciéndolas asimismo a las categorías del materialismo dialéctico, que es la dimensión ontológica que perfila el conflicto en la materialidad

    Common genetic variation in KATNAL1 non-coding regions is involved in the susceptibility to severe phenotypes of male infertility

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    Free PMC article: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9546047/Background: Previous studies in animal models evidenced that genetic mutations of KATNAL1, resulting in dysfunction of its encoded protein, lead to male infertility through disruption of microtubule remodelling and premature germ cell exfoliation. Subsequent studies in humans also suggested a possible role of KATNAL1 single nucleotide polymorphisms in the development of male infertility as a consequence of severe spermatogenic failure. Objectives: The main objective of the present study is to evaluate the effect of the common genetic variation of KATNAL1 in a large and phenotypically well-characterised cohort of infertile men because of severe spermatogenic failure. Materials and methods: A total of 715 infertile men because of severe spermato genic failure, including 210 severe oligospermia and 505 non-obstructive azoospermia patients, as well as 1058 unaffected controls were genotyped for three KATNAL1 single-nucleotide polymorphism taggers (rs2077011, rs7338931 and rs2149971). Case–control association analyses by logistic regression assuming different models and in silico functional characterisation of risk variants were conducted. Results: Genetic associations were observed between the three analysed taggers and different severe spermatogenic failure groups. However, in all cases, the haplotype model (rs2077011*C | rs7338931*T | rs2149971*A) better explained the observed associations than the three risk alleles independently. This haplotype was associated with non-obstructive azoospermia (adjusted p = 4.96E-02, odds ratio = 2.97), Sertoli cell only syndrome (adjusted p = 2.83E-02, odds ratio = 5.16) and testicular sperm extraction unsuccessful outcomes (adjusted p = 8.99E-04, odds ratio = 6.13). The in silico analyses indicated that the effect on severe spermatogenic failure predisposition could be because of an alteration of the KATNAL1 splicing pattern. Conclusions: Specific allelic combinations of KATNAL1 genetic polymorphisms may confer a risk of developing severe male infertility phenotypes by favouring the overrepresentation of a short non-functional transcript isoform in the testis.This work was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness through the Spanish National Plan for Scientific and Technical Research and Innovation (refs. SAF2016-78722-R and PID2020-120157RB-I00), the ‘Instituto de Salud Carlos III’ (Fondo de Investigaciones Sanitarias)/Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional ‘Una manera de hacer Europa’ (FIS/FEDER) (ref. DTS18/00101 to Sara Larriba), the Generalitat de Catalunya (ref. 2017SGR191), the ‘Ramón y Cajal’ program (ref. RYC-2014-16458) and the ‘Juan de la Cierva Incorporación’ program (ref. IJC2018-038026-I), as well as the Andalusian Government through the R&D&i Projects Grants for Universities and Public Research Entities (ref. PY20_00212), which include FEDER funds. Andrea Guzmán-Jiménez was a recipient of a grant from the Spanish Ministry of Education and Professional Training (‘Becas de Colaboración en Departamentos Universitarios para el curso académico 2020/2021’). Patricia I. Marques is supported by the FCT post-doctoral fellowship (SFRH/BPD/120777/2016), financed from the Portuguese State Budget of the Ministry for Science, Tech nology and High Education and from the European Social Fund, available through the ‘Programa Operacional do Capital Humano’. João Gonçalves was partially funded by FCT/MCTES through national funds attributed to the Centre for Toxicogenomics and Human Health— ToxOmics (UID/BIM/00009/2016 and UIDB/00009/2020). Sara Larriba is sponsored by the Researchers Consolidation Program (ISCIII SNS/Dpt. Salut Generalitat de Catalunya) (CES09/020).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Common genetic variation in KATNAL1 non‐coding regions is involved in the susceptibility to severe phenotypes of male infertility

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    © 2022 The Authors. Andrology published by Wiley Periodicals LLC on behalf of American Society of Andrology and European Academy of Andrology. This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License, which permits use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited and is not used for commercial purposes.Background: Previous studies in animal models evidenced that genetic mutations of KATNAL1, resulting in dysfunction of its encoded protein, lead to male infertility through disruption of microtubule remodelling and premature germ cell exfoliation. Subsequent studies in humans also suggested a possible role of KATNAL1 single-nucleotide polymorphisms in the development of male infertility as a consequence of severe spermatogenic failure. Objectives: The main objective of the present study is to evaluate the effect of the common genetic variation of KATNAL1 in a large and phenotypically well-characterised cohort of infertile men because of severe spermatogenic failure. Materials and methods: A total of 715 infertile men because of severe spermatogenic failure, including 210 severe oligospermia and 505 non-obstructive azoospermia patients, as well as 1058 unaffected controls were genotyped for three KATNAL1 single-nucleotide polymorphism taggers (rs2077011, rs7338931 and rs2149971). Case-control association analyses by logistic regression assuming different models and in silico functional characterisation of risk variants were conducted. Results: Genetic associations were observed between the three analysed taggers and different severe spermatogenic failure groups. However, in all cases, the haplotype model (rs2077011*C | rs7338931*T | rs2149971*A) better explained the observed associations than the three risk alleles independently. This haplotype was associated with non-obstructive azoospermia (adjusted p = 4.96E-02, odds ratio = 2.97), Sertoli-cell only syndrome (adjusted p = 2.83E-02, odds ratio = 5.16) and testicular sperm extraction unsuccessful outcomes (adjusted p = 8.99E-04, odds ratio = 6.13). The in silico analyses indicated that the effect on severe spermatogenic failure predisposition could be because of an alteration of the KATNAL1 splicing pattern. Conclusions: Specific allelic combinations of KATNAL1 genetic polymorphisms may confer a risk of developing severe male infertility phenotypes by favouring the overrepresentation of a short non-functional transcript isoform in the testis.This work was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness through the Spanish National Plan for Scientific and Technical Research and Innovation (refs. SAF2016-78722-R and PID2020-120157RB-I00), the ‘Instituto de Salud Carlos III’ (Fondo de Investigaciones Sanitarias)/Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional ‘Una manera de hacer Europa’ (FIS/FEDER) (ref. DTS18/00101 to Sara Larriba), the Generalitat de Catalunya (ref. 2017SGR191), the ‘Ramón y Cajal’ program (ref. RYC-2014-16458) and the ‘Juan de la Cierva Incorporación’ program (ref. IJC2018-038026-I), as well as the Andalusian Government through the R&D&i Projects Grants for Universities and Public Research Entities (ref. PY20_00212), which include FEDER funds. Andrea Guzmán-Jiménez was a recipient of a grant from the Spanish Ministry of Education and Professional Training (‘Becas de Colaboración en Departamentos Universitarios para el curso académico 2020/2021’). Patricia I. Marques is supported by the FCT post-doctoral fellowship (SFRH/BPD/120777/2016), financed from the Portuguese State Budget of the Ministry for Science, Technology and High Education and from the European Social Fund, available through the ‘Programa Operacional do Capital Humano’. João Gonçalves was partially funded by FCT/MCTES through national funds attributed to the Centre for Toxicogenomics and Human Health—ToxOmics (UID/BIM/00009/2016 and UIDB/00009/2020). Sara Larriba is sponsored by the Researchers Consolidation Program (ISCIII SNS/Dpt. Salut Generalitat de Catalunya) (CES09/020).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Identification of a novel locus on chromosome 2q13, which predisposes to clinical vertebral fractures independently of bone density.

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    OBJECTIVES: To identify genetic determinants of susceptibility to clinical vertebral fractures, which is an important complication of osteoporosis. METHODS: Here we conduct a genome-wide association study in 1553 postmenopausal women with clinical vertebral fractures and 4340 controls, with a two-stage replication involving 1028 cases and 3762 controls. Potentially causal variants were identified using expression quantitative trait loci (eQTL) data from transiliac bone biopsies and bioinformatic studies. RESULTS: A locus tagged by rs10190845 was identified on chromosome 2q13, which was significantly associated with clinical vertebral fracture (P=1.04×10-9) with a large effect size (OR 1.74, 95% CI 1.06 to 2.6). Bioinformatic analysis of this locus identified several potentially functional SNPs that are associated with expression of the positional candidate genes TTL (tubulin tyrosine ligase) and SLC20A1 (solute carrier family 20 member 1). Three other suggestive loci were identified on chromosomes 1p31, 11q12 and 15q11. All these loci were novel and had not previously been associated with bone mineral density or clinical fractures. CONCLUSION: We have identified a novel genetic variant that is associated with clinical vertebral fractures by mechanisms that are independent of BMD. Further studies are now in progress to validate this association and evaluate the underlying mechanism

    VISIONES DE LA EDUCACION FINANCIERA: Analisis y perspectivas.

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    Este libro es el resultado de un trabajo de investigación por parte de todos los autores quienes integraron los capítulos, por lo que agradecemos su confianza e interés para ser parte de este gran proyecto académico. Gracias a los enlaces de cada una de las Instituciones que aceptaron respaldar este libro: Marlen Rocío Reyes Hernández, Profesora-Investigadora de la Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México; Rogelio Valenzuela Díaz, Decano de la Facultad de Economía de la Universidad de Panamá; Samuel Alberto Moreno Peralta, Presidente del Colegio de Economistas de Panamá, a los miembros de la Asociación Mexicana de Especialistas en Educación Financiera, Asociación Valor México y la Federación de Economistas de la República Mexicana. Asimismo, hacemos una deferencia a los jóvenes talentosos que acompañaron en la coordinación del documento final, entrañables alumnos, becarios y amigos: Julio César Silva Vázquez y Alfredo Larry Vargas Hernández, que estamos convencidas que alcanzarán todas sus metas que se propongan en la vida. También es necesario reconocer a nuestras amadas familias que compartieron el tiempo de convivencia, para que lográramos la realización de este libroVisiones de la educación financiera: análisis y perspectivas es una obra que enmarca la importancia de la educación financiera en la sociedad en el contexto actual. Las decisiones que en este tema realiza un individuo pueden impactar positiva o negativamente su estabilidad económica por un periodo indeterminado, es aquí cuando la educación financiera actúa como una herramienta trascendental en su bienestar personal. Además de tener la función de armadura ante las batallas que se libran en los mercados —como la crisis financiera de 2008— funge como dinamizador de las economías al potenciar los proyectos de inversión con el aumento del emprendedurismo, impactando así en las variables macroeconómicas. Esta área del conocimiento ha adquirido importancia y popularidad a nivel internacional a raíz de las crisis económicas de los últimos años, sin embargo, aún existen, entre otras, brechas sociodemográficas, culturales, económicas, que no permiten el acceso a estas enseñanzas, excluyendo parte de la población del proceso del bienestar económico. Para ejemplificar esta desigualdad, en los capítulos se plasma un panorama internacional de la educación financiera, considerando las implicaciones y retos que han tenido las estrategias nacionales de educación financiera a nivel mundial