6,516 research outputs found

    Hybrid materials based on polyethylene and MCM-41 microparticles functionalized with silanes: catalytic aspects of in situ polymerization, crystalline features and mechanical properties

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    New nanocomposites based on polyethylene have been prepared by in situ polymerization of ethylene in presence of mesoporous MCM-41. The polymerization reactions were performed using a zirconocene catalyst either under homogenous conditions or supported onto mesoporous MCM-41 particles, which are synthesized and decorated post-synthesis with two silanes before polymerization in order to promote an enhanced interfacial adhesion. The existence of polyethylene chains able to crystallize within the mesoporous channels in the resulting nanocomposites is figured out from the small endothermic process, located at around 80 C, on heating calorimetric experiments, in addition to the main melting endotherm. These results indicate that polyethylene macrochains can grow up during polymerization either outside or inside the MCM-41 channels, these keeping their regular hexagonal arrangements. Mechanical response is observed to be dependent on the content in mesoporous MCM-41 and on the crystalline features of polyethylene. Accordingly, stiffness increases and deformability decreases in the nanocomposites as much as MCM-41 content is enlarged and polyethylene amount within channels is raised. Ultimate mechanical performance improves with MCM-41 incorporation without varying the final processing temperature

    Opiniones, prácticas, barreras y predisposición al cambio, a la hora de dar consejo para dejar de fumar

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    ObjetivoConocer las opiniones, las prácticas actuales, las barreras percibidas y la predisposición al cambio con respecto al consejo para dejar de fumar (CF) ofertado a los pacientes por los diferentes profesionales sanitarios (PS) de atención primaria.DiseñoEstudio descriptivo, transversal.EmplazamientoCentros de salud del Área Sanitaria 9, de Madrid.ParticipantesParticiparon 480 PS, entre médicos de familia, pediatras, residentes de medicina familiar y comunitaria, y enfermería.MedicionesMediante cuestionario autocumplimentado y anónimo se recogen variables sociodemográficas, sobre actitudes, creencias y utilización de estrategias en CF y sobre barreras percibidas para darlo, así como la predisposición al cambio.ResultadosContestó al cuestionario el 75,2% (el 94,2, 61,1, 51,6 y 88% de los médicos, enfermeros, pediatras y residentes, respectivamente). El 72% pregunta de manera habitual, con un incremento hasta el 92,4% en las enfermedades relacionadas con el tabaquismo, sin diferencias respecto al sexo, el PS, el hábito tabáquico y la formación previa. El 85,8% ofrece realizar un seguimiento y el 63,5% proporciona consejos escritos. El 75% de los no fumadores se considera modelo social, frente al 40% de los fumadores. Las principales barreras son la falta de tiempo y la baja motivación en los pacientes. El 93,5% cree que es necesaria una formación específica para proporcionar CF.ConclusionesSe pregunta y se ofrece CF, independientemente del hábito tabáquico del PS. A pesar de las barreras, hay una adecuada utilización de las estrategias para proporcionar CF. Hay buena predisposición al cambio para optimizar el CF.ObjectiveTo get to know the opinions, current practices, perceived barriers and stage of change in respect to the smoking cessation advice (SCA) offered to patients by the different health professionals (HP) from primary care.DesignDescriptive cross-sectional study.LocationÁrea Sanitaria 9’s Health Centers, inMadrid, Spain.Participants480 HPs, including primary care doctors, pediatricians, primary care residents, and nursery staff.MeasurementsUsing a self-filled and anonymous questionnaire, we will gather sociodemographic variables and from the HP’s office, regarding the attitudes towards tobacco, efficiency beliefs and use of strategies in the advice, and the perceived barriers to give it, as well as the state of change.Results75.2% of the HPs filled the questionnaire (94.2%, 61.1%, 51.6%, and 88% by doctors, nurses, pediatricians, and residents respectively). 72% ask regularly, this rate increasing to 92.4% over tobacco-related diseases. No differences were made between sexes, professional types, tobacco habits, or previous attendance to courses. 85.8% offers tracing and 63.5% give written advices. Nearly 75% of non-smokers are considered social role models, that against only 40% of smokers. The main barriers found were lack of time and low motivation from the patients. 93.5% consider an specific education necessary to give efficient SCA.ConclusionsInquiries are made and SCA is given, independently of the smoking habits of the SCA. Likewise, there is a good state of change by the HPs to optimize the treatment of tobacco dependency

    Gold(I) complexes bearing alkylated 1, 3, 5-triaza-7-phosphaadamantane ligands as thermoresponsive anticancer agents in human colon cells

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    Overheating can affect solubility or lipophilicity, among other properties, of some an-ticancer drugs. These temperature-dependent changes can improve efficiency and selectivity of the drugs, since they may affect their bioavailability, diffusion through cell membrane or activity. One recent approach to create thermosensitive molecules is the incorporation of fluorine atoms in the chemical structure, since fluor can tune some chemical properties such as binding affinity. Herein we report the anticancer effect of gold derivatives with phosphanes derived from 1, 3, 5-triaza-7-phosphaadamantane (PTA) with long hydrocarbon chains and the homologous fluorinated chains. Besides, we analysed the influence of temperature in the cytotoxic effect. The studied gold(I) complexes with phosphanes derived from PTA showed antiproliferative effect on human colon carcinoma cells (Caco-2/TC7 cell line), probably by inhibiting cellular TrxR causing a dysfunction in the intracellular redox state. In addition, the cell cycle was altered by the activation of p53, and the complexes produce apoptosis through mitochondrial depolarization and the consequent activation of caspase-3. Furthermore, the results suggest that this cytotoxic effect is enhanced by hyperthermia and the presence of polyfluorinated chains. © 2021 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland

    UHMWPE/SBA-15 nanocomposites synthesized by in situ polymerization

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    Different nanocomposites have been attained by in situ polymerization based on ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene (UHMWPE) and mesoporous SBA-15, this silica being used for immobilization of the FI catalyst bis [N-(3-tert-butylsalicylidene)-2,3,4,5,6-pentafluoroanilinato] titanium (IV) dichloride and as filler as well. Two distinct approaches have been selected for supporting the FI catalyst on the SBA-15 prior polymerization. A study on polymerization activity of this catalyst has been performed under homogenous conditions and upon heterogenization. A study of the effect of presence of mesoporous particles and of the immobilization method is also carried out. Moreover, the thermal characterization, phase transitions and mechanical response of some pristine UHMWPEs and UHMWPE/SBA-15 materials have been carried out. Relationships with variations on molar mass, impregnation method of catalyst and final SBA-15 content have been established

    The anticancer effect related to disturbances in redox balance on Caco-2 cells caused by an alkynyl gold(I) complex

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    The alkynyl gold(I) derivative Au(C=CPh)(PTA)] (PTA = 1, 3, 5-triaza-7-phosphaadamantane) induces apoptosis in colorectal carcinoma tumour cells (Caco-2) without affecting to normal enterocytes. Au(C=CPh)(PTA)] is a slight lipophilic drug, stable in PBS (Phosphate Buffered Saline) and able to bind BSA (Bovin Serum Albumin) by hydrophobic interactions. Once inside the cell, Au(C=CPh)(PTA)] targets seleno proteins such as Thioredoxin Reductase 1, increasing ROS (Reactive Oxygen Species) levels, reducing cell viability and proliferation and inducing mitochondrial apoptotic pathway, pro-apoptotic and anti-apoptotic protein imbalance, loss of mitochondrial membrane potential, cytochrome c release and activation of caspases 9 and 3. Moreover, unlike other metal-based drugs such as cisplatin, Au(C=CPh)(PTA)] does not target nucleic acid, reducing the risk of side mutation in the DNA. In consequence, our results predict a promising future for Au(C=CPh)(PTA)] as a chemotherapeutic agent for colorectal carcinoma

    Caracterización por espectroscopía IR de cambios estructurales del poli(ácido láctico) en presencia de agua. Efecto de la incorporación de arcillas

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    En los últimos años ha aumentado de forma significativa el interés en el poli(ácido láctico) (PLA) debido, entre otros factores, a que es un polímero obtenido de fuentes renovables que se degrada en productos no tóxicos, como el ácido láctico, y a que es biocompatible. Estas características hacen que este polímero tenga aplicaciones importantes en biomedicina y en otros campos como, por ejemplo, en el de la fabricación de envases para contener alimentos. En las aplicaciones citadas, el PLA está en contacto con el agua presente en los fluidos corporales o en los alimentos. Por ello, es de gran importancia conocer cómo la interacción entre PLA y agua puede afectar a la estructura del polímero, ya que variaciones en dicha estructura pueden suponer cambios importantes en las propiedades mecánicas y ópticas del material. Por otra parte, se han desarrollado materiales nanoestructurados, de PLA con diferentes nanoarcillas en los últimos años que han conducido a una mejora de algunas propiedades, como la resistencia mecánica, la protección frente a la luz UV y las propiedades de barrera. Estas mejoras incrementan las prestaciones de estos nanocomposites en el envasado de alimentos. La cuestión es, ahora, cómo estas nanoparticulas pueden afectar al comportamiento del material en presencia de agua. El objetivo de la presente investigación es, por tanto, estudiar los cambios estructurales experimentados por PLA en presencia de agua y el efecto de las arcillas en dichos cambios

    Grape stem extracts with potential anticancer and antioxidant properties

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    The application of plant extracts for therapeutic purposes has been used in traditional medicine because plants contain bioactive compounds with beneficial properties for health. Currently, the use of these compounds that are rich in polyphenols for the treatment and prevention of diseases such as cancer, diabetes, and cardiovascular diseases, many of them related to oxidative stress, is gaining certain relevance. Polyphenols have been shown to have antimutagenic, antioxidant, and anti-inflammatory properties. Therefore, the objective of the present work was to study the potential effect of grape stem extracts (GSE), rich in phenolic compounds, in the treatment of cancer, as well as their role in the prevention of this disease associated with its antioxidant power. For that purpose, three cancer lines (Caco-2, MCF-7, and MDA-MB-231) were used, and the results showed that grape stem extracts were capable of showing an antiproliferative effect in these cells through apoptosis cell death associated with a modification of the mitochondrial potential and reactive oxygen species (ROS) levels. Additionally, grape stem extracts showed an antioxidant effect on differentiated intestinal cells that could protect the intestine from diseases related to oxidative stress. Therefore, grape extracts contain bioactive principles with important biological properties and could be used as bio-functional food ingredients to prevent diseases or even to improve certain aspects of human health

    Mezclas poliméricas cristal líquido/olefinas: morfología y propiedades de transporte

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    Se han preparado mezclas con diferentes composiciones a partir de un copolímero de etileno-1-octeno, sintetizado con un catalizador de tipo metaloceno y un polímero cristal líquido. La caracterizción estructural y morfológica de las películas obtenidas se realizó mediante difracción de rayos X, calorimetría diferencial de barrido y microscopía electrónica de barrido, mientras que el estudio de las propiedades físicas se ha llevado a cabo mediante análisis mecanodinámico, microdureza y ensayos esfuerzo-deformación, poniendo especial énfasis a la evaluación de sus propiedades de transporte de oxígeno


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    Para los alrededores del área metropolitana de Mérida se determinó, mediante sísmica de refracción, las velocidades de propagación de las ondas P (Vp) y S (Vs) en los afloramientos de los distintos tipos de rocas predominantes de las asociaciones Sierra Nevada, Tostos y Mucuchachí, y las formaciones Palmarito, Sabaneta, La Quinta, Aguardiente, La Luna y San Javier. Para los casos de las asociaciones Sierra Nevada y Tostos, la Vs se calculó a partir de la Vp y el coeficiente de Poisson. La extensión de las líneas sísmicas varió de 24 m a 26 m, utilizando en todos los casos 48 geófonos verticales e igual número de horizontales, y como fuente de energía una mandarria. La adquisición de los registros sísmicos fue llevada a cabo directamente sobre los afloramientos, por lo que en los casos de rocas más competentes no se pudo insertar directamente los geófonos, y como medida alternativa se utilizó la técnica de insertarlos en bloques de concreto. Los arribos de las ondas P se obtuvieron de los registros de los geófonos verticales y los de la S (SH) de los horizontales. Los resultados de este trabajo ofrecen, información de las velocidades de las ondas P y S de las principales tipo de roca en superficie, y puede servir de complemento a investigaciones de sísmica profunda.For the predominant rock type of outcrops in the surroundings of the metropolitan area of Mérida city,compressional (Vp) and shear (Vs) wave velocities were determined using seismic refraction. These outcrops correspond to the Sierra Nevada, Tostos, and Mucuchachí Associations, and Palmarito, Sabaneta, La Quinta, Aguardiente, La Luna, and San Javier formations. Vs values for Sierra Nevada and Tostos Associations were estimated from Vp values and laboratory measured Poisson ratio. The length of the seismic lines ranged from 24 m to 26 m, using for all cases 48 vertical geophones and an equal number of horizontal geophones. A sledgehammer was used as energy source. The seismic acquisition was carried out directly from the outcrops. However, for the cases of more competent rocks, the geophones could not be placed directly, so they were inserted in concrete blocks to keep them firm and vertical. The P waves arrivals were obtained via the vertical geophones and the S (SH) waves arrivals were obtained via the horizontal geophones. The results of this investigation offer information of P and S wave velocities of the main surface rock types, which could be useful as complementary data for future deep seismic sounding studies


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    Para los alrededores del área metropolitana de Mérida se determinó, mediante sísmica de refracción, las velocidades de propagación de las ondas P (Vp) y S (Vs) en los afloramientos de los distintos tipos de rocas predominantes de las asociaciones Sierra Nevada, Tostos y Mucuchachí, y las formaciones Palmarito, Sabaneta, La Quinta, Aguardiente, La Luna y San Javier. Para los casos de las asociaciones Sierra Nevada y Tostos, la Vs se calculó a partir de la Vp y el coeficiente de Poisson. La extensión de las líneas sísmicas varió de 24 m a 26 m, utilizando en todos los casos 48 geófonos verticales e igual número de horizontales, y como fuente de energía una mandarria. La adquisición de los registros sísmicos fue llevada a cabo directamente sobre los afloramientos, por lo que en los casos de rocas más competentes no se pudo insertar directamente los geófonos, y como medida alternativa se utilizó la técnica de insertarlos en bloques de concreto. Los arribos de las ondas P se obtuvieron de los registros de los geófonos verticales y los de la S (SH) de los horizontales. Los resultados de este trabajo ofrecen, información de las velocidades de las ondas P y S de las principales tipo de roca en superficie, y puede servir de complemento a investigaciones de sísmica profunda.For the predominant rock type of outcrops in the surroundings of the metropolitan area of Mérida city,compressional (Vp) and shear (Vs) wave velocities were determined using seismic refraction. These outcrops correspond to the Sierra Nevada, Tostos, and Mucuchachí Associations, and Palmarito, Sabaneta, La Quinta, Aguardiente, La Luna, and San Javier formations. Vs values for Sierra Nevada and Tostos Associations were estimated from Vp values and laboratory measured Poisson ratio. The length of the seismic lines ranged from 24 m to 26 m, using for all cases 48 vertical geophones and an equal number of horizontal geophones. A sledgehammer was used as energy source. The seismic acquisition was carried out directly from the outcrops. However, for the cases of more competent rocks, the geophones could not be placed directly, so they were inserted in concrete blocks to keep them firm and vertical. The P waves arrivals were obtained via the vertical geophones and the S (SH) waves arrivals were obtained via the horizontal geophones. The results of this investigation offer information of P and S wave velocities of the main surface rock types, which could be useful as complementary data for future deep seismic sounding studies