177 research outputs found

    A qualitative analysis of adult children's advice for parents coming out to their children

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    Lesbian and gay individuals have few resources to which they can turn when seeking advice for disclosing their sexual orientation to their children. For practitioners, there is also a lack of empirical research that can guide their work with such clients. In this exploratory study, 20 adults who remember a parent coming out as lesbian or gay were interviewed about the process surrounding their parents’ revelation. We asked participants to reflect on their own experiences and offer advice for parents who are preparing to come out. Participants identified several suggestions for parents before, during, and following their disclosures. The results offer a starting point for practitioners who wish to aid lesbian and gay parents in their coming-out conversations with their children.http://psycnet.apa.org/journals/pro/45/4/231/hb201

    Limited acclimation in leaf anatomy to experimental drought in tropical forest trees

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    Dry periods are predicted to become more frequent and severe in the future in some parts of the tropics, including Amazonia, potentially causing reduced productivity, higher tree mortality and increased emissions of stored carbon. Using a long-term (12 year) through-fall exclusion (TFE) experiment in the tropics, we test the hypothesis that trees produce leaves adapted to cope with higher levels of water stress, by examining the following leaf characteristics: area, thickness, leaf mass per area, vein density, stomatal density, the thickness of palisade mesophyll, spongy mesophyll and both of the epidermal layers, internal cavity volume and the average cell sizes of the palisade and spongy mesophyll. We also test whether differences in leaf anatomy are consistent with observed differential drought-induced mortality responses among taxa, and look for relationships between leaf anatomy, and leaf water relations and gas exchange parameters. Our data show that trees do not produce leaves that are more xeromorphic in response to 12 years of soil moisture deficit. However, the drought treatment did result in increases in the thickness of the adaxial epidermis (TFE: 20.5 ± 1.5 µm, control: 16.7 ± 1.0 µm) and the internal cavity volume (TFE: 2.43 ± 0.50 mm(3) cm(−2), control: 1.77 ± 0.30 mm(3 )cm(−2)). No consistent differences were detected between drought-resistant and drought-sensitive taxa, although interactions occurred between drought-sensitivity status and drought treatment for the palisade mesophyll thickness (P = 0.034) and the cavity volume of the leaves (P = 0.025). The limited response to water deficit probably reflects a tight co-ordination between leaf morphology, water relations and photosynthetic properties. This suggests that there is little plasticity in these aspects of plant anatomy in these taxa, and that phenotypic plasticity in leaf traits may not facilitate the acclimation of Amazonian trees to the predicted future reductions in dry season water availability

    Changes in the natural dynamics of Nothofagus dombeyi forests : population modeling with increasing drought frequencies

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    Drought-induced episodes of tree mortality can determine forest dynamics and structure, particularly in forests dominated by single species. Short- and mid-term climate projections indicate that strong changes in annual precipitation may strike more often in northern Patagonia. Data for recruitment, growth, and survival of Nothofagus dombeyi tree individuals were collected at several sites across the Nahuel Huapi National Park in Argentina. We combined mathematically all these different demographic stages into an Integral Projection Model to simulate 100-yr projections of simulated stand structure under different frequencies of extreme drought episodes. We projected total basal area and the number of individuals for three different initial stand types (i.e., young, medium, and old) and for varying drought frequencies (i.e., from 1 to 5 drought events every 100 years). Recruitment into the dbh ≥ 10 cm size class under normal conditions (i.e., without drought) was higher than under episodic drought conditions. In addition, survival under normal conditions was higher than under drought conditions, especially for small trees. Differences in growth were also important, with trees growing more vigorously under normal than under drought conditions. Our simulations predicted that N. dombeyi populations would experience a reduction in tree density in the mid-term if, as predicted by the IPCC projections, the frequency of future drought events increased. The simulations also showed that in those cases, young stands should suffer the most. Drought-mediated changes may induce a decline in the development of N. dombeyi forests in the mid- and long term by a drastic reduction in tree density

    Variations in Amazonian forest canopy structure and light environments across environmental and disturbance gradients.

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    A critical problem in tropical forest ecology is understanding how vegetation structure and function vary over environmental gradients. The degree to which forest structure changes across the Amazon basin and the role of environmental variability in shaping forest structure and dynamics are poorly characterised, despite the importance of these forests for regional and global climate. To address these challenges, we connected 10 years of investigations to amass a large database of ground-based profiling canopy lidar (PCL) data from 297 Amazon forest plots across large-scale environmental and disturbance gradients. Mean annual precipitation varied from 1,963 to 3,159 mm, number of dry season months from 0 to 5, and plot soil types covered about half of the variation in phosphorus, exchangeable cation, and soil physical property values observed in Amazonia. We quantified detailed metrics of vertical and horizontal structure and canopy light environments. Forest structure varied considerably across plots; maximum canopy height ranged from 6.1 to 35.7 m, gap fraction from 0.00 to 0.36, LAI from 0.5 to 7.3, rugosity from 1.5 to 7.5 m, and the relative height of 50% light transmission from 0.3 to 0.8. Disturbed sites exhibited almost twice the level of variation (SD) to non-disturbed sites for many metrics. Vertical leaf area density (LAD) profiles also showed high between plot variability, especially at low and high relative canopy heights. Plots with similar LAD profiles sometimes exhibited different distributions of ?canopy photic environment layers??where canopy leaf area is separated into photic environment layers by depth from canopy surface. This demonstrates that LAD profiles alone are insufficient for characterising canopy environments, essential to light-driven regeneration and carbon cycle processes. In addition, we evaluated relationships between lidar metrics and environmental variables extracted from geospatial layers. Our dataset allows a unique and detailed multi-site analysis of canopy structure and environments across the Amazon, including regions with little or no lidar sampling. Examining how structural attributes alter across environmental gradients is critical to understanding how current and future climate influences Amazonian forest structure, function, and dynamics.Paper 499657

    Large reorganizations in butterfly communities during an extreme weather event

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    Drought events are projected to increase in frequency and magnitude, which may alter the composition of ecological communities. Using a functional community metric that describes abundance, life history traits and conservation status, based upon Grime’s CSR (Competitive-Stress tolerant-Ruderal)¬ scheme, we investigated how British butterfly communities changed during an extreme drought in 1995. Throughout Britain, the total abundance of these insects had a significant tendency to increase, accompanied by substantial changes in community composition, particularly in more northerly, wetter sites. Communities tended to shift away from specialist, vulnerable species, and towards generalist, widespread species and, in the year following, communities had yet to return to equilibrium. Importantly, heterogeneity in surrounding landscapes mediated community responses to the drought event. Contrary to expectation, however, community shifts were more extreme in areas of greater topographic diversity, whilst land-cover diversity buffered community changes and limited declines in vulnerable specialist butterflies

    Differential Response to Soil Salinity in Endangered Key Tree Cactus: Implications for Survival in a Changing Climate

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    Understanding reasons for biodiversity loss is essential for developing conservation and management strategies and is becoming increasingly urgent with climate change. Growing at elevations <1.4 m in the Florida Keys, USA, the endangered Key tree cactus (Pilosocereus robinii) experienced 84 percent loss of total stems from 1994 to 2007. The most severe losses of 99 and 88 percent stems occurred in the largest populations in the Lower Keys, where nine storms with high wind velocities and storm surges, occurred during this period. In contrast, three populations had substantial stem proliferation. To evaluate possible mortality factors related to changes in climate or forest structure, we examined habitat variables: soil salinity, elevation, canopy cover, and habitat structure near 16 dying or dead and 18 living plants growing in the Lower Keys. Soil salinity and elevation were the preliminary factors that discriminated live and dead plants. Soil salinity was 1.5 times greater, but elevation was 12 cm higher near dead plants than near live plants. However, distribution-wide stem loss was not significantly related to salinity or elevation. Controlled salinity trials indicated that salt tolerance to levels above 40 mM NaCl was related to maternal origin. Salt sensitive plants from the Lower Keys had less stem growth, lower root:shoot ratios, lower potassium: sodium ratios and lower recovery rate, but higher δ 13C than a salt tolerant lineage of unknown origin. Unraveling the genetic structure of salt tolerant and salt sensitive lineages in the Florida Keys will require further genetic tests. Worldwide rare species restricted to fragmented, low-elevation island habitats, with little or no connection to higher ground will face challenges from climate change-related factors. These great conservation challenges will require traditional conservation actions and possibly managed relocation that must be informed by studies such as these

    The vaginal microbiota associates with the regression of untreated cervical intraepithelial neoplasia 2 lesions

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    Emerging evidence suggests associations between the vaginal microbiota (VMB) composition, human papillomavirus (HPV) infection, and cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN); however, causal inference remains uncertain. Here, we use bacterial DNA sequencing from serially collected vaginal samples from a cohort of 87 adolescent and young women aged 16–26 years with histologically confirmed, untreated CIN2 lesions to determine whether VMB composition affects rates of regression over 24 months. We show that women with a Lactobacillus-dominant microbiome at baseline are more likely to have regressive disease at 12 months. Lactobacillus spp. depletion and presence of specific anaerobic taxa including Megasphaera, Prevotella timonensis and Gardnerella vaginalis are associated with CIN2 persistence and slower regression. These findings suggest that VMB composition may be a future useful biomarker in predicting disease outcome and tailoring surveillance, whilst it may offer rational targets for the development of new prevention and treatment strategies

    Diverse anthropogenic disturbances shift Amazon forests along a structural spectrum.

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    Amazon forests are being degraded by myriad anthropogenic disturbances, altering ecosystem and climate function. We analyzed the effects of a range of land-use and climate-change disturbances on fine-scale canopy structure using a large database of profiling canopy lidar collected from disturbed and mature Amazon forest plots. At most of the disturbed sites, surveys were conducted 10?30 years after disturbance, with many exhibiting signs of recovery. Structural impacts differed in magnitude more than in character among disturbance types, producing a gradient of impacts. Structural changes were highly coordinated in a manner consistent across disturbance types, indicating commonalities in regeneration pathways. At the most severely affected site ? burned igapó (seasonally flooded forest) ? no signs of canopy regeneration were observed, indicating a sustained alteration of microclimates and consequently greater vulnerability to transitioning to a more open-canopy, savanna-like state. Notably, disturbances rarely shifted forests beyond the natural background of structural variation within mature plots, highlighting the similarities between anthropogenic and natural disturbance regimes, and indicating a degree of resilience among Amazon forests. Studying diverse disturbance types within an integrated analytical framework builds capacity to predict the risk of degradation-driven forest transitions