138 research outputs found

    BookCrossing: experiencia en una Biblioteca Universitaria.

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    The story of this experience is based on the idea of ​​rethinking the University Library not only as a Documentation Center reserved for the acquisition and conservation of the specialized intellectual heritage, but as a cultural institution with an integrated approach towards the community. From this reflection arises in 2014 the need to create a new collection, which is called "Recreational Literature". It is formed largely by community donations. The number and variety of copies received exceed expectations and the physical space available to accommodate them. After the inauguration of this new space, the problem arises as to what to do with the surplus. Faced with this situation, an action is planned that promotes the accessibility and diffusion of this material. From there arises the campaign that is called "Free Books" the same one is developed during the month of April of 2016 with a release of books of diverse subjects in public places of university city. This activity is carried out within the framework of the International Movement BookCrossing which allows the registration of each book released in a global database through the assignment of a BICID identification code that allows the localization of the work at an international level and thus a geographical tracking of each book. This movement is part of the philosophy of exchange that underlies the use of information technologies, the internet, and especially social networks. Its expansion has generated other original phenomena such as StrettBook, BookRelay and BookMooch. It is concluded that this action of BookCrossing within a Academic and Specialized Library, is novel for the community, not only for the unpublished but for its creative, inclusive and extensionist characte

    La Biblioteca y el Museo de la Facultad de Odontología, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba como espacios culturales: una propuesta integradora.

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    The work presented is part of recognizing the importance of cultural projects of a comprehensive nature through education and art in the of the institutional identity of the subjects that form part of the this community, in this case a House of Higher Studies as it is the Faculty of Dentistry of the National University of Cordoba. It is interesting to explain how, through an integrative work methodology, short-term and long-term objectives through the formation of a group of work that is nourished by different perspectives from different Professions. The merger of the Library and the Museum of the Faculty of Dentistry of the UNC and the activities carried out since its start-up, yearn functioning as a basis of experience for the other institutions of the National University of Cordoba who want to adopt this integrative vision, as well as for the other centers of documentation of the country that interests them experiment with this proposa

    Aplicación Códigos QR a objetos del Museo Histórico de la Facultad de Odontología de la Universidad Nacional de Córdoba (Argentina)

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    The story of an experience where the QR code is used as a resource is presented. Didactic support and informative complement applied to the most significant objects that are exhibited in the Historical Museum of the Faculty of Dentistry, National University of Cordoba Argentina). The institution counts from its foundation in 2014 with a Virtual Museum, which works under a free software platform called OMEKA. Both spaces, physical and virtual, recreate in parallel the exhibitions and are complementary in the information they provide. From its existence is that it was implemented as innovation for the visitor, the possibility of accessing more information, through a QR code. This code, when read by a mobile electronic device, allows the visitor to know more about the piece you are contemplating. In this way, it obtains information linked to the history of that object with data obtained from research, publications or oral reports. Describes the steps of applying the QR code to the objects and the perspectives to future with the development of the three-dimensional digitization of the same for the implementation of Augmented Realit

    La Arquitectura del movimiento colectivo errático

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    Este trabajo trata de explicar el concepto de arquitectura necesaria para conseguir movimientos, del colectivo, aparentemente erráticos y concretamente en eventos sociales

    Falta de competencia comunicativa en el aula de interpretación: métodos docentes para abordar una situación compleja y común

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    Para aprender a interpretar, el primer paso es conocer en profundidad y manejar con destreza las lenguas con las que se va a trabajar. Algo que parece tan lógico no siempreviene dado entre los estudiantes del Grado de Traducción e Interpretación, lo que a veces supone un gran reto para los docentes de interpretación. Por esa razón, en este estudio nos hemos interesado por conocer las percepciones que tienen los docentes de interpretación en el grado de la Universidad de Granada sobre el nivel de lengua B desus estudiantes y cómo abordan las posibles deficiencias lingüísticas

    Meaning construction in the Brexit process

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    The aim of this study to shed some light on the way meaning is constructed in different stages in the Brexit process through some covers of The Economist magazine. The present paper lies within the scope of the research into the instantiation of metaphor, metonymy and image schemas. This analysis has been structured according to the Conceptual Metaphor Theory (Lakoff & Johnson 1980; Ruiz de Mendoza & Pérez, 2011, among others) on the one hand, and the Multimodal Theory (Forceville 1996, 2009, 2012, 2016; Forceville & Urios-Aparisi, 2009) on the other, which have revealed that meaning is created through modes of communication other than verbal ones. The paper shows the role of monomodal and multimodal metaphor and metonymy as persuasive devices in magazine covers and the image-schematic basis of many metaphors and metonymies. In addition the results reveal that many multimodal metaphors are actually metonymy-based.El objetivo de este estudio es arrojar algo de luz sobre la forma en que se construye el significado en diferentes etapas del proceso del Brexit a través de algunas portadas de la revista The Economist. El presente artículo se encuentra dentro del ámbito de la investigación sobre metáforas, metonimia y esquemas de imágenes. Este análisis se ha estructurado de acuerdo con la Teoría de la Metáfora Conceptual (Lakoff y Johnson 1980; Ruiz de Mendoza y Pérez, 2011, entre otros) por un lado, y la Teoría Multimodal (Forceville 1996, 2009, 2012, 2016; Forceville y Urios -Aparisi, 2009) por otro, que han revelado que el significado se crea a través de modos de comunicación distintos de los verbales. El artículo muestra el papel de la metáfora y la metonimia monomodal y multimodal como mecanismos persuasivos en portadas de revistas y la interacción de éstas con esquemas de imagen. Además, los resultados revelan que muchas metáforas multimodales están basadas en metonimias. &nbsp

    Trazando el perfil de ingreso del estudiante universitario: un estudio de caso en la Universidad Silva Henríquez

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    The economic growth and social and political changes of the last 35 years have led more young Chileans from different social strata to access professional university education, forcing the higher education system to expand its offerings through the creation of new study centers and scholarships. This case study aims to determine the aspects that characterize the entrance profile of the university student at the Universidad Silva Henríquez (UCSH). To this end, a national and international literature review was conducted. Data collection was done through the examination of enrollment records of the Universidad Católica Silva Henríquez. The results indicate that the profile of UCSH students differs from the profiles of other universities in social, economic and academic terms. Taking into account the results of the study, recommendations are made to activate preventive actions.El crecimiento económico y los cambios sociales y políticos de los últimos 35 años han llevado a que más jóvenes chilenos de distintos estratos sociales accedan a la educación profesional universitaria, obligando al sistema de educación superior a ampliar su oferta mediante la creación de nuevos centros de estudio y becas. Este estudio de caso pretende determinar los aspectos que caracterizan el perfil de ingreso del estudiante universitario de la Universidad Silva Henríquez (UCSH). Con este fin, se realizó una revisión bibliográfica a nivel nacional e internacional. la recolección de datos se hizo a través de la examinación de registros de matrícula de la Universidad Católica Silva Henríquez. Los resultados indican que el perfil de ingreso de los estudiantes de la UCSH difiere de los perfiles de otras universidades en términos sociales, económicos y académicos. Teniendo en cuenta los resultados del estudio, se realizan recomendaciones para activar acciones preventivas

    Of Fears and Budgets: Strategies of Control in Vespa velutina Invasion and Lessons for Best Management Practices

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    [Abstrat] Implementing management practices for the control of invasive species can be a complex task with multiple dimensions, where the identification of stakeholders and drivers of those practices is of paramount importance. The invasive hornet Vespa velutina has spread across Europe and Asia from its native range in SE Asia in recent years. A common control method is the removal and destruction of its nests on citizens’ request to call centers. In this paper we have explored the knowledge and main factors that influence the perceptions of the citizens on the species in an invaded municipality in NW Spain, as well as the management practices of the municipal emergency unit responsible for nest removal activities. Our analysis brings out multiple drivers of management practices that derive both from the citizens’ and practitioners’ knowledge, and highlights several points of conflict between both stakeholder groups connected to (1) the degree of service provided to the local population, (2) the risk of allergic reactions as a motive to urge removals, or (3) the quality of information provided by mass media. Our results support the crucial importance of environmental education programs that seek to increase the knowledge of the general public about the threats of invasive species. Such programs might be incorporated to implement and optimize management plans of V. velutina by enhancing communication between experts and local population

    Incidence of the consumption of video games in the academic and physical self-concept of university students

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    Las nuevas tecnologías aportan en su correcto uso numerosos beneficios, mientras que surge la necesidad de estudio del consumo de algunas tecnologías por las consecuencias negativas que pueden provocar en aquellos que aún no tienen afianzada la personalidad. Participaron en este estudio un total de 490 sujetos universitarios, con una representación del 39,4% del género masculino y un 60,6% del femenino. Los objetivos pretenden determinar y establecer relaciones de los niveles sobre hábitos de consumo de videojuegos, autoconcepto académico y físico de los sujetos, y aspectos sociodemográficos de los mismos. Los instrumentos utilizados fueron los cuestionarios CHCV Y AF-5. Se obtuvieron como principales resultados diferencias significativas en relación al género, tipo de residencia y autoconcepto estudiado con los hábitos de consumo de videojuegos, determinándose un mayor grado de atracción en los casos masculinos que en los femeninos.New technologies bring in their correct use numerous benefits, while the need arises to study the consumption of some technologies for the negative consequences that can result in those who have not yet entrenched personality. The study was carried out using a total of 490 university participated with a representation of 39.4% of male and 60.6% female students. The objectives pretend to determine and establish relations the levels of consumption habits videogames, academic and physical self-concept of the subjects and sociodemographic aspects. The instruments used were the CHCV and AF5 questionnaires. As main results, were obtained significant differences that related gender, type of residence and selfconcept with consumer habits of video games, showing higher levels of attraction in men rather tan women