39 research outputs found

    Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) for monitoring soil erosion in Morocco

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    This article presents an environmental remote sensing application using a UAV that is specifically aimed at reducing the data gap between field scale and satellite scale in soil erosion monitoring in Morocco. A fixed-wing aircraft type Sirius I (MAVinci, Germany) equipped with a digital system camera (Panasonic) is employed. UAV surveys are conducted over different study sites with varying extents and flying heights in order to provide both very high resolution site-specific data and lower-resolution overviews, thus fully exploiting the large potential of the chosen UAV for multi-scale mapping purposes. Depending on the scale and area coverage, two different approaches for georeferencing are used, based on high-precision GCPs or the UAV’s log file with exterior orientation values respectively. The photogrammetric image processing enables the creation of Digital Terrain Models (DTMs) and ortho-image mosaics with very high resolution on a sub-decimetre level. The created data products were used for quantifying gully and badland erosion in 2D and 3D as well as for the analysis of the surrounding areas and landscape development for larger extents

    Monitoring soil erosion in the Souss basin, Morocco, with a multiscale object-based remote sensing approach using UAV and satellite data

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    This article presents a multiscale approach for detecting and monitoring soil erosion phenomena (i.e. gully erosion) in the agro-industrial area around the city of Taroudannt, Souss basin, Morocco. The study area is characterized as semi-arid with an annual average precipitation of 200 mm. Water scarcity, high population dynamics and changing land use towards huge areas of irrigation farming present numerous threats to sustainability. The agro-industry produces citrus fruits and vegetables in monocropping, mainly for the European market. Badland areas strongly affected by gully erosion border the agricultural areas as well as residential areas. To counteract the significant loss of land, land-leveling measures are attempted to create space for plantations and greenhouses. In order to develop sustainable approaches to limit gully growth the detection and monitoring of gully systems is fundamental. Specific gully sites are monitored with unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) taking small-format aerial photographs (SFAP). This enables extremely high-resolution analysis (SFAP resolution: 2-10 cm) of the actual size of the gully channels as well as a detailed continued surveillance of their growth. Transferring the methodology on a larger scale using Quickbird satellite data (resolution: 60 cm) leads to the possibility of a large-scale analysis of the whole area around the city of Taroudannt (Area extent: ca. 350 km²). The results will then reveal possible relationships of gully growth and agro-industrial management and may even illustrate further interdependencies. The main objective is the identification of areas with high gully-erosion risk due to non-sustainable land use and the development of mitigation strategies for the study area

    An object-based classification approach for mapping "migrant housing" in the mega-urban area of the Pearl River Delta (China)

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    Urban areas develop on formal and informal levels. Informal development is often highly dynamic, leading to a lag of spatial information about urban structure types. In this work, an object-based remote sensing approach will be presented to map the migrant housing urban structure type in the Pearl River Delta, China. SPOT5 data were utilized for the classification (auxiliary data, particularly up-to-date cadastral data, were not available). A hierarchically structured classification process was used to create (spectral) independence from single satellite scenes and to arrive at a transferrable classification process. Using the presented classification approach, an overall classification accuracy of migrant housing of 68.0% is attained

    Population estimation in urban areas based on "mixed/cross" stereo models

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    In the project X3D4Pop we investigate if "mixed" satellite image pairs acquired on two different dates can be used to calculate meaningful building heights in urban areas. Based on These results, the dependency of urban population estimation models on the availability and quality of 3D data is tested. Study areas are Port-au-Prince and Salzburg. The 3D-models are validated against LiDAR-derived elevation models, population numbers are compared with rastered population data from Statistik Austria. The project explores first steps towards an urban population estimation Service by remote sensing, for the humanitarian community

    Assessment of multiresolution segmentation for delimiting drumlins in digital elevation models

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    Mapping or "delimiting" landforms is one of geomorphology's primary tools. Computer-based techniques such as land-surface segmentation allow the emulation of the process of manual landform delineation. Land-surface segmentation exhaustively subdivides a digital elevation model (DEM) into morphometrically-homogeneous irregularly-shaped regions, called terrain segments. Terrain segments can be created from various land-surface parameters (LSP) at multiple scales, and may therefore potentially correspond to the spatial extents of landforms such as drumlins. However, this depends on the segmentation algorithm, the parameterization, and the LSPs. In the present study we assess the widely used multiresolution segmentation (MRS) algorithm for its potential in providing terrain segments which delimit drumlins. Supervised testing was based on five 5-m DEMs that represented a set of 173 synthetic drumlins at random but representative positions in the same landscape. Five LSPs were tested, and four variants were computed for each LSP to assess the impact of median filtering of DEMs, and logarithmic transformation of LSPs. The testing scheme (1) employs MRS to partition each LSP exhaustively into 200 coarser scales of terrain segments by increasing the scale parameter (SP), (2) identifies the spatially best matching terrain segment for each reference drumlin, and (3) computes four segmentation accuracy metrics for quantifying the overall spatial match between drumlin segments and reference drumlins. Results of 100 tests showed that MRS tends to perform best on LSPs that are regionally derived from filtered DEMs, and then log-transformed. MRS delineated 97% of the detected drumlins at SP values between 1 and 50. Drumlin delimitation rates with values up to 50% are in line with the success of manual interpretations. Synthetic DEMs are well-suited for assessing landform quantification methods such as MRS, since subjectivity in the reference data is avoided which increases the reliability, validity and applicability of results

    A Proposal for Mapping Historic Irrigation Channels to Reveal Insights into Agro-Climatic Systems: A Case Study in Upper Austria. GI_Forum 2013 – Creating the GISociety|

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    Recently, the remains of two historic irrigation channels were re-discovered in the Upper Austrian municipality of Regau. Since the current average precipitation in the region is sufficient to sustain a productive agricultural land use, the irrigation channels raise several questions related to climate variability. To verify different hypotheses such as the construction as a response to a changing climate or the assumed purpose of grassland irrigation, potential coherences are discussed. In addition, remote sensing techniques for the detection of hidden structures overprinted by physical and human activities are outlined. The analysis of available references enables a first assessment of the channels purpose. Several indicators such as the shape and incline of the remaining topographic imprints support the hypothesis of their irrigation function. Furthermore, the qualitative analysis of today’s agro-climatic conditions reveals the general vulnerability of the system to climate changes. Moreover, a dendrochronological analysis shows a phase of remarkable climate variability in conjunction with significant drying periods throughout the 3rd and 4th century. This may have posed a reason for the construction of the irrigation system. Further research is necessary to verify the possible alternative hypothesis, which suggests grassland fertilization as the main irrigation purpose. Therefore, a long term analysis of water nutrient contents is required. Moreover, the application of remote sensing techniques may help to identify the extent of the formerly irrigated area