257 research outputs found

    The HELLAS2XMM survey. IX. Spectroscopic identification of super-EROs hosting AGNs

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    We present VLT near-IR spectroscopic observations of three X-ray sources characterized by extremely high X-ray-to-optical ratios (X/O>40), extremely red colors (6.3<R-K<7.4, i.e. EROs) and bright infrared magnitudes (17.6<K<18.3). These objects are very faint in the optical, making their spectroscopic identification extremely challenging. Instead, our near-IR spectroscopic observations have been successful in identifying the redshift of two of them (z=2.08 and z=1.35), and tentatively even of the third one (z=2.13). When combined with the X-ray properties, our results clearly indicate that all these objects host obscured QSOs (4e44 < L(2-10keV) < 1.5e45 erg/s, 2e22 < N_H < 4e23 cm-2) at high redshift. The only object with unresolved morphology in the K band shows broad Halpha emission, but not broad Hbeta, implying a type 1.9 AGN classification. The other two objects are resolved and dominated by the host galaxy light in the K band, and appear relatively quiescent: one of them has a LINER-like emission line spectrum and the other presents only a single, weak emission line which we tentatively identify with Halpha. The galaxy luminosities for the latter two objects are an order of magnitude brighter than typical local L* galaxies and the derived stellar masses are well in excess of 10^11 Msun. For these objects we estimate black hole masses higher than 10^9 Msun and we infer that they are radiating at Eddington ratios L/L_Edd < 0.1. We discuss the implications of these findings for the coevolution of galaxies and black hole growth. Our results provide further support that X-ray sources with high X/O ratios and very red colors tend to host obscured QSO in very massive galaxies at high redshift.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figures, accepted for publication in A&

    Noninvasive Ultrasound Monitoring of Embryonic and Fetal Development in Chinchilla lanigera to Predict Gestational Age: Preliminary Evaluation of This Species as a Novel Animal Model of Human Pregnancy

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    Ultrasound is a noninvasive routine method that allows real-time monitoring of fetal development in utero to determine gestational age and to detect congenital anomalies and multiple pregnancies. To date, the developmental biology of Chinchilla lanigera has not yet been characterized. This species has been found to undergo placentation, long gestation, and fetal dimensions similar to those in humans. The aim of this study was to assess the use of high-frequency ultrasound (HFUS) and clinical ultrasound (US) to predict gestational age in chinchillas and evaluate the possibility of this species as a new animal model for the study of human pregnancy. In this study, 35 pregnant females and a total of 74 embryos and fetuses were monitored. Ultrasound examination was feasible in almost all chinchilla subjects. It was possible to monitor the chinchilla embryo with HFUS from embryonic day (E) 15 to 60 and with US from E15 to E115 due to fetus dimensions. The placenta could be visualized and measured with HFUS from E15, but not with US until E30. From E30, the heartbeat became detectable and it was possible to measure fetal biometrics. In the late stages of pregnancy, stomach, eyes, and lenses became visible. Our study demonstrated the importance of employing both techniques while monitoring embryonic and fetal development to obtain an overall and detailed view of all structures and to recognize any malformation at an early stage. Pregnancy in chinchillas can be confirmed as early as the 15th day postmating, and sonographic changes and gestational age are well correlated. The quantitative measurements of fetal and placental growth performed in this study could be useful in setting up a database for comparison with human fetal ultrasounds. We speculate that, in the future, the chinchilla could be used as an animal model for the study of US in human pregnancy

    The Richness and Beauty of the Physics of Cosmological Recombination: The Contributions from Helium

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    The physical ingredients to describe the epoch of cosmological recombination are amazingly simple and well-understood. This fact allows us to take into account a very large variety of processes, still finding potentially measurable consequences. In this contribution we highlight some of the detailed physics that were recently studied in connection with cosmological hydrogen and helium recombination. The impact of these considerations is two-fold: (i) the associated release of photons during this epoch leads to interesting and unique deviations of the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) energy spectrum from a perfect blackbody, which, in particular at decimeter wavelength, may become observable in the near future. Despite the fact that the abundance of helium is rather small, it also contributes a sizeable amount of photons to the full recombination spectrum, which, because of differences in the dynamics of the helium recombinations and the non-trivial superposition of all components, lead to additional distinct spectral features. Observing the spectral distortions from the epochs of hydrogen and helium recombination, in principle would provide an additional way to determine some of the key parameters of the Universe (e.g. the specific entropy, the CMB monopole temperature and the pre-stellar abundance of helium), not suffering from limitations set by cosmic variance. Also it permits us to confront our detailed understanding of the recombination process with direct observational evidence. (ii) with the advent of high precision CMB data, e.g. as will be available using the Planck Surveyor or CMBpol, a very accurate theoretical understanding of the ionization history of the Universe becomes necessary for the interpretation of the CMB temperature and polarization anisotropies. (abridged)Comment: 16 pages, 11 figures, proceedings of the conference: "A Century of Cosmology: Past, Present and Future

    A revision of the X-ray absorption nature of the BALQSOs

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    Broad absorption line quasars (BALQSOs) are key objects for studying the structure and emission/absorption properties of AGN. However, despite their fundamental importance, the properties of BALQSOs are still not well understood. In order to investigate the X-ray nature of these sources, as well as the correlations between X-ray and rest-frame UV properties, we compile a large sample of 88 BALQSOs observed by XMM-Newton. We performed a full X-ray spectral analysis on a sample of 39 sources with higher X-ray spectral quality, and an approximate HR analysis on the remaining sources. Using available optical spectra, we calculate the BALnicity index and investigate the dependence between this optical parameter and different X-ray properties. Using the neutral absorption model, we found that 36% of our BALQSOs have NH < 5x10^21 cm^-2, lower than the expected X-ray absorption for such objects. However, when we used a physically-motivated model for the X-ray absorption in BALQSOs, i.e. ionized absorption, \sim 90% of the objects are absorbed. The absorption properties also suggest that LoBALs may be physically different objects from HiBALs. In addition, we report on a correlation between the ionized absorption column density and BAL parameters. There is evidence (at 98% level) that the amount of X-ray absorption is correlated with the strength of high-ionization UV absorption. This correlation, not previously reported, can be naturally understood in virtually all BALQSO models, as driven by the total amount of gas mass flowing towards the observer.Comment: Accepted by A&A. 12 pages, 8 figures. Added references and corrected typo

    The HELLAS2XMM survey. X. The bolometric output of luminous obscured quasars: The Spitzer perspective

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    Aims: We aim at estimating the spectral energy distributions (SEDs) and the physical parameters related to the black holes harbored in eight high X-ray-to-optical (F_X/F_R>10) obscured quasars at z>0.9 selected in the 2--10 keV band from the HELLAS2XMM survey. Methods: We use IRAC and MIPS 24 micron observations, along with optical and Ks-band photometry, to obtain the SEDs of the sources. The observed SEDs are modeled using a combination of an elliptical template and torus emission (using the phenomenological templates of Silva et al. 2004) for six sources associated with passive galaxies; for two point-like sources, the empirical SEDs of red quasars are adopted. The bolometric luminosities and the M_BH-L_K relation are used to provide an estimate of the masses and Eddington ratios of the black holes residing in these AGN. Results: All of our sources are detected in the IRAC and MIPS (at 24 micron) bands. The SED modeling described above is in good agreement with the observed near- and mid-infrared data. The derived bolometric luminosities are in the range ~10^45-10^47 erg s^-1, and the median 2--10 keV bolometric correction is ~25, consistent with the widely adopted value derived by Elvis et al. (1994). For the objects with elliptical-like profiles in the K_s band, we derive high stellar masses (0.8-6.2)X10^11 Mo, black hole masses in the range (0.2-2.5)X10^9 Mo, and Eddington ratios L/L_Edd<0.1, suggesting a low-accretion phase.Comment: 12 pages, 6 figures, A&A accepted. Typo corrected in the titl

    The HELLAS2XMM survey: IV. Optical identifications and the evolution of the accretion luminosity in the Universe

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    We present results from the photometric and spectroscopic identification of 122 X-ray sources recently discovered by XMM-Newton in the 2-10 keV band (the HELLAS2XMM 1dF sample). Their flux cover the range 8E-15-4E-13 cgs and the total area surveyed is 0.9 deg2. About 20% of the hard X-ray selected sources have an X-ray to optical flux ratio (X/O) ten times or more higher than that of optically selected AGN. Unlike the faint sources found in the ultra-deep Chandra and XMM-Newton surveys, which reach X-ray (and optical) fluxes more than one order of magnitude lower than the HELLAS2XMM survey sources, many of the extreme X/O sources in our sample have R<=25 and are therefore accessible to optical spectroscopy. We report the identification of 13 sources with X/O>10: 8 are narrow line QSO (i.e. QSO2), four are broad line QSO. We use a combined sample of 317 hard X-ray selected sources (HELLAS2XMM 1dF, CDFN 1Msec, SSA13 and Lockman Hole flux limited samples), 221 with measured z, to evaluate the cosmological evolution of the hard X-ray source's number and luminosity densities. Looking backward in time, the low luminosity sources (logL(2-10keV) = 43-44 erg/s) increase in number at a rate different than the high luminosity sources (logL(2-10keV)>44.5 erg/s), reaching a maximum around z=1 and then levelling off beyond z=2. This translates into an accretion driven luminosity density which is dominated by sources with logL(2-10keV) < 44.5 erg/s up to at least z=1, while the contribution of the same sources and of those with logL(2-10keV)>44.5 erg/s appear to be comparable between z=2 and 4.Comment: v2, minor changes, A&A in pres

    The HELLAS2XMM survey. XIII. Multi-component analysis of the spectral energy distribution of obscured AGN

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    We combine near-to-mid-IR Spitzer data with shorter wavelength observations (optical to X-rays) to get insights on the properties of a sample of luminous, obscured Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN). We aim at modeling their broad-band Spectral Energy Distributions (SEDs) in order to estimate the main parameters related to the dusty torus. The sample comprises 16 obscured high-redshift (0.9<z<2.1) xray luminous quasars (L_2-10 ~ 10^44 erg s-1) selected from the HELLAS2XMM survey. The SEDs are described by a multi-component model including a stellar component, an AGN component and a starburst. The majority (~80%) of the sources show moderate optical depth (tau_9.7um<3) and the derived column densities N_H are consistent with the xray inferred values (10^22 <N_H< 3x10^23 cm-2) for most of the objects, confirming that the sources are moderately obscured Compton-thin AGN. Accretion luminosities in the range 5x10^44 < Lbol < 4x10^46 erg s-1 are inferred. We compare model luminosities with those obtained by integrating the observed SED, finding that the latter are lower by a factor of ~2 in the median. The discrepancy can be as high as an order of magnitude for models with high optical depth (tau_9.7um=10). The ratio between the luminosities obtained by the fitting procedure and from the observed SED suggest that, at least for Type~2 AGN, observed bolometric luminosities are likely to underestimate intrinsic ones and the effect is more severe for highly obscured sources. Bolometric corrections from the hard X-ray band are computed and have a median value of k_2-10kev ~ 20. The obscured AGN in our sample are characterized by relatively low Eddington ratios (median lambda_Edd~0.08). On average, they are consistent with the Eddington ratio increasing at increasing bolometric correction (e.g. Vasudevan & Fabiam 2009).Comment: 16 pages, 10 figures. Accepted for pubblication in Astronomy and Astrophysics
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