47 research outputs found


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    Social media are important sharing tools for information about destinations and touristic atractions. Furthermore, they can generate relevant knowledge for the touristic development of the Conservation Units. For this reason, this article seeks to analyse the posts made with the hashtag #parquenacionaldoscamposgerais on the Instagram social platform, looking forward to contribute for the management of the public use on the Campos Gerais National Park (Parque Nacional dos Campos Gerais). 126 posts from july 2015 to august 2019 were analysed, which 1.280 hashtags were classified in four categories (Territory, Nature, Tourism and Others). It is possible to observate that the hashtags brings contributions for the public use on the Campos Gerais National Park such as: the appreciation of the Buraco do Padre atraction, the possibility for ecotouristic activities implementation and adventure tourism, the environmental interpretation, amongst others.As mídias sociais são importantes propagadoras de informação sobre destinos e atrativos turísticos. Além disso, podem gerar conhecimento relevante ao desenvolvimento turístico das Unidades de Conservação. Por esta razão, este trabalho busca analisar as postagens feitas com a hashtag #parquenacionaldoscamposgerais na mídia social Instagram, visando contribuir para a gestão do Uso Público no Parque Nacional dos Campos Gerais. Foram analisadas 126 postagens feitas entre julho de 2015 a agosto de 2019, as quais apresentaram 1.280 hashtags que foram classificadas em quatro aspectos (Território, Natureza, Turismo e Outros). Pode-se observar que as hashtags trazem contribuições importantes para a gestão do Uso Público no Parque Nacional dos Campos Gerais, como: a valorização do atrativo Buraco do Padre, a possibilidade de melhor implementação de atividades ecoturísticas e de turismo de aventura e a interpretação ambiental, entre outros temas

    Planned disposal of ceramic residues in the context of Design for Sustainability

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    O expressivo volume de resíduos cerâmicos produzidos pelas indústrias do ramo caracteriza-se por um grave problema de impacto ambiental quando desconsiderado o descarte sem destinação planejada. Neste contexto, pesquisas bibliográficas, visitas técnicas nas indústrias e testes em laboratório, foram realizados para se obter a uma nova massa cerâmica considerando os preceitos do “Design para Sustentabilidade” associados aos do “Cradle to Cradle”. Sendo assim, foram realizados testes com três diferentes massas compostas por resíduos de cacos cerâmicos moídos adicionados á massa pura e líquida de faiança feldspática. Os índices de absorção de água, porosidade e ruptura demonstraram características mecânicas satisfatórias para a massa composta por vinte por cento de resíduo. Para validar a utilização do material obtido e com relação direta com a própria indústria geradora do resíduo em análise, foram projetados vasos para Bonsai. Os resultados finais demonstraram a viabilidade da reutilização do resíduo em um novo ciclo proporcionando uma alternativa para o seu gerenciamento ambiental atrelado ao processo industrial de design como instrumento de inovação.The significant amount of ceramic waste produced by the industries in this field is characterized by a serious problem of environmental impact when disregarded the discard without planned destination. In this context, bibliographical research, technical visits in the industries and laboratory tests were carried out to a new ceramic mass considering the "Design for Sustainability" principles associated to the ones of the "Cradle to Cradle". Thus, tests were performed with three different masses composed of residues of ground ceramic chips added to the pure and liquid mass of feldspatic faience. The water absorption, porosity and rupture indices showed satisfactory mechanical characteristics for the mass composed of twenty percent of the residue. To validate the use of the obtained material and in direct relation with the industry generating the residue under analysis, Bonsai vases were designed. The final results demonstrated the feasibility of reusing the residues in a new cycle providing an alternative for its environmental management linked to the industrial design process as an innovation tool

    Accurate Inference of Subtle Population Structure (and Other Genetic Discontinuities) Using Principal Coordinates

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    Accurate inference of genetic discontinuities between populations is an essential component of intraspecific biodiversity and evolution studies, as well as associative genetics. The most widely-used methods to infer population structure are model-based, Bayesian MCMC procedures that minimize Hardy-Weinberg and linkage disequilibrium within subpopulations. These methods are useful, but suffer from large computational requirements and a dependence on modeling assumptions that may not be met in real data sets. Here we describe the development of a new approach, PCO-MC, which couples principal coordinate analysis to a clustering procedure for the inference of population structure from multilocus genotype data.PCO-MC uses data from all principal coordinate axes simultaneously to calculate a multidimensional "density landscape", from which the number of subpopulations, and the membership within subpopulations, is determined using a valley-seeking algorithm. Using extensive simulations, we show that this approach outperforms a Bayesian MCMC procedure when many loci (e.g. 100) are sampled, but that the Bayesian procedure is marginally superior with few loci (e.g. 10). When presented with sufficient data, PCO-MC accurately delineated subpopulations with population F(st) values as low as 0.03 (G'(st)>0.2), whereas the limit of resolution of the Bayesian approach was F(st) = 0.05 (G'(st)>0.35).We draw a distinction between population structure inference for describing biodiversity as opposed to Type I error control in associative genetics. We suggest that discrete assignments, like those produced by PCO-MC, are appropriate for circumscribing units of biodiversity whereas expression of population structure as a continuous variable is more useful for case-control correction in structured association studies

    Psychiatric diagnoses, trauma, and suicidiality

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    BACKGROUND: This study aimed to examine the associations between psychiatric diagnoses, trauma and suicidiality in psychiatric patients at intake. METHODS: During two months, all consecutive patients (n = 139) in a psychiatric hospital in Western Norway were interviewed (response rate 72%). RESULTS: Ninety-one percent had been exposed to at least one trauma; 69 percent had been repeatedly exposed to trauma for longer periods of time. Only 7% acquired a PTSD diagnosis. The comorbidity of PTSD and other psychiatric diagnoses were 78%. A number of diagnoses were associated with specific traumas. Sixty-seven percent of the patients reported suicidal thoughts in the month prior to intake; thirty-one percent had attempted suicide in the preceding week. Suicidal ideation, self-harming behaviour, and suicide attempts were associated with specific traumas. CONCLUSION: Traumatised patients appear to be under- or misdiagnosed which could have an impact on the efficiency of treatment

    Anthocyanins in cereals

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    [EN] The anthocyanic composition of some pigmented cereals is still not well established, neither in relation to some of their components, nor from the quantitative point of view. Nonetheless, the use of analytical techniques, such as diode array spectroscopy and mass spectrometry (MS, PDMS, MALDI) coupled or not to liquid chromatography, are permitting, in recent years, the confirmation of the structure of some of the principal anthocyanins and a knowledge of those which are present in minor proportion. In this article, firstly, a review of the principal methods of analysis of anthocyanins is made. This is followed by a review of the most significant advances achieved in the last years in the field of the identification and quantification of these pigments in cereals and the present uses of the commercial extracts of anthocyanins obtained from these sources and the perspectives for their use is included

    The New Economy and New Business Models

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    This chapter tackles the definition of New Economy, its main elements and its transformation, a theoretical perspective, the economics of digital information; negligible marginal costs, network externalities and barriers and enablers of business model change. Digital Business Models; origins, concept, guidelines to develop a consensus for the business models and Digital Business Models best practices identified are also outlined. The chapter draws to a close with the key information regarding the main characteristics for E-Business Environment: generic e-Business Strategies, new Strategies for E-Organizations and new Digital Business Models for E-Organizations.2019-2


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    O expressivo volume de resíduos cerâmicos produzidos pelas indústrias do ramo caracteriza-se por um grave problema de impacto ambiental quando desconsiderado o descarte sem destinação planejada. Neste contexto, pesquisas bibliográficas, visitas técnicas nas indústrias e testes em laboratório, foram realizados para se obter a uma nova massa cerâmica considerando os preceitos do “Design para Sustentabilidade” associados aos do “Cradle to Cradle”. Sendo assim, foram realizados testes com três diferentes massas compostas por resíduos de cacos cerâmicos moídos adicionados á massa pura e líquida de faiança feldspática. Os índices de absorção de água, porosidade e ruptura demonstraram características mecânicas satisfatórias para a massa composta por vinte por cento de resíduo. Para validar a utilização do material obtido e com relação direta com a própria indústria geradora do resíduo em análise, foram projetados vasos para Bonsai. Os resultados finais demonstraram a viabilidade da reutilização do resíduo em um novo ciclo proporcionando uma alternativa para o seu gerenciamento ambiental atrelado ao processo industrial de design como instrumento de inovação