278 research outputs found

    Measurement of (anti)deuteron and (anti)proton production in DIS at HERA

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    The first observation of (anti)deuterons in deep inelastic scattering at HERA has been made with the ZEUS detector at a centre-of-mass energy of 300--318 GeV using an integrated luminosity of 120 pb-1. The measurement was performed in the central rapidity region for transverse momentum per unit of mass in the range 0.3<p_T/M<0.7. The particle rates have been extracted and interpreted in terms of the coalescence model. The (anti)deuteron production yield is smaller than the (anti)proton yield by approximately three orders of magnitude, consistent with the world measurements.Comment: 26 pages, 9 figures, 5 tables, submitted to Nucl. Phys.

    The PHENIX Experiment at RHIC

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    The physics emphases of the PHENIX collaboration and the design and current status of the PHENIX detector are discussed. The plan of the collaboration for making the most effective use of the available luminosity in the first years of RHIC operation is also presented.Comment: 5 pages, 1 figure. Further details of the PHENIX physics program available at http://www.rhic.bnl.gov/phenix

    Prospects for Studies of Stellar Evolution and Stellar Death in the JWST Era

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    I review the prospects for studies of the advanced evolutionary stages of low-, intermediate- and high-mass stars by the JWST and concurrent facilities, with particular emphasis on how they may help elucidate the dominant contributors to the interstellar dust component of galaxies. Observations extending from the mid-infrared to the submillimeter can help quantify the heavy element and dust species inputs to galaxies from AGB stars. JWST's MIRI mid-infrared instrument will be so sensitive that observations of the dust emission from individual intergalactic AGB stars and planetary nebulae in the Virgo Cluster will be feasible. The Herschel Space Observatory will enable the last largely unexplored spectral region, the far-IR to the submillimeter, to be surveyed for new lines and dust features, while SOFIA will cover the wavelength gap between JWST and Herschel, a spectral region containing important fine structure lines, together with key water-ice and crystalline silicate bands. Spitzer has significantly increased the number of Type II supernovae that have been surveyed for early-epoch dust formation but reliable quantification of the dust contributions from massive star supernovae of Type II, Type Ib and Type Ic to low- and high-redshift galaxies should come from JWST MIRI observations, which will be able to probe a volume over 1000 times larger than Spitzer.Comment: 24 pages, 19 figures. To appear in `Astrophysics in the Next Decade: JWST and Concurrent Facilities' (JWST Conference Proceedings), edited by H. A. Thronson, M. Stiavelli and A. G. G. M. Tielens; Springer Series: Astrophysics and Space Science Proceeding

    Pharmacodynamics of Metformin in Pregnant Women With Gestational Diabetes Mellitus and Nonpregnant Women With Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus

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    Gestational diabetes mellitus is a condition similar to type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) in that patients are unable to compensate for the degree of insulin resistance, and both conditions are often treated with metformin. The comparative pharmacodynamic response to metformin in these 2 populations has not been studied. This study characterized insulin sensitivity, β-cell responsivity, and disposition index following a mixed-meal tolerance test utilizing a minimal model of glucose, insulin, and C-peptide kinetics before and during treatment with metformin. The study included women with gestational diabetes mellitus (n = 34), T2DM (n = 14), and healthy pregnant women (n = 30). Before treatment, the gestational diabetes mellitus group had significantly higher baseline (45%), dynamic (68%), static (71%), and total β-cell responsivity (71%) than the T2DM group. Metformin significantly increased insulin sensitivity (51%) as well as disposition index (97%) and decreased mixed-meal tolerance test peak glucose concentrations (8%) in women with gestational diabetes mellitus after adjustment for gestational age–dependent effects; however, in women with T2DM metformin only significantly affected peak glucose concentrations (22%) and had no significant effect on any other parameters. Metformin had a greater effect on the change in disposition index (Δ disposition index) in women with gestational diabetes mellitus than in those with T2DM (P =.01). In conclusion, response to metformin in women with gestational diabetes mellitus is significantly different from that in women with T2DM, which is likely related to the differences in disease severity

    Decision aids for localized prostate cancer in diverse minority men: Primary outcome results from a multicenter cancer care delivery trial (Alliance A191402CD)

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    Background: Decision aids (DAs) can improve knowledge for prostate cancer treatment. However, the relative effects of DAs delivered within the clinical encounter and in more diverse patient populations are unknown. A multicenter cluster randomized controlled trial with a 2×2 factorial design was performed to test the effectiveness of within-visit and previsit DAs for localized prostate cancer, and minority men were oversampled. Methods: The interventions were delivered in urology practices affiliated with the NCI Community Oncology Research Program Alliance Research Base. The primary outcome was prostate cancer knowledge (percent correct on a 12-item measure) assessed immediately after a urology consultation. Results: Four sites administered the previsit DA (39 patients), 4 sites administered the within-visit DA (44 patients), 3 sites administered both previsit and within-visit DAs (25 patients), and 4 sites provided usual care (50 patients). The median percent correct in prostate cancer knowledge, based on the postvisit knowledge assessment after the intervention delivery, was as follows: 75% for the pre+within-visit DA study arm, 67% for the previsit DA only arm, 58% for the within-visit DA only arm, and 58% for the usual-care arm. Neither the previsit DA nor the within-visit DA had a significant impact on patient knowledge of prostate cancer treatments at the prespecified 2.5% significance level (P =.132 and P =.977, respectively). Conclusions: DAs for localized prostate cancer treatment provided at 2 different points in the care continuum in a trial that oversampled minority men did not confer measurable gains in prostate cancer knowledge

    The delivery of personalised, precision medicines via synthetic proteins

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    Introduction: The design of advanced drug delivery systems based on synthetic and su-pramolecular chemistry has been very successful. Liposomal doxorubicin (Caelyx®), and liposomal daunorubicin (DaunoXome®), estradiol topical emulsion (EstrasorbTM) as well as soluble or erodible polymer systems such as pegaspargase (Oncaspar®) or goserelin acetate (Zoladex®) represent considerable achievements. The Problem: As deliverables have evolved from low molecular weight drugs to biologics (currently representing approximately 30% of the market), so too have the demands made of advanced drug delivery technology. In parallel, the field of membrane trafficking (and endocytosis) has also matured. The trafficking of specific receptors i.e. material to be recycled or destroyed, as well as the trafficking of protein toxins has been well characterized. This, in conjunction with an ability to engineer synthetic, recombinant proteins provides several possibilities. The Solution: The first is using recombinant proteins as drugs i.e. denileukin diftitox (Ontak®) or agalsidase beta (Fabrazyme®). The second is the opportunity to use protein toxin architecture to reach targets that are not normally accessible. This may be achieved by grafting regulatory domains from multiple species to form synthetic proteins, engineered to do multiple jobs. Examples include access to the nucleocytosolic compartment. Herein the use of synthetic proteins for drug delivery has been reviewed

    A cyclic universe with colour fields

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    The topology of the universe is discussed in relation to the singularity problem. We explore the possibility that the initial state of the universe might have had a structure with 3-Klein bottle topology, which would lead to a model of a nonsingular oscillating (cyclic) universe with a well-defined boundary condition. The same topology is assumed to be intrinsic to the nature of the hypothetical primitive constituents of matter (usually called preons) giving rise to the observed variety of elementary particles. Some phenomenological implications of this approach are also discussed.Comment: 21 pages, 9 figures; v.4: final versio

    Measurement of dijet photoproduction for events with a leading neutron at HERA

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    Differential cross sections for dijet photoproduction and this process in association with a leading neutron, e+ + p -> e+ + jet + jet + X (+ n), have been measured with the ZEUS detector at HERA using an integrated luminosity of 40 pb-1. The fraction of dijet events with a leading neutron was studied as a function of different jet and event variables. Single- and double-differential cross sections are presented as a function of the longitudinal fraction of the proton momentum carried by the leading neutron, xL, and of its transverse momentum squared, pT^2. The dijet data are compared to inclusive DIS and photoproduction results; they are all consistent with a simple pion-exchange model. The neutron yield as a function of xL was found to depend only on the fraction of the proton beam energy going into the forward region, independent of the hard process. No firm conclusion can be drawn on the presence of rescattering effects.Comment: 40 pages, 18 figure

    Deep inelastic inclusive and diffractive scattering at Q2Q^2 values from 25 to 320 GeV2^2 with the ZEUS forward plug calorimeter

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    Deep inelastic scattering and its diffractive component, epeγpeXNep \to e^{\prime}\gamma^* p \to e^{\prime}XN, have been studied at HERA with the ZEUS detector using an integrated luminosity of 52.4 pb1^{-1}. The MXM_X method has been used to extract the diffractive contribution. A wide range in the centre-of-mass energy WW (37 -- 245 GeV), photon virtuality Q2Q^2 (20 -- 450 GeV2^2) and mass MXM_X (0.28 -- 35 GeV) is covered. The diffractive cross section for 2<MX<152 < M_X < 15 GeV rises strongly with WW, the rise becoming steeper as Q2Q^2 increases. The data are also presented in terms of the diffractive structure function, F2D(3)F^{\rm D(3)}_2, of the proton. For fixed Q2Q^2 and fixed MXM_X, \xpom F^{\rm D(3)}_2 shows a strong rise as \xpom \to 0, where \xpom is the fraction of the proton momentum carried by the Pomeron. For Bjorken-x<1103x < 1 \cdot 10^{-3}, \xpom F^{\rm D(3)}_2 shows positive logQ2\log Q^2 scaling violations, while for x5103x \ge 5 \cdot 10^{-3} negative scaling violations are observed. The diffractive structure function is compatible with being leading twist. The data show that Regge factorisation is broken.Comment: 89 pages, 27 figure