413 research outputs found


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    The aim of this research identified the number of household industries in the food processing and knew the Good Manufacturing Practices(GMP) application of the household industry in the food processing in Kota Gorontalo. This research was carried out for 6 (six) month, in Kota Gorontalo. The household industry that was made the sample was household industry that was involved in the food processing. The method of the data collection was in this research carried out with the direct interview with used quisioner, the registration of the data that was related to the research from agencies, and observation that is observing directly the object of the research. The data that was gathered was edited afterwards was analysed with the descriptive method. Results survey the beginning showed the number of household industries of food processing in Kota Gorontalo totalling 7 (seven) industries with 90% of the kind of the end product is snack. The GMP application to the household industry of food processing in Kota Gorontalo most were carried out in accordance with the rules of GMP.. To receive certification must be carried out by the correction towards the layout regulation of the production, the cleanliness warning, the handling of the waste


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    Penelitan ini menganalisis setting sebagai penunjuk status sosial dalam film Athirah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui status sosial pada setting yang terdapat dalam film Athirah. Permasalahan pada penelitian ini dibedah dengan menganalisis sampel yang sudah dipilih untuk mengetahui jenis dan fungsi setting yang terdapat pada film Athirah. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah deskriptif kualitatif. Pemilihan sampel pada penelitian ini menggunakan teknik purposive sampling. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan berupa observasi dan dokumen. Untuk analisis data dilakukan secara tiga tahap yaitu reduksi data, sajian data, dan penarikan kesimpulan dan verifikasi. Berdasarkan analisis yang dilakukan, setting yang menunjukkan status sosial dalam film Athirah adalah setting di dalam truk, setting toko Puang Ajji, setting kamar Athirah, setting ruang makan, setting ruang tamu, setting kamar Ucu, setting lapangan bola, setting rumah Mak Kerah, setting tempat penenunan kain sarung, setting Pasar Tradisional, setting air terjun Bantimurung, setting sekolah, setting jalanan, dan setting dapur. Setting tersebut menunjukkan status sosial Achieved-status menjadi status yang dominan pada film Athirah, sedangkan untuk status sosial Ascribed-status tidak terlalu banyak muncul pada film ini. Kata Kunci: Setting, status sosial, dan film Athira


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    Tujuan penelitian untuk menghasilkan modul elektronik perakitan dan instalasi komputer dan mengetahui seberapa layak produk tersebut sebagai sumber belajar untuk SMK kompetensi keahlian teknik komputer jaringan kelas X SMK Piri 1 Yogyakarta. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian pengembangan (Research and Development). Desain penelitian yang digunakan mengacu pada model pengembangan ADDIE. Jenis data yang digunakan adalah kuantitatif Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan angket. Teknik analisis data dalam penelitian ini adalah deskriptif kuantitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: 1) Hasil produk modul elektronik yang telah dikembangkan berupa software aplikasi dengan ekstensi .exe, mencakup materi perakitan komputer. 2) Hasil produk modul elektronik dinyatakan layak digunakan menurut ahli media dan materi dengan persentase 87,62% dan 74,3%, dan menurut tanggapan siswa sebagai respon pengguna dinyatakan layak dengan persentase 76,08% sehingga produk yang telah dikembangkan layak digunakan sebagai sumber belajar dalam proses pembelajaran. Kata Kunci : Modul elektronik, Perakitan dan Instalasi Komputer, Sumber Belaja

    Alcohol and Substance Use Knowledge, Attitudes, Subjective Norms, Self-Efficacy, Perceived Behavioral Control, and Behavioral Intentions Among Omani College Students

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    Alcohol and/or substance use among college students is a serious public health issue. In Oman, studies addressing college student’s alcohol and/or substance use are limited. The purpose of this study was to identify knowledge, attitudes, subjective norms, self-efficacy, and perceived behavioral control associated with alcohol and/or substance usage patterns among Omani college students (OCSs); identify behavioral intentions for alcohol and/or substance use among OCSs; and facilitate the development of culturally relevant evidenced-based interventions for Omani young people by communicating study findings to policymakers and healthcare program leaders. A cross-sectional design used an online survey completed by college students from Oman higher education institutes (HEIs) in academic year 2016-2017. One hundred and eighty-two males (45.2%) and 224 females (54.8%) reported 30-day prevalence rates of 3.2% and lifetime prevalence rates of 15.9% for alcohol and/or substance use. Attitudes, subjective norms, and self-efficacy significantly predicted OCSs’ alcohol and/or substance use behavioral intentions (p \u3c 0.05). Perceived behavioral control was not a significant predictor. Socio-demographic factors (i.e., age, gender, father’s educational level, family income, college type, region of permanent residence, and religiosity) were significantly associated with and predicted OCSs alcohol and/or substance use behavioral intentions (p \u3c 0.05). Findings supported attitudes, subjective norms, self-efficacy, and perceived behavioral control as predictors for alcohol and/or substance use behavioral intentions among OCSs. Notably, alcohol and/or substance behavioral use intentions and behaviors of surveyed OCSs were influenced by their attitudes, subjective norms, and self-efficacy rather than by their knowledge of the health consequences. Secondly, OCSs reported a strong self-efficacy in their ability to avoid alcohol and/or substances; however, this did not translate to lower intentions. Public health professionals, educators, and policymakers should focus on influencing intentions and on strengthening OCSs’ confidence to abstain from alcohol and/or substances. This can be accomplished by incorporating avoidance or refusal training skills into HEIs’ existing evidence-based interventions for alcohol and/or substance use for OCSs. Incorporating this same skill training may yield further evidence about which TPB constructs public health professionals should include in the development of national alcohol and/or substance use prevention programs


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    Latar Belakang: Persalinan normal adalah proses pengeluaran janin yang cukup bulan, lahir secara spontan dengan presentasi belakang kepala, disusul dengan pengeluaran plasenta dan selaput ketuban dari rahim ibu, tanpa komplikasi baik ibu mau pun janin. Dasar asuhan persalinan normal adalah asuhan yang bersih dan aman selama persalinan dan setelah bayi lahir, serta upaya penanganan komplikasi terutama perdarahan pasca persalinan, hipotermi ada nasfiksia bayi baru lahir. Persalinan normal Mengupayakan kelangsungan hidup dan mencapai derajat kesehatan yang tinggi bagi ibu dan bayinya (Prawirohardjo, 2008). Tujuan: Tujuan pemberian asuhan kebidanan pada ibu bersalin normal yaitu untuk mengetahui bagaimana asuhan kebidanan persalinan normal dengan pendekatan manajemen kebidanan menurut Varney Di Ruang Bersalin Puskesmas Alak Kota Kupang. Metodepenelitian : Penulismenggunakanmetodepenelitiankualitatif, metodepenelitian kualitatif merupakan prosedur penelitian yang menghasilkan data deskriptif berupa kata-kata tertulis atau hasil dari orang – orang dan perilaku yang dapat diamati, penulis melakukan penelitian ini di puskesmas alak kota kupang. Pembahasan: Berdasar kanasuhan yang dilakukan dimulai dengan pengumpulan data yaitu data subyektif dan obyektif, menginterpretasikan data, menentukan masalah potensial yang tejadi, menentukan tindakan segera yang dilakukan untuk mencegah terjadinya masalah potensial, membuat perencanaan berdasarkan kebutuhanya itu melakukan pertolongan persalinan spontan pervagina mpada ibu bersalin normal, melakukan asuhan kebidanan post partum hingga 2 jam dan mengikuti perkembangan ibu dan bayi selama pemberianasuhan, mengevaluasi, dan melakukan pendokumentasian pada kasus persalinan normal. Kesimpulan: Persalinan dimulai ketika adannya tanda-tanda persalinan dan berakhirsetelah lahirnya plasenta hingga pemantauan kala IV dan cara yang digunakan dalam asuhan ini menggunakan 7 langkah Varney


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    Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh penurunan laba yang diterima oleh pengusaha lanting di Kabupaten Kebumen. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui apakah modal kerja berperan memediasi pengaruh perilaku kewirausahaan terhadap laba. Populasi pada penelitian ini adalah pengusaha lanting di Kabupaten Kebumen sebanyak 292 pengusaha. Dengan menggunakan teknik sampel random sampling dan proportional random sampling diperoleh sampel sebanyak 104 pengusaha. Metode yang digunakan adalah survey eksplanatori dan teknik analisis data yaitu analisis regresi berganda dengan variabel mediasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa: (i) perilaku kewirausahaan berada pada kategori tinggi; modal kerja berada pada kategori sedang; laba berada pada kategori tinggi, (ii) perilaku kewirausahaan berpengaruh positif terhadap laba, (iii) modal kerja berperan memediasi pengaruh perilaku kewirausahaan terhadap laba. Kata Kunci: Perilaku Kewirausahaan, Modal Kerja, Laba. This research is based on decrease on profit recieved by entrepreneurs of lanting in Kebumen Regency. This research aims to determine wether the working capital have a role mediate the effect of Entrepreneurship behavior on profit. The population in this research were entrepreneurs of lanting in Kebumen Regency which amounted 292 entrepreneurs. By using the technique of random sampling and proportional random sampling obtained a sample of 104 entrepeneurs. The method used in this research is an explanatory survey and data analysis technique that analysis regression multiplier with mediation model. The result show: (i) Entrepreneurship behavior are in the high category; working capital are in the medium category; and profit are in the high category, (ii)Entrepreneurship behavior has a positive effect on profit, (iii) working capital have a role mediate the effect of Entrepreneurship behavior on profit. Key Words: Working Capital, Entrepreneurship Behavior, Profi

    The large-time structure of the solution to initial-value problems for a class of Burgers' equations with time dependent coefficients

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    In this thesis we use the method of matched asymptotic coordinate expansions to examine in detail the structure of the large-time solution of initial-value problems based on a class of Burgers’ equations with time dependent coefficients. The normalized nonlinear paritial differential equation considered is given by ut_t + tδ^δuux_x = ux_xx_x, −∞0. where x and t represent dimensionless distance and time respectively, and δ (> −1) is a constant. In particular, we are interested in the emergence of coherent structures (com- posed of the expansion wave, Taylor shock wave profile, Rudenko-Soluyan wave profile, and the error function wave profile) in the large-time solution of the problems considered

    Calibration of OpenSim Lifting Full-Body Model for Dynamic Simulations of Patient-handling Maneuvers

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    Manual patient-handling tasks are associated with lower-back pain and injury. Computational musculoskeletal models may determine forces on the low back, trunk muscle activation during these tasks, and provide insight on how these may result in injury. There are no publicly available models for these tasks. To determine the appropriateness of the OpenSim Full-Body Lifting Model for these tasks, this project calibrated the model with biomechanical data of simulated maneuvers performed by a test subject. Thirty-nine reflective markers were placed bilaterally on bony prominences (forehead, back of head, clavicle, sternum, C7, T10, epicondyle of humerus, styloid process, metacarpal, anterior and posterior iliac crests, calcaneus, toe, upper arm, forearm, thigh, and shank). Ten electromyography (EMG) sensors were attached to the bilateral external obliques, rectus abdominis, thoracic and lumbar erector spinae, and rectus femoris. The subject performed three maneuvers 15 times while standing on two force plates: a twisting motion at the hips, a one arm raise, and a shallow squat. Kinematic data were collected at 100Hz, and EMG and force plate data at 1000Hz. The kinematic and kinetic data were applied to the model to scale and perform inverse kinematics and dynamics. It is recommended that the maximum marker errors be between 2 and 4 centimeters for inverse kinematics and about 2 centimeters for scaling. However, the acceptable error may vary by application. In our trials the maximum errors for inverse kinematics varied between 1 and 10 centimeters. During a lifting trial, the left forehead marker was the only marker with high error. Since that marker is mainly important for scaling, a high error in inverse kinematics shouldn’t affect the simulation predictions; so our calibration procedure ignores high errors from non-essential markers. Our calibration procedure will provide a framework for evaluating simulated results and the feasibility of the model for patient-handling tasks
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