55 research outputs found

    Willingness-to-pay for a probabilistic flood forecast: a risk-based decision-making game

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    Probabilistic hydro-meteorological forecasts have over the last decades been used more frequently to communicate forecastuncertainty. This uncertainty is twofold, as it constitutes both an added value and a challenge for the forecaster and the user of the forecasts. Many authors have demonstrated the added (economic) value of probabilistic over deterministic forecasts across the water sector (e.g. flood protection, hydroelectric power management and navigation). However, the richness of the information is also a source of challenges for operational uses, due partially to the difficulty to transform the probability of occurrence of an event into a binary decision. This paper presents the results of a risk-based decision-making game on the topic of flood protection mitigation, called “How much are you prepared to pay for a forecast?”. The game was played at several workshops in 2015, which were attended by operational forecasters and academics working in the field of hydrometeorology. The aim of this game was to better understand the role of probabilistic forecasts in decision-making processes and their perceived value by decision-makers. Based on the participants’ willingness-to-pay for a forecast, the results of the game show that the value (or the usefulness) of a forecast depends on several factors, including the way users perceive the quality of their forecasts and link it to the perception of their own performances as decision-makers

    Genome-wide analysis reveals no evidence of trans chromosomal regulation of mammalian immune development.

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    It has been proposed that interactions between mammalian chromosomes, or transchromosomal interactions (also known as kissing chromosomes), regulate gene expression and cell fate determination. Here we aimed to identify novel transchromosomal interactions in immune cells by high-resolution genome-wide chromosome conformation capture. Although we readily identified stable interactions in cis, and also between centromeres and telomeres on different chromosomes, surprisingly we identified no gene regulatory transchromosomal interactions in either mouse or human cells, including previously described interactions. We suggest that advances in the chromosome conformation capture technique and the unbiased nature of this approach allow more reliable capture of interactions between chromosomes than previous methods. Overall our findings suggest that stable transchromosomal interactions that regulate gene expression are not present in mammalian immune cells and that lineage identity is governed by cis, not trans chromosomal interactions

    Variation of Sidewall Passivation on Sub-um Selectively Grown Ge-on-Si Devices Towards Single Photon Avalanche Detectors

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    Developing single photon avalanche diodes (SPADs) at short-wave infrared (SWIR) wavelengths beyond 1000 nm has attracted interest lately. Numerous quantum technology applications such as light detection and ranging (LIDAR), imaging through obscurants and quantum communications require sensitivity in this region. In quantum communications, operation at the telecoms wavelengths of 1310 nm and 1550 nm is essential. Ge-on-Si SPADs offer potential for lower afterpulsing and higher single photon detection efficiencies in the SWIR in comparison with InGaAs/InP SPADs, at a lower cost due to Si foundry compatibility. In this study, Ge-on-Si devices are fabricated on silicon-on-insulator (SOI) substrates, with a separate absorption, charge and multiplication layer (SACM) geometry and a lateral Si multiplication region. This Si foundry compatible process will allow for future integration with Si waveguides and optical fibres. The Ge is selectively grown inside sub-μm wide SiO2 trenches, reducing the threading dislocation in comparison with bulk Ge; a typical process for integrated Ge detectors. Here we deliberately exposed Ge sidewalls with an etch-back technique, to allow a passivation comparison not normally carried out in selectively grown devices planarised by chemical-mechanical polishing. Reduced dark currents are demonstrated using thermal GeO2 passivation in comparison to plasma-enhanced chemical-vapourdeposition SiO2. The improved passivation performance of GeO2 is verified by activation energy extraction and density of interface trap (Dit) calculations obtained from temperature-dependent capacitance-voltage (CV) and conductance-voltage (GV) measurements. This highlights the benefit of optimal surface passivation on sub-μm wide selectively grown Ge-on-SOI photodetector devices, potentially critical for waveguide integrated SPADs

    Decoupling the dark count rate contributions in Ge-on-Si single photon avalanche diodes

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    Single Photon Avalanche Diodes (SPADs) are semiconductor devices capable of accurately timing the arrival of single photons of light. Previously, we have demonstrated a pseudo-planar Ge-on-Si SPAD that operates in the short-wave infrared, which can be compatible with Si foundry processing. Here, we investigate the pseudo-planar design with simulation and experiment to establish the spatial contributions to the dark-count rate, which will ultimately facilitate optimisation towards operation at temperatures compatible with Peltier cooler technologies

    Simulation and Design Optimization of Germanium-on-Silicon Single Photon Avalanche Diodes

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    Single photon avalanche diodes (SPADs) are semiconductor photodiode detectors capable of detecting individual photons, typically with sub-ns precision timing. We have previously demonstrated novel pseudo-planar germanium-on-silicon SPADs with absorption into the short-wave infrared, which promise lower costs and potentially easier CMOS integration compared to III-V SPADs. Here we have simulated the dark count rate of these devices, using a custom solver for McIntyre’s avalanche model and a trap assisted tunnelling generation model. Calibration and fitting have been performed using experimental data and the results have highlighted areas in which the technology can be optimised