98 research outputs found

    Prone to rotator cuff injuries and tears : and the best way to treat these causes

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    Includes bibliographical references.This paper helps explain to people what the rotator cuff is all about. The motive of this paper was to find out why your body as a adolescent versus an adult affects the rotator cuff muscle tears and injuries differently and then the best way to treat these causes. The rotator cuff muscles are really fascinating the way they work together to allow the shoulder to function. People can cause injuries to their muscles, which in turn creates a lot of pain. Some of the causes can depend on your age and the overall shape your body is in. The main difference between the rotator cuff muscles in a child versus an adult is the connective tissue component. When injuries occur to the rotator cuff, the connective tissue never fully heals and so that is why healing can be more difficult in an older adult. Trying to find the best treatment really depends on the individual and what they think they will.B.S. (Bachelor of Science

    Exercise-induced motor improvement after complete spinal cord transection and its relation to expression of brain-derived neurotrophic factor and presynaptic markers

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>It has been postulated that exercise-induced activation of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) may account for improvement of stepping ability in animals after complete spinal cord transection. As we have shown previously, treadmill locomotor exercise leads to up-regulation of BDNF protein and mRNA in the entire neuronal network of intact spinal cord. The questions arise: (i) how the treadmill locomotor training, supplemented with tail stimulation, affects the expression of molecular correlates of synaptic plasticity in spinal rats, and (ii) if a response is related to BDNF protein level and distribution.</p> <p>We investigated the effect of training in rats spinalized at low thoracic segments on the level and distribution of BDNF immunoreactivity (IR) in ventral quadrants of the lumbar segments, in conjunction with markers of presynaptic terminals, synaptophysin and synaptic zinc.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Training improved hindlimb stepping in spinal animals evaluated with modified Basso-Beattie-Bresnahan scale. Grades of spinal trained animals ranged between 5 and 11, whereas those of spinal were between 2 and 4. Functional improvement was associated with changes in presynaptic markers and BDNF distribution. Six weeks after transection, synaptophysin IR was reduced by 18% around the large neurons of lamina IX and training elevated its expression by over 30%. The level of synaptic zinc staining in the ventral horn was unaltered, whereas in ventral funiculi it was decreased by 26% postlesion and tended to normalize after the training. Overall BDNF IR levels in the ventral horn, which were higher by 22% postlesion, were unchanged after the training. However, training modified distribution of BDNF in the processes with its predominance in the longer and thicker ones. It also caused selective up-regulation of BDNF in two classes of cells (soma ranging between 100-400 μm<sup>2 </sup>and over 1000 μm<sup>2</sup>) of the ventrolateral and laterodorsal motor nuclei.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Our results show that it is not BDNF deficit that determines lack of functional improvement in spinal animals. They indicate selectivity of up-regulation of BDNF in distinct subpopulations of cells in the motor nuclei which leads to changes of innervation targeting motoneurons, tuned up by locomotor activity as indicated by a region-specific increase of presynaptic markers.</p

    A Ligand Peptide Motif Selected from a Cancer Patient Is a Receptor-Interacting Site within Human Interleukin-11

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    Interleukin-11 (IL-11) is a pleiotropic cytokine approved by the FDA against chemotherapy-induced thrombocytopenia. From a combinatorial selection in a cancer patient, we isolated an IL-11-like peptide mapping to domain I of the IL-11 (sequence CGRRAGGSC). Although this motif has ligand attributes, it is not within the previously characterized interacting sites. Here we design and validate in-tandem binding assays, site-directed mutagenesis and NMR spectroscopy to show (i) the peptide mimics a receptor-binding site within IL-11, (ii) the binding of CGRRAGGSC to the IL-11Rα is functionally relevant, (iii) Arg4 and Ser8 are the key residues mediating the interaction, and (iv) the IL-11-like motif induces cell proliferation through STAT3 activation. These structural and functional results uncover an as yet unrecognized receptor-binding site in human IL-11. Given that IL-11Rα has been proposed as a target in human cancer, our results provide clues for the rational design of targeted drugs

    Telerehabilitation versus traditional centre-based pulmonary rehabilitation for people with chronic respiratory disease: protocol for a randomised controlled trial

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    Background: Pulmonary rehabilitation is an effective therapeutic intervention for people with chronic respiratory disease. However, fewer than 5% of eligible individuals receive pulmonary rehabilitation on an annual basis, largely due to limited availability of services and difficulties associated with travel and transport. The Rehabilitation Exercise At Home (REAcH) study is an assessor-blinded, multi-centre, randomised controlled equivalence trial designed to compare the efficacy of home-based telerehabilitation and traditional centre-based pulmonary rehabilitation in people with chronic respiratory disease. Methods: Participants will undertake an 8-week group-based pulmonary rehabilitation program of twice-weekly supervised exercise training, either in-person at a centre-based pulmonary rehabilitation program or remotely from their home via the Internet. Supervised exercise training sessions will include 30 min of aerobic exercise (cycle and/ or walking training). Individualised education and self-management training will be delivered. All participants will be prescribed a home exercise program of walking and strengthening activities. Outcomes will be assessed by a blinded assessor at baseline, after completion of the intervention, and 12-months post intervention. The primary outcome is change in dyspnea score as measured by the Chronic Respiratory Questionnaire – dyspnea domain (CRQ-D). Secondary outcomes will evaluate the efficacy of telerehabilitation on 6- min walk distance, endurance cycle time during a constant work rate test, physical activity and quality of life. Adherence to pulmonary rehabilitation between the two models will be compared. A full economic analysis from a societal perspective will be undertaken to determine the cost-effectiveness of telerehabilitation compared to centre-based pulmonary rehabilitation. Discussion: Alternative models of pulmonary rehabilitation are required to improve both equity of access and patient-related outcomes. This trial will establish whether telerehabilitation can achieve equivalent improvement in outcomes compared to traditional centre-based pulmonary rehabilitation. If efficacious and cost-effective, the proposed telerehabilitation model is designed to be rapidly deployed into clinical practice.Narelle S. Cox, Christine F. McDonald, Jennifer A. Alison, Ajay Mahal, Richard Wootton, Catherine J. Hill, Janet Bondarenko, Heather Macdonald, Paul O’Halloran, Paolo Zanaboni, Ken Clarke, Deidre Rennick, Kaye Borgelt, Angela T. Burge, Aroub Lahham, Bruna Wageck, Hayley Crute, Pawel Czupryn, Amanda Nichols and Anne E. Hollan

    Cellular therapies and neural precursors in the adult brain

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    Współczesna medycyna w miarę dobrze radzi sobie z leczeniem wielu chorób nabytych i wrodzonych, jednak skuteczna i trwała naprawa większości zaburzeń ośrodkowego układu nerwowego wciąż pozostaje poza naszymi możliwościami. Dlatego prowadzi się intensywne badania podstawowe i przedkliniczne, które umożliwiłyby lepsze poznanie przyczyn takich ograniczeń oraz dawały możliwość opracowania nowych terapii zaburzeń neurodegeneracyjnych, udarów, urazowego uszkodzenia mózgu i rdzenia kręgowego oraz innych chorób. Jednym z bardziej obiecujących kierunków są terapie komórkowe z wykorzystaniem własnych, endogennych mechanizmów naprawczych, innym kierunkiem jest zastosowanie nowych, egzogennych komórek. W pracy przedstawiono ogólne przyczyny trudności naprawy uszkodzeń mózgu, a następnie zjawiska powstawania nowych neuronów w mózgu dorosłych zwierząt i ludzi w sytuacji fizjologicznej oraz w sytuacji uszkodzenia mózgu. Omówiono niektóre przykłady wykorzystania prekursorów w strategiach naprawczych. W ostatniej części pracy przedstawiono wybrane terapie z zastosowaniem przeszczepów innych, mniej typowych prekursorów neuronów i gleju obecnych w mózgu w naprawie uszkodzeń ośrodkowego układu nerwowego.Modern medicine can treat relatively well many acquired and congenital diseases but still an effective and durable repair of the most of central nervous system disorders is beyond our capabilities. Therefore, comprehensive basic and preclinical studies are being carried out which would allow a better understanding of the reasons of these limits. They can potentially provide new strategies for neurodegenerative disorders, stroke, traumatic brain and spinal cord injury, and other diseases. Some of the most promising approaches are cell therapies with the use of endogenous repair mechanisms, but also another direction might be provided with new exogenous cell therapies. The article outlines the general reasons for the difficulties in the brain repair and discusses the phenomenon of new neurons in the brain of adult animals and humans, in the context of physiology and the brain injury. Promising strategies with neural precursors in the Central Nervous System repair are presented. Finally, promising state-of-the-art approaches with not typical cell subtypes of neuronal and glial precursors from the brain transplantation therapies are presented

    Academic achievement and academic satisfaction as a function of person-environment fit

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    The purpose of this research was to determine whether the fit of a student with the residence hall environment affects the academic achievement and academic satisfaction of undergraduate students. The specific questions investigated were: (1) Does the group of person-environment fit measures predict academic achievement and academic satisfaction? (2) Which of the fit measures is the best predictor of academic achievement. (3) Which of the fit measures is the best predictor of academic satisfaction. (4) Is the fit measure that best predicts academic achievement and academic satisfaction for the sample the same for both sexes? Procedures. The data for this study were collected from a stratified random sample of 272 undergraduate college students living in university residence halls. The instruments consisted of Forms S and I of the University Residence Environment Survey (URES) and the Academic Satisfaction Survey, an instrument specifically designed for this study. Analyses were completed using the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSSX). Findings. The results of a multivariate multiple regression analysis found the group of person-environment fit variables yielding a significant relationship with academic achievement and satisfaction. When considered in a univariate fashion the person-environment fit variables significantly predicted academic achievement and the instruction portion of academic satisfaction. The best predictor of academic achievement was the actual discrepancy score while the best predictor of academic satisfaction was spilt with the ideal scale score best for the advising dimension and real scale score the best for the instruction dimension. There were some small yet significant differences in the best predictors for the entire sample when compared to the male and female portions of the sample. There was an absence of any significant predictors for the female portion of the sample

    Operations of Deutsche Börse and the role of the German stock exchange in relation to several European stock exchanges

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    This article analyzes the operation of the German stock exchange on the basis of applicable national regulations, directives of the European Parliament and the adopted manner of operation of the entity in accordance with the information contained on the official website of the stock exchange. The following part of the article presents a comparative analysis of fifteen European stock exchanges. The comparative criterion was the achieved results concerning the offered financial instruments. The study was conducted on the basis of data from the Federation of European Stock Exchanges covering the state at the end of January 2021
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