
Aplicación Códigos QR a objetos del Museo Histórico de la Facultad de Odontología de la Universidad Nacional de Córdoba (Argentina)


The story of an experience where the QR code is used as a resource is presented. Didactic support and informative complement applied to the most significant objects that are exhibited in the Historical Museum of the Faculty of Dentistry, National University of Cordoba Argentina). The institution counts from its foundation in 2014 with a Virtual Museum, which works under a free software platform called OMEKA. Both spaces, physical and virtual, recreate in parallel the exhibitions and are complementary in the information they provide. From its existence is that it was implemented as innovation for the visitor, the possibility of accessing more information, through a QR code. This code, when read by a mobile electronic device, allows the visitor to know more about the piece you are contemplating. In this way, it obtains information linked to the history of that object with data obtained from research, publications or oral reports. Describes the steps of applying the QR code to the objects and the perspectives to future with the development of the three-dimensional digitization of the same for the implementation of Augmented Realit

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