1,522 research outputs found

    Blog and social networks : an analysis from the governmentality technologies and gender

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    A l'actualitat, l'explosió de bitàcores personals, de xarxes socials i d'altres dispositius i programes informàtics mostren com certes pràctiques, que eren considerades exlusives de les esferes privades i íntimes, ara s'inscriuen a l'espai públic de la pantalla. Atenent a aquest escenari, en aquest article animem que aquestes tecnologies funcionen com a tecnologies del JO i com a tecnologies de poder, compreses en el sentit proposat per Foucault (1990). Elles medien les formes de govern del JO als seus modes de presentació pública, a l'hora que funcionen com a tecnologies de control de l'altre. També imposen les seves condicions tecnològiques sobre les interaccions possibles i contribueix a difrents modes de govern dels sentiments i a formes específiques de performativització del gènere. En aquest article analitzem aquestes categories i compartim algunes reflexions a partir d'un cas d'estudi amb joves dones de la ciutat de Còrdova consumidores de blogs i xarxes socials.En la actualidad, la explosión de bitácoras personales, de redes sociales y de otros dispositivos y programas informáticos muestran cómo ciertas prácticas, que eran consideradas exclusivas de las esferas privadas e íntimas, ahora se inscriben en el espacio público de la pantalla. Atendiendo a este escenario, en este artículo animamos que estas tecnologías funcionan como tecnologías del Yo y como tecnologías de poder, comprendidas en el sentido propuesto por Foucault (1990). Ellas median las formas de gobierno del Yo en sus modos de presentación pública, a la vez que funcionan como tecnologías de control del otro. También imponen sus condiciones tecnológicas sobre las interacciones posibles y contribuye a diferentes modos de gobierno de los sentimientos y a formas específicas de performativización del género. En este artículo analizamos estas categorías y compartimos algunas reflexiones a partir de un caso de estudio con jóvenes mujeres de la ciudad de Córdoba consumidoras de blogs y redes sociales.Currently, the explosion of personal blogs, social networking and other devices and software show how certain practices that were considered exclusives of intimate and private spheres, are now enrolled in the public space of the screen. Based on this scene, in this article we consider that these technologies work as technologies of the self and as control technologies, in the sense proposed by Foucault (1990). They mediate forms of self government in their public presentation modes, while play as control technologies of the others. Technological conditions also are imposed on the possible interactions and contribute to different modes of governance of feelings and specific forms of gender performativización. In this paper we analyze these categories and share some reflections from a case of study with young women consumers of blogs and social networks in the city of Córdoba

    Blog y redes sociales : un análisis desde las tecnologías de la gubernamentalidad y el género

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    En la actualidad, la explosión de bitácoras personales, de redes sociales y de otros dispositivos y programas informáticos muestran cómo ciertas prácticas, que eran consideradas exclusivas de las esferas privadas e íntimas, ahora se inscriben en el espacio público de la pantalla. Atendiendo a este escenario, en este artículo animamos que estas tecnologías funcionan como tecnologías del Yo y como tecnologías de poder, comprendidas en el sentido propuesto por Foucault (1990). Ellas median las formas de gobierno del Yo en sus modos de presentación pública, a la vez que funcionan como tecnologías de control del otro. También imponen sus condiciones tecnológicas sobre las interacciones posibles y contribuye a diferentes modos de gobierno de los sentimientos y a formas específicas de performativización del género. En este artículo analizamos estas categorías y compartimos algunas reflexiones a partir de un caso de estudio con jóvenes mujeres de la ciudad de Córdoba consumidoras de blogs y redes sociales.Currently, the explosion of personal blogs, social networking and other devices and software show how certain practices that were considered exclusives of intimate and private spheres, are now enrolled in the public space of the screen. Based on this scene, in this article we consider that these technologies work as technologies of the self and as control technologies, in the sense proposed by Foucault (1990). They mediate forms of self government in their public presentation modes, while play as control technologies of the others. Technological conditions also are imposed on the possible interactions and contribute to different modes of governance of feelings and specific forms of gender performativización. In this paper we analyze these categories and share some reflections from a case of study with young women consumers of blogs and social networks in the city of Córdoba

    A renewed poetic practice. Rethinking the role of packaging design to boost New Normality

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    Packaging is a complex artifact characterized by the subtle balance between safety, protection, innovation, communication, and sustainability. There are different perspectives from which this artifact can and must be considered, first of all, the traditional meaning that considers it an object with specific operational and performance features. From these brief premises, this contribution stems from a reflection of the controversial relationship between form and function, investigating the contemporary need - New Normal - to totally rethink action- research and design practice, in favour of a more communicative, experiential, and poetic design. A design that today must also take advantage of technology and digital resilience to pro-actively respond to the emergency

    Information Technology in Healthcare: HHC-MOTES, a Novel Set of Metrics to Analyse IT Sustainability in Different Areas

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    Sustainability, as a science, is the guideline of the present work. It aims to analyse, by means of a literature review, various areas of healthcare in which information technology (IT) has been- or could be-used, leading to several sources of sustainability, for example, cost savings, better teamwork, higher quality and efficiency of medical care. After a brief introduction analysing the strategic contexts in which innovation in general, and IT in particular, can be a source of general improvements in efficiency, cost savings and service quality, the research focuses on the healthcare system by discussing the different nature of private and public organizations in terms of adopting innovations and changes and discussing the issue of consumer health costs and consumer choices. The following part focuses on the qualitative benefits of IT in healthcare and discusses the importance of metrics for measuring performance, costs and efficiency in this area. The work then qualitatively introduces a new set of Key Performance Indicators (KPI), partly based on literature from different topics and existing and validated sets of metrics, analysing, under the point of view of sustainability, the implementation of IT in healthcare, namely in management, organization, technology, environment and social fields (HHC-MOTES framework). The model, inspired by and to sustainability, can be used as a decision support at the strategic management level as well as for the analysis and investigation of the effects of IT systems in the healthcare sector from various perspectives

    Word-of-mouth marketing and enterprise strategies: a bottom-up diffusion model

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    A comprehensive simulation model is presented, aimed to show the dynamics of social diffusion based on the word of mouth (e.g.: viral marketing) over a social network of interconnected individuals. The model is build following a bottom-up approach and the agent based paradigm; this means that the dynamics of the diffusion is simulated in real time and generated at the micro level, not calculated by using mathematical formulas. This allows both to follow – step by step – the emergent process and to be able – if needed – to add complex behavior for the agents and analyze how this impacts the phenomenon at the macro level. 

    Destination Strategies to Enhance Secondary and Niche Tourism Products: Literature Review and Case Study

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    The topic of this article is enhancing destination competitiveness, with particular interest to entrepreneurial strategies able to valorise secondary and niche attractions. A literature review reveals that, by means of cooperation, local stakeholders could increase success of mass destinations, while promoting the discovery of niche attractions, with a positive impact on the whole territory. Also, the role of DMOs is important, facilitating cooperation among between private and public stakeholders and among private companies. Destination branding strategies could be set, to define the competitive advantages of a territory, leveraging on synergies among primary and secondary attractions. The specific case study of Liguria is proposed and analysed by means of a questionnaire, spread among potential tourists, so to investigate their perceptions about both the capacity of the territory to offer secondary tourism products and the existence and effectiveness of collaborative strategies among local stakeholders. This Italian region has a tourism concentrated during summertime (bathing season), but possesses other specific features, that could differentiate the offer and potentially attract tourists also in other periods. The questionnaire, in fact, reveals that many tourists also like to explore the inland, which should therefore be further promoted. It also emerges than about 9% of tourists didn\u2019t take advantage of secondary tourism products, not being aware of them, while about 46% believe that secondary attractions could be interesting for tourism, but are not adequately exploited, due to the lack of both strategic cooperation among local businesses and direct promotion