101 research outputs found

    Movimento sindical: agente estranho no desenvolvimento regional em Santa Cruz-RS

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    The history of trade unionism in Rio Grande do Sul is still very patchy, both in the analysis of strategies used in the workers' struggle, and in the identification of these social subjects. The aim of this paper is to analyze how the city of Santa Cruz do Sul, which still plays in the official discourse of the ideal so laborious work on the figure of the settler / farmer, is treated the issue of trade union organization and its relation to regional development.A história do sindicalismo no Rio Grande do Sul apresenta ainda grandes lacunas, tanto na análise das estratégias usadas na luta operária, quanto na identificação desses sujeitos sociais. O objetivo desse trabalho é analisar como na cidade de Santa Cruz do Sul, que no discurso oficial ainda reproduz o ideal afirmativo do trabalho laborioso ligado à figura do colono/camponês, é tratada a questão da organização sindical e sua relação com o desenvolvimento regional

    Por uma formação de professores incorporada

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    Esse texto aborda aspectos da pesquisa-ação desenvolvida sobre as experiências realizadas na disciplina Corpo e Movimento, componente curricular do curso de Pedagogia da Universidade Federal do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (UNIRIO). A pesquisa tem como objetivo conhecer de que forma se dão as questões da corporeidade dos discentes e como compreendem a relação entre a dimensão corporal e os desafios da docência.As práticas desenvolvidas na referida disciplina têm por objetivo ampliar o autoconhecimento dos participantes acerca de seus corpos, tornando-os mais dispostos não só para perceber seus próprios corpos, mas serem receptivos e presentes nas suas práticas

    Will climate mitigation ambitions lead to carbon neutrality? An analysis of the local-level plans of 327 cities in the EU

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    Cities across the globe recognise their role in climate mitigation and are acting to reduce carbon emissions. Knowing whether cities set ambitious climate and energy targets is critical for determining their contribution towards the global 1.5 °C target, partly because it helps to identify areas where further action is necessary. This paper presents a comparative analysis of the mitigation targets of 327 European cities, as declared in their local climate plans. The sample encompasses over 25% of the EU population and includes cities of all sizes across all Member States, plus the UK. The study analyses whether the type of plan, city size, membership of climate networks, and its regional location are associated with different levels of mitigation ambition. Results reveal that 78% of the cities have a GHG emissions reduction target. However, with an average target of 47%, European cities are not on track to reach the Paris Agreement: they need to roughly double their ambitions and efforts. Some cities are ambitious, e.g. 25% of our sample (81) aim to reach carbon neutrality, with the earliest target date being 2020.90% of these cities are members of the Climate Alliance and 75% of the Covenant of Mayors. City size is the strongest predictor for carbon neutrality, whilst climate network(s) membership, combining adaptation and mitigation into a single strategy, and local motivation also play a role. The methods, data, results and analysis of this study can serve as a reference and baseline for tracking climate mitigation ambitions across European and global cities

    Movimento sindical: agente estranho no desenvolvimento regional em Santa Cruz-RS

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    The history of trade unionism in Rio Grande do Sul is still very patchy, both in the analysis of strategies used in the workers' struggle, and in the identification of these social subjects. The aim of this paper is to analyze how the city of Santa Cruz do Sul, which still plays in the official discourse of the ideal so laborious work on the figure of the settler / farmer, is treated the issue of trade union organization and its relation to regional development.A história do sindicalismo no Rio Grande do Sul apresenta ainda grandes lacunas, tanto na análise das estratégias usadas na luta operária, quanto na identificação desses sujeitos sociais. O objetivo desse trabalho é analisar como na cidade de Santa Cruz do Sul, que no discurso oficial ainda reproduz o ideal afirmativo do trabalho laborioso ligado à figura do colono/camponês, é tratada a questão da organização sindical e sua relação com o desenvolvimento regional

    Exposing the molecular sieving architecture of amorphous silica using positron annihilation spectroscopy

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    Despite extensive research into silica gels, little exists that describes the porous properties of the fundamental molecular sieving framework due to limitations of current characterization techniques. This paper describes the novel use of positron annihilation lifetime spectroscopy (PALS) for rapid quantitative measurement of sub-nanometer pores in amorphous molecular sieving silicas. The well-established N2 adsorption technique was also used, but most materials appeared nonporous as adsorption cannot detect pores less than the size of the N2 molecule. PALS, on the other hand, detected hierarchical trimodal porosity in all silicas, peaking at around 3, 8, and 12A ° . Gas permeation probing through membranes made using the same silicas verified the 3A° size cutoff and provided strong evidence that the intermediate and larger pores are not continuously connected for large molecule diffusion. For these ‘‘sponge-like’’ silicas, all molecules must pass through the fundamental silica framework that provides the selectivity. The quantity and size of intermediate and large pores was in turn found to contribute to the permeation performance. A hydrostabilized templated silica had more intermediate and larger pore interconnection evident by high N2 adsorption and slightly lower selectivity than the same non-templated material. A material tailored for improved H2/CO2 separation had a reduced size of the smaller pores, which gave it better selectivity. Studies of temperature evolution of silica gels from 200–600 8C using PALS conclusively showed that temperature increases the pore size of the fundamental silica framework. This observation fits well with widely reported progressive network assembling via formation of siloxane groups causing the silica to ‘‘inflate’’, which now describes in better detail the porous features of the fundamental silica network

    Advances in research on the prenatal development of skeletal muscle in animals

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    Selective breeding is an effective tool to improve livestock. Several selection experiments have been conducted to study direct selection responses as well as correlated responses in traits of skeletal muscle growth and function. Moreover, comparisons of domestic with wild-type species and of extreme breeds provide information on the genetic background of the skeletal muscle phenotype. Structural muscular components that differed with increasing distance in lean growth or meat quality in mammals were found to be myofibre number, myofibre size, proportions of fibre types as well as the numbers and proportions of secondary and primary fibres. Furthermore, markers of satellite cell proliferation, metabolic enzyme activities, glycogen and fat contents, the expression of myosin heavy chain isoforms, of activated AMPKa and other proteins in skeletal muscle tissue and circulating IGF1 and IGF-binding proteins have been identified to be involved in selection responses observed in pigs, cattle and/or chicken. The use of molecular methods for selective breeding of fish has only recently been adopted in aquaculture and studies of the genetic basis of growth and flesh quality traits are scarce. Some of the molecular markers of muscle structure/metabolism in livestock have also been identified in fish, but so far no studies have linked them with selection response. Genome scans have been applied to identify genomic regions exhibiting quantitative trait loci that control traits of interest, for example, muscle structure and meat quality in pigs and growth rate in chicken. As another approach, polymorphisms in candidate genes reveal the relationship between genetic variation and target traits. Thus, in large-scale studies with pigs’ associations of polymorphisms in the HMGA2, CA3, EPOR, NME1 and TTN genes with traits of carcass and meat quality were detected. Other studies revealed the significance of mutations in the IGF2 and RYR1 genes for carcass lean and muscle fibre traits in pigs. Mutations in the myostatin (MSTN) gene in fish were also examined. Advances in research of the genetic and environmental control of traits related to meat quality and growth have been made by the application of holistic ‘omics’ techniques that studied the whole muscle-specific genome, transcriptome and proteome in relation to muscle and meat traits, the development of new methods for muscle fibre typing and the adaptation of biophysical measures to develop parameters of muscle fibre traits as well as the application of in vitro studies. Finally, future research priorities in the field are defined.COST action 92