487 research outputs found

    Making the links between domestic violence and child safeguarding:an evidence-based pilot training for general practice

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    We describe the development of an evidence-based training intervention on domestic violence and child safeguarding for general practice teams. We aimed – in the context of a pilot study – to improve knowledge, skills, attitudes and self-efficacy of general practice clinicians caring for families affected by domestic violence. Our evidence sources included: a systematic review of training interventions aiming to improve professional responses to children affected by domestic violence; content mapping of relevant current training in England; qualitative assessment of general practice professionals' responses to domestic violence in families; and a two-stage consensus process with a multi-professional stakeholder group. Data were collected between January and December 2013. This paper reports key research findings and their implications for practice and policy; describes how the research findings informed the training development and outlines the principal features of the training intervention. We found lack of cohesion and co-ordination in the approach to domestic violence and child safeguarding. General practice clinicians have insufficient understanding of multi-agency work, a limited competence in gauging thresholds for child protection referral to children's services and little understanding of outcomes for children. While prioritising children's safety, they are more inclined to engage directly with abusive parents than with affected children. Our research reveals uncertainty and confusion surrounding the recording of domestic violence cases in families' medical records. These findings informed the design of the RESPONDS training, which was developed in 2014 to encourage general practice clinicians to overcome barriers and engage more extensively with adults experiencing abuse, as well as responding directly to the needs of children. We conclude that general practice clinicians need more support in managing the complexity of this area of practice. We need to integrate and further evaluate responses to the needs of children exposed to domestic violence into general practice-based domestic violence training

    Environmental Factors in Obsessive-Compulsive Behavior: Evidence from Discordant and Concordant Monozygotic Twins

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    To investigate environmental factors that protect against or exacerbate obsessive-compulsive (OC) symptoms, we selected 25 monozygotic (MZ) twin pairs discordant, 17 MZ twin pairs concordant high and 34 MZ pairs concordant low on OC symptoms from a large longitudinal Dutch sample of adult twin pairs and their family members, applying stringent criteria for OC symptomatology. Data were collected on psychopathology, family structure, health, lifestyle, birth complications and life events. Unique environmental factors were studied using within-discordant MZ pair comparisons, whereas between-concordant MZ pair comparisons were used to study environmental factors that are shared by the twins of an MZ pair. The high-scoring MZ twins of the discordant group reported more life events (especially sexual abuse) than their low-scoring twin-siblings. The between-pair comparisons showed lower birth weight in the discordant MZ pairs than in the concordant MZ pairs. Further, the concordant high MZ pairs as well as their spouses had a lower educational level than the two other groups. On scale scores of anxious-depression, neuroticism, and somatic complaints, concordant high MZ pairs showed highest scores, and the discordant MZ pairs scored intermediate, except for neuroticism, on which the high-scoring twins of discordant MZ pairs were equal to the concordant high pairs. Discordance on psychological scale scores between the concordant MZ pairs was evident from 1991 onward, and within the discordant MZ pairs from 1997 onward, confirming previous reports of an association of early-onset OC symptoms with higher genetic load. Parent scores of OC symptoms and anxious-depression suggested intermediate genetic load in the discordant MZ group. In conclusion, this study reports on both unique and shared environmental factors associated with OC symptomatology. Whether these factors operate in addition to or in interaction with genetic disposition is to be elucidated in future studies

    Rural men and mental health: their experiences and how they managed

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    There is a growing awareness that a primary source of information about mental health lies with the consumers. This article reports on a study that interviewed rural men with the aim of exploring their mental health experiences within a rural environment. The results of the interviews are a number of stories of resilience and survival that highlight not only the importance of exploring the individuals' perspective of their issues, but also of acknowledging and drawing on their inner strengths. Rural men face a number of challenges that not only increase the risk of mental illness but also decrease the likelihood of them seeking and/or finding professional support. These men's stories, while different from each other, have a common thread of coping. Despite some support from family and friends participants also acknowledged that seeking out professional support could have made the recovery phase easier. Mental health nurses need to be aware, not only of the barrier to professional support but also of the significant resilience that individuals have and how it can be utilised

    Effects of comorbidity on Tourette's tic severity and quality of life

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    Objective The aim of this study is to gain more insight in the differential contributions of anxiety, depression and obsessive-compulsive (OC) symptom severity to quality of life (QoL) and tic severity in adults with Tourette Disorder (TD). Methods Self-reported OC symptom, anxiety and depression severity measures were used to investigate their predictive value on QoL and Tic severity in adult TD patients (N = 187), using correlation, regression, and mediation analyses. Results Tic severity has no effect on QoL. Depression severity directly reduces QoL, whereas anxiety and OC symptom severity have an indirect effect on QoL, mediated by depression severity. OC symptom severity directly affects tic severity, whereas depression and anxiety severity do not have a direct effect on tic or OC severity. Finally, anxiety severity indirectly impacts tic severity, with OC symptom severity functioning as a mediator. Conclusion In line with and extending previous studies, these findings indicate that OC symptom severity directly influences tic symptom severity whereas depression severity directly influences QoL in TD. Results imply that to improve QoL in TD patients, treatment should primarily focus on diminishing OC and depressive symptom severity rather than focusing on tic reduction

    Report from the IAB workshop on analyzing IETF data (aid) 2021

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    The "Show me the numbers: Workshop on Analyzing IETF Data (AID)" workshop was convened by the Internet Architecture Board (IAB) from November 29 to December 2, 2021 and hosted by the IN-SIGHT.it project at the University of Amsterdam; however, it was converted to an onlineonly event. The workshop was organized into two discussion parts with a hackathon activity in between. This report summarizes the workshop's discussion and identifes topics that warrant future work and consideration. Note that this document is a report on the proceedings of the workshop. The views and positions documented in this report are those of the workshop participants and do not necessarily refect IAB views and positions

    Exploring environmental factors in nursing workplaces that promote psychological resilience : constructing a unified theoretical model

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    Building nurses’ resilience to complex and stressful practice environments is necessary to keep skilled nurses in the workplace and ensuring safe patient care. A unified theoretical framework titled Health Services Workplace Environmental Resilience Model (HSWERM), is presented to explain the environmental factors in the workplace that promote nurses’ resilience. The framework builds on a previously-published theoretical model of individual resilience, which identified the key constructs of psychological resilience as self-efficacy, coping and mindfulness, but did not examine environmental factors in the workplace that promote nurses’ resilience. This unified theoretical framework was developed using a literary synthesis drawing on data from international studies and literature reviews on the nursing workforce in hospitals. The most frequent workplace environmental factors were identified, extracted and clustered in alignment with key constructs for psychological resilience. Six major organizational concepts emerged that related to a positive resilience-building workplace and formed the foundation of the theoretical model. Three concepts related to nursing staff support (professional, practice, personal) and three related to nursing staff development (professional, practice, personal) within the workplace environment. The unified theoretical model incorporates these concepts within the workplace context, linking to the nurse, and then impacting on personal resilience and workplace outcomes, and its use has the potential to increase staff retention and quality of patient care

    Marital resemblance for obsessive–compulsive, anxious and depressive symptoms in a population-based sample.

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    Background. Resemblance between spouses can be due to phenotypic assortment, social homogamy and/or marital interaction. A significant degree of assortment can have consequences for the genetic architecture of a population. We examined the existence and cause(s) of assortment for obsessive-compulsive (OC), anxious and depressive symptoms in a population-based twin-family sample. Method. OC, anxious and depressive symptoms were measured in around 1400 twin-spouse pairs and >850 parent pairs. Correlations of twins and their spouse, twin and co-twin's spouse, spouses of both twins and parents of twins were obtained to consider phenotypic assortment versus social homogamy as possible causes of marital resemblance. The association of length of relationship with marital resemblance was also investigated. Finally, we examined whether within-trait or cross-trait processes play a primarily role in marital resemblance. Results. Small but significant within-trait correlations of between 0.1 and 0.2 were seen for spouse similarity in OC, anxious and depressive symptoms. Cross-correlations were significant but lower. There was no correlation between length of relationship and marital resemblance. From the pattern of correlations for twin-spouse, co-twin-spouse and spouses of both twins, phenotypic assortment could not be distinguished from social homogamy. Both within- and cross-assortment processes play a role in marital resemblance. Conclusions. Small within- and across-trait correlations exist for OC, anxious and depressive symptoms. No evidence for marital interaction was found. Spouse correlations are small, which makes it difficult to distinguish between social homogamy and phenotypic assortment. It is unlikely that correlations of this size will have a large impact on genetic studies. © 2008 Cambridge University Press

    Reviews of theoretical frameworks: challenges and judging the quality of theory application.

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    Background Rigorous reviews of available information, from a range of resources, is required to support medical and health educators in their decision making related to their educational practice. Aim The aim of the paper is to highlight the importance of a review of theoretical frameworks specifically to supplement reviews that focus on a synthesis of the empirical evidence alone. Establishing a shared understanding of theory as a concept is highlighted as a challenge to these types of review and some practical strategies to achieving this are presented. The paper also introduces the concept of theoretical quality to the methodology of literature reviews, arguing that a critique of how theory is applied should complement the methodological appraisal of the literature in a review. Method We illustrate the challenge of establishing a shared meaning of theory through reference to experiences of an on-going review of this kind conducted in the field of interprofessional education (IPE) and use a high scoring paper selected in this review to illustrate how theoretical quality can be assessed. We focus on theories that apply to IPE curriculum design but the findings are transferable to all reviews of theoretical frameworks. Findings In reaching a shared understanding of theory as a concept, practical strategies that promote experiential and practical ways of knowing (e.g. small group work and piloting of all phases of the review protocol) are required in addition to more propositional ways of sharing knowledge. Concepts of parsimony, testability, operational adequacy and empirical adequacy are explored as concepts that establish theoretical quality. Conclusions Reviews of theoretical frameworks used in medical education are required to inform educational practice. Review teams should make time and effort to reach a shared understanding of the term theory. Theory reviews, and reviews more widely, should add an assessment of theory application to the protocol of their review method.

    Performance evaluation of reverse osmosis (RO) pre-treatment technologies for in-land brackish water treatment

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    Integration of renewable energy with desalination technologies has emerged as an attractive solution to augment fresh water supply sustainably. Fouling and scaling are still considered as limiting factors in membrane desalination processes. For brackish water treatment, pre-treatment of reverse osmosis (RO) feed water is a key step in designing RO plants avoiding membrane fouling. This study aims to compare at pilot scale the rejection efficiency of RO membranes with multiple pre-treatment options at different water recoveries (30, 35, 40, 45 and 50%) and TDS concentrations (3500, 4000, and 4500mg/L). Synthetic brackish water was prepared and performance evaluation were carried out using brackish water reverse osmosis (BWRO) membranes (Filmtec LC-LE-4040 and Hydranautics CPA5-LD-4040) preceded by 5 and 1μm cartridge filters, 0.02μm ultra-filtration (UF) membrane, and forward osmosis (FO) membrane using 0.25M NaCl and MgCl2 as draw solutions (DS). It was revealed that FO membrane with 0.25M MgCl2 used as a draw solution (DS) and Ultra-filtration (UF) membrane followed by Filmtec membrane gave overall 98% rejection but UF facing high fouling potential due to high applied pressure. Use of 5 and 1μm cartridge filter prior to Filmtec membrane also showed effective results with 95% salt rejection

    “Bad Mum Guilt”: The Representation of ‘Work-Life Balance’ in UK Women’s Magazines

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    The social policy climate, labour market trends and gendered arrangements for paid and family work mean that ‘work-life balance’ remains a key social issue in the UK. Media representations of ‘work-life balance’ are a key source for the construction of gender and working motherhood. Despite evidence of gendered representations in media coverage of other social issues, little attention has been paid to the construction of work-life balance in UK women's magazines. Articles from the highest circulating UK women's magazines are analysed using a discursive approach to explicate constructions of work-life balance and working motherhood. The analysis reveals that multiple roles are constructed as a problematic choice leading to stress and guilt. Problems associated with multiple roles are constructed as individual problems, in a way that decontextualises and depoliticises them and normalises gendered assumptions and a gendered division of labour. Parallels can be drawn between this and wider discourses about women's daily lives and to the UK social policy context