177 research outputs found

    Barcelone : écrire la marge, traduire en marge

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    Barcelona was chosen as the key geographic centre of interest in this paper not for its own sake but because its social, architectural and mythical topography exemplifies perfectly the ambiguous or even paradoxical position of translation in relation to the "original" text and the "source" language: is its location marginal (commentary, digression or appendix) or is it "central" in the sense that it reveals the core or matrix of the text translated? Barcelona, with its obscure Raval (suburb) at its centre, as the Id in Freudian psychic topography, translates itself outwards in successive layers of repression and return of the repressed. Both Mandiargues and Mendoza show this very well in their respective novels. But also the linguistic dualities of Barcelona exhibit a particular in-betweenness of discourse regimes and status (prose and poetry, for example), similar to that of translation

    Remains, Rests and Left-Overs, or the Negative Productivity of Translation

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    Toda la historia de las teorías de la traducción literaria indica que sus principales conceptos e incluso muchas de sus prácticas están a menudo a la vez animados y arruinados por una negatividad fundamental, trátese de la ilegitimidad del traducir, de su impertinencia, de su imposibilidad o de sus múltiples dificultades y carencias. ¿Qué es lo que motiva estas críticas, autoacusaciones y congojas? Y los pecados, las faltas, las omisiones, los excesos, todo lo que queda aparte, condenado, olvidado o descartado en el proceso de traducción llevado a cabo no solamente por los traductores profesionales, sino por cualquier lector en búsqueda de sentido, ¿qué deviene todo esto al fin del día? ¿Cómo se recicla, o no? ¿No sería un valor añadido? ¿La huella de lo reprimido que intenta retornar? Estos temas son los que se indagan aquí después de dar una sumaria descripción de tres tipos de visiones de la traducción literaria en general: la noción hermenéutica, el traducir como transporte y una noción dialógica y conversacional, la que acaso puede dar cuenta mejor de los procesos de lectura y de producción de sentido y emociones que interesan al estudioso comparatista.Toda la historia de las teorías de la traducción literaria indica que sus principales conceptos e incluso muchas de sus prácticas están a menudo a la vez animados y arruinados por una negatividad fundamental, trátese de la ilegitimidad del traducir, de su impertinencia, de su imposibilidad o de sus múltiples dificultades y carencias. ¿Qué es lo que motiva estas críticas, autoacusaciones y congojas? Y los pecados, las faltas, las omisiones, los excesos, todo lo que queda aparte, condenado, olvidado o descartado en el proceso de traducción llevado a cabo no solamente por los traductores profesionales, sino por cualquier lector en búsqueda de sentido, ¿qué deviene todo esto al fin del día? ¿Cómo se recicla, o no? ¿No sería un valor añadido? ¿La huella de lo reprimido que intenta retornar? Estos temas son los que se indagan aquí después de dar una sumaria descripción de tres tipos de visiones de la traducción literaria en general: la noción hermenéutica, el traducir como transporte y una noción dialógica y conversacional, la que acaso puede dar cuenta mejor de los procesos de lectura y de producción de sentido y emociones que interesan al estudioso comparatista.The entire history of the theories of literary translation reveals that its main concepts and even many aspects of its practice are often at once determined and undermined by a fundamental negativity, be it its deficit of legitimacy and relevance, its impossibility or its multiple problems and deficiencies. What are the motivations of such critiques, self-indictments and other complaints? And what about the sins, errors, omissions, excesses, all that is left behind or on the roadside, condemned, forgotten or rejected in the translation processes carried out not only by professional translators, but also by any reader in quest of meaning? What does it all become at the end of the day? How is it recycled, or not? Could it not be added value? The traces of the repressed that tries to return? These are the questions studied here after a summary description of three visions of literary translation at large: the hermeneutic notion, translating as transport and a dialogic-conversational notion, one that is likely to represent and explain reading processes and manners of producing meaning and emotions that are of interest to the comparatist scholar

    El poema en lengua babélica de Bernardo Schiavetta

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    Desde 2001 Schiavetta publica regularmente versiones del Almiraphel, un work in progress que habla babélicamente de Babel; la obra es una larga versión multilingüe (en más de 60 idiomas) de su antiguo poema “Prosopopeïa”. Como éste último, el Almiraphel es la glosa de un verso del Inferno (XXXI, 67) en el cual Dante inventa una frase sin sentido pronunciada por el constructor de la Torre de Babel, el gigante Nemrod, condenado a hablar un idioma (ficticio) que nadie puede comprender. La lengua babélica imaginaria de Schiavetta es un collage de más de cien citas rigurosamente referenciadas, collage realizado por un hetéronimo gran políglota (el autor ideal del poema). Este artículo interroga los diferentes procedimientos de composición del Almiraphel.Schiavetta publie régulièrement, depuis 2001, de nouvelles versions de l’Almiraphel, un work in progress qui parle babéliennement de Babel. L’œuvre est une longue version multilingue (en plus de 60 langues) de son ancien poème “Prosopopeïa”. À l’instar de ce dernier, l’Almiraphel est la glose (forme fixe poétique, la « glosa española ») d’un vers de l’Enfer (XXXI, 67) qui, selon Dante, ne peut avoir aucun sens pour nous. Elle est prononcée par le constructeur de la Tour de Babel, le géant Nemrod, condamné à parler une langue (imaginaire) que personne ne peut comprendre. La langue babélienne imaginaire de Schiavetta est un collage de plus de cent citations rigoureusement référencées, collage réalisé par un hétéronyme grand polyglotte (l’auteur idéal du poème). Cet article interroge les différents procédés de composition de l’Almiraphel.From 2001 onwards Schiavetta has published different printed and online versions of his work in progress, a multilingual text on Babel, Almiraphel. It is a patchwork or cento of quotations in more than sixty languages, a piece of procedural poetry which rewrites a previous poem of the author, namely “Prosopopeïa”, a poetical commentary (the Spanish poetic form named “glosa”) on a verse of the Divine Comedy (Inferno, XXXI, 67) written by Dante in the imaginary language of the giant Nimrod, the builder of the Tower of Babel. Nimrod’s punishment is an eternal lack of comprehension: he can neither understand nor be understood. Schiavetta’s imaginary babelian language is a collage of over a hundred quotations pieced together by a great polyglot, an imaginary author (heteronym). This essay addresses the process involved in the writing of the poem Almiraphel

    Ars poetica (in vitro) : réflexions sur le réarmement du poème

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    L’absence de la poésie lyrique dans la poétique d’Aristote et longtemps après a permis et exigé la rédaction d’innombrables « arts poétiques », dont les fonctions, les contenus et la place dans l’œuvre poétique n’ont cessé de varier. La perte d’autorité sociale du discours littéraire et la relégation du lyrique loin derrière la fiction narrative ont à la fois entraîné un développement potentiellement illimité du métapoétique au détriment de toute référence au monde et sauvé, parfois, le poème, de sa dissolution dans la prose. De la hantise et de la fascination du silence, chez Rilke, au retour d’un sujet souverain de ses incertitudes chez Guillevic, on constate le manque de la voix de l’autre, d’une voix autre que celle du sujet esseulé. Dire le manque ne suffit pas. La tâche du poème aujourd’hui serait de bâtir un espace pour cette voix et de faire en sorte qu’art poétique et poème du monde jouissent eux aussi, chacun de son tour de parole.The absence of lyrical poetry in Aristotle’s poetics and long afterwards allowed for and required the redaction of innumerable “poetic arts”, whose functions, contents and place in the poetic oeuvre has steadily varied. The lost social authority of literary discourse and the relegation of the lyrical far behind narrative fiction led to a potentially unlimited development of the metapoetical at the expense of all references to the world and, at the same time, occasionally saved the poem from dissolving into prose. From the obsession and fascination with silence in Rilke, to the return of a sovereign subject of his uncertainties in Guillevic, one observes the absence of the voice of another, of a voice other than that of the lonely subject. Mentioning this absence is not enough. The poem’s task today is to build a space for this voice and ensure that both poetic art and the poem about the world enjoy their turn to speak as well

    Species-Specific Recognition of Aspergillus fumigatus by Toll-like Receptor 1 and Toll-like Receptor 6

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    Background. Aspergillus fumigatus causes invasive aspergillosis, a potentially fatal infection in oncohematological patients. Innate immune detection of A. fumigatus involves Toll-like receptor (TLR) 4 and TLR2, which forms a heterodimer with either TLR1 or TLR6. The role of those coreceptors in Aspergillus sensing is unknown. Methods. Cytokine production was measured in bone marrow-derived macrophages (BMDMs) from wild-type (WT) and TLR-deficient mice after incubation with a WT and an immunogenic RodA-deficient (ΔrodA-47) strain of A. fumigatus and in lungs from these mice after intranasal mold inoculation. Aspergillus fumigatus-mediated NF-κB activation was measured in HEK293T cells transfected with plasmids expressing mouse or human TLRs. Results. Bone marrow-derived macrophages from TLR1- and TLR6-deficient mice produced lower amounts of interleukin 12p40, CXCL2, interleukin 6, and tumor necrosis factor α than BMDMs from WT mice after stimulation with A. fumigatus. Lungs from TLR1- and TLR6-deficient mice had diminished CXCL1 and CXCL2 production and increased fungal burden after intranasal inoculation of ΔrodA A. fumigatus compared with lungs from WT mice. ΔrodA strain-mediated NF-κB activation was observed in HEK293T cells expressing mouse TLR2/1, mouse TLR2/6, and human TLR2/1 but not human TLR2/6. Conclusions. Innate immune detection of A. fumigatus is mediated by TLR4 and TLR2 together with TLR1 or TLR6 in mice and TLR1 but not TLR6 in human

    The adoption of open access scholarly communication in Tanzanian public universities: some Influencing factors

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    Open access is a means for free availability of scholarly content via the internet. It is an emerging opportunity for wider and unlimited access to scholarly literature. Scholarly communication, through open access journals and self-arching, are the two main approaches of open access publishing. However, this mode of scholarly communication is not widely utilised in developing countries such as Tanzania. This article discusses the factors that influence the adoption of open access for scholarly communication in Tanzanian public universities, based on a study conducted in 2008 using a survey questionnaire. A sample of 544 researchers, selected through stratified random sampling from a population of 1 088 researchers and 69 policymakers at six public universities in Tanzania, provided their views. It was evident from the findings that researchers’ internet usage skills and self-efficacy, social influence, performance expectancy, effort expectancy, and the respondents’ general perceptions about open access were the positive factors likely to facilitate open access adoption. The current poor research conditions and researchers’ low internet self-efficacy (such as inadequate information search skills) were cited as the main hindrances for researchers to use open access outlets to access scholarly content. It is therefore recommended that university policies on scholarly communication should be revised to incorporate the use of open access publishing. Furthermore, universities should accelerate the establishment of institutional repositories, advocacy campaigns and training directed at researchers, policymakers, readers and information managers of scholarly content, and the improvement of internet speed through subscription to more bandwidth, so as to meet the demand from the scholarly communit

    Clustering ICU patients with sepsis based on the patterns of their circulating biomarkers: A secondary analysis of the CAPTAIN prospective multicenter cohort study.

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    peer reviewed[en] BACKGROUND: Although sepsis is a life-threatening condition, its heterogeneous presentation likely explains the negative results of most trials on adjunctive therapy. This study in patients with sepsis aimed to identify subgroups with similar immune profiles and their clinical and outcome correlates. METHODS: A secondary analysis used data of a prospective multicenter cohort that included patients with early assessment of sepsis. They were described using Predisposition, Insult, Response, Organ failure sepsis (PIRO) staging system. Thirty-eight circulating biomarkers (27 proteins, 11 mRNAs) were assessed at sepsis diagnosis, and their patterns were determined through principal component analysis (PCA). Hierarchical clustering was used to group the patients and k-means algorithm was applied to assess the internal validity of the clusters. RESULTS: Two hundred and three patients were assessed, of median age 64.5 [52.0-77.0] years and SAPS2 score 55 [49-61] points. Five main patterns of biomarkers and six clusters of patients (including 42%, 21%, 17%, 9%, 5% and 5% of the patients) were evidenced. Clusters were distinguished according to the certainty of the causal infection, inflammation, use of organ support, pro- and anti-inflammatory activity, and adaptive profile markers. CONCLUSIONS: In this cohort of patients with suspected sepsis, we individualized clusters which may be described with criteria used to stage sepsis. As these clusters are based on the patterns of circulating biomarkers, whether they might help to predict treatment responsiveness should be addressed in further studies. TRIAL REGISTRATION: The CAPTAIN study was registered on clinicaltrials.gov on June 22, 2011, # NCT01378169

    Changes in SARS-CoV-2 Spike versus Nucleoprotein Antibody Responses Impact the Estimates of Infections in Population-Based Seroprevalence Studies

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    SARS-CoV-2-specific antibody responses to the Spike (S) protein monomer, S protein native trimeric form or the nucleocapsid (N) proteins were evaluated in cohorts of individuals with acute infection (n=93) and in individuals enrolled in a post-infection seroprevalence population study (n=578) in Switzerland. Commercial assays specific for the S1 monomer, for the N protein and a newly developed Luminex assay using the S protein trimer were found to be equally sensitive in antibody detection in the acute infection phase samples. Interestingly, as compared to anti-S antibody responses, those against the N protein appear to wane in the post-infection cohort. Seroprevalence in a 'positive patient contacts' group (n=177) was underestimated by N protein assays by 10.9 to 32.2% and the 'random selected' general population group (n=311) was reduced up to 45% reduction relative to S protein assays. The overall reduction in seroprevalence targeting only anti-N antibodies for the total cohort ranged from 9.4 to 31%. Of note, the use of the S protein in its native trimer form was significantly more sensitive as compared to monomeric S proteins. These results indicate that the assessment of anti-S IgG antibody responses against the native trimeric S protein should be implemented to estimate SARS-CoV-2 infections in population-based seroprevalence studies.IMPORTANCE In the present study, we have determined SARS-CoV-2-specific antibody responses in sera of acute and post-infection phase subjects. Our results indicate that antibody responses against viral S and N proteins were equally sensitive in the acute phase of infection but that responses against N appear to wane in the post-infection phase while those against S protein persist over time. The most sensitive serological assay in both acute and post-infection phases used the native S protein trimer as binding antigen that has significantly greater conformational epitopes for antibody binding compared to the S1 monomer protein used in other assays. We believe that these results are extremely important in order to generate correct estimates of SARS-CoV-2 infections in the general population. Furthermore, the assessment of antibody responses against the trimeric S protein will be critical to evaluate the durability of the antibody response and for the characterization of a vaccine-induced antibody response