15 research outputs found

    LTR Retrotransposons in Fungi

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    Transposable elements with long terminal direct repeats (LTR TEs) are one of the best studied groups of mobile elements. They are ubiquitous elements present in almost all eukaryotic genomes. Their number and state of conservation can be a highlight of genome dynamics. We searched all published fungal genomes for LTR-containing retrotransposons, including both complete, functional elements and remnant copies. We identified a total of over 66,000 elements, all of which belong to the Ty1/Copia or Ty3/Gypsy superfamilies. Most of the detected Gypsy elements represent Chromoviridae, i.e. they carry a chromodomain in the pol ORF. We analyzed our data from a genome-ecology perspective, looking at the abundance of various types of LTR TEs in individual genomes and at the highest-copy element from each genome. The TE content is very variable among the analyzed genomes. Some genomes are very scarce in LTR TEs (<50 elements), others demonstrate huge expansions (>8000 elements). The data shows that transposon expansions in fungi usually involve an increase both in the copy number of individual elements and in the number of element types. The majority of the highest-copy TEs from all genomes are Ty3/Gypsy transposons. Phylogenetic analysis of these elements suggests that TE expansions have appeared independently of each other, in distant genomes and at different taxonomical levels. We also analyzed the evolutionary relationships between protein domains encoded by the transposon pol ORF and we found that the protease is the fastest evolving domain whereas reverse transcriptase and RNase H evolve much slower and in correlation with each other

    An enigma in the genetic responses of plants to salt stresses

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    Soil salinity is one of the main factors restricting crop production throughout the world. Various salt tolerance traits and the genes controlling these traits are responsible for coping with salinity stress in plants. These coping mechanisms include osmotic tolerance, ion exclusion, and tissue tolerance. Plants exposed to salinity stress sense the stress conditions, convey specific stimuli signals, and initiate responses against stress through the activation of tolerance mechanisms that include multiple genes and pathways. Advances in our understanding of the genetic responses of plants to salinity and their connections with yield improvement are essential for attaining sustainable agriculture. Although a wide range of studies have been conducted that demonstrate genetic variations in response to salinity stress, numerous questions need to be answered to fully understand plant tolerance to salt stress. This chapter provides an overview of previous studies on the genetic control of salinity stress in plants, including signaling, tolerance mechanisms, and the genes, pathways, and epigenetic regulators necessary for plant salinity tolerance

    Spatial and temporal alterations of gene expression in rice.

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    Two problems hampering efforts to produce salt-tolerant plants through constitutive expression of transgenes include: 1. Spatial control. Particular cell-types must respond specifically to salt stress to minimise the amount of Na⁺ delivered to the shoot; and, 2. Temporal control. Transgenes are typically expressed in plants at similar levels through time, irrespective of the stress encountered by the plant, which may exacerbate pleiotropic effects and means that, particularly in low-stress conditions, costly and/or detrimental metabolic processes may be active, thus reducing yield. To address these issues, Gateway® destination vector constructs were developed combining the GAL4 UAS (upstream activating sequence) with the ethanol-inducible gene expression system to drive inducible cell-specific expression of Na⁺ transporter transgenes (or to silence salt transporter transgenes inducibly and cell-specifically). Rice (Oryza sativa L. cv. Nipponbare) GAL4-GFP enhancer trap lines (Johnson et al., 2005: Plant J. 41, 779-789) that express GAL4 and GFP specifically in either the root epidermis or xylem parenchyma (and therefore ‘trap’ cell-type specific enhancer elements) were transformed with this GAL4 UAS – ethanol switch construct, thereby allowing both spatial and temporal control of transgenes. In preliminary experiments, the expression system successfully limited the expression of RFP to specific cell-types after induction with ethanol. Other genes expressed using this system include PpENA1, a Na⁺-extruding ATPase from the moss, Physcomitrella patens, and AtHKT1;1, a Na ⁺ transporter from Arabidopsis thaliana. The two enhancer trap rice lines were also transformed with the GAL4 UAS driving stable expression of AtHKT1;1 and PpENA1 specifically in root epidermal or xylem parenchyma cells. Expression of AtHKT1;1 in root epidermal cells reduced Na⁺ accumulation in the shoots, while expression in the root xylem parenchyma appeared to have little effect on shoot Na⁺ accumulation. Using cryo-scanning electron microscopy (SEM) X-ray microanalysis, the outer cells of the roots of the line expressing AtHKT1;1 in the epidermal cells were found to accumulate higher levels of Na⁺ than the parental enhancer trap line. Additionally, this line had decreased unidirectional ²²Na⁺ influx. Similar results were observed for plants expressing AtHKT1;1 driven by the CaMV 35SThesis (Ph.D.) -- University of Adelaide, School of Agriculture, Food and Wine, 200

    Na<sup>+ </sup>transport in glycophytic plants:what we know and would like to know

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    Soil salinity decreases the growth rate of plants and can severely limit the productivity of crop plants. The ability to tolerate salinity stress differs widely between species of plants as well as within species. As an important component of salinity tolerance, a better understanding of the mechanisms of Na(+) transport will assist in the development of plants with improved salinity tolerance and, importantly, might lead to increased yields from crop plants growing in challenging environments. This review summarizes the current understanding of the components of Na(+) transport in glycophytic plants, including those at the soil to root interface, transport of Na(+) to the xylem, control of Na(+) loading in the stele and partitioning of the accumulated Na(+) within the shoot and individual cells. Using this knowledge, strategies to modify Na(+) transport and engineer plant salinity tolerance, as well as areas of research which merit particular attention in order to further improve the understanding of salinity tolerance in plants, are discussed.Darren Craig Plett & Inge Skrumsager Mølle

    Pastures and climate extremes : impacts of cool season warming and drought on the productivity of key pasture species in a field experiment

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    Shifts in the timing, intensity and/or frequency of climate extremes, such as severe drought and heatwaves, can generate sustained shifts in ecosystem function with important ecological and economic impacts for rangelands and managed pastures. The Pastures and Climate Extremes experiment (PACE) in Southeast Australia was designed to investigate the impacts of a severe winter/spring drought (60% rainfall reduction) and, for a subset of species, a factorial combination of drought and elevated temperature (ambient +3°C) on pasture productivity. The experiment included nine common pasture and Australian rangeland species from three plant functional groups (C(3) grasses, C(4) grasses and legumes) planted in monoculture. Winter/spring drought resulted in productivity declines of 45% on average and up to 74% for the most affected species (Digitaria eriantha) during the 6-month treatment period, with eight of the nine species exhibiting significant yield reductions. Despite considerable variation in species’ sensitivity to drought, C(4) grasses were more strongly affected by this treatment than C(3) grasses or legumes. Warming also had negative effects on cool-season productivity, associated at least partially with exceedance of optimum growth temperatures in spring and indirect effects on soil water content. The combination of winter/spring drought and year-round warming resulted in the greatest yield reductions. We identified responses that were either additive (Festuca), or less-than-additive (Medicago), where warming reduced the magnitude of drought effects. Results from this study highlight the sensitivity of diverse pasture species to increases in winter and spring drought severity similar to those predicted for this region, and that anticipated benefits of cool-season warming are unlikely to be realized. Overall, the substantial negative impacts on productivity suggest that future, warmer, drier climates will result in shortfalls in cool-season forage availability, with profound implications for the livestock industry and natural grazer communities

    The genome of the extremophile crucifer Thellungiella parvula

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    Thellungiella parvula(1) is related to Arabidopsis thaliana and is endemic to saline, resource-poor habitats(2), making it a model for the evolution of plant adaptation to extreme environments. Here we present the draft genome for this extremophile species. Exclusively by next generation sequencing, we obtained the de novo assembled genome in 1,496 gap-free contigs, closely approximating the estimated genome size of 140 Mb. We anchored these contigs to seven pseudo chromosomes without the use of maps. We show that short reads can be assembled to a near-complete chromosome level for a eukaryotic species lacking prior genetic information. The sequence identifies a number of tandem duplications that, by the nature of the duplicated genes, suggest a possible basis for T. parvula’s extremophile lifestyle. Our results provide essential background for developing genomically influenced testable hypotheses for the evolution of environmental stress tolerance