9 research outputs found

    Mission sur l’écosystème de la recherche et de l’innovation 14 propositions pour engager le processus de rénovation et de simplification de l’écosystème national Rapport à Madame la Ministre de l’Enseignement supérieur et de la Recherche

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    Mme la Ministre Sylvie Retailleau a confié à M. Philippe Gillet cette mission par lettre en date du 1er décembre 2022 (voir annexe). Après une phase de cadrage, les travaux ont été menés par l’ensemble du groupe de travail composé de Mmes Christine Cherbut et Véronique Perdereau et MM. Yves Caristan et Patrick Lévy de janvier à mai 2023. Les membres de la mission ont été appuyés par un inspecteur général de l’éducation, du sport et de la recherche, M. Charles Persoz. Cette mission s’est inscrite dans un contexte évolutif : la LPR a eu des conséquences récentes, plusieurs programmes stratégiques ont été initiés quelques mois ou quelques semaines avant le démarrage de la mission, comme les PEPR, les PUI, le programme de recherche à risque

    Proposal for a European Public Health Research Infrastructure for Sharing of health and Medical administrative data (PHRIMA).

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    This article is published online with Open Access by IOS Press and distributed under the termsof the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial LicenseInternational audienceIn Europe, health and medical administrative data is increasingly accumulating on a national level. Looking further than re-use of this data on a national level, sharing health and medical administrative data would enable large-scale analyses and European-level public health projects. There is currently no research infrastructure for this type of sharing. The PHRIMA consortium proposes to realise the Public Health Research Infrastructure for Sharing of health and Medical Administrative data (PHRIMA) which will enable and facilitate the efficient and secure sharing of healthcare data

    HBM4EU - Deliverable Report D 6.2. Revised set of key indicators

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    Co-authors: Glória Isidro, Henriqueta Louro, Maria João Silva (INSA)The current deliverable describes the process of revision of the first list of indicators (published in June 2017 as D6.1.) and presents the indicator leaflets ((see attachment 1) that link key results of HBM4EU to the objectives of the project as laid down in the description of action. These indicator leaflets already contain a lot of results on the revised list of indicators, and give very valuable information on the progress of HBM4EU in relation to the specific goals of the project. Combining the information from these leaflets in the frame of expected impacts will allow us to put forward conclusions towards impact and sustainability of HBM4EU. As such, this restructured list answers to the main comments on the first list of indicators from the task 6.5 partners, the Management Board, the Governing Board and the EU Policy Board, in concretu to: • Drastically reduce the number of indicators from 48 indicators (including 9 internal indicators) on the first list to 28 indicators on the revised list without losing essential information. Moreover by bundling related indicators we now have 22 indicator leaflets (and 1 overview leaflet); • Make the relationship between the indicators and the goals of HBM4EU more clear by structuring the list of indicators according to the overarching objectives and specific goals; • Use the indicators to say something about the impact of the HBM4EU project: the indicator leaflets were used to give input for the impact section of the periodic technical reporting 2018 to describe the progress made for the 5 expected impacts of HBM4EU. This exercise will be continued and ameliorated in the 2019 periodic technical reporting as more indicator leaflets will be available compared to 2018; • Link the indicators with the work on sustainability of HBM in Europe: the indicators were presented at the sustainability workshop in Paris. Participants indicated that they think the leaflets will be useful for institutional discussions, national hub meetings, meetings with policy makers and other meetings and that they would like to use them as soon as they are available. The added value of having indicators of success, is to monitor the implementation and achieved impact of HBM4EU. This will allow for a more efficient tracking of achieved goals. This deliverable will help to further optimize and revise the first set of indicators to monitor the implementation of the HBM4EU and the achieved impact. The indicators of success are written in a clear language, they are concise and capture the main achievements in the list of indicators that has been agreed amongst the partners. Therefore, they can be easily used by all partners across the consortium, the EU Policy Board and our HBM4EU ambassador Thomas Jackl.HORIZON2020 Programme Contract No. 733032 HBM4EUinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio