368 research outputs found

    What is it like to experience the loss of an adult child in old age?

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    Being bereaved of a child is one of the worst life events that can happen to a person. When the death happens as that person approaches very old age, at a time of life when other losses are common, the risks of mental and physical health problems, and even dying, increase. Despite this, relatively little else is known about the experience of losing a child in old age, and how older people understand and cope with their experience. As part of this narrative inquiry, three stories were produced which stand on their own to represent different experiences of bereaved older parents. The participants were UK-based and 79-82 years of age. All had lost their middle-aged son or daughter less than 2 years ago. Their stories are analysed in the light of the silencing effect of society’s preference for redemption and restoration narratives (Frank, 2010; McAdams, 2013) which act to deny the possibility of death. They are also examined in terms of the unique motivational perspective of an older parent heading into very old age. According to Stroebe and Schut’s (1999) Dual Process Model of Coping with Bereavement (DPM), people divide their attention between loss-oriented and restoration-oriented stressors (as well as having time off from both) in a process called oscillation. In recent years, the DPM has been modified to recognise both the importance of interpersonal factors (Stroebe and Schut, 2015) and overload (Stroebe and Schut, 2016) in bereavement. Despite the popular notion of old age as a time of quiet contemplation, these stories could be read as cries for help in this regard. Suggestions are made for further research

    Annotated article by Cruttenden to San Francisco Examiner, 30 September 1962

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    Article looks at the attitudes of Oxford, Mississippi residents to the arrival of federal marshals.https://egrove.olemiss.edu/west_union_med/1075/thumbnail.jp

    Annotated article by Cruttenden to San Francisco Examiner, 30 September 1962

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    The reporter recounts how he rented a student\u27s identification card for the day so he could access the barricaded campus at the University of Mississippi.https://egrove.olemiss.edu/west_union_med/1080/thumbnail.jp

    Stop Release in Polish English — Implications for Prosodic Constituency

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    Although there is little consensus on the relevance of non-contrastive allophonic processes in L2 speech acquisition, EFL pronunciation textbooks cover the suppression of stop release in coda position. The tendency for held stops in English is in stark opposition to a number of other languages, including Polish, in which plosive release is obligatory. This paper presents phonetic data on the acquisition of English unreleased stops by Polish learners. Results show that in addition to showing a tendency for the target language pattern of unreleased plosives, advanced learners may acquire more native-like VC formant transitions. From the functional perspective, languages with unreleased stops may be expected to have robust formant patterns on the final portion of the preceding vowel, which allow listeners to identify the final consonant when it lacks an audible release burst (see e.g. Wright 2004). From the perspective of syllabic positions, it may be said that ‘coda’ stops are obligatorily released in Polish, yet may be unreleased in English. Thus, the traditional term ‘coda’ is insufficient to describe the prosodic properties of post-vocalic stops in Polish and English. These differences may be captured in the Onset Prominence framework (Schwartz 2013). In languages with unreleased stops, the mechanism of submersion places post-vocalic stops at the bottom of the representational hierarchy where they may be subject to weakening. Submersion produces larger prosodic constituents and thus has phonological consequences beyond ‘coda’ behavior

    A Corpus-Based, Pilot Study of Lexical Stress Variation in American English

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    Phonological free variation describes the phenomenon of there being more than one pronunciation for a word without any change in meaning (e.g. because, schedule, vehicle). The term also applies to words that exhibit different stress patterns (e.g. academic, resources, comparable) with no change in meaning or grammatical category. A corpus-based analysis of free variation is a useful tool for testing the validity of surveys of speakers' pronunciation preferences for certain variants. The current paper presents the results of a corpus-based pilot study of American English, in an attempt to replicate Mompéan's 2009 study of British English

    Assimilation of Voicing in Czech Speakers of English: The Effect of the Degree of Accentedness

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    Czech and English are languages which differ with respect to the implementation of voicing. Unlike in English, there is a considerable agreement between phonological (systemic) and phonetic (actual) voicing in Czech, and, more importantly, the two languages have different strategies for the assimilation of voicing across the word boundary. The present study investigates the voicing in word-final obstruents in Czech speakers of English with the specific aim of ascertaining whether the degree of the speakers’ foreign accent correlates with the way they treat English obstruents in assimilatory contexts. L2 speakers, divided into three groups of varying accentedness, were examined employing categorization and a voicing profile method for establishing the presence/absence of voicing. The results suggest that speakers with a different degree of Czech accent do differ in their realization of voicing in the way predicted by a negative transfer of assimilatory habits from Czech

    Changes in Received Pronunciation: Diachronic Case Studies

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    This paper sets out to investigate changes and individual irregularities in the Received Pronunciation of a number of individuals over time and to compare them with the changes noted in contemporary RP in the literature. The aim of the study is to ascertain whether accent change affects individuals during their lifetimes or is only brought about by new generations of speakers accepting different pronunciations as the norm and effectively speaking with a different accent to older generations within their social circle. The variations/changes looked for were: CLOTH transfer, CURE lowering, GOAT allophony, R-sandhi, and T-voicing. The procedure of the study was to identify the presence or absence of these features in the speech of certain individuals in recordings made over a period of at least 35 years. The individuals studied were: Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, Baroness Thatcher, Sir David Attenborough and David Dimbleby. The results of these comparisons suggest that individual speakers are not greatly affected by changes in pronunciation taking place around them and generally stay with the preferred pronunciation of their youth. There are, however, cases where a general uncertainty amongst speakers of the accent, here found in CURE lowering, does influence the speech of individuals over time

    Coalescent Assimilation Across Wordboundaries in American English and in Polish English

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    Coalescent assimilation (CA), where alveolar obstruents /t, d, s, z/ in word-final position merge with word-initial /j/ to produce postalveolar /tʃ, dʒ, ʃ, ʒ/, is one of the most wellknown connected speech processes in English. Due to its commonness, CA has been discussed in numerous textbook descriptions of English pronunciation, and yet, upon comparing them it is difficult to get a clear picture of what factors make its application likely. This paper aims to investigate the application of CA in American English to see a) what factors increase the likelihood of its application for each of the four alveolar obstruents, and b) what is the allophonic realization of plosives /t, d/ if the CA does not apply. To do so, the Buckeye Corpus (Pitt et al. 2007) of spoken American English is analyzed quantitatively. As a second step, these results are compared with Polish English; statistics analogous to the ones listed above for American English are gathered for Polish English based on the PLEC corpus (Pęzik 2012). The last section focuses on what consequences for teaching based on a native speaker model the findings have. It is argued that a description of the phenomenon that reflects the behavior of speakers of American English more accurately than extant textbook accounts could be beneficial to the acquisition of these patterns