3,282 research outputs found

    Recent results on GaAs detectors - 137

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    The present understanding of the charge collection in GaAs detectors with respect to the materials used and its processing are discussed. The radiation induced degradation of the charge collection efficiency and the leakage current of the detectors are summarised. The status of strip and pixel detectors for the ATLAS experiment are reported along with the latest results from GaAs X-ray detectors for non-high energy physics applications.Comment: 7 pages. 4 postscript figures + 1 postscript preprint logo + 1 LaTeX file + 1 style file. Also available at http://ppewww.ph.gla.ac.uk/preprints/97/05

    Connection between dynamics and thermodynamics of liquids on the melting line

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    The dynamics of a large number of liquids and polymers exhibit scaling properties characteristic of a simple repulsive inverse power law (IPL) potential, most notably the superpositioning of relaxation data as a function of the variable TV{\gamma}, where T is temperature, V the specific volume, and {\gamma} a material constant. A related scaling law, TmVm{\Gamma}, with the same exponent {\Gamma}={\gamma}, links the melting temperature Tm and volume Vm of the model IPL liquid; liquid dynamics is then invariant at the melting point. Motivated by a similar invariance of dynamics experimentally observed at transitions of liquid crystals, we determine dynamic and melting point scaling exponents {\gamma} and {\Gamma} for a large number of non-associating liquids. Rigid, spherical molecules containing no polar bonds have {\Gamma}={\gamma}; consequently, the reduced relaxation time, viscosity and diffusion coefficient are each constant along the melting line. For other liquids {\gamma}>{\Gamma} always; i.e., the dynamics is more sensitive to volume than is the melting point, and for these liquids the dynamics at the melting point slows down with increasing Tm (that is, increasing pressure).Comment: 20 pages, 8 figures, 1 tabl

    Nanoscale ear drum: Graphene based nanoscale sensors

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    The difficulty in determining the mass of a sample increases as its size diminishes. At the nanoscale, there are no direct methods for resolving the mass of single molecules or nanoparticles and so more sophisticated approaches based on electromechanical phenomena are required. More importantly, one demands that such nanoelectromechanical techniques could provide not only information about the mass of the target molecules but also about their geometrical properties. In this sense, we report a theoretical study that illustrates in detail how graphene membranes can operate as nanoelectromechanical mass-sensor devices. Wide graphene sheets were exposed to different types and amounts of molecules and molecular dynamic simulations were employed to treat these doping processes statistically. We demonstrate that the mass variation effect and information about the graphene-molecule interactions can be inferred through dynamical response functions. Our results confirm the potential use of graphene as mass detector devices with remarkable precision in estimating variations in mass at molecular scale and other physical properties of the dopants

    Anomalous Crossing Frequency in Odd Proton Nuclei

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    A generic explanation for the recently observed anomalous crossing frequencies in odd proton rare earth nuclei is given. As an example, the proton 12[541]{1\over 2} [541] band in 175^{175}Ta is discussed in detail by using the angular momentum projection theory. It is shown that the quadrupole pairing interaction is decisive in delaying the crossing point and the changes in crossing frequency along the isotope chain are due to the different neutron shell fillings

    O direito ao esquecimento como limitação à liberdade de expressão / Right to oblivion as a limitation on freedom of expression

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    O tema Direito ao esquecimento como limitação à liberdade de expressão em face do direito de intimidade do respeito permitiu-nos investigar sobre a dignidade da pessoa humana tutelada pelos princípios constitucionais. A vida privada da pessoa, sua privacidade e intimidade são asseguradas pela Carta Magna. Os crimes de invasão da privacidade e da intimidade são puníveis e passíveis de indenização por danos morais e materiais. O problema de pesquisa norteador desse estudo foi este: Quais as limitações à exposição da imagem da pessoa pública? O objetivo geral é refletir sobre o direito ao esquecimento como limitação à liberdade de expressão. O Enunciado 531 inserido no ordenamento jurídico por meio da VI Jornada de Direito Civil apregoa que “A tutela da dignidade da pessoa humana na sociedade da informação inclui o direito ao esquecimento”. A liberdade de expressão não contradiz os princípios constitucionais, pelo contrário, a ponderação entre a ética do jornalismo e a dignidade da pessoa humana permitem maior segurança aos direitos de imagem da pessoa pública. A falta de legislação mais específica de invasão da intimidade e da privacidade da pessoa leva os agentes da justiça a se pautarem em princípios mais gerais como os regulamentados pela Declaração Universal dos Direitos Humanos, seguida pelo texto da Constituição Federal que dá garantias aos princípios fundamentais da Dignidade Humana em seu artigo 5º

    Existence results for a contact problem with varying friction coefficient and nonlinear forces

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    We consider the rate-independent problem of a particle moving in a three - dimensional half space subject to a time-dependent nonlinear restoring force having a convex potential and to Coulomb friction along the flat boundary of the half space, where the friction coefficient may vary along the boundary. Our existence result allows for solutions that may switch arbitrarily often between unconstrained motion in the interior and contact where the solutions may switch between sticking and frictional sliding. However, our existence result is local and guarantees continuous solutions only as long as the convexity of the potential is strong enough to compensate the variation of the friction coefficient times the contact pressure. By simple examples we show that our sufficient conditions are also necessary. Our method is based on the energetic formulation of rate-independent systems as developed by Mielke and co-workers. We generalize the time-incremental minimization procedure of Mielke and Rossi for the present situation of a non-associative flow rule

    Dynamics of Phase Transitions Induced by a Heat Bath

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    We study the non-equilibrium dynamics of a symmetry restoring phase transition in a scalar field theory, the ``system'', linearly coupled to another scalar field taken as a ``heat bath''. The ``system'' is initially in an ordered low temperature phase, and the heat bath is at a temperature close to the critical temperature for the system. We estimate the time at which the phase transition to the disordered (symmetric) phase takes place. We derive, and integrate the one-loop effective equations of motion for the order parameter that include the effects of the heat bath. A semiclassical Langevin equation is derived and it is found that it contains a non-dissipative, non-Markovian kernel, the noise term is colored and correlated on time scales determined by the temperature of the heat bath. The range of validity of the Langevin equation and a consistent procedure to incorporate corrections are discussed.Comment: 26 pages, 3 figures (not included) Late

    Evaluating inputs for organic farming – a new system. Proposals of the ORGANIC INPUTS EVALUATION project

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    This volume contains proposals for criteria for evaluation of plant protection products, fertilisers and soil conditioners1 to be used in organic agriculture. These ideas were developed in the course of the European Union (EU) Concerted Action project ‘ORGANIC INPUTS EVALUATION’ (QLK5-CT-2002-02565). For more information on this project see the end of this volume or visit the project website www.organicinputs.org. The documents in this volume are proposals elaborated by the project consortium and external experts. They were discussed with a broader audience at a public conference held in Brussels on October 13, 2005, and have been amended accordingly. Our proposals also include a “criteria matrix”, which is in Microsoft Excel format, and therefore stands as a separate file. The criteria matrix is discussed in section 5, but we strongly recommend that you consult the original document. To illustrate the use of the matrix, we have further prepared two case studies, which are also separate Excel files. All of these files are contained on the CD, and can also be downloaded from the project website. Currently, Regulation 2092/91 is under revision. We hope that our ideas can be incorporated into the regulation during this revision! In addition, we strongly encourage national institutions to make use of our proposals at the national level