9 research outputs found

    Design Of Rubble Analyzer Probe Using ML For Earthquake

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    The earthquake rubble analyzer uses machine learning to detect human presence via ambient sounds, achieving 97.45% accuracy. It also provides real-time environmental data, aiding in assessing survival prospects for trapped individuals, crucial for post-earthquake rescue effort


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    Building clinical decision support systems, which includes diagnosing patient’s disease states and formulating a treatment plan, is an important step toward personalized medicine. The counterfactual nature of clinical decision-making is a major challenge for machine learning-based treatment recommendation, i.e., we can only observe the outcome of the clinician’s actions while the outcome of alternative treatment options is unknown. The thesis is an attempt to formulate robust counterfactual learning frameworks for efficient offline policy evaluation and policy learning using observational data. We focus on the offline data scenario and leverage historically collected Electronic Health Records, since online policy testing can potentially adversely impact the patient’s well-being. The problem is compounded by the inherent uncertainty in clinical decision-making due to heterogeneous patient contexts, the presence of significant variability in patient-specific predictions, smaller datasets, and limited knowledge of the clinician’s intrinsic reward function and environment dynamics. This motivates the need to tackle uncertainty and enable improved clinical policy generalization via context-based policy learning. We propose counterfactual frameworks to tackle the highlighted challenges under two learning scenarios: contextual bandits and dynamic treatment regime. In the bandit setting, we focus on effectively tackling the model uncertainty inherent in inverse propensity weighting methods and highlight our approach’s efficacy on oral anticoagulant dosing task. In dynamic treatment regime, we focus on sequential treatment interventions and consider the problem of imitating the clinician’s policy for sepsis management. We formulate it as a multi-task problem and propose meta-Inverse Reinforcement Learning framework to jointly adapt policy and reward functions to diverse patient groups, thus enabling improved policy generalization.M.S

    Effect of Cultivars and Phosphorus Levels on Nutrient Uptake and Quality of Moth Bean [Vigna aconitifolia (Jacq.) Marechal]

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    A field experiment was conducted on moth bean during kharif, 2016 at Agronomy Farm, College of Agriculture, Bikaner. The experiment was laid out in randomized block design with three replications. The treatments consisted of four varieties namely, RMO 40, RMO 225, RMO 435 and RMO 257 and four levels of phosphorus viz., 20, 40, 60 and 80 kg P2O5 ha-1. Variety RMO 257 found superior to RMO 225 and RMO 435 in terms of nitrogen uptake in grain, straw, total nitrogen uptake and phosphorus uptake in grain however, it was at par with RMO 40 in all these characters. Different varieties of moth bean did not show significant variations in nitrogen and phosphorus content of grain and straw, protein content of grain, phosphorus uptake in straw and total phosphorus uptake. Nitrogen content in seed and straw, protein content in seed, nitrogen uptake in straw, total nitrogen uptake, phosphorus uptake by seed and straw and total phosphorus uptake were significantly higher with 80 kg P205 ha-1 compared with preceding levels but found at par with 60 kg P205 ha-1 while nitrogen uptake by seed was significantly higher with 40 kg P205 ha-1 compared to preceding level

    Characterization of Soil Properties and Their Relationship with Various Sulphur Fractions in Groundnut Farming Regions of Bikaner District, India

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    An exploratory survey was conducted in Bikaner district during the 2015-16 kharif season to study the sulphur fractions and other soil properties in groundnut growing areas. 40 farmers from four tehsils (Lunkaransar, Shri Dungargarh, Nokha, and Kolayat) were selected for the study. Soil samples were collected and analyzed for pH, EC, CaCO3, organic carbon, soil texture, available nutrients (N, P2O5, K2O, S), and sulphur fractions. The results showed that the soils were sandy, loamy sand, and sandy loam in texture and alkaline in -pH. The majority of soils were calcareous with low organic carbon content. The available nitrogen was found to be low while available P2O5 and K2O were medium. The distribution of different forms of sulphur in soil was found to be strongly dependent on soil characteristics such as clay content, silt and organic carbon content. It is noted that for more productive growth of groundnut better fertilizer practices along with organic manure should be practiced so as to improve OC status as well as compensate for lower water holding capacity of sandy soils

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    Not AvailableField experiments were conducted at eleven centers of All India Coordinated Research Project on Potato located in different agro-climatic zones to investigate the role of phosphobacteria in P economy in potato crop during 2005-06 and 2006-07. Six treatments consisting of combinations of different levels of P as well as phosphobacteria (PSB) used in the study showed significant effect on yield of potato. At Kalyani, Chhindwara, Kota, Patna, Hassan and Ooty, recommended dose of NK + 75% P + PSB was statistically at par with recommended dose of NPK in term of total yield. At Bhubaneshwar, Dholi, Hisar, Deesa and Modipuram, 75% of fertilizer P + PSB either had no significant effect on potato tuber yield or reduced the yield marginally in two years of experimentations. Net returns with recommended NPK or 75% P + PSB showed the best results at most of the centers. The per cent saving of fertilizer P, calculated using quadratic model, was maximum for Hassan (43%). In general, use of PSB saved around 20 to 25% P, depending upon agro-ecological situations and soil conditions. However, at Bhubaneshwar, Kota and Dholi the saving being very meager was not economical. The results clearly indicate the role of PSB in saving fertilizer P across different agro-climatic zones, However, it also came out very clearly that effectiveness of the PSB depends on agro-ecological situations and soil conditions. Keywords: Phosphobacteria, phosphorus application, potato, agro-climatic zone.Not Availabl