397 research outputs found

    Monitoring activity at the Daguangbao mega-landslide (China) using Sentinel-1 TOPS time series interferometry

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    The Daguangbao mega-landslide (China), induced by the 2008 Wenchuan earthquake (Mw = 7.9), with an area of approximately 8 km2, is one of the largest landslides in the world. Experts predicted that the potential risk and instability of the landslide might remain for many decades, or even longer. Monitoring the activity of such a large landslide is hence critical. Terrain Observation by Progressive Scans (TOPS) mode from the Sentinel-1 satellite provides us with up-to-date high-quality Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) images over a wide ground coverage (250 × 250 km), enabling full exploitation of various InSAR applications. However, the TOPS mode introduces azimuth-dependent Doppler variations to radar signals, which requires an additional processing step especially for SAR interferometry. Sentinel-1 TOPS data have been widely applied to earthquakes, but the performance of TOPS data-based time series analysis requires further exploitation. In this study, Sentinel-1 TOPS data were employed to investigate landslide post-seismic activities for the first time. To deal with the azimuth-dependent Doppler variations, a processing chain of TOPS time series interferometry approach was developed. Since the Daguangbao landslide is as a result of the collapse of a whole mountain caused by the 2008 Mw 7.9 Wenchuan earthquake, the existing Digital Elevation Models (DEMs, e.g. SRTM and ASTER) exhibit height differences of up to approximately 500 m. Tandem-X images acquired after the earthquake were used to generate a high resolution post-seismic DEM. The high gradient topographic errors of the SRTM DEM (i.e. the differences between the pre-seismic SRTM and the actual post-seismic elevation), together with low coherence in mountainous areas make it difficult to derive a precise DEM using the traditional InSAR processing procedure. A re-flattening iterative method was hence developed to generate a precise TanDEM-X DEM in this study. The volume of the coseismic Daguangbao landslide was estimated to be of 1.189 ± 0.110 × 109 m3 by comparing the postseismic Tandem-X DEM with the preseismic SRTM DEM, which is consistent with the engineering geological survey result. The time-series results from Sentinel-1 show that some sectors of the Daguangbao landslide are still active (and displaying four sliding zones) and exhibiting a maximum displacement rate of 8 cm/year, even eight years after the Wenchuan earthquake. The good performance of TOPS in this time series analysis indicates that up-to-date high-quality TOPS data with spatiotemporal baselines offer significant potential in terms of future InSAR applications.This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant No. 41474003. The research stay of Dr. Tomás at Newcastle University was funded by the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport within the framework of Project PRX14/00100. Additional funding was obtained from the Spanish Government under projects TIN2014-55413-C2-2-P and ESP2013-47780-C2-2-R. Part of this work is also supported by the UK Natural Environmental Research Council (NERC) through the Centre for the Observation and Modelling of Earthquakes, Volcanoes and Tectonics (COMET, ref.: come30001) and the LICS and CEDRRiC projects (ref. NE/K010794/1 and NE/N012151/1, respectively), the ESA-MOST DRAGON-3 projects (ref. 10607 and 10665), the ESA-MOST DRAGON-4 project (ref. 32244) and the Open Fund from the Key Laboratory of Earth Fissures Geological Disaster, Ministry of Land and Resources (ref.: gla2013001)

    On Partial Compositeness and the CP asymmetry in charm decays

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    Recently, the LHCb and CDF collaborations reported the measure of an unexpectedly large direct CP asymmetry in D meson decays. In this paper we ask if new physics associated with Partial Compositeness could plausibly explain this result. We find that Composite Higgs models with mass scale around 10 TeV can account for it, while marginally satisfying all other flavor constraints in the quark sector. The minimal framework is however inadequate in the lepton sector due to the strong constraint from \mu\ to e \gamma. This tension can be efficiently alleviated by realizing Partial Compositeness within Supersymmetry. The resulting models can saturate the CP asymmetry in D decays for superpartner masses close to the TeV scale and somewhat large A-terms. The supersymmetric realization of Partial Compositeness also offers a predictive and phenomenologically viable organizing principle for R-Parity violation, and may result in very distinctive signatures at hadron colliders. With or without Supersymmetry, the neutron EDM is expected to be around the present experimental sensitivity.Comment: 35 pages, 2 tables, 3 figures. v2: published versio

    The Spectrum of Goldstini and Modulini

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    When supersymmetry is broken in multiple sectors via independent dynamics, the theory furnishes a corresponding multiplicity of "goldstini" degrees of freedom which may play a substantial role in collider phenomenology and cosmology. In this paper, we explore the tree-level mass spectrum of goldstini arising from a general admixture of F-term, D-term, and almost no-scale supersymmetry breaking, employing non-linear superfields and a novel gauge fixing for supergravity discussed in a companion paper. In theories of F-term and D-term breaking, goldstini acquire a mass which is precisely twice the gravitino mass, while the inclusion of no-scale breaking renders one of these modes, the modulino, massless. We argue that the vanishing modulino mass can be explained in terms of an accidental and spontaneously broken "global" supersymmetry.Comment: 10 pages, 2 figures; v2: typo corrected, references updated; v3: version to appear in JHE

    Systems analysis of the CO2 concentrating mechanism in cyanobacteria

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    Cyanobacteria are photosynthetic bacteria with a unique CO2 concentrating mechanism (CCM), enhancing carbon fixation. Understanding the CCM requires a systems level perspective of how molecular components work together to enhance CO2 fixation. We present a mathematical model of the cyanobacterial CCM, giving the parameter regime (expression levels, catalytic rates, permeability of carboxysome shell) for efficient carbon fixation. Efficiency requires saturating the RuBisCO reaction, staying below saturation for carbonic anhydrase, and avoiding wasteful oxygenation reactions. We find selectivity at the carboxysome shell is not necessary; there is an optimal non-specific carboxysome shell permeability. We compare the efficacy of facilitated CO2 uptake, CO2 scavenging, and HCO3− transport with varying external pH. At the optimal carboxysome permeability, contributions from CO2 scavenging at the cell membrane are small. We examine the cumulative benefits of CCM spatial organization strategies: enzyme co-localization and compartmentalization. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.7554/eLife.02043.00

    Silicon photonic 2.5D integrated multi-chip module receiver

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    We demonstrate the first 2.5D integrated, wavelength division multiplexing, silicon photonic receiver. The multi-chip module utilizes a silicon interposer to integrate the four-channel photonic cascaded microdisk receiver with four electronic transimpedance amplifiers

    Precursors and Pathways Leading to Enhanced Secondary Organic Aerosol Formation during Severe Haze Episodes

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    Publisher Copyright: © 2021 American Chemical SocietyMolecular analyses help to investigate the key precursors and chemical processes of secondary organic aerosol (SOA) formation. We obtained the sources and molecular compositions of organic aerosol in PM2.5in winter in Beijing by online and offline mass spectrometer measurements. Photochemical and aqueous processing were both involved in producing SOA during the haze events. Aromatics, isoprene, long-chain alkanes or alkenes, and carbonyls such as glyoxal and methylglyoxal were all important precursors. The enhanced SOA formation during the severe haze event was predominantly contributed by aqueous processing that was promoted by elevated amounts of aerosol water for which multifunctional organic nitrates contributed the most followed by organic compounds having four oxygen atoms in their formulae. The latter included dicarboxylic acids and various oxidation products from isoprene and aromatics as well as products or oligomers from methylglyoxal aqueous uptake. Nitrated phenols, organosulfates, and methanesulfonic acid were also important SOA products but their contributions to the elevated SOA mass during the severe haze event were minor. Our results highlight the importance of reducing nitrogen oxides and nitrate for future SOA control. Additionally, the formation of highly oxygenated long-chain molecules with a low degree of unsaturation in polluted urban environments requires further research.Peer reviewe

    The Type Ia Supernova Rate in Redshift 0.5--0.9 Galaxy Clusters

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    Supernova (SN) rates are potentially powerful diagnostics of metal enrichment and SN physics, particularly in galaxy clusters with their deep, metal-retaining potentials and relatively simple star-formation histories. We have carried out a survey for supernovae (SNe) in galaxy clusters, at a redshift range 0.5<z<0.9, using the Advanced Camera for Surveys (ACS) on the Hubble Space Telescope. We reimaged a sample of 15 clusters that were previously imaged by ACS, thus obtaining two to three epochs per cluster, in which we discovered five likely cluster SNe, six possible cluster SNe Ia, two hostless SN candidates, and several background and foreground events. Keck spectra of the host galaxies were obtained to establish cluster membership. We conducted detailed efficiency simulations, and measured the stellar luminosities of the clusters using Subaru images. We derive a cluster SN rate of 0.35 SNuB +0.17/-0.12 (statistical) \pm0.13 (classification) \pm0.01 (systematic) [where SNuB = SNe (100 yr 10^10 L_B_sun)^-1] and 0.112 SNuM +0.055/-0.039 (statistical) \pm0.042 (classification) \pm0.005 (systematic) [where SNuM = SNe (100 yr 10^10 M_sun)^-1]. As in previous measurements of cluster SN rates, the uncertainties are dominated by small-number statistics. The SN rate in this redshift bin is consistent with the SN rate in clusters at lower redshifts (to within the uncertainties), and shows that there is, at most, only a slight increase of cluster SN rate with increasing redshift. The low and fairly constant SN Ia rate out to z~1 implies that the bulk of the iron mass in clusters was already in place by z~1. The recently observed doubling of iron abundances in the intracluster medium between z=1 and 0, if real, is likely the result of redistribution of existing iron, rather than new production of iron.Comment: Accepted to ApJ. Full resolution version available at http://kicp.uchicago.edu/~kerens/HSTclusterSNe

    Strong Lensing Analysis of A1689 from Deep Advanced Camera Images

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    We analyse deep multi-colour Advanced Camera images of the largest known gravitational lens, A1689. Radial and tangential arcs delineate the critical curves in unprecedented detail and many small counter-images are found near the center of mass. We construct a flexible light deflection field to predict the appearance and positions of counter-images. The model is refined as new counter-images are identified and incorporated to improve the model, yielding a total of 106 images of 30 multiply lensed background galaxies, spanning a wide redshift range, 1.0<<z<<5.5. The resulting mass map is more circular in projection than the clumpy distribution of cluster galaxies and the light is more concentrated than the mass within r<50kpc/hr<50kpc/h. The projected mass profile flattens steadily towards the center with a shallow mean slope of dlogΣ/dlogr0.55±0.1d\log\Sigma/d\log r \simeq -0.55\pm0.1, over the observed range, r<250kpc/h<250kpc/h, matching well an NFW profile, but with a relatively high concentration, Cvir=8.21.8+2.1C_{vir}=8.2^{+2.1}_{-1.8}. A softened isothermal profile (rcore=20±2r_{core}=20\pm2\arcs) is not conclusively excluded, illustrating that lensing constrains only projected quantities. Regarding cosmology, we clearly detect the purely geometric increase of bend-angles with redshift. The dependence on the cosmological parameters is weak due to the proximity of A1689, z=0.18z=0.18, constraining the locus, ΩM+ΩΛ1.2\Omega_M+\Omega_{\Lambda} \leq 1.2. This consistency with standard cosmology provides independent support for our model, because the redshift information is not required to derive an accurate mass map. Similarly, the relative fluxes of the multiple images are reproduced well by our best fitting lens model.Comment: Accepted by ApJ. For high quality figures see http://wise-obs.tau.ac.il/~kerens/A168

    Ultralow-crosstalk, strictly non-blocking microring-based optical switch

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    We report on the first monolithically integrated microring-based optical switch in the switch-and-select architecture. The switch fabric delivers strictly non-blocking connectivity while completely canceling the first-order crosstalk. The 4×4 switching circuit consists of eight silicon microring-based spatial (de-)multiplexers interconnected by a Si/SiN dual-layer crossing-free central shuffle. Analysis of the on-state and off-state power transfer functions reveals the extinction ratios of individual ring resonators exceeding 25 dB, leading to switch crosstalk suppression of up to over 50 dB in the switch-and-select topology. Optical paths are assessed, showing losses as low as 0.1 dB per off-resonance ring and 0.5 dB per on-resonance ring. Photonic switching is actuated with integrated micro-heaters to give an ∼24  GHz passband. The fully packaged device is flip-chip bonded onto a printed circuit board breakout board with a UV-curved fiber array