10 research outputs found

    Exploring the impact of employer brand attributes on financial performance: an intellectual capital perspective

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    Purpose: The employer brand is a crucial intangible asset for companies as it enhances the employer–employee relationship, leading to improved employee performance and overall company outcomes. This paper aims to investigate the contribution of the employer brand to the financial results of companies in southern Europe. Design/methodology/approach: The sample consists of 266 companies operating in southern European countries during the year 2020. Secondary data on employer brand attributes, assessed from the perspective of current employees, were collected from the Glassdoor platform. Financial indicators were obtained from the companies\u27 annual financial reports. The research hypotheses were tested using regression analysis. Findings: The results of the regression analysis support the notion that the employer brand contributes to profitability indicators and management effectiveness indicators of southern European companies. However, the study did not find evidence supporting the contribution of the employer brand to market indicators and financial structure indicators of the observed companies. Originality/value: This study is one of the first empirical investigations to assess the role of the employer brand as a human capital tool for enhancing the financial performance of companies in southern Europe. The study examines employer brand attributes from the perspective of current employees, who actively participate in shaping the employer brand and the company\u27s image. In contrast to prior research, this study incorporates a more extensive set of financial indicators, categorized into four groups: profitability indicators, management effectiveness indicators, market indicators and financial structure indicators

    Uticaj nematerijalne aktive preduzeća na proces stvaranja vrednosti

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    Истаживања у оквиру докторске дисертације имају за циљ да пруже допринос дубљем разумевању физичких механизама присутних код мемристора, с обзиром да у стручној литератури и даље постоје отворена питања везана за кључни процес који индукује мемристивни ефекат у материјалу. Као функционални материјал за меморије на бази промене валенце, на ком се испитује мемристивни ефекат, одабран је титанијум диоксид јер се већ показао као добар кандидат за резистивно-прекидачке меморије. Експериментални резултати показују ефекат квантизације проводности за ТiО2 мемристоре, што захтева развијање и примену модела балистичког транспорта за описивање електричних карактериристика узорка.Istaživanja u okviru doktorske disertacije imaju za cilj da pruže doprinos dubljem razumevanju fizičkih mehanizama prisutnih kod memristora, s obzirom da u stručnoj literaturi i dalje postoje otvorena pitanja vezana za ključni proces koji indukuje memristivni efekat u materijalu. Kao funkcionalni materijal za memorije na bazi promene valence, na kom se ispituje memristivni efekat, odabran je titanijum dioksid jer se već pokazao kao dobar kandidat za rezistivno-prekidačke memorije. Eksperimentalni rezultati pokazuju efekat kvantizacije provodnosti za TiO2 memristore, što zahteva razvijanje i primenu modela balističkog transporta za opisivanje električnih karakteriristika uzorka.Research topics in this PhD thesis aims to provide contribution in deeper understanding of physical mechanisms which drives resistive-switching mechanism in memristors, as existing literature provides open questions for key mechanism processes which influences memristive effect in materials. In order to test response of Valance Change Memories, TiO2 nanomaterial was used as the functional layer, as this material was already shown suitable for these applications. Measured results show conductance quantization effect for TiO2 based memristors, which requiers ballistic transport model for interpretation of electrical response of the device

    Online meeting tools, tacit knowledge sharing and entrepreneurial behaviours among knowledge workers during COVID-19

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    The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated the usage of online meeting tools (e.g., Zoom, Google Meet, Microsoft Teams) in virtually all sectors. However, how these applications stimulate tacit knowledge sharing and entrepreneurial behaviours is unclear, particularly among knowledge workers. In this manuscript, the authors investigate the impact of usage of online meeting tools on tacit knowledge sharing and on the two types of entrepreneurial behaviour`s among knowledge workers, that are, venture behaviour and strategic renewal behaviour. A quantitative study was conducted, via survey, with a total of 173 participants located worldwide. The research model was tested using structural equation modelling. The relationship between the frequency of using online meeting tools and venture behaviour displayed by knowledge workers was moderately negative. However, the online meeting tools did not exhibit significant effect on tacit knowledge sharing. Furthermore, tacit knowledge sharing has a moderate positive effect on both types of entrepreneurial behaviours