
La Biblioteca y el Museo de la Facultad de Odontología, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba como espacios culturales: una propuesta integradora.


The work presented is part of recognizing the importance of cultural projects of a comprehensive nature through education and art in the of the institutional identity of the subjects that form part of the this community, in this case a House of Higher Studies as it is the Faculty of Dentistry of the National University of Cordoba. It is interesting to explain how, through an integrative work methodology, short-term and long-term objectives through the formation of a group of work that is nourished by different perspectives from different Professions. The merger of the Library and the Museum of the Faculty of Dentistry of the UNC and the activities carried out since its start-up, yearn functioning as a basis of experience for the other institutions of the National University of Cordoba who want to adopt this integrative vision, as well as for the other centers of documentation of the country that interests them experiment with this proposa

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