17 research outputs found

    Biological soil crust effects and responses in arid ecosystems: recent advances at the species level

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    La costra biológica del suelo (CBS) es un componente complejo del ecosistema que engloba diferentes organismos (líquenes, musgos, hepáticas, cianobacterias, hongos, algas) presentes en las primeras capas de suelo. La CBS se encuentra en una amplia variedad de ecosistemas, aunque generalmente es más abundante en ecosistemas donde la cobertura de plantas vasculares es escasa, como los ecosistemas áridos. En estos ecosistemas, la CBS contribuye considerablemente a su biodiversidad y funcionamiento. Debido a la gran dificultad para la identificación de especies de estas comunidades, la mayoría de la investigación sobre la CBS se ha desarrollado a escala de comunidad y grupo morfológico. A este nivel, se ha podido observar el gran potencial de estas comunidades de contribuir a la estructura y dinámica del ecosistema: interaccionan con las primeras capas del suelo y con otros organismos, participan en la fijación de carbono y nitrógeno, así como en procesos hidrológicos y en el ciclo de nutrientes. Sin embargo, avances recientes en el conocimiento de la CBS arrojan interesantes y marcadas diferencias en la ecología y el papel funcional de las distintas especies que la componen, con las consecuentes implicaciones en la gestión y conservación de estas comunidades y de los ecosistemas que habitan. En particular, se han observado respuestas específicas en términos de presencia, abundancia y frecuencia ante diversos factores ambientales (variables climáticas, tipo de sustrato, presencia de plantas vasculares y perturbación por pastoreo – recuperación natural), así como un efecto a nivel de especie sobre las propiedades del suelo.Biological soil crusts (BSCs) constitute a complex component of the ecosystem formed by different organisms (lichens, mosses, liverworts, cyanobacteria, fungi, algae) associated with soil surface. These communities are present in a wide variety of ecosystems; however, their abundance is generally higher in arid environments with sparse vegetation cover. In these ecosystems, BSCs greatly contribute to biodiversity and ecosystem functioning. Due to technical difficulties in species identification, most studies on BSCs have been carried out at community and morphotype levels. These studies have emphasized the potential role of BSCs in defining ecosystem structure and functioning by: interacting with topsoil layers and other soil organisms, participating in carbon and nitrogen fixation, and also in hydrological and nutrient cycling. Notwithstanding, recent advances in our knowledge about BSCs show substantial and interesting differences in the ecology and functional roles of BSC species, with marked implications in the management and conservation of these communities and their ecosystems. Particularly, it has been observed that BSC presence, abundance and frequency respond differently to diverse environmental factors (climatic variables, soil type, presence of vascular plants, and grazing disturbance - natural recovery) at the species level, and also do BSC effects on topsoil properties.Este trabajo ha sido parcialmente financiado por la Comunidad Autónoma de Madrid (Proyecto REMEDINAL2, S2009/AMB-1783) y el Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (Proyecto EPICON, CGL2010-22049)

    Species‐specific effects of biocrust‐forming lichens on soil properties under simulated climate change are driven by functional traits

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    (1) Biocrusts are key drivers of ecosystem functioning in drylands, yet our understanding of how climate change will affect the chemistry of biocrust‐forming species and their impacts on carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) cycling is still very limited. (2) Using a manipulative experiment conducted with common biocrust‐forming lichens with distinct morphology and chemistry (Buellia zoharyi, Diploschistes diacapsis, Psora decipiens and Squamarina lentigera), we evaluated changes in lichen total and isotopic C and N and several soil C and N variables after 50 months of simulated warming and rainfall reduction. (3) Climate change treatments reduced δs13C and C:N ratio in B. zoharyi, and increased δ15N in S. lentigera. Lichens had species‐specific effects on soil dissolved organic N (DON), NH4+, β‐glucosidase and acid phosphatase activity regardless of climate change treatments, while these treatments changed how lichens affected several soil properties regardless of biocrust species. Changes in thallus δ13C, N and C:N drove species‐specific effects on DON, NH4+, β‐glucosidase and acid phosphatase activity. (4) Our findings indicate that warmer and drier conditions will alter the chemistry of biocrust‐forming lichens, affecting soil nutrient cycling, and emphasize their key role as modulators of climate change impacts in dryland soils.This research was funded by the European Research Council (ERC Grant Agreements 242658 [BIOCOM] and 647038 [BIODESERT] awarded to F.T.M), and by the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA Grant Agreement 795380 [INDECRUST] awarded to L.C-Z.). E.V. was supported by the 2017 program for attracting and retaining talent of Comunidad de Madrid (no. 2017‐T2/ AMB‐5406). F.T.M. also acknowledges support from Generalitat Valenciana (CIDEGENT/2018/041)

    RIPARIANET - Prioritising riparian ecotones to sustain and connect multiple biodiversity and functional components in river networks

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    Europe has committed to upscale ecosystems protection to include 30% of land and sea. However, due to historical overexploitation of natural assets, the available area for biodiversity protection is severely limited. Riparian zones are natural ecotones between aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems, contributing disproportionately to regional biodiversity and providing multiple ecosystem functions and services. Due to this and their branching geometry, riparian networks form a vast system of ‘blue-green arteries’ which physically and functionally connect multiple ecosystems over elevation gradients, despite covering a relatively small area of the basin. Hence, RIPARIANET argues that developing approaches able to optimise the spatial conservation of natural stream-riparian networks represent a flagship example of biodiversity protection in the EU. Although the integrity of riparian zones is fundamental for the achievement of multiple EU environmental objectives, the lack of a standardised framework for biodiversity assessment and protection across Member States has led to extensive impairment of riparian areas and frequent stakeholder conflicts. The main objective of RIPARIANET is to leverage the increasing resolution of remote sensing information to provide practitioners with evidence-based guidance and approaches to biodiversity conservation. Key questions include: i) how can we remotely assess riparian integrity and identify areas which provide effective connectivity allowing species biodiversity and ecosystem functions to persist through meta-ecological processes? ii) how can we disentangle the influence of local- and network-scale stressors and processes on riparian biodiversity to better implement river basin management schemes? iii) to what extent do currently existing protected areas in rivers account for the geometry of riparian networks and their multifunctionality? We will address these questions in riparian networks within six river basins in Europe, including Boreal, Continental, Alpine, Temperate and Mediterranean systems. First, we will gather local needs and interests from key stakeholders together with satellite imagery and GIS environmental data for all basins. Then, riparian and river ecosystems functions will be modelled and ecological hotspots will be identified through a GIS-based multi-criteria approach, including stakeholder inputs. Then, we will collect in situ data to assess multiple biodiversity and stressors at the local scale and, subsequently, scale-up this information to the network scale using geostatistical tools and advanced modelling. This knowledge will be conveyed to managers at local and EU scales in the form of decision-support tools allowing decision-makers to identify protection gaps and ecological hotspots along riparian networks, based on multiple biodiversity, functional and connectivity criteria

    Ecological impacts of atmospheric pollution and interactions with climate change in terrestrial ecosystems of the Mediterranean Basin:Current research and future directions

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    Mediterranean Basin ecosystems, their unique biodiversity, and the key services they provide are currently at risk due to air pollution and climate change, yet only a limited number of isolated and geographically-restricted studies have addressed this topic, often with contrasting results. Particularities of air pollution in this region include high O3 levels due to high air temperatures and solar radiation, the stability of air masses, and dominance of dry over wet nitrogen deposition. Moreover, the unique abiotic and biotic factors (e.g., climate, vegetation type, relevance of Saharan dust inputs) modulating the response of Mediterranean ecosystems at various spatiotemporal scales make it difficult to understand, and thus predict, the consequences of human activities that cause air pollution in the Mediterranean Basin. Therefore, there is an urgent need to implement coordinated research and experimental platforms along with wider environmental monitoring networks in the region. In particular, a robust deposition monitoring network in conjunction with modelling estimates is crucial, possibly including a set of common biomonitors (ideally cryptogams, an important component of the Mediterranean vegetation), to help refine pollutant deposition maps. Additionally, increased attention must be paid to functional diversity measures in future air pollution and climate change studies to establish the necessary link between biodiversity and the provision of ecosystem services in Mediterranean ecosystems. Through a coordinated effort, the Mediterranean scientific community can fill the above-mentioned gaps and reach a greater understanding of the mechanisms underlying the combined effects of air pollution and climate change in the Mediterranean Basin

    Composición, estructura y dinámica de la costra biológica del suelo (CBS) en un ecosistema de pastizal semiárido

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    La costra biológica del suelo (CBS) (cianobacterias, líquenes y briófitos) es un elemento clave en los ecosistemas de zonas áridas. La costra biológica del suelo mejora la estabilidad y la fertilidad del suelo, e influye en los procesos hidrológicos. El uso de suelo inadecuado, como pastoreo de ganado intenso puede alterar severamente la composición, cobertura y función de la CBS con una retroalimentación potencial negativa en los procesos del ecosistema. Por otra parte, es limitado el conocimiento sobre (Se conoce poco en general sobre) el grado hasta el cual pueden ser afectadas las comunidades de CBS debido a pastoreo de larga duración y su capacidad de recuperación tras la eliminación del pastoreo. Considerando el importante papel que la CBS tiene en los ecosistemas áridos y la degradación severa asociada con el pastoreo, el objetivo de esta investigación es examinar las comunidades de CBS bajo diferentes regimenes de pastoreo (gradiente de perturbación) y su recuperación potencial (gradiente de recuperación) con la eliminación del ganado en corto, mediano y largo plazo en los ecosistemas de pastizal del centro de México. En este contexto, enunciamos dos preguntas centrales. 1) ¿Cómo varía la riqueza de especies, la composición de la comunidad, la densidad de especies y la cobertura de la CBS a lo largo de i) un gradiente de perturbación con diferentes regimenes de pastoreo (moderado continuo (MCG, por sus siglas en inglés), intenso estacional (HSG) e intenso continuo (HCG)) y ii) un gradiente de recuperación del pastoreo con exclusiones de ganado de distinta antigüedad (exclusiones de corto plazo con 6 años de antigüedad (SGE, por sus siglas en inglés), de mediano plazo (MGE) con 11 años, y de largo plazo (LGE) con 27 años), considerando un ciclo intra-anual de estación seca y lluviosa? 2) ¿Distintas especies o taxones de CBS responden o afectan las características del suelo en pastizales afectados por pastoreo moderado continuo (MCG), intenso estacional (HSG) o intenso continuo (HCG) respecto a un pastizal con exclusión de ganado de largo plazo

    Biocrust tissue traits as potential indicators of global change in the Mediterranean

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    Background and aims: Functional traits are promising indicators of global changes and ecosystem processes. Trait responses to environmental conditions have been examined widely in vascular plants. In contrast, few studies have focused on soil lichens and mosses composing biocrusts. We aimed to evaluate the potential of biocrust tissue traits as indicators of changes in climate and soil properties. Methods: Isotope ratios and nutrient content in biocrust tissue were analyzed in 13 Mediterranean shrublands along an aridity gradient. Differences in tissue traits between biocrust groups (lichens and mosses), and relationships between tissue traits and climatic and soil variables were examined. Results: Lichens and mosses differed in \u3b413C, \u3b415N and N content, indicating distinct physical and physiological attributes. Tissue traits correlated strongly with numerous climatic variables, likely due to a modulator effect on biocrust water relations and metabolism. We found contrasting responses of lichen and moss traits to climate, although they responded similarly to soil properties. Overall, the most responsive trait was \u3b415N, suggesting this trait is the best to reflect integrated processes occurring in the atmosphere and soil. Conclusions: Biocrust tissue traits arise as cost-effective, integrative ecological indicators of global change drivers in Mediterranean ecosystems, with potential applications in response-effect trait frameworks

    Decomposition of dryland biocrust-forming lichens and mosses contributes to soil nutrient cycling

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    Background and aims Biocrusts are major contributors to dryland nutrient cycling by regulating C, N and P inputs and fluxes. However, our understanding about how the decomposition of biocrust constituents contributes to soil nutrient cycling in drylands is virtually unknown. Methods We conducted a microcosm experiment to: i) evaluate the litter decomposition dynamics of two common biocrust-forming species with contrasting tissue chemistry and growth form (the lichen Cladonia foliacea and the moss Syntrichia caninervis), and ii) their effects on several soil variables related to soil functioning. Results Cladonia litter decomposed gradually with time (92% total mass loss after 342 days), while Syntrichia litter decomposed much faster (92% total mass loss after 62 days, with no further losses until the end of the experiment at 342 days). We observed species-specific effects of their litter on dissolved organic N (DON) and NH4+ depending on collection time, which changed the effects of litter decomposition on DON and pH regardless of the biocrust species considered. Overall, biocrust litter had a positive effect on SOC, DON, NH+4 and acid phosphatase activity. Conclusions Our experimental results show that decomposition of biocrust tissues plays an important role in soil nutrient cycling, indicating that this process impacts the fertility and functioning of dryland soils.This research was funded by the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA Grant Agreement 795380 [INDECRUST] awarded to LCZ). FTM acknowledges support from the European Research Council (ERC Grant Agreement 647038 [BIODESERT]) and Generalitat Valenciana (CIDEGENT/2018/041). EV was supported by the 2017 program for attracting and retaining talent of Comunidad de Madrid (2017-T2/ AMB-5406)

    Biocrust-forming lichens increase soil available phosphorus under simulated climate change

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    Drylands are important reservoirs of soil phosphorus (P) at the global scale, although large uncertainties remain regarding how climate change will affect P cycling in these ecosystems. Biocrust-forming lichens are important regulators of abiotic and biotic processes occurring in the soil surface, including nutrient availability and redistribution, across global drylands. However, their role as modulators of climate change impacts on soil P cycling is poorly known. We conducted a manipulative microcosm experiment to evaluate how six biocrust-forming lichens (Buellia zoharyi, Diploschistes diacapsis, Fulgensia subbracteata, Psora decipiens, Squamarina lentigera, and Toninia sedifolia) with diverse morphology and chemistry affect soil available P concentration and the activity of acid phosphatase after 50 months of simulated ~2°C warming and 35% rainfall reduction. Lichens increased soil available inorganic and total available P, and the activity of acid phosphatase, although the magnitude of these effects was highly species-specific. Climate change treatments increased available organic P regardless of lichen species. Our findings provide novel experimental evidence on the importance of biocrusts as modulators of P cycling in drylands and highlight the necessity to take into account the identity of biocrust constituents when evaluating their effects on soil fertility.This research was funded by the European Research Council (ERC Grant Agreements 242658 [BIOCOM] and 647038 [BIODESERT] awarded to F.T.M), and by the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA Grant Agreement 795380 [INDECRUST] awarded to L.C-Z.). E.V. was supported by the 2017 program for attracting and retaining talent of Comunidad de Madrid (no. 2017‐T2/ AM B‐ 5406). F.T.M . also acknowledges support from Generalitat Valenciana (CIDEGENT/2018/041)