672 research outputs found

    Regulation of Caenorhabditis elegans p53/CEP-1–Dependent Germ Cell Apoptosis by Ras/MAPK Signaling

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    Maintaining genome stability in the germline is thought to be an evolutionarily ancient role of the p53 family. The sole Caenorhabditis elegans p53 family member CEP-1 is required for apoptosis induction in meiotic, late-stage pachytene germ cells in response to DNA damage and meiotic recombination failure. In an unbiased genetic screen for negative regulators of CEP-1, we found that increased activation of the C. elegans ERK orthologue MPK-1, resulting from either loss of the lip-1 phosphatase or activation of let-60 Ras, results in enhanced cep-1–dependent DNA damage induced apoptosis. We further show that MPK-1 is required for DNA damage–induced germ cell apoptosis. We provide evidence that MPK-1 signaling regulates the apoptotic competency of germ cells by restricting CEP-1 protein expression to cells in late pachytene. Restricting CEP-1 expression to cells in late pachytene is thought to ensure that apoptosis doesn't occur in earlier-stage cells where meiotic recombination occurs. MPK-1 signaling regulates CEP-1 expression in part by regulating the levels of GLD-1, a translational repressor of CEP-1, but also via a GLD-1–independent mechanism. In addition, we show that MPK-1 is phosphorylated and activated upon ionising radiation (IR) in late pachytene germ cells and that MPK-1–dependent CEP-1 activation may be in part direct, as these two proteins interact in a yeast two-hybrid assay. In summary, we report our novel finding that MAP kinase signaling controls CEP-1–dependent apoptosis by several different pathways that converge on CEP-1. Since apoptosis is also restricted to pachytene stage cells in mammalian germlines, analogous mechanisms regulating p53 family members are likely to be conserved throughout evolution

    Emission-Line Properties of z > 4 Quasars

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    We present results of a program of high signal-to-noise spectroscopy for 44 QSOs at redshifts > 4 using the MMT and Keck observatories. The quasar spectra cover 1100 -- 1700 A in the rest frame for sources spanning a luminosity range of approximately 2 orders of magnitude. Comparisons between these data and spectra of lower redshift quasars reveal a high degree of similarity, although differences are present in the profiles and the strengths of some emission features. An examination of the luminosity dependence of the emission lines reveals evidence for a weak or absent Baldwin effect among z > 4 QSOs. We compare measurements for objects in our sample with results from other high redshift surveys characterized by different selection techniques. Distributions of equivalent widths for these different ensembles are consistent with a common parent population, suggesting that our sample is not strongly biased, or in any case, subject to selection effects that are not significantly different from other surveys, including the Sloan Digital Sky Survey. Based on this comparison, we tentatively conclude that the trends identified here are representative of high z QSOs. In particular, the data bolster indications of supersolar metallicities in these luminous, high-z sources, which support scenarios that assume substantial star formation at epochs preceding or concurrent with the QSO phenomena.Comment: 26 pages (incl. 9 figures), AASTeX v5.0, to appear in The Astrophysical Journa

    The Fire and Smoke Model Evaluation Experiment—A Plan for Integrated, Large Fire–Atmosphere Field Campaigns

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    The Fire and Smoke Model Evaluation Experiment (FASMEE) is designed to collect integrated observations from large wildland fires and provide evaluation datasets for new models and operational systems. Wildland fire, smoke dispersion, and atmospheric chemistry models have become more sophisticated, and next-generation operational models will require evaluation datasets that are coordinated and comprehensive for their evaluation and advancement. Integrated measurements are required, including ground-based observations of fuels and fire behavior, estimates of fire-emitted heat and emissions fluxes, and observations of near-source micrometeorology, plume properties, smoke dispersion, and atmospheric chemistry. To address these requirements the FASMEE campaign design includes a study plan to guide the suite of required measurements in forested sites representative of many prescribed burning programs in the southeastern United States and increasingly common high-intensity fires in the western United States. Here we provide an overview of the proposed experiment and recommendations for key measurements. The FASMEE study provides a template for additional large-scale experimental campaigns to advance fire science and operational fire and smoke models

    Provenance of Cretaceous through Eocene strata of the Four Corners region: Insights from detrital zircons in the San Juan Basin, New Mexico and Colorado

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    Cretaceous through Eocene strata of the Four Corners region provide an excellent record of changes in sediment provenance from Sevier thin-skinned thrusting through the formation of Laramide block uplifts and intra-foreland basins. During the ca. 125–50 Ma timespan, the San Juan Basin was flanked by the Sevier thrust belt to the west, the Mogollon highlands rift shoulder to the southwest, and was influenced by (ca. 75–50 Ma) Laramide tectonism, ultimately preserving a >6000 ft (>2000 m) sequence of continental, marginal-marine, and offshore marine sediments. In order to decipher the influences of these tectonic features on sediment delivery to the area, we evaluated 3228 U-Pb laser analyses from 32 detrital-zircon samples from across the entire San Juan Basin, of which 1520 analyses from 16 samples are newly reported herein. The detrital-zircon results indicate four stratigraphic intervals with internally consistent age peaks: (1) Lower Cretaceous Burro Canyon Formation, (2) Turonian (93.9–89.8 Ma) Gallup Sandstone through Campanian (83.6–72.1 Ma) Lewis Shale, (3) Campanian Pictured Cliffs Sandstone through Campanian Fruitland Formation, and (4) Campanian Kirtland Sandstone through Lower Eocene (56.0–47.8 Ma) San Jose Formation. Statistical analysis of the detrital-zircon results, in conjunction with paleocurrent data, reveals three distinct changes in sediment provenance. The first transition, between the Burro Canyon Formation and the Gallup Sandstone, reflects a change from predominantly reworked sediment from the Sevier thrust front, including uplifted Paleozoic sediments and Mesozoic eolian sandstones, to a mixed signature indicating both Sevier and Mogollon derivation. Deposition of the Pictured Cliffs Sandstone at ca. 75 Ma marks the beginning of the second transition and is indicated by the spate of near-depositional-age zircons, likely derived from the Laramide porphyry copper province of southern Arizona and southwestern New Mexico. Paleoflow indicators suggest the third change in provenance was complete by 65 Ma as recorded by the deposition of the Paleocene Ojo Alamo Sandstone. However, our new U-Pb detrital-zircon results indicate this transition initiated ∼8 m.y. earlier during deposition of the Campanian Kirtland Formation beginning ca. 73 Ma. This final change in provenance is interpreted to reflect the unroofing of surrounding Laramide basement blocks and a switch to local derivation. At this time, sediment entering the San Juan Basin was largely being generated from the nearby San Juan Mountains to the north-northwest, including uplift associated with early phases of Colorado mineral belt magmatism. Thus, the detrital-zircon spectra in the San Juan Basin document the transition from initial reworking of the Paleozoic and Mesozoic cratonal blanket to unroofing of distant basement-cored uplifts and Laramide plutonic rocks, then to more local Laramide uplifts.National Science Foundation (NSF grant EAR-1649254

    Integrated Active Fire Retrievals and Biomass Burning Emissions Using Complementary Near-Coincident Ground, Airborne and Spaceborne Sensor Data

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    Ground, airborne and spaceborne data were collected for a 450 ha prescribed fire implemented on 18 October 2011 at the Henry W. Coe State Park in California. The integration of various data elements allowed near coincident active fire retrievals to be estimated. The Autonomous Modular Sensor-Wildfire (AMS) airborne multispectral imaging system was used as a bridge between ground and spaceborne data sets providing high quality reference information to support satellite fire retrieval error analyses and fire emissions estimates. We found excellent agreement between peak fire radiant heat flux data (less than 1% error) derived from near-coincident ground radiometers and AMS. Both MODIS and GOES imager active fire products were negatively influenced by the presence of thick smoke, which was misclassified as cloud by their algorithms, leading to the omission of fire pixels beneath the smoke, and resulting in the underestimation of their retrieved fire radiative power (FRP) values for the burn plot, compared to the reference airborne data. Agreement between airborne and spaceborne FRP data improved significantly after correction for omission errors and atmospheric attenuation, resulting in as low as 5 difference between AquaMODIS and AMS. Use of in situ fuel and fire energy estimates in combination with a collection of AMS, MODIS, and GOES FRP retrievals provided a fuel consumption factor of 0.261 kg per MJ, total energy release of 14.5 x 10(exp 6) MJ, and total fuel consumption of 3.8 x 10(exp 6) kg. Fire emissions were calculated using two separate techniques, resulting in as low as 15 difference for various specie

    Prevention of Catheter-Related Blood Stream Infection: Back to Basics?

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    Background: Central venous catheter (CVC)-related infections are a substantial problem in the intensive care unit (ICU). Our infection control team initiated the routine use of antiseptic-coated (chlorhexidine-silver sulfadiazine; Chx-SS) CVCs in our adult ICUs to reduce catheter-associated (CA) and catheter-related (CR) blood stream infection (BSI) as we implemented other educational and best practice standardization strategies. Prior randomized studies documented that the use of Chx-SS catheters reduces microbial colonization of the catheter compared with an uncoated standard (Std) CVC but does not reduce CR-BSI. We therefore implemented the routine use of uncoated Std CVCs in our surgical ICU (SICU) and examined the impact of this change. Hypothesis: The use of uncoated Std CVCs does not increase CR-BSI rate in an SICU. Methods: Prospective evaluation of universal use of uncoated Std CVCs, implemented November 2007 in the SICU. The incidences of CA-BSI and CR-BSI were compared during November 2006-October 2007 (universal use of Chx-SS CVCs) and November 2007-October 2008 (universal use of Std CVCs) by t-test. The definitions of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention were used for CA-BSI and CR-BSI. Patient data were collected via a dedicated Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation (APACHE) III coordinator for the SICU. Results: Annual use of CVCs increased significantly in the last six years, from 3,543 (2001) to 5,799 (2006) total days. The APACHE III scores on day 1 increased from a mean of 54.4 in 2004 to 55.6 in 2008 (p = 0.0010; 95% confidence interval [CI] 1.29-5.13). The mean age of the patients was unchanged over this period, ranging from 58.2 to 59.6 years. The Chx-SS catheters were implemented in the SICU in 2002. Data regarding the specific incidence of CR-BSI were collected beginning at the end of 2005, with mandatory catheter tip cultures when CVCs were removed. Little difference was identified in the incidence of BSI between the interval with universal Chx-SS use and that with Std CVC use. (Total BSI 0.7 vs. 0.8 per 1,000 catheter days; CA-BSI 0.5 vs. 0.8 per 1,000 catheter days; CR-BSI 0.2 vs. 0 per 1,000 catheter days.) No difference was seen in the causative pathogens of CA-BSI or CR-BSI. Conclusion: Eliminating the universal use of Chx-SS-coated CVCs in an SICU with a low background incidence of CR-BSIs did not result in an increase in the rate of CR-BSIs. This study documents the greater importance of adherence to standardization of the processes of care related to CVC placement than of coated CVC use in the reduction of CR-BSI.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/90456/1/sur-2E2009-2E082.pd

    Optimization of canopy conductance models from concurrent measurements of sap flow and stem water potential on Drooping Sheoak in South Australia

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    This project is supported by National Centre for Groundwater Research and Training (NCGRT, Australia). The first author is supported by China Scholarship Council and NCGRT for his PhD study at Flinders University of South Australia. Xiang Xu and Yunhui Guo provided assistance in the field. Constructive comments and suggestion from three anonymous reviewers significantly improve the manuscript. This article also appears in: Patterns in Soil-Vegetation-Atmosphere Systems: Monitoring, Modelling and Data Assimilation.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Population mixing, socioeconomic status and incidence of childhood acute lymphoblastic leukaemia in England and Wales: analysis by census ward

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    In this population-based study of acute lymphoblastic leukaemia (ALL) diagnosed among children aged under 15 years in England and Wales during 1986–1995, we analysed incidence at census ward level in relation to a range of variables from the 1991 census, which could be relevant to theories of infectious aetiology. ‘Population-mixing' measures, used as surrogates for quantity and diversity of infections entering the community, were calculated from census data on the origins and destinations of migrants in the year before the census. Incidence at ages 1–4 years tended independently to be higher in rural wards, to increase with the diversity of origin wards from which in-migrants had moved during the year before the census, and to be lower in the most deprived areas as categorised by the Carstairs index. This last association was much weaker when urban/rural status and in-migrants' diversity were allowed for. There was no evidence of association with population mixing or deprivation for ALL diagnosed at ages 0 or 5–14 years. The apparent specificity to the young childhood age group suggests that these associations are particularly marked for precursor B-cell ALL, with the disease more likely to occur when delayed exposure to infection leads to increased immunological stress, as predicted by Greaves. The association with diversity of incomers, especially in rural areas, is also consistent with the higher incidence of leukaemia predicted by Kinlen, where population mixing results in below average herd immunity to an infectious agent