676 research outputs found

    MODELAD: Magnitude e data de ocorrência do nível máximo anual do rio Paraguai em Ladário.

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    No presente trabalho é descrito um modelo alternativo para elaborar cenários prováveis ou projeções da magnitude e da data de ocorrência dos picos anuais de cheia no Rio Paraguai em Ladário. O modelo da régua de Ladário (MODELAD) baseia-se em concepções de sistemas dinâmicos e em inferências estatísticas, pelas quais a capacidade de se estabelecer um cenário menos incerto de um estado futuro de um sistema não estacionário (não aleatório) e persistente (não volátil) depende do conhecimento prévio de relações plausíveis e mensuráveis entre variáveis-chave intrínsecas à dinâmica temporal da evolução do sistema.bitstream/CPAP/56636/1/BP79.pdfFormato eletrônico

    Wymagania kompetencyjne w pracy scouta

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    Publikacja współfinansowana w ramach projektu: „SCOUTING – aktywny system monitoringu i oceny potencjału rynkowego prac badawczych kluczem do współpracy nauki i przedsiębiorców” współfinansowanego ze środków Unii Europejskiej w ramach Europejskiego Funduszu Społeczneg


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    The research was conducted on a randomly chosen group of 916 students aged 16-18 in Lublin Province, Poland. The research was carried out in 2016 using the International Physical Activity Questionnaire, the extended version, and supplemented with additional questions regarding the students’ assessment of physical education lessons. The majority of students (77.4%) meet the requirements for a high level of physical activity, with the remaining 16.5% demonstrating moderate and only 6.1% − low level. There were no significant reductions of physical activity visible in the older age group, although in subsequent periods (in 16-18 year-olds), it was successively lower. The mean level of total physical activity in boys was 65566 MET[1] - min week, and it was significantly higher than in girls, i.e. 5345,5 MET-min/week. The vast majority of students (92.2%) participate in school physical education classes, and over 75% think that they like these activities. Students enrolled in physical education classes demonstrate a higher level of total physical activity (5960.5MET-min/week), in contrast to the non-participating ones (5637,2MET-min/week); however, no significant relationship has been found. Furthermore, it has been shown that girls and boys were willing to get involved in different physical activities. Apart from PE classes, boys would mainly get involved in football (23.2%), volleyball (15.5%), table tennis (13.0%), and swimming (12.5%). Girls would instead choose volleyball (14.7%), football (12.6%), swimming (9.4%) and gymnastics (8.9%). This favourable image of physical activity of students in the Polish schools in Lublin Province can contribute to the discussion of the place of physical activities in the modern school educational process

    Aplicação MEV Ambiental no estudo de afinidade/repelência à água na superfície de Salvinia auriculata.

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    Salvinia auriculata é uma planta aquática, pilosa, abundante no Pantanal brasileiro. Este estudo teve por objetivo avaliar suas capacidades hidrofílicas e superhidrofóbicas em microscopia eletrônica de varredura (MEV) no modo ambiental. Amostras da planta foram submetidas a uma dinâmica de pressão em baixo vácuo e baixas temperaturas. Com isso foi possível estudar a hidrofilicidade na porção terminal dos tricomas e a superhidrofobicidade responsável pela repelência da água, retenção de ar e pela capacidade autolimpante. Essas habilidades são importantes descobertas do Biomimetismo, e suas aplicabilidades se estendem de roupas de banho impermeáveis, tintas, vidros de veículos e placas solares autolimpantes, a redução da fricção de arrasto de transporte de fluidos e navios

    Excedente ecossistêmico e renovabilidade dos sistemas de produção em áreas úmidas.

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    Esse documento aborda o conceito de renovabilidade, ou seja, a quantidade de materiais e energia que o sistema produtivo utiliza, pois nos dias de hoje se busca que os sistemas produtivos sejam mais renováveis atendendo populações humanas de forma saudável e sustentável, diminuindo a dependência dos insumos derivados de petróleo. Também relaciona as atividades produtivas (pecuária e pesca) realizadas no Pantanal com um novo conceito de recurso renovável ? o excedente ecossistêmico - , onde ?um recurso renovável pode ser removido do sistema natural e utilizado em um sistema produtivo humano sem prejuízo à dinâmica do ecossistema do qual faz parte, visando à manutenção da biodiversidade e dos serviços ambientais?. Assim, esse trabalho pretende divulgar, a vários tipos de públicos, novos conceitos e formas de se pensar os sistemas produtivos do Pantanal que poderão estimular novas abordagens na pesquisa, no desenvolvimento e na inovação de ações que são fundamentais para se aumentar a eficiência no uso da produção dos ecossistemas naturais, onde as pessoas estão inseridas.bitstream/item/56430/1/DOC114-lancado.pd

    Diversity of Nutrition among Male and Female Ukrainian Students

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    Adequate nutrition is one of the most important factors of a good state of health. The objective of the study was recognition of the mode of nutrition and behaviours related with concern about silhouette among students from the Ukraine. Materials and Method. The study was conducted in 2013 among 2,125 students, including 1,291 females and 834 males, from 12 study specialties at the National University in Lutsk. The method of a diagnostic survey was applied with the use of a questionnaire. The study showed significant differences in the regularity of consumption of meals to the benefit of males. Females, in their behaviours, more frequently avoided eating, felt fear of gaining weight, and lost control over eating. With respect to behaviours related with concern about silhouette, females significantly more often applied exercises in order to reduce body weight, while males in order to gain body weight. A positive behaviour in both sexes was a trace application of drugs and other pharmacological means to improve own silhouette

    The Year of Study and the Physical Activity of Students of Selected Fields of Study at the State School of Higher Education in Biała Podlaska

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    The aim of the study was to analyze the level of physical activity of students of selected fields of study at Biała Podlaska University depending on the year of study. The study involved 450 people, studying at the first and second stages of education at the State School of Higher Education (PSW) in Biała Podlaska. In the study, a method of diagnostic survey was applied, with the use of the International Physical Activity Questionnaire IPAQ - short version. Based on the analysis it was concluded that the surveyed students were characterized by a moderate level of physical activity. The diversity of types of physical activity of students in relation to the year of study were statistically significant in terms of total activity, moderate activity and walking - in favor of students of the second year of undergraduate studies

    Greenhouse gas emissions mitigation in more sustainable agroecosystems in Cerrado.

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    In this work, we show that the transition to more sustainable rural production can mitigate greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by agroecosystems without compromising revenues, particularly in the Cerrado region.(Embrapa Gado de Corte. Documentos, 216). Coordenador Roberto Giolo de Almeida. II SIGEE. Disponível em: . Acesso em: 30 nov. 2016

    Por que a cachoeira da onça na serra da Bodoquena secou no verão de 2017?

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    bitstream/item/163409/1/ADM-162.pdfPublicado também em: Bonito notícias, Bonito, 27 de jun 2017