193 research outputs found

    Iron deposition and inflammation in multiple sclerosis. Which one comes first?

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    Whether iron deposition is an epiphenomenon of the multiple sclerosis (MS) disease process or may play a primary role in triggering inflammation and disease development remains unclear at this time, and should be studied at the early stages of disease pathogenesis. However, it is difficult to study the relationship between iron deposition and inflammation in early MS due to the delay between the onset of symptoms and diagnosis, and the poor availability of tissue specimens. In a recent article published in BMC Neuroscience, Williams et al. investigated the relationship between inflammation and iron deposition using an original animal model labeled as "cerebral experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis", which develops CNS perivascular iron deposits. However, the relative contribution of iron deposition vs. inflammation in the pathogenesis and progression of MS remains unknown. Further studies should establish the association between inflammation, reduced blood flow, iron deposition, microglia activation and neurodegeneration. Creating a representative animal model that can study independently such relationship will be the key factor in this endeavor

    Principal components analysis based control of a multi-dof underactuated prosthetic hand

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Functionality, controllability and cosmetics are the key issues to be addressed in order to accomplish a successful functional substitution of the human hand by means of a prosthesis. Not only the prosthesis should duplicate the human hand in shape, functionality, sensorization, perception and sense of body-belonging, but it should also be controlled as the natural one, in the most intuitive and undemanding way. At present, prosthetic hands are controlled by means of non-invasive interfaces based on electromyography (EMG). Driving a multi degrees of freedom (DoF) hand for achieving hand dexterity implies to selectively modulate many different EMG signals in order to make each joint move independently, and this could require significant cognitive effort to the user.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>A Principal Components Analysis (PCA) based algorithm is used to drive a 16 DoFs underactuated prosthetic hand prototype (called CyberHand) with a two dimensional control input, in order to perform the three prehensile forms mostly used in Activities of Daily Living (ADLs). Such Principal Components set has been derived directly from the artificial hand by collecting its sensory data while performing 50 different grasps, and subsequently used for control.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Trials have shown that two independent input signals can be successfully used to control the posture of a real robotic hand and that correct grasps (in terms of involved fingers, stability and posture) may be achieved.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>This work demonstrates the effectiveness of a bio-inspired system successfully conjugating the advantages of an underactuated, anthropomorphic hand with a PCA-based control strategy, and opens up promising possibilities for the development of an intuitively controllable hand prosthesis.</p

    Multiscale computational analysis of the bioelectric consequences of myocardial ischaemia and infarction

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    [EN] Ischaemic heart disease is considered as the single most frequent cause of death, provoking more than 7 000 000 deaths every year worldwide. A high percentage of patients experience sudden cardiac death, caused in most cases by tachyarrhythmic mechanisms associated to myocardial ischaemia and infarction. These diseases are difficult to study using solely experimental means due to their complex dynamics and unstable nature. In the past decades, integrative computational simulation techniques have become a powerful tool to complement experimental and clinical research when trying to elucidate the intimate mechanisms of ischaemic electrophysiological processes and to aid the clinician in the improvement and optimization of therapeutic procedures. The purpose of this paper is to briefly review some of the multiscale computational models of myocardial ischaemia and infarction developed in the past 20 years, ranging from the cellular level to whole-heart simulations.This work was partially supported by the 'VI Plan Nacional de Investigacion Cientifica, Desarrollo e Innovacion Tecnologica' from the Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad of Spain (grant number TIN2012-37546-C03-01) and the European Commission (European Regional Development Funds-ERDF-FEDER), and by the Direccion General de Politica Cientifica de la Generalitat Valenciana (grant number GV/2013/119).Ferrero De Loma-Osorio, JM.; Trénor Gomis, BA.; Romero Pérez, L. (2014). Multiscale computational analysis of the bioelectric consequences of myocardial ischaemia and infarction. EP-Europace. 16(3):405-415. https://doi.org/10.1093/europace/eut405S40541516

    Cognitive vision system for control of dexterous prosthetic hands: Experimental evaluation

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Dexterous prosthetic hands that were developed recently, such as SmartHand and i-LIMB, are highly sophisticated; they have individually controllable fingers and the thumb that is able to abduct/adduct. This flexibility allows implementation of many different grasping strategies, but also requires new control algorithms that can exploit the many degrees of freedom available. The current study presents and tests the operation of a new control method for dexterous prosthetic hands.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>The central component of the proposed method is an autonomous controller comprising a vision system with rule-based reasoning mounted on a dexterous hand (CyberHand). The controller, termed cognitive vision system (CVS), mimics biological control and generates commands for prehension. The CVS was integrated into a hierarchical control structure: 1) the user triggers the system and controls the orientation of the hand; 2) a high-level controller automatically selects the grasp type and size; and 3) an embedded hand controller implements the selected grasp using closed-loop position/force control. The operation of the control system was tested in 13 healthy subjects who used Cyberhand, attached to the forearm, to grasp and transport 18 objects placed at two different distances.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The system correctly estimated grasp type and size (nine commands in total) in about 84% of the trials. In an additional 6% of the trials, the grasp type and/or size were different from the optimal ones, but they were still good enough for the grasp to be successful. If the control task was simplified by decreasing the number of possible commands, the classification accuracy increased (e.g., 93% for guessing the grasp type only).</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The original outcome of this research is a novel controller empowered by vision and reasoning and capable of high-level analysis (i.e., determining object properties) and autonomous decision making (i.e., selecting the grasp type and size). The automatic control eases the burden from the user and, as a result, the user can concentrate on what he/she does, not on how he/she should do it. The tests showed that the performance of the controller was satisfactory and that the users were able to operate the system with minimal prior training.</p

    Custom CGH array profiling of copy number variations (CNVs) on chromosome 6p21.32 (HLA locus) in patients with venous malformations associated with multiple sclerosis

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a complex disorder thought to result from an interaction between environmental and genetic predisposing factors which have not yet been characterised, although it is known to be associated with the HLA region on 6p21.32. Recently, a picture of chronic cerebrospinal venous insufficiency (CCSVI), consequent to stenosing venous malformation of the main extra-cranial outflow routes (VM), has been described in patients affected with MS, introducing an additional phenotype with possible pathogenic significance.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>In order to explore the presence of copy number variations (CNVs) within the HLA locus, a custom CGH array was designed to cover 7 Mb of the HLA locus region (6,899,999 bp; chr6:29,900,001-36,800,000). Genomic DNA of the 15 patients with CCSVI/VM and MS was hybridised in duplicate.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>In total, 322 CNVs, of which 225 were extragenic and 97 intragenic, were identified in 15 patients. 234 known polymorphic CNVs were detected, the majority of these being situated in non-coding or extragenic regions. The overall number of CNVs (both extra- and intragenic) showed a robust and significant correlation with the number of stenosing VMs (Spearman: r = 0.6590, p = 0.0104; linear regression analysis r = 0.6577, p = 0.0106).</p> <p>The region we analysed contains 211 known genes. By using pathway analysis focused on angiogenesis and venous development, MS, and immunity, we tentatively highlight several genes as possible susceptibility factor candidates involved in this peculiar phenotype.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The CNVs contained in the HLA locus region in patients with the novel phenotype of CCSVI/VM and MS were mapped in detail, demonstrating a significant correlation between the number of known CNVs found in the HLA region and the number of CCSVI-VMs identified in patients. Pathway analysis revealed common routes of interaction of several of the genes involved in angiogenesis and immunity contained within this region. Despite the small sample size in this pilot study, it does suggest that the number of multiple polymorphic CNVs in the HLA locus deserves further study, owing to their possible involvement in susceptibility to this novel MS/VM plus phenotype, and perhaps even other types of the disease.</p

    Arrhythmogenic Mechanisms in Heart Failure: Linking β-Adrenergic Stimulation, Stretch, and Calcium

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    Heart failure (HF) is associated with elevated sympathetic tone and mechanical load. Both systems activate signaling transduction pathways that increase cardiac output, but eventually become part of the disease process itself leading to further worsening of cardiac function. These alterations can adversely contribute to electrical instability, at least in part due to the modulation of Ca2+ handling at the level of the single cardiac myocyte. The major aim of this review is to provide a definitive overview of the links and cross talk between β-adrenergic stimulation, mechanical load, and arrhythmogenesis in the setting of HF. We will initially review the role of Ca2+ in the induction of both early and delayed afterdepolarizations, the role that β-adrenergic stimulation plays in the initiation of these and how the propensity for these may be altered in HF. We will then go onto reviewing the current data with regards to the link between mechanical load and afterdepolarizations, the associated mechano-sensitivity of the ryanodine receptor and other stretch activated channels that may be associated with HF-associated arrhythmias. Furthermore, we will discuss how alterations in local Ca2+ microdomains during the remodeling process associated the HF may contribute to the increased disposition for β-adrenergic or stretch induced arrhythmogenic triggers. Finally, the potential mechanisms linking β-adrenergic stimulation and mechanical stretch will be clarified, with the aim of finding common modalities of arrhythmogenesis that could be targeted by novel therapeutic agents in the setting of HF