2,118 research outputs found

    Transits and Lensing by Compact Objects in the Kepler Field: Disrupted Stars Orbiting Blue Stragglers

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    Kepler's first major discoveries are two hot objects orbiting stars in its field. These may be the cores of stars that have each been eroded or disrupted by a companion star. The companion, which is the star monitored today, is likely to have gained mass from its now-defunct partner, and can be considered to be a blue straggler. KOI-81 is almost certainly the product of stable mass transfer; KOI-74 may be as well, or it may be the first clear example of a blue straggler created throughthree-body interactions. We show that mass transfer binaries are common enough that Kepler should discover ~1000 white dwarfs orbiting main sequence stars. Most, like KOI-74 and KOI-81, will be discovered through transits, but many will be discovered through a combination of gravitational lensing and transits, while lensing will dominate for a subset. In fact, some events caused by white dwarfs will have the appearance of "anti-transits" --i.e., short-lived enhancements in the amount of light received from the monitored star. Lensing and other mass measurements methods provide a way to distinguish white dwarf binaries from planetary systems. This is important for the success of Kepler's primary mission, in light of the fact that white dwarf radii are similar to the radii of terrestrial planets, and that some white dwarfs will have orbital periods that place them in the habitable zones of their stellar companions. By identifying transiting and/or lensing white dwarfs, Kepler will conduct pioneering studies of white dwarfs and of the end states of mass transfer. It may also identify orbiting neutron stars or black holes. The calculations inspired by the discovery of KOI-74 and KOI-81 have implications for ground-based wide-field surveys as well as for future space-based surveys.Comment: 29 pages, 6 figures, 1 table; submitted to The Astrophysical Journa

    The evolution of low mass, close binary systems with a neutron star component: a detailed grid

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    In close binary systems composed of a normal, donor star and an accreting neutron star, the amount of material received by the accreting component is, so far, a real intrigue. In the literature there are available models that link the accretion disk surrounding the neutron star with the amount of material it receives, but there is no model linking the amount of matter lost by the donor star to that falling onto the neutron star. In this paper we explore the evolutionary response of these close binary systems when we vary the amount of material accreted by the neutron star. We consider a parameter \beta, which represents the fraction of material lost by the normal star that can be accreted by the neutron star. \beta is considered as constant throughout evolution. We have computed the evolution of a set of models considering initial donor star masses (in solar units) between 0.5 and 3.50, initial orbital periods (in days) between 0.175 and 12, initial masses of neutron stars (in solar units) of 0.80, 1.00, 1.20 and 1.40 and several values of beta. We assumed solar abundances. These systems evolve to ultracompact or to open binary systems, many of which form low mass helium white dwarfs. We present a grid of calculations and analyze how these results are affected upon changes in the value of \beta. We find a weak dependence of the final donor star mass with respect to \beta. In most cases this is also true for the final orbital period. The most sensitive quantity is the final mass of the accreting neutron star. As we do not know the initial mass and rotation rate of the neutron star of any system, we find that performing evolutionary studies is not helpful for determining \beta.Comment: 18 pages, 6 figures, 6 tables. Accepted for publication in MNRA

    Evidence for the disintegration of KIC 12557548 b

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    Context. The Kepler object KIC 12557548 b is peculiar. It exhibits transit-like features every 15.7 hours that vary in depth between 0.2% and 1.2%. Rappaport et al. (2012) explain the observations in terms of a disintegrating, rocky planet that has a trailing cloud of dust created and constantly replenished by thermal surface erosion. The variability of the transit depth is then a consequence of changes in the cloud optical depth. Aims. We aim to validate the disintegrating-planet scenario by modeling the detailed shape of the observed light curve, and thereby constrain the cloud particle properties to better understand the nature of this intriguing object. Methods. We analysed the six publicly-available quarters of raw Kepler data, phase-folded the light curve and fitted it to a model for the trailing dust cloud. Constraints on the particle properties were investigated with a light-scattering code. Results. The light curve exhibits clear signatures of light scattering and absorption by dust, including a brightening in flux just before ingress correlated with the transit depth and explained by forward scattering, and an asymmetry in the transit light curve shape, which is easily reproduced by an exponentially decaying distribution of optically thin dust, with a typical grain size of 0.1 micron. Conclusions. Our quantitative analysis supports the hypothesis that the transit signal of KIC 12557548 b is due to a variable cloud of dust, most likely originating from a disintegrating object.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures. Accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysic

    Pretransitional behavior in a water-DDAB-5CB microemulsion close to the demixing transition. Evidence for intermicellar attraction mediated by paranematic fluctuations

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    We present a study of a water-in-oil microemulsion in which surfactant coated water nanodroplets are dispersed in the isotropic phase of the thermotropic liquid crystal 5CB. As the temperature is lowered below the isotropic to nematic phase transition of pure 5CB, the system displays a demixing transition leading to a coexistence of a droplet rich isotropic phase with a droplet poor nematic. The transition is anticipated, in the high T side, by increasing pretransitional fluctuations in 5CB molecular orientation and in the nanodroplet concentration. The observed phase behavior supports the notion that the nanosized droplets, while large enough for their statistical behavior to be probed via light scattering, are also small enough to act as impurities, disturbing the local orientational ordering of the liquid crystal and thus experiencing pretransitional attractive interaction mediated by paranematic fluctuations. The pretransitional behavior, together with the topology of the phase diagram, can be understood on the basis of a diluted Lebwohl-Lasher model which describes the nanodroplets simply as holes in the liquid crystal.Comment: 64 pages, 16 figures, J. Chem. Phys. in pres

    Continuum percolation of wireless ad hoc communication networks

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    Wireless multi-hop ad hoc communication networks represent an infrastructure-less and self-organized generalization of todays wireless cellular networks. Connectivity within such a network is an important issue. Continuum percolation and technology-driven mutations thereof allow to address this issue in the static limit and to construct a simple distributed protocol, guaranteeing strong connectivity almost surely and independently of various typical uncorrelated and correlated random spatial patterns of participating ad hoc nodes.Comment: 30 pages, to be published in Physica

    The path toward a cloud-aware mobile network protocol stack

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    We are currently observing the softwarization of communication networks, where network functions are translated from monolithic pieces of equipment to programs running over a shared pool of computational, storage, and communication resources. While it is clear that almost any softwarization improves flexibility (eg, the ability to instantiate more servers to cope with increasing traffic demand), in this paper, we advocate for a complete redesign of the communications protocol stack, instead of a mere translation of hardware functions into software. We discuss 2 drivers for this cloud-aware redesign: (1) relaxing the tight interactions between functions and (2) supporting a graceful degradation of the service when resources become scarce. The potential benefits of this redesign are illustrated with the numerical evaluation of one use case.This work has been partially performed within the 5G-MoNArch project, part of the Phase II of the 5th Generation Public Private Partnership (5G-PPP) program partially funded by the European Commission within the Horizon 2020 Framework Program. It has also been partly funded by the Madrid Regional Government through the TIGRE5-CM program (S2013/ICE-2919) and by the SpanishMinistry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness of through the 5GCity project (TEC2016-76795-C6-3-R)

    Detached white dwarf main-sequence star binaries

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    We considered the formation of detached white dwarf main-sequence star (WDMS) binaries through seven evolutionary channels subdivided according to the evolutionary process that gives rise to the formation of the white dwarf or its helium-star progenitor: dynamically stable Roche-lobe overflow (Algol-type evolution), dynamically unstable Roche-lobe overflow (common-envelope evolution), or stellar winds (single star evolution). We examine the sensitivity of the population to changes in the amount of mass lost from the system during stable Roche-lobe overflow, the common-envelope ejection efficiency, and the initial mass ratio or initial secondary mass distribution. In the case of a flat initial mass ratio distribution, the local space density of WDMS binaries is of the order of 10^{-3}/pc^3. This number decreases to 10^{-4}/pc^3 when the initial mass ratio distribution is approximately proportional to the inverse of the initial mass ratio. More than 75% of the WDMS binary population stems from wide systems in which both components evolve as if they were single stars. The remaining part of the population is dominated by systems in which the white dwarf is formed in a common-envelope phase. The birthrate of WDMS binaries forming through a common-envelope phase is about 10 times larger than the birthrate of WDMS binaries forming through a stable Roche-lobe overflow phase. The ratio of the number of helium white dwarf systems to the number of carbon/oxygen or oxygen/neon/magnesium white dwarf systems derived from large samples of observed WDMS binaries by, e.g., future planet-search missions such as SuperWASP, COROT, and Kepler may furthermore constrain the common-envelope ejection efficiency.Comment: 22 pages, accepted for publication in A&