501 research outputs found

    Silver-spoon upbringing improves early-life fitness but promotes reproductive ageing in a wild bird

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    Early-life conditions can have long-lasting effects and organisms that experience a poor start in life are often expected to age at a faster rate. Alternatively, individuals raised in high-quality environments can overinvest in early-reproduction resulting in rapid ageing. Here we use a long-term experimental manipulation of early-life conditions in a natural population of collared flycatchers (Ficedula albicollis), to show that females raised in a low-competition environment (artificially reduced broods) have higher early-life reproduction but lower late-life reproduction than females raised in high-competition environment (artificially increased broods). Reproductive success of high-competition females peaked in late-life, when low-competition females were already in steep reproductive decline and suffered from a higher mortality rate. Our results demonstrate that ‘silver-spoon’ natal conditions increase female early-life performance at the cost of faster reproductive ageing and increased late-life mortality. These findings demonstrate experimentally that natal environment shapes individual variation in reproductive and actuarial ageing in nature

    Mise en évidence et analyse fonctionnelle des mutations affectant la prolificité des ovins allaitants

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    Chez les ovins allaitants, la prolificitĂ© (nombre d’agneaux par mise-bas) est un des leviers technico-Ă©conomique important pour amĂ©liorer la rentabilitĂ© d’un Ă©levage. D’un point de vue gĂ©nĂ©tique, ce caractĂšre est trĂšs peu hĂ©ritable, mais des mutations ponctuelles ayant un effet important sur l’augmentation du nombre d’ovulations et de la prolificitĂ© ont Ă©tĂ© identifiĂ©es dans quatre gĂšnes dits de fĂ©conditĂ© (Fec) et nommĂ©s FecB/BMPR1B, FecG/GDF9, FecX/BMP15 et FecL/B4GALNT2. L’objectif de cette thĂšse est l’identification de mutations de prolificitĂ©s, nouvelles ou connues, principalement dans les races ovines allaitantes françaises pour lesquelles est posĂ©e une hypothĂšse statistique de sĂ©grĂ©gation de telles mutations. En associant des approches de gĂ©nĂ©tique, de gĂ©nomique Ă  haut-dĂ©bit, et de biologie molĂ©culaire et fonctionnelle, j’ai identifiĂ© cinq mutations Ă  effet majeur associĂ©es Ă  la prolificitĂ© dans huit populations ovines diffĂ©rentes. Toutes ces mutations affectent les gĂšnes dĂ©jĂ  connus, mais deux d’entre-elles sont nouvellement identifiĂ©es par cette thĂšse dans le gĂšne FecX/BMP15. En particulier, la nouvelle mutation FecXN est, Ă  la diffĂ©rence des 9 autres mutations prolifiques connues de BMP15, situĂ©e dans la partie rĂ©gulatrice du gĂšne inhibant son expression. Une fois ces mutations identifiĂ©es, l’information de frĂ©quence de la prĂ©sence de chaque mutation dans les populations et de son effet sur la reproduction des brebis doit ĂȘtre prise en compte pour la gestion des schĂ©mas de sĂ©lection. Dans ce cadre, j’ai particuliĂšrement Ă©tudiĂ© la mutation FecLL du gĂšne FecL/B4GALNT2 prĂ©cĂ©demment dĂ©couverte en race Lacaune et que j’ai mis en Ă©vidence dans la race Noire du Velay. La mutation FecLL, connue pour augmenter la prolificitĂ© des brebis de +0,45 agneaux par mise-bas, n’a pas d’impact sur le poids de naissance ou la croissance des agnelles porteuses de cette mutation. Cependant, les agnelles porteuses de FecLL prĂ©sentent une pubertĂ© avancĂ©e de 2 mois en moyenne. Cette prĂ©cocitĂ© sexuelle n’est pourtant pas expliquĂ©e par l’observation de concentrations circulantes plus faibles de deux hormones ovariennes AMH et inhibine A. De façon intĂ©ressante pour la pratique de l’insĂ©mination animale, les brebis porteuses de FecLL sont plus fertiles que les brebis non mutĂ©es en partie grĂące Ă  leur meilleure sensibilitĂ© Ă  l’hormone PMSG utilisĂ©e de façon exogĂšne pour synchroniser les ovulations. L’ensemble de ce travail de thĂšse apporte de nouveaux Ă©lĂ©ments pour amĂ©liorer la gestion gĂ©nĂ©tique et physiologique des populations ovines allaitantes dans lesquelles sĂ©grĂ©gent des mutations Ă  effet majeur sur la prolificitĂ©. L’ensemble de ce travail de thĂšse apporte de nouveaux Ă©lĂ©ments pour amĂ©liorer la gestion gĂ©nĂ©tique et physiologique des populations ovines allaitantes dans lesquelles sĂ©grĂ©gent des mutations Ă  effet majeur sur la prolificitĂ©

    Les négociations

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    Le projet d’ordonnance portant rĂ©forme du droit des contrats entend consacrer la premiĂšre sous-section, composant la section sur « La conclusion du contrat », aux nĂ©gociations. Si cet ajout au Code civil est pertinent au regard de la pratique contractuelle et de la jurisprudence, des modifications pourraient toutefois amĂ©liorer la cohĂ©rence d’ensemble de cette partie

    Full Response of a Localized Renal Tumour after Reduced-Intensity Conditioned Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation

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    Graft versus tumor effect has been described in solid metastatic tumor. We reported here the case of a patient treated for an acute myeloid leukemia with reduced-intensity conditioned allograft and the effect of this procedure on concomitant of renal localised cancer. The effect of immune-mediated cytotoxicity on renal cancer is the more consistent explanation to understand the necrosis of this tumor. Any case of RIC allograft has been reported before to treat localised renal tumor

    Quantitative Genetics of the Aging of Reproductive Traits in the Houbara Bustard

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    International audienceDo all traits within an organism age for the same reason? Evolutionary theories of aging share a common assumption: the strength of natural selection declines with age. A corollary is that additive genetic variance should increase with age. However, not all senescent traits display such increases suggesting that other mechanisms may be at play. Using longitudinal data collected from more than 5400 houbara bustards (Chlamydotis undulata) with an exhaustive recorded pedigree, we investigated the genetics of aging in one female reproductive trait (egg production) and three male reproductive traits (courtship display rate, ejaculate size and sperm viability), that display senescence at the phenotypic level. Animal models revealed an increase in additive genetic variance with age for courtship display rate and egg production but an unexpected absence of increased additive genetic variance for ejaculate size and no additive genetic variance for sperm viability. Our results suggest that the mechanisms behind the senescence of some traits are linked with a change in genetic expression, whereas for some other traits, aging may result from the constraints associated with physiological wear and tear on the organism throughout the life of the individual

    "Hormone-refractory" prostate cancer : a putative new mechanism: the upside-down response to androgens

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    En aquest article volem revisar la diversitat dels mecanismes moleculars suposadament responsables del creixement independent d'andrĂČgens del cĂ ncer de prĂČstata. Es demostra que alguns cĂ ncers de prĂČstata que escapen de la terĂ pia endocrinolĂČgica estan compostos per cĂšllules sensibles als andrĂČgens. Ens centraremen els resultats del nostre laboratori i en els d'altres grups de recerca que suggereixen el mateix concepte nou: el comportament del cĂ ncer de prĂČstata refractari als andrĂČgens estĂ  associat a una resposta invertida de les cĂšll. ules als andrĂČgens. Hem observat un alentiment paradoxal en el creixement de diverses lĂ­nies cell. ulars induĂŻt pels andrĂČgens. Aquestes lĂ­nies cell. ulars provenen de les cĂšll. ules LNCaP, ja sigui per evoluciĂł espontĂ nia o per cultiu crĂČnic en un medi sense andrĂČgens. La lĂ­nia ARCaP (androgen-reverted carcinoma of the prostate) va ser establerta a partir de l'ascitis d'un pacient amb cĂ ncer de prĂČstata avançat. Els tumors que varen crĂ©ixer a partir d'aquestes cĂšll. ules reverteixen, encara que transitĂČriament, en el tractament androgĂšnic. Volem suggerir que la castraciĂł podria permetre la proliferaciĂł de les cĂšll. ules que eren paradoxalment alentides pels andrĂČgens i que aquesta reacciĂł invertida als andrĂČgens podria ser el possible mecanisme pel qual el cĂ ncer de prĂČstata deixa de respondre a la terĂ pia hormonal. Aquests resultats aportarien unes bases racionals per a comprendre el tractament antiandrogĂšnic intermitent.In this paper we survey the diversity of the molecular mechanisms suspected to be responsible for the androgen-independent growth of prostate cancer. It has been shown that some prostate cancers, which escape endocrine therapy, are composed of androgen-sensitive cells. We focus on the results from our laboratory and from a few others that suggest a new concept: that the androgen-refractory behavior of prostate cancer may be associated with an inverted response to androgens by cells. The proliferation of several cell lines was paradoxically slowed by androgens. In the afore-mentioned studies, a series of these cell lines arose from the LNCaP cell line, either spontaneously or after culturing them chronically in androgen-poor culture medium. The ARCaP (androgen-reverted carcinoma of the prostate) was established from the ascites of a patient with advanced prostate cancer. Usually, tumors grown from such cells regress, albeit transiently, under androgen treatment. It has been suggested that castration could allow the proliferation of cells that are paradoxically slowed by androgens and that the inverted response to androgens could possibly be a mechanism, by which prostate cancer escapes from endocrine therapy. These results provide the rationale for intermittent treatment

    120kev Ar8+-li Collisions Studied By Near Uv And Visible Photon Spectroscopy

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    A spectroscopic analysis of light emitted in the 200-600 nm wavelength range by Ar7+, Ar6+ and Ar5+ ions after charge exchange in 120keV Ar8+-Li collisions is performed. Transitions with Δn = 1 and Δn = 2 for n = 8, 9, 10 and 11 states of Ar8 following single electron capture are identified and the production cross sections for n = 8 and n = 9 are deduced from emission cross sections and compared with those calculated by the three-body classical trajectory Monte-Carlo method. Lines due to double capture process were observed and identified as Rydberg transitions 3snl-3sn\u27l\u27 (n = 7, 8 and 9) in Ar VII. Lines due to triple electron capture process were found and identified as transitions 3s2nl-3s2n\u27ĂŻ and 3s3pnl- 3s3pril\u27(n = 7, 8) in Ar VI. The configurations produced during the collision provides evidence that electron-electron interaction play an important role in double and triple charge exchange processes. © 1993 IOP Publishing Ltd

    3D electronics for hybrid pixel detectors – TWEPP-09

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    Future hybrid pixel detectors are asking for smaller pixels in order to improve spatial resolution and to deal with an increasing counting rate. Facing these requirements is foreseen to be done by microelectronics technology shrinking. However, this straightforward approach presents some disadvantages in term of performances and cost. New 3D technologies offer an alternative way with the advantage of technology mixing. For the upgrade of ATLAS pixel detector, a 3D conception of the read-out chip appeared as an interesting solution. Splitting the pixel functionalities into two separate levels will reduce pixel size and open the opportunity to take benefit of technology's mixing. Based on a previous prototype of the read-out chip FE-I4 (IBM 130nm), this paper presents the design of a hybrid pixel read-out chip using threedimensional Tezzaron-Chartered technology. In order to disentangle effects due to Chartered 130nm technology from effects involved by 3D architecture, a first translation of FEI4 prototype had been designed at the beginning of this year in Chartered 2D technology, and first test results will be presented in the last part of this paper

    Assessing the conservation value of waterbodies: the example of the Loire floodplain (France)

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    In recent decades, two of the main management tools used to stem biodiversity erosion have been biodiversity monitoring and the conservation of natural areas. However, socio-economic pressure means that it is not usually possible to preserve the entire landscape, and so the rational prioritisation of sites has become a crucial issue. In this context, and because floodplains are one of the most threatened ecosystems, we propose a statistical strategy for evaluating conservation value, and used it to prioritise 46 waterbodies in the Loire floodplain (France). We began by determining a synthetic conservation index of fish communities (Q) for each waterbody. This synthetic index includes a conservation status index, an origin index, a rarity index and a richness index. We divided the waterbodies into 6 clusters with distinct structures of the basic indices. One of these clusters, with high Q median value, indicated that 4 waterbodies are important for fish biodiversity conservation. Conversely, two clusters with low Q median values included 11 waterbodies where restoration is called for. The results picked out high connectivity levels and low abundance of aquatic vegetation as the two main environmental characteristics of waterbodies with high conservation value. In addition, assessing the biodiversity and conservation value of territories using our multi-index approach plus an a posteriori hierarchical classification methodology reveals two major interests: (i) a possible geographical extension and (ii) a multi-taxa adaptation
