876 research outputs found

    The STAFF-DWP wave instrument on the DSP equatorial spacecraft: description and first results

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    The STAFF-DWP wave instrument on board the equatorial spacecraft (TC1) of the Double Star Project consists of a combination of 2 instruments which are a heritage of the Cluster mission: the Spatio-Temporal Analysis of Field Fluctuations (STAFF) experiment and the Digital Wave-Processing experiment (DWP). On DSP-TC1 STAFF consists of a three-axis search coil magnetometer, used to measure magnetic fluctuations at frequencies up to 4 kHz and a waveform unit, up to 10 Hz, plus snapshots up to 180 Hz. DWP provides several onboard analysis tools: a complex FFT to fully characterise electromagnetic waves in the frequency range 10 Hz-4 kHz, a particle correlator linked to the PEACE electron experiment, and compression of the STAFF waveform data. The complementary Cluster and TC1 orbits, together with the similarity of the instruments, permits new multi-point studies. The first results show the capabilities of the experiment, with examples in the different regions of the magnetosphere-solar wind system that have been encountered by DSP-TC1 at the beginning of its operational phase. An overview of the different kinds of electromagnetic waves observed on the dayside from perigee to apogee is given, including the different whistler mode waves (hiss, chorus, lion roars) and broad-band ULF emissions. The polarisation and propagation characteristics of intense waves in the vicinity of a bow shock crossing are analysed using the dedicated PRASSADCO tool, giving results compatible with previous studies: the broad-band ULF waves consist of a superimposition of different wave modes, whereas the magnetosheath lion roars are right-handed and propagate close to the magnetic field. An example of a combined Cluster DSP-TC1 magnetopause crossing is given. This first case study shows that the ULF wave power intensity is higher at low latitude (DSP) than at high latitude (Cluster). On the nightside in the tail, a first wave event comparison - in a rather quiet time interval - is shown. It opens the doors to future studies, such as event timing during substorms, to possibly determine their onset location

    Essential versus accessory aspects of cell death: recommendations of the NCCD 2015

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    Cells exposed to extreme physicochemical or mechanical stimuli die in an uncontrollable manner, as a result of their immediate structural breakdown. Such an unavoidable variant of cellular demise is generally referred to as ‘accidental cell death’ (ACD). In most settings, however, cell death is initiated by a genetically encoded apparatus, correlating with the fact that its course can be altered by pharmacologic or genetic interventions. ‘Regulated cell death’ (RCD) can occur as part of physiologic programs or can be activated once adaptive responses to perturbations of the extracellular or intracellular microenvironment fail. The biochemical phenomena that accompany RCD may be harnessed to classify it into a few subtypes, which often (but not always) exhibit stereotyped morphologic features. Nonetheless, efficiently inhibiting the processes that are commonly thought to cause RCD, such as the activation of executioner caspases in the course of apoptosis, does not exert true cytoprotective effects in the mammalian system, but simply alters the kinetics of cellular demise as it shifts its morphologic and biochemical correlates. Conversely, bona fide cytoprotection can be achieved by inhibiting the transduction of lethal signals in the early phases of the process, when adaptive responses are still operational. Thus, the mechanisms that truly execute RCD may be less understood, less inhibitable and perhaps more homogeneous than previously thought. Here, the Nomenclature Committee on Cell Death formulates a set of recommendations to help scientists and researchers to discriminate between essential and accessory aspects of cell death

    Survivin expression in oral squamous cell carcinoma

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    A series of 110 cases of oral squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) together with six lymph node and one distant metastatic lesions was analysed for expression of survivin, a recent apoptosis inhibitor, by immunohistochemistry and Western blotting. In total, 91 cases (82.7%) of carcinoma and all metastasis (seven cases, 100%) were positive for survivin expression, with weighted survivin scores ranging from 1 to 4. In contrast, normal oral epithelium did not express survivin. There was no significant correlation between survivin expression and age, sex, tumour size, the presence of lymph node and distant metastases. Survivin expression was increased in poorly differentiated tumours, even if differences were not statistically significant. In contrast, when analysed for prognostic significance, patients with low survivin expression had statistically significant better survival rates than the group with high survivin expression (P < 0.05). These data suggest that survivin expression may identify cases of oral SCC with more aggressive and invasive phenotype

    MAGUKs, scaffolding proteins at cell junctions, are substrates of different proteases during apoptosis

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    A major feature of apoptotic cell death is gross structural changes, one of which is the loss of cell–cell contacts. The caspases, executioners of apoptosis, were shown to cleave several proteins involved in the formation of cell junctions. The membrane-associated guanylate kinases (MAGUKs), which are typically associated with cell junctions, have a major role in the organization of protein–protein complexes at plasma membranes and are therefore potentially important caspase targets during apoptosis. We report here that MAGUKs are cleaved and/or degraded by executioner caspases, granzyme B and several cysteine cathepsins in vitro. When apoptosis was induced by UV-irradiation and staurosporine in different epithelial cell lines, caspases were found to efficiently cleave MAGUKs in these cell models, as the cleavages could be prevented by a pan-caspase inhibitor N-benzyloxycarbonyl-Val-Ala-Asp(OMe)fluoromethylketone. Using a selective lysosomal disrupting agent -leucyl--leucine methyl ester, which induces apoptosis through the lysosomal pathway, it was further shown that MAGUKs are also cleaved by the cathepsins in HaCaT and CaCo-2 cells. Immunohistological data showed rapid loss of MAGUKs at the sites of cell–cell contacts, preceding actual cell detachment, suggesting that cleavage of MAGUKs is an important step in fast and efficient cell detachment

    Development of Peptidomimetics Targeting IAPs

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    Inhibitor of apoptosis proteins (IAPs) such as XIAP subvert apoptosis by binding and inhibiting caspases. Because occupation of the XIAP BIR3 peptide binding pocket by Smac abolishes the XIAP–caspase 9 interaction, it is a proapoptotic event of great therapeutic interest. An assay for pocket binding was developed based on the displacement of Smac 7-mer from BIR3. Through the physical and biochemical analysis of a variety of peptides, we have determined the minimum sequence required for inhibition of the Smac–BIR3 interaction and detailed the dimensions and topology of the BIR3 peptide binding pocket. This work describes the structure–activity relationship (SAR) for peptide inhibitors of Smac-IAP binding

    Markers of Tumor-Initiating Cells Predict Chemoresistance in Breast Cancer

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    PURPOSE: Evidence is lacking whether the number of breast tumor-initiating cells (BT-ICs) directly correlates with the sensitivity of breast tumors to chemotherapy. Here, we evaluated the association between proportion of BT-ICs and chemoresistance of the tumors. METHODS: Immunohistochemical staining(IHC) was used to examine the expression of aldehyde dehydrogenase 1 (ALDH1) and proliferating cell nuclear antigen, and TUNEL was used to detect the apoptosis index. The significance of various variables in patient survival was analyzed using a Cox proportional hazards model. The percentage of BT-ICs in breast cancer cell lines and primary breast tumors was determined by ALDH1 enzymatic assay, CD44(+)/CD24(-) phenotype and mammosphere formation assay. RESULTS: ALDH1 expression determined by IHC in primary breast cancers was associated with poor clinical response to neoadjuvant chemotherapy and reduced survival in breast cancer patients. Breast tumors that contained higher proportion of BT-ICs with CD44(+)/CD24(-) phenotype, ALDH1 enzymatic activity and sphere forming capacity were more resistant to neoadjuvant chemotherapy. Chemoresistant cell lines AdrR/MCF-7 and SK-3rd, had increased number of cells with sphere forming capacity, CD44(+)/CD24(-) phenotype and side-population. Regardless the proportion of T-ICs, FACS-sorted CD44(+)/CD24(-) cells that derived from primary tumors or breast cancer lines were about 10-60 fold more resistant to chemotherapy relative to the non- CD44(+)/CD24(-) cells and their parental cells. Furthermore, our data demonstrated that MDR1 (multidrug resistance 1) and ABCG2 (ATP-binding cassette sub-family G member 2) were upregulated in CD44(+)/CD24(-) cells. Treatment with lapatinib or salinomycin reduced the proportion of BT-ICs by nearly 50 fold, and thus enhanced the sensitivity of breast cancer cells to chemotherapy by around 30 fold. CONCLUSIONS: These data suggest that the proportion of BT-ICs is associated with chemotherapeutic resistance of breast cancer. It highlights the importance of targeting T-ICs, rather than eliminating the bulk of rapidly dividing and terminally differentiated cells, in novel anti-cancer strategies

    Apoptosis of t(14;18)-positive lymphoma cells by a Bcl-2 interacting small molecule

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    Overexpression of Bcl-2 protein occurs via both t(14;18)-dependent and independent mechanisms and contributes to the survival and chemoresistance of non-Hodgkin lymphomas. HA14–1 is a nonpeptidic organic small molecule, which has been shown to inhibit the interaction of Bcl-2 with Bax, thereby interfering with the antiapoptotic function of Bcl-2. In this study, we sought to determine the in vitro efficacy of HA14–1 as a therapeutic agent for non-Hodgkin lymphomas expressing Bcl-2. Assessment of cell viability demonstrated that HA14–1 induced a dose- (IC50 = 10 μM) and time-dependent growth inhibition of a cell line (SudHL-4) derived from a t(14;18)-positive, Bcl-2-positive, non-Hodgkin lymphoma. HA14–1 effectively induced apoptosis via a caspase 3-mediated pathway but did not affect either the p38 MAPK or p44/42 MAPK pathways. Western blot analyses of Bcl-2 family proteins and other cell cycle-associated proteins were performed to determine the molecular sequelae of HA14–1-induced apoptosis. The results show down-regulation of Mcl-1 but up-regulation of p27kip1, Bad, Bcl-xL, and Bcl-2 proteins, without change in Bax levels during HA14–1-mediated apoptosis. Our findings further elucidate the cellular mechanisms accompanying Bcl-2 inhibition and demonstrate the potential of Bcl-2 inhibitors as therapeutic agents for the treatment of non-Hodgkin lymphomas
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