79 research outputs found

    Hierarchical models of high redshift galaxies with thermally pulsing asymptotic giant branch stars: comparison with observations

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    In a recent paper we presented the first semi-analytic model of galaxy formation in which the Thermally-Pulsing Asymptotic Giant Branch phase of stellar evolution has been fully implemented. Here we address the comparison with observations, and show how the TP-AGB recipe affects the performance of the model in reproducing the colours and near-IR luminosities of high-redshift galaxies. We find that the semi-analytic model with the TP-AGB better matches the colour-magnitude and colour-colour relations at z ~ 2, both for nearly-passive and for star-forming galaxies. The model with TP-AGB produces star-forming galaxies with red V-K colours, thus revising the unique interpretation of high-redshift red objects as 'red & dead'. We also show that without the TP-AGB the semi-analytic model fails at reproducing the observed colours, a situation that cannot be corrected by dust reddening. We also explore the effect of nebular emission on the predicted colour-magnitude relation of star-forming galaxies, to conclude that it does not play a significant role in reddening their colours, at least in the range of star-formation rates covered by the model. Finally, the rest-frame K-band luminosity function at z ~ 2.5 is more luminous by almost 1 magnitude. This indicates that the AGN feedback recipe that is adopted to regulate the high-mass end of the luminosity function should be sophisticated to take the effect of the stellar populations into account at high redshifts.Comment: 10 pages, 8 figures; effects of nebular emission included; accepted for publication on MNRA

    Cibercultura e currículo nômade : potencialidades para aprender geografia

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    Em tempos e espaços de aprendizagem ubíqua, a sala de aula torna-se um território multidimensional, fonte de saberes múltiplos, conectados, multifacetados e interativos, no qual o digital encontra-se arraigado no cotidiano dos nossos alunos. As reflexões e proposições sobre a relação de autoria de OAs através de e-práticas pedagógicas colocam a cibercultura na apropriação de saberes, ampliando os potenciais tecnológicos de aprendizagem, principalmente, por direcionar o conhecimento às práticas comuns do seu cotidiano, tecendo currículos nômades. Deste modo, a relação cibercultura, OAs e e-práticas cria potenciais com diferentes linguagens para mediar o processo de ensino e aprendizagem de Geografia. Experiência, vivência e territorialização de formas distintas e plurais de aprendizagem, a autoria como apropriação dos saberes são rasuras na escola.In times and spaces of learning, a classroom becomes a multidimensional territory, source of multiple knowledges, connected, multifaceted and interactive, without digital qualification is rooted without our students’ daily routine. As reflections and proposals on the autonomous relationship of OAs through pedagogical practices and practices, it is fundamental, by directing knowledge about the usual practices of their daily lives, weaving nomadic curricula. In this way, the relation cyberculture, OAs and e-practices creates potential with different languages for the process of teaching and learning Geography. Experience, experience and territorialization of distinct and plural forms of learning, the authorship as appropriation of the flavors are erasures in the school

    Star formation rates and masses of z ~ 2 galaxies from multicolour photometry

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    Fitting synthetic spectral energy distributions (SED) to the multi-band photometry of galaxies to derive their star formation rates (SFR), stellar masses, ages, etc. requires making a priori assumptions about their star formation histories (SFH). A widely adopted parameterization of the SFH, the so-called tau-models where SFR goes as e^{-t/tau) is shown to lead to unrealistically low ages when applied to star forming galaxies at z ~ 2, a problem shared by other SFHs when the age is left as a free parameter in the fitting. This happens because the SED of such galaxies, at all wavelengths, is dominated by their youngest stellar populations, which outshine the older ones. Thus, the SED of such galaxies conveys little information on the beginning of star formation. To cope with this problem, we explore a variety of SFHs, such as constant SFR and inverted-tau models - with SFR as e^{+t/tau) - along with various priors on age, including assuming that star formation started at high redshift in all the galaxies. We find that inverted-tau models with such latter assumption give SFRs and extinctions in excellent agreement with the values derived using only the UV part of the SED. These models are also shown to accurately recover the SFRs and masses of mock galaxies at z ~ 2 constructed from semi-analytic models. All other explored SFH templates do not fulfil these two test. In particular, direct-tau models with unconstrained age in the fitting procedure overstimate SFRs and underestimate stellar mass, and would exacerbate an apparent mismatch between the cosmic evolution of the volume densities of SFR and stellar mass. We conclude that for high-redshift star forming galaxies an exponentially increasing SFR with a high formation redshift is preferable to other forms of the SFH so far adopted in the literature.Comment: 19 pages, 28 figures, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society in pres

    The hierarchical build-up of the Tully-Fisher relation

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    We use the semi-analytic model GalICS to predict the Tully-Fisher relation in the B, I and for the first time, in the K band, and its evolution with redshift, up to z~1. We refined the determination of the disk galaxies rotation velocity, with a dynamical recipe for the rotation curve, rather than a simple conversion from the total mass to maximum velocity. The new recipe takes into account the disk shape factor, and the angular momentum transfer occurring during secular evolution leading to the formation of bulges. This produces model rotation velocities that are lower by ~20-25% for the majority of the spirals. We implemented stellar population models with a complete treatment of the TP-AGB, which leads to a revision of the mass-to-light ratio in the near-IR. I/K band luminosities increase by ~0.3/0.5 mags at redshift z=0 and by ~0.5/1 mags at z=3. With these two new recipes in place, the comparison between the predicted Tully-Fisher relation with a series of datasets in the optical and near-IR, at redshifts between 0 and 1, is used as a diagnostics of the assembly and evolution of spiral galaxies in the model. At 0.4<z<1.2 the match between the new model and data is remarkably good, especially for later-type spirals (Sb/Sc). At z=0 the new model shows a net improvement in comparison with its original version of 2003, and in accord with recent observations in the K band, the model Tully-Fisher also shows a morphological differentiation. However, in all bands the z=0 model Tully-Fisher is too bright. We argue that this behaviour is caused by inadequate star formation histories in the model galaxies at low redshifts. The star-formation rate declines too slowly, due to continuous gas infall that is not efficiently suppressed. An analysis of the model disk scale lengths, at odds with observations, hints to some missing physics in the modeling of disk formation inside dark matter halos.Comment: Accepted for publication on MNRAS. 2 new plots, 1 new section, and extended discussion. 21 pages, 11 figures in tota

    Prenatal Exposure to BPA: The Effects on Hepatic Lipid Metabolism in Male and Female Rat Fetuses

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    Bisphenol A (BPA) is an organic chemical compound widely used for manufacturing plastics. BPA exposure originates principally from the diet, but it can also originate from dermal contact. In over 90% of individuals, including pregnant women, BPA is detectable in several body fluids. The effects of this exposure on the fetus are under active investigation in several research laboratories. The aim of our work was to study the impact of prenatal exposure to BPA in the liver of rat fetuses from a sex-dependent point of view. We particularly investigated the effects of prenatal BPA exposure on hepatic lipids because of their crucial role, not only for the liver, but also for the whole-body functions. Our results demonstrate that the liver of rat fetuses, in utero exposed to a very low dose of BPA (2.5 µg/kg/day), displays significant modulations with regard to proteins involved in cholesterol and fatty acid biosynthesis and trafficking. Moreover, an impact on inflammatory process has been observed. All these effects are dependent on sex, being observable only in female rat fetuses. In conclusion, this work demonstrates that maternal exposure to BPA compromises hepatic lipid metabolism in female offspring, and it also reveals the perspective impact of BPA on human health at doses currently considered safe

    The impact of TP-AGB stars on hierarchical galaxy formation models

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    The spectro-photometric properties of galaxies in galaxy formation models are obtained by combining the predicted history of star formation and mass accretion with the physics of stellar evolution through stellar population models. In the recent literature, significant differences have emerged regarding the implementation of the Thermally-Pulsing Asymptotic Giant Branch phase of stellar evolution. The emission in the TP-AGB phase dominates the bolometric and near-IR spectrum of intermediate-age (~1 Gyr) stellar populations, hence it is crucial for the correct modeling of the galaxy luminosities and colours. In this paper for the first time, we incorporate a full prescription of the TP-AGB phase in a semi-analytic model of galaxy formation. We find that the inclusion of the TP-AGB in the model spectra dramatically alters the predicted colour-magnitude relation and its evolution with redshift. When the TP-AGB phase is active, the rest-frame V-K galaxy colours are redder by almost 2 magnitudes in the redshift range z~2-3 and by 1 magnitude at z~1. Very red colours are produced in disk galaxies, so that the V-K colour distributions of disk and spheroids are virtually undistinguishable at low redshifts. We also find that the galaxy K-band emission is more than 1 magnitude higher in the range z~1-3. This may alleviate the difficulties met by the hierarchical clustering scenario in predicting the red galaxy population at high redshifts. The comparison between simulations and observations have to be revisited in the light of our results.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures. Accepted for publication on MNRAS Letter

    The effect of thermally pulsating asymptotic giant branch stars on the evolution of the rest-frame near-infrared galaxy luminosity function

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    We address the fundamental question of matching the rest-frame K-band luminosity function (LF) of galaxies over the Hubble time using semi-analytic models, after modification of the stellar population modelling. We include the Maraston evolutionary synthesis models, that feature a higher contribution by the Thermally Pulsating - Asymptotic Giant Branch (TP-AGB) stellar phase, into three different semi-analytic models, namely the De Lucia and Blaizot version of the Munich model, MORGANA and the Menci model. We leave all other input physics and parameters unchanged. We find that the modification of the stellar population emission can solve the mismatch between models and the observed rest-frame K-band luminosity from the brightest galaxies derived from UKIDSS data at high redshift. For all explored semi-analytic models this holds at the redshifts - between 2 and 3 - where the discrepancy was recently pointed out. The reason for the success is that at these cosmic epochs the model galaxies have the right age (~1 Gyr) to contain a well-developed TP-AGB phase which makes them redder without the need of changing their mass or age. At the same time, the known overestimation of the faint end is enhanced in the K-band when including the TP-AGB contribution. At lower redshifts (z<2) some of the explored models deviate from the data. This is due to too short merging timescales and inefficient 'radio-mode' AGN feedback. Our results show that a strong evolution in mass predicted by hierarchical models is compatible with no evolution on the bright-end of the K-band LF from z=3 to the local universe. This means that, at high redshifts and contrary to what is commonly accepted, K-band emission is not necessarily a good tracer of galaxy mass.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figures, accepted by MNRA

    Projeto "Viver em Cascavel": análise do fluxo de informações

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    This study estimated and evaluated the time period (in days) concerning the flow of Live Birth Declarations (DNV) for high-risk newborns assisted by the Project "Living in Cascavel" - Paraná, Brazil, from 1996 to 1998, according to organization sites (hospital, epidemiological surveillance service, basic health unit). Three hundred and three declarations were analyzed, and in order to analyze the flow time of the DNVs, 95% confidence intervals were constructed for the mean population times (in days). Tthe results showed that the DNVs took 25 to 30 days to flow from the hospital until the moment when the home visit occurred. The care to high-risk newborns must take place in the shortest possible time; therefore, the flow time of DNVs found in this study, from birth until the home visit, may hinder the achievement of one of the objectives proposed by the project in question, which is the reduction of infant morbi-mortality in the municipality.El presente estudio estimó y analizó el tiempo (en días) de flujo de los certificados de nacimiento de niños con riesgo, atendidos en el Proyecto "Vivir en Cascavel" - Paraná, 1996 hasta 1998, según los espacios organizacionales (hospital, vigilancia epidemiológica, unidad básica de salud). Fueron analizados 303 certificados. Para el análisis del tiempo de flujo del certificado fueron construidos intervalos de 95% de confianza para los tiempos medios poblacionales (en días). Los resultados muestran que el tiempo promedio de flujo es largo, entre 25 y 30 días. La atención al recién nacido de riesgo debe acontecer en plazos lo más breves posibles y, en este sentido, el tiempo de flujo del certificado, desde el nacimiento hasta la visita domiciliaria, puede estar comprometiendo uno de los objetivos del proyecto analizado, o sea, la reducción de la morbi-mortalidad infantil en el municipio.O presente estudo estimou e analisou o tempo (em dias) do fluxo das Declarações de Nascidos Vivos (DNV) de risco atendidos no Projeto "Viver em Cascavel"- Paraná, 1996 a 1998, segundo os espaços organizativos (hospital, vigilância epidemiológica, unidade básica de saúde). Foram analisadas 303 declarações. Para análise do tempo de fluxo da DNV, foram construídos intervalos de 95% de confiança para os tempos médios populacionais (em dias). Os resultados apontam que a DNV demorou para fluir do hospital até o momento de realização da visita domiciliária, de 25 a 30 dias. A atenção ao recém nascido de risco deve acontecer nos prazos mais breves possíveis. Nesse sentido, o tempo de fluxo da DNV encontrado neste estudo, do nascimento à visita domiciliária, pode comprometer um dos objetivos do Projeto em questão, qual seja, a redução da morbimortalidade infantil no município

    Inhibition of IL-1β signaling normalizes NMDA-dependent neurotransmission and reduces seizure susceptibility in a mouse model of Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease

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    Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD) is a neurodegenerative disorder caused by prion protein (PrP) misfolding, clinically recognized by cognitive and motor deficits, electroencephalographic abnormalities, and seizures. Its neurophysiological bases are not known. To assess the potential involvement of NMDA receptor (NMDAR) dysfunction, we analyzed NMDA-dependent synaptic plasticity in hippocampal slices from Tg(CJD) mice, which model a genetic form of CJD. Because PrP depletion may result in functional upregulation of NMDARs, we also analyzed PrP knock-out (KO) mice. Long-term potentiation (LTP) at the Schaffer collateral-commissural synapses in the CA1 area of ∼100-d-old Tg(CJD) mice was comparable to that of wild-type (WT) controls, but there was an inversion of metaplasticity, with increased GluN2B phosphorylation, which is indicative of enhanced NMDAR activation. Similar but less marked changes were seen in PrP KO mice. At ∼300 d of age, the magnitude of LTP increased in Tg(CJD) mice but decreased in PrP KO mice, indicating divergent changes in hippocampal synaptic responsiveness. Tg(CJD) but not PrP KO mice were intrinsically more susceptible than WT controls to focal hippocampal seizures induced by kainic acid. IL-1β-positive astrocytes increased in the Tg(CJD) hippocampus, and blocking IL-1 receptor signaling restored normal synaptic responses and reduced seizure susceptibility. These results indicate that alterations in NMDA-dependent glutamatergic transmission in Tg(CJD) mice do not depend solely on PrP functional loss. Moreover, astrocytic IL-1β plays a role in the enhanced synaptic responsiveness and seizure susceptibility, suggesting that targeting IL-1β signaling may offer a novel symptomatic treatment for CJD.SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENT Dementia and myoclonic jerks develop in individuals with Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD), an incurable brain disorder caused by alterations in prion protein structure. These individuals are prone to seizures and have high brain levels of the inflammatory cytokine IL-1β. Here we show that blocking IL-1β receptors with anakinra, the human recombinant form of the endogenous IL-1 receptor antagonist used to treat rheumatoid arthritis, normalizes hippocampal neurotransmission and reduces seizure susceptibility in a CJD mouse model. These results link neuroinflammation to defective neurotransmission and the enhanced susceptibility to seizures in CJD and raise the possibility that targeting IL-1β with clinically available drugs may be beneficial for symptomatic treatment of the disease

    Integrated CGH/WES Analyses Advance Understanding of Aggressive Neuroblastoma Evolution: A Case Study

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    Neuroblastoma (NB) is the most common extra-cranial malignancy in preschool children. To portray the genetic landscape of an overly aggressive NB leading to a rapid clinical progression of the disease, tumor DNA collected pre- and post-treatment has been analyzed. Array comparative genomic hybridization (aCGH), whole-exome sequencing (WES), and pharmacogenetics approaches, respectively, have identified relevant copy number alterations (CNAs), single nucleotide variants (SNVs), and polymorphisms (SNPs) that were then combined into an integrated analysis. Spontaneously formed 3D tumoroids obtained from the recurrent mass have also been characterized. The results prove the power of combining CNAs, SNVs, and SNPs analyses to assess clonal evolution during the disease progression by evidencing multiple clones at disease onset and dynamic genomic alterations during therapy administration. The proposed molecular and cytogenetic integrated analysis empowers the disease follow-up and the prediction of tumor recurrence