86 research outputs found

    The Use of Cohort Facebook Pages in MFT Training Programs

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    The current study explores how private cohort Facebook pages impact a MFT students’ training experience. Limited research has been conducted regarding social media and clinical training programs. Students from national MFT master’s and doctoral programs will be interviewed about their experience with private cohort Facebook pages. Students will participate in focus groups lead by student-researchers in order to increase participation and anonymity. Data will be analyzed using Strauss and Corbin’ s (1990) grounded theory. This research is essential because of the increase of usage of Social Media in today’s society. Graduate programs are implementing the use of Facebook pages for the dissemination of program information and networking between current and former students. However, the impact of social media usage in Clinical Program Training settings among students has not been fully researched

    The Relationship between Physical Activity Variety and Objectively Measured Moderate-to-Vigorous Physical Activity Levels in Weight Loss Maintainers and Normal-Weight Individuals

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    Given the importance of physical activity (PA) for weight control, identifying strategies to achieve higher PA levels is imperative. We hypothesized that performing a greater variety of self-reported moderate-to-vigorous activities (MVPAs) would relate to higher objectively measured MVPA minutes in two groups who were successfully maintaining their body weight: weight loss maintainers (WLM/n = 226) and normal-weight individuals (NW/n = 169). The Paffenbarger Questionnaire and RT3 accelerometer were used to determine variety/number of different MVPAs performed and MVPA minutes, respectively. The variety/number of different activities performed by WLM and NW was similar (1.8 ± 1.2 versus 1.7 ± 1.2, P = 0.52). Regression analyses showed that greater variety (P < 0.01) and WLM status (P < 0.05) were each positively related to greater MVPA minutes/day and meeting the ≥250 MVPA minutes/week guideline for long-term weight maintenance. The association between greater variety and higher MVPA was similar in NW and WLM. Future studies should test whether variety can facilitate engagement in higher MVPA levels for more effective weight control


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    Latar Belakang : Ketuk Pintu Layani Dengan Hati (KPLDH) adalah upaya pemerintah Provinsi DKI Jakarta yang bertujuan untuk meningkatkan pelayanan kesehatan bagi masyarakat. KPLDH memiliki fungsi menunjang dan membantu dalam melaksanakan kegiatan-kegiatan puskesmas dalam wilayah kerjanya yang belum terjangkau oleh pelayanan kesehatan. Tujuan dibentuknya program KPLDH ini untuk melaksanakan upaya promotive dan preventif secara menyuluruh untuk mengatasi masalah kesehatan agar tercapai derajat kesehatan masyarakat yang optimal. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengevaluasi program Ketuk Pintu Layani Dengan Hati (KPLDH) di Puskesmas Kelurahan Cipinang Melayu dan Puskesmas Kelurahan Balekambang, dan Puskesmas Kecamatan Cipayung. Tujuan Penelitian : Melakukan evaluasi dan pelaksanaan program Ketuk Pintu Layani Dengan Hati (KPLDH) di Puskesmas Kelurahan Cipinang Melayu dan Puskesmas Kelurahan Balekambang, dan Puskesmas Kecamatan Cipayung. Metode : Penelitian ini menggunakan metode survey deskriptif dan pemeriksaan klinis. Sampel yang di gunakan pada penelitian ini berasal dari data KPLDH Puskesmas Kelurahan Balekambang terdapat 3 RW (RW II,IV,V) dengan jumlah KK 5404, pada Puskesmas Kelurahan Cipinang Melayu data yang diperoleh dari 13 RW dengan total sampling sejumlah 15462 KK, Puskesmas Kecamatan Cipayung data diperoleh dari 56 RW dengan total sampling sejumlah 76415 KK dari Tim KPLDH. Analisis data pada penelitian ini yaitu melalui e-puskesmas manajemen organisasi pada puskesmas kelurahan cipinang melayu sedangkan pada puskesmas kelurahan balekambang dengan Ms.Excel 2010. Hasil : Puskesmas Kelurahan Balekambang indikator yang digunakan adalah pola penyakit dan didapatkan hasil hipertensi 878 jiwa, gastritis 338 jiwa dan diabetes mellitus 227 jiwa. Puskesmas Kelurahan Cipinang Melayu dan Puskesmas Kecamatan Cipayung menggunakan IKS (Indikator Keluarga Sehat) bila hasil IKS <0,5 maka dikatakan keluarga tersebut tidak sehat, pada penelitian ini didapatkan nilai IKS <0,5 sehinnga dapat disimpulkan bahwa keluarga tersebut tidak sehat. Saran : peningkatan jumlah petugas kesehatan, evaluasi indikator program KPLDH yang dapat dilakukan pendataan dan yang tidak dapat dilakukan, evaluasi indikator pada setiap puskesmas agar terdapat kesamaan dalam menentukan indicator program KPLDH

    The CMS RPC gas gain monitoring system: an overview and preliminary results

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    The status of the CMS RPC Gas Gain Monitoring (GGM) system developed at the Frascati Laboratory of INFN (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare) is reported on. The GGM system is a cosmic ray telescope based on small RPC detectors operated with the same gas mixture used by the CMS RPC system. The GGM gain and efficiency are continuously monitored on-line, thus providing a fast and accurate determination of any shift in working point conditions. The construction details and the first result of GGM commissioning are described.Comment: 8 pages, 9 figures, uses lnfprepCMS.sty, presented by L. Benussi at RPC07, Mumbai, INDIA 200

    Asynchronous coupling of hybrid models for efficient simulation of multiscale systems

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    We present a new coupling approach for the time advancement of multi-physics models of multiscale systems. This extends the method of E et al. (2009) [5] to deal with an arbitrary number of models. Coupling is performed asynchronously, with each model being assigned its own timestep size. This enables accurate long timescale predictions to be made at the computational cost of the short timescale simulation. We propose a method for selecting appropriate timestep sizes based on the degree of scale separation that exists between models. A number of example applications are used for testing and benchmarking, including a comparison with experimental data of a thermally driven rarefied gas flow in a micro capillary. The multiscale simulation results are in very close agreement with the experimental data, but are produced almost 50,000 times faster than from a conventionally-coupled simulation

    CMS physics technical design report : Addendum on high density QCD with heavy ions

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    Common Factors as a Road Map to MFT Model Integration: Implications for Training Therapist

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    Historically, model integration was reserved for experienced therapists (Lebow, J Marital Fam Ther 13:1–14, 1987. doi:10.1111/j.1752-0606.1987.tb00678.x). Currently, many marriage and family therapy (MFT) training programs encourage trainees to develop an integrative therapy approach. This relatively new phenomenon of encouraging integration during training is not often discussed. One challenge of developing an integrative approach to therapy practice is that trainees may not receive formal training in how to thoughtfully integrate models (Lebow, J Marital Fam Ther 13:1–14, 1987. doi:10.1111/j.1752-0606.1987.tb00678.x). Training therapists would benefit from an explicit road map to integration, the common factors approach is one such roadmap. The common factors approach may be a useful integrational construct (Weeks and Chad, Guid Couns 19:57–64, 2004. doi:10.1177/1066480708323205) for guiding trainees in their initial understanding of model integration. The present conceptual paper presents a rationale for the usefulness of common factors in informing integration and supports a more prominent role of common factors in MFT training