43 research outputs found


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    Leisure time physical activity (PA) and exercise training help to improve and maintain cognitive function in healthy older adults and in adults with the APOE-ε4 allele, a genetic risk for Alzheimer’s Disease (AD). Earlier work finding increased functional connectivity in the Default Mode Network (DMN) after a 12-week walking intervention in 16 older adults with mild cognitive impairment is presented in Chapter 3. The primary dissertation study investigating differences in brain function depending on PA level and genetic risk for AD prior to changes in cognition is presented in Chapters 4-6. Useable resting state and anatomical MRI scans were collected from 69 healthy adults (22-51 years) as well as saliva for APOE genotyping (carriers defined as homozygotes or heterozygotes of the ɛ4 allele) and responses to the Paffenbarger Physical Activity Questionnaire (High PA >1500 kcal, Low PA <1500 kcal per week). The following network measures of functional connectivity were calculated: global efficiency; node strength of Default Mode Network (DMN) and Fronto-Parietal Network (FPN) hubs and hippocampal subsections; and long-range connectivity of the medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC) and posterior cingulate cortex (PCC) in the DMN. Multiple linear regression analysis revealed statistically significant results for the long-range connectivity of the left PCC, a prominent hub of the DMN, and left mPFC. The differences in projected trajectories of the connectivity are potentially reflective of the compensatory time-course in our participants based on interactions of PA level and APOE status. The Low PA non-carriers had a positive slope indicating increased connectivity with age while carriers and non-carriers in the High PA category had horizontal aging trajectories. PA is associated with cognitive reserve (CR), a term describing the protection and adaptation of cognitive processes through neural efficiency and compensation mechanisms, and it is possible the Low PA non-carriers exhibited compensatory increases in connectivity of the left mPFC-PCC earlier than High PA study participants due to lower levels of CR. The promising findings that rs-fMRI can be used as an early detection of brain changes sensitive to PA levels and APOE-ɛ4 status are critical to the research and treatment of AD

    Exercise Training and Functional Connectivity Changes in Mild Cognitive Empairment and Healthy Elders

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    Background: Effective interventions are needed to improve brain function in mild cognitive impairment (MCI), an early stage of Alzheimer’s disease (AD). The posterior cingulate cortex (PCC)/precuneus is a hub of the default mode network (DMN) and is preferentially vulnerable to disruption of functional connectivity in MCI and AD. Objective: We investigated whether 12 weeks of aerobic exercise could enhance functional connectivity of the PCC/precuneus in MCI and healthy elders. Methods: Sixteen MCI and 16 healthy elders (age range = 60–88) engaged in a supervised 12-week walking exercise intervention. Functional MRI was acquired at rest; the PCC/precuneus was used as a seed for correlated brain activity maps. Results: A linear mixed effects model revealed a significant interaction in the right parietal lobe: the MCI group showed increased connectivity while the healthy elders showed decreased connectivity. In addition, both groups showed increased connectivity with the left postcentral gyrus. Comparing pre to post intervention changes within each group, the MCI group showed increased connectivity in 10 regions spanning frontal, parietal, temporal and insular lobes, and the cerebellum. Healthy elders did not demonstrate any significant connectivity changes. Conclusion: The observed results show increased functional connectivity of the PCC/precuneus in individuals with MCI after 12 weeks of moderate intensity walking exercise training. The protective effects of exercise training on cognition may be realized through the enhancement of neural recruitment mechanisms, which may possibly increase cognitive reserve. Whether these effects of exercise training may delay further cognitive decline in patients diagnosed with MCI remains to be demonstrated


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    EDUCATION AND PEASANT RESISTANCE IN THE PARAENSE AMAZONIAEDUCACIÓN Y RESISTENCIA CAMPESINA EN LA AMAZONIA PARAENSERESUMOEste artigo é fruto dos apontamentos da pesquisa de mestrado desenvolvida no Programa de Pós-Graduação em Agriculturas Amazônicas (PPGAA) da Universidade Federal do Pará – UFPA. Aborda os desafios da luta pela terra no Sudeste Paraense, refletindo sobre o papel da educação nesse processo. Ele aponta a educação que permeia o cotidiano das pessoas, como elemento que fortalece a resistência política dos camponeses, por isso, não está apenas relacionada à conquista da terra, mas também, à permanência na mesma e à mudança da qualidade de vida nos acampamentos e assentamentos. O artigo é resultado de um estudo de caso, desenvolvido no Acampamento Sem Terra, denominado de Dalcídio Jurandir, localizado no Sudeste Paraense e encaminhado por uma abordagem qualitativa. Entende-se que o movimento social busca uma educação que dê conta de compreender as circunstâncias vividas a partir de suas contradições sociais, tendo a mesma lógica de resistência do campesinato, porque é nele que ela tem sua raiz histórica. Trata-se de uma educação que antecede à escola e vai muito além dela.Palavras-chave: Educação; Luta pela Terra; Resistência Camponesa.ABSTRACTThis article is the result of the master's research notes developed in the Postgraduate Program in Amazon Agriculture (PPGAA) of the Federal University of Pará – UFPA. It addresses the challenges of the struggle for land in Southeast Pará, reflecting on the role of education in this process. This paper points out the education that permeates people's daily lives, as an element that strengthens the political resistance of the peasants, therefore, it is not only related to the conquest of the land, but also to the permanence in it and to the change in the quality of life in the encampments and settlements. The article is the result of a case study, developed at the agrarian reform camp, called Dalcídio Jurandir, located in Southeast Pará and guided by a qualitative approach. It is understood that the social movement seeks an education that is able to understand the circumstances experienced from its social contradictions, having the same logic of resistance as the peasantry, because it has its historical roots in it. It is an education that precedes school and goes far beyond it.Keywords: Education; Struggle for Land; Peasant Resistance.RESUMENEste artículo es el resultado de las notas de investigación de maestría desarrolladas en el Programa de Posgrado en Agricultura Amazónica (PPGAA) de la Universidad Federal de Pará – UFPA. Aborda los desafíos de la lucha por la tierra en el sureste de Pará, reflexionando sobre el papel de la educación en este proceso. Señala la educación que permea la vida cotidiana de las personas, como un elemento que fortalece la resistencia política de los campesinos, por lo tanto, no solo se relaciona con la conquista de la tierra, sino también con la permanencia en ella y con el cambio de la tierra. Calidad de vida en los campamentos y asentamientos. El artículo es el resultado de un estudio de caso, desarrollado en el Campamento Sem Terra, llamado Dalcídio Jurandir, ubicado en el sureste de Pará y guiado por un enfoque cualitativo. Se entiende que el movimiento social busca una educación que sea capaz de comprender las circunstancias vividas desde sus contradicciones sociales, teniendo la misma lógica de resistencia que el campesinado, porque tiene en ella sus raíces históricas. Es una educación que precede a la escuela y la va mucho más allá.Palabras clave: Educación; Lucha por la Tierra; Resistencia Campesina

    Calculo y diseño de la línea de frío en la planta piloto pesquera de Taganga

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    El estudio se realizó en la planta piloto pesquera de Taganga (P.P.P.T.) en el transcurso de 1985 y parte de 1986, con el objetivo de dotar efectivamente a la planta de una infraestructura que posibilite la implementación de la línea de frío para la conservación de los productos pesqueros en las fases de su proceso. Este modifica las condiciones actuales de la Planta en la de una planta ideal, brindando a toda la población estudiantil y docente de la Facultad le Ingeniaría Pesquera un proceso productivo continuo, trayendo consigo una mejor cualificación de sus egresados y una mejor extensión de servicios a la comunidad y proporcionando productos pesqueros de buena calidad a precios justos. Además, la planta reducirá sus gastos de funcionamiento durante el primer año y el orden de los $ 2.433.142,70. Características del producto el cual se presenta congelado en varias modalidades, pescado entero en bandejas de icopor con bolsas plásticas y embalado en cajas de cartón parafinado de 20 kg. Pescado en filetes: e 239, cartilaginosos: empacado en bolsas plásticas de 1 y 2 kg y embalados en cajas de cartón parafinado de 20 kg. - Óseos: Ídem a), Pescado en rodajas: Ídem a), Pulpo de calamar ídem, a los cartilaginosos, camarón, en bolsas plásticas de 1 kg y embalados en cajas de cartón parafinado de 20 kg

    O Discurso da Responsabilidade Social nas Empresas Contemporâneas: valorização da humanização das marcas nas campanhas publicitárias

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    RESUMOA partir da década de 1990, intensifica-se a percepção do impacto ambiental e cresce a discussão sobre sustentabilidade e responsabilidade social corporativa. O assunto ganha pauta na mídia nacional e internacional, impulsiona novas estratégias de negócios. Campanhas publicitárias corporativas passam a adotar o discurso da responsabilidade social e de qualidade de vida, visando o fortalecimento da imagem da marca. Neste artigo, utilizamos a pesquisa bibliográfica multidisciplinar como modelo teórico-metodológico para discutir a nova retórica do grande capital à luz dos estudos do consumo, da mídia e da comunicação. Descrevemos e analisamos um conjunto de propagandas de instituições financeiras para demonstrarmos nosso argumento sobre a humanização das marcas.Palavras-chave: Comunicação e Consumo; Responsabilidade Social; Marca Institucional.RESUMENDesde la década de 1990, se intensifica la percepción de impacto ambiental y la creciente discusión sobre la sostenibilidad y la responsabilidad social corporativa. El tema hay gañado espacio en los medios de comunicación nacionales e internacionales, di la conducción de nuevas estrategias de negocio. Campañas publicitarias comienzan a adoptar el discurso de la responsabilidad social y la calidad de vida como una ventaja competitiva y el fortalecimiento de la imagen de marca. Nosotros usamos la pesquisa bibliográfica multidisciplinar como un modelo teórico-metodológico para demonstrar el argumento de la nueva retórica de las grandes empresas a la luz de las teorías de consumo, medios de comunicación y la comunicacón. Se analizaron anuncios selecionados de instituciones financieras donde se adopta El discurso de la humanización de las marcas.Palabras clave: Comunicación y Consumo; Responsabilidad Social; Marca Corporativa.ABSTRACTFrom the 1990’s, the perception of environmental impacts and the growing discussion about sustainability and corporate social responsibility are intensified. The issue gains national and international media agenda, giving rise to new business strategies. The discourse of social responsibility and quality of is taken up by advertising campaigns in order to strengthen brand image and boost the competitive edge of several corporations. Based on multidisciplinary bibliographical research, this paper aims to discuss the new rhetoric of big business from the point of view of consumption, media and communication studies. Advertisements from financial institutions are analyzed in order to demonstrate the argument on the humanization of brands.Keywords: Communication and Consumption Studies; Social Responsibility; Corporate Brand

    Driving performance in older adults: Current measures, findings, and implications for roadway safety

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    BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Over 10,000 people a day turn 65 in the United States. For many older adults, driving represents an essential component of independence and is one of the most important factors in overall mobility. Recent survey studies in older adults suggest that up to 60% of older adult drivers with mild cognitive impairment, and up to 30% with dementia, continue to drive. The purpose of this review is to provide a comprehensive and detailed resource on the topics of cognition and driving for clinicians, researchers, and policymakers working on efforts related to older adult drivers. RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS: Publications on PubMed and Medline and discussions with experts working in geriatrics, technology, driving policy, psychology, and diverse aspects of driving performance were utilized to inform the current review. RESULTS: Research indicates that there is a complex and inverse correlation between multiple cognitive measures, driving performance, and risky driving behaviors. The fragmented nature of available peer-reviewed literature, and a reliance on correlative data, do not currently allow for the identification of the temporal and reciprocal nature of the interplay between cognition and driving endpoints. DISCUSSION AND IMPLICATIONS: There are currently no widely accepted definitions, conceptual models, or uniform set of analyses for conducting geriatric research that is focused on driving. Establishing conventions for conducting research that harmonizes the fields of geriatrics, cognition, and driving research is critical for the development of the evidence base that will inform clinical practice and road safety policy

    "Cerebellar Challenge" for Older Adults: Evaluation of a Home-Based Internet Intervention

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    There is converging evidence that maintenance of function in the multiple connectivity networks involving the cerebellum is a key requirement for healthy aging. The present study evaluated the effectiveness of a home-based, internet-administered “cerebellar challenge” intervention designed to create progressive challenges to vestibular function, multi-tasking, and dynamic coordination. Participants (n = 98, mean age 68.2, SD 6.6) were randomly allocated to either intervention (the cerebellar challenge training for 10 weeks) or no intervention. All participants undertook an initial series of pre-tests, and then an identical set of post-tests following the intervention period. The test battery comprised five suites of tests designed to evaluate cognitive-sensori-motor-affective functions, including Physical Coordination, Memory, Language Dexterity, Fluid Thinking and Affect. The intervention group showed significant pre- to post improvements in 9 of the 18 tests, whereas the controls improved significantly on one only. Furthermore, the intervention group showed significantly greater improvement than the controls on the “Physical Coordination” suite of tests, with evidence also of differential improvement on the Delayed Picture Recall test. Frequency of intervention use correlated significantly with the improvement in balance and in peg-moving speed. It is concluded that an internet-based cerebellar challenge programme for older adults can lead to benefits in balance, coordination and declarative memory. Limitations and directions for further research are outlined

    Tolerância e persistência à enrofloxacina em Staphylococcus spp. de mastite caprina: caracterização, determinação de fatores de virulência e genômica comparativa

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    O leite caprino constitui uma importante fonte de alimentação para a nutrição humana e a contaminação por bactérias provenientes de infecções intramamárias, especialmente Staphylococcus spp., representa um risco de saúde pública. Apesar da antibioticoterapia ser o método de escolha, os micro-organismos podem sobreviver, se forem resistentes, tolerantes ou persistentes. Portanto, a identificação de isolados com esses perfis pode auxiliar no controle das complicações causadas pela mastite. O objetivo deste estudo foi caracterizar isolados de Staphylococcus spp. provenientes de mastite caprina, quanto ao perfil de tolerância/persistência e fatores de virulência associados, assim como identificar possíveis fatores genéticos relacionados a persistência. A identificação taxonômica de doze isolados de Staphylococcus spp. foi realizada por meio do MALDI-TOF. Aplicou-se o TDTest para triagem da tolerância/persistência, e através da microdiluição em caldo, obteve-se as concentrações inibitória mínima (CIM) e bactericida (CBM) para enrofloxaxina. Curvas de morte foram realizadas utilizando 2xCIM do antimicrobiano, analisando a população bacteriana sobrevivente em função da duração mínima de morte, assim como se é dependente de dose ou tempo. Realizou-se a quantificação do biofilme, através do ensaio de aderência em microplaca. Foram sequenciados os genomas dos oitos isolados de Staphylococcus warneri antes (4) e após (4) tratamento com enrofloxacina. A relação filogenômica e plasticidade genética foram avaliadas. Adicionalmente, houve a busca por genes de resistência e virulência, assim como a presença de polimofismos. Os isolados foram identificados como Staphylococcus aureus (n=4) e S. warneri (n=8). As bactérias apresentaram CIM e CBM variando entre 0,12 e 1,95 μg / mL, concentração abaixo do breakpoint (4μg / mL). Na curva de morte, os isolados de S. aureus mostraram-se tolerantes e S. warneri foram classificados como persistentes. Verificou-se que em isolados selecionados, a persistência foi tempo dependente do tipo I. Todos os isolados foram produtores de biofilme. No sequenciamento dos isolados de S. warneri, foram determinadas as sequências completas de três genomas e cinco em formato incompleto. Os isolados foram considerados clonais e na análise pangenômica, foram encontrados 2017 genes centrais, e entre 176 a 336 genes acessórios. Contudo, não foram encontrados genes únicos. Confome as análises do COG, os genes estão envolvidos em processos de funções gerais, transcrição, replicação e reparo de recombinação. Três profagos e seis ilhas genômicas foram preditos e totalmente compartilhados por todos os genomas de S. warneri. Similarmente, sete genes de resistência e seis genes de virulência foram compartilhados. A análise de polimorfismos detectou 13 variantes. Conclui-se que a tolerância e persistência nos isolados de Staphylococcus spp. foi fator determinante na sobrevivência à enrofloxacina. A tolerância foi confirmada para S. aureus, enquanto a persistência em S. warneri. A produção de biofilme pelas espécies pode ter favorecido significativamente a tolerância ao antibiótico. As análises de genômica comparativa demonstraram similaridade entre os isolados de S. warneri persistentes, indicando o potencial de disseminação entre animais e consequentemente um risco à saúde pública. Esse estudo permitiu traçar o perfil genético de isolados de S. warneri persistentes e a presença de genes que podem estar relacionados a processos importantes para a persistência bacteriana.Goat milk is an important source of food for human nutrition and contamination by bacteria from intramammary infections, especially Staphylococcus spp., poses a public health risk. Although antibiotic therapy is the therapy of choice, microorganisms can survive if they are resistant, tolerant or persistent. The identification of isolates with these profiles can help control complications caused by mastitis. The aim of this study was to characterize isolates of Staphylococcus spp. goat mastitis, as to the tolerance/persistence profile and associated virulence factors and identify possible genetic factors related to persistence. The taxonomic identification of twelve isolates of Staphylococcus spp. was carried out through the MALDI-TOF. TDTest was applied for tolerance/persistence screening, and through broth microdilution, minimal inhibitory (MIC) and bactericidal (CBM) concentrations were obtained for enrofloxaxin. Death curves were performed using 2xCIM of the antimicrobial, analyzing the surviving bacterial population according to the minimum duration of death, as well as if it is dose or time dependent. Quantification of the biofilm was carried out through the microplate adherence test. The genomes of the eight Isolates of Staphylococcus warneri before (4) and after (4) enrofloxacin treatment were sequenced. The phylogenomic relationship and genetic plasticity were determined. Additionally, there was the search for genes of resistance and virulence, as well as the presence polymorphisms. Bacterial isolates have been identified as Staphylococcus aureus (n=4) and Staphylococcus warneri (n=8). The bacteria showed MIC and CBM varying between 0.12 and 1.95 μg / mL, concentration below the breakpoint (4μg / mL). On the death curve, S. aureus isolates were tolerant and S. warneri were classified as persistent. It was found that in selected isolates, persistence was time dependent on type I. All isolates were biofilm producers. In the sequencing of S. warneri isolates, the complete sequences of three genomes and five in incomplete format were determined. The isolates were considered clonal and in the pangenomic analysis, 2017 central genes were found, and between 176 to 336 accessory genes. However, no single genes were found. According to COG analyzes, genes are involved in processes of general functions, transcription, replication and recombination repair. Three phages and six genomic islands were predicted and fully shared by all S. warneri genomes. Similarly, seven resistance genes and six virulence genes were also shared. Similarly, seven resistance genes and six virulence genes were shared. The polymorphism analysis detected 13 variants. It is concluded that tolerance and persistence in Staphylococcus spp. was a determining factor in the survival of enrofloxacin. Tolerance was confirmed for S. aureus, while persistence in S. warneri. This indicates that it may be a species-specific phenomenon in this case. Biofilm production by species may have significantly favored antibiotic tolerance. Comparative genomics analyzes showed similarity between persistent S. warneri isolates, indicating the potential for dissemination among animals and consequently a risk to public health. This study allowed totrace the genetic profile of persistent S. warneri isolates and the presence of genes that may be related to important processes for bacterial persistenceConselho Nacional de Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico - CNPqCoordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPE

    O discurso da responsabilidade social nas empresas contemporâneas: valorização da humanização das marcas nas campanhas publicitárias

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    From the 1990's, the perception of environmental impacts and the growing discussion about sustainability and corporate social responsibility are intensified. The issue gains national and international media agenda, giving rise to new business strategies. The discourse of social responsibility and quality of is taken up by advertising campaigns in order to strengthen brand image and boost the competitive edge of several corporations. Based on multidisciplinary bibliographical research, this paper aims to discuss the new rhetoric of big business from the point of view of consumption, media and communication studies. Advertisements from financial institutions are analyzed in order to demonstrate the argument on the humanization of brands.A partir da década de 1990, intensifica-se a percepção do impacto ambiental e cresce a discussão sobre sustentabilidade e responsabilidade social corporativa. O assunto ganha pauta na mídia nacional e internacional, impulsiona novas estratégias de negócios. Campanhas publicitárias corporativas passam a adotar o discurso da responsabilidade social e de qualidade de vida, visando o fortalecimento da imagem da marca. Neste artigo, utilizamos a pesquisa bibliográfica multidisciplinar como modelo teóricometodológico para discutir a nova retórica do grande capital à luz dos estudos do consumo, da mídia e da comunicação. Descrevemos e analisamos um conjunto de propagandas de instituições financeiras para demonstrarmos nosso argumento sobre a humanização das marcas.Desde la década de 1990, se intensifica la percepción de impacto ambiental y la creciente discusión sobre la sostenibilidad y la responsabilidad social corporativa. El tema hay gañado espacio en los medios de comunicación nacionales e internacionales, di la conducción de nuevas estrategias de negocio. Campañas publicitarias comienzan a adoptar el discurso de la responsabilidad social y la calidad de vida como una ventaja competitiva y el fortalecimiento de la imagen de marca. Nosotros usamos la pesquisa bibliográfica multidisciplinar como un modelo teórico-metodológico para demonstrar el argumento de la nueva retórica de las grandes empresas a la luz de las teorías de consumo, medios de comunicación y la comunicación. Se analizaron anuncios selecionados de instituciones financieras donde se adopta El discurso de la humanización de las marcas