196 research outputs found

    Subjective Postural Vertical and Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis (AIS)

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    ObjectiveThe origin of the AIS is unknown. Several studies in AIS have shown disturbances of orthostatic postural control and somatosensory modality. The orthostatic postural control is the ability to organize the upright position on the earth-vertical, by multisensory central integration, especially somatosensory information. Our hypothesis is that the somatosensory disturbances in the AIS involve change in the organization of orthostatic postural control, around an erroneous central representation of verticality. Our objective is to test, in the AIS, the existence of a disturbance of the somatosensory modality in orthostatic postural control by measuring the Subjective Postural Vertical (SPV).MethodsUncontrolled preliminary study on 8 adolescents with SIA (7 girls, 13.8±0.83 years, 38.8±10.4°angle). Test=SPV measurement, vision obscured, head-trunk-members strapped, sitting on a seat, fixed to a German vertical wheel athletic gymnastics (external diameter: 1.90 m), with electronic inclinometer that measures the rotational tilt of the seat, with reference to the gravitational vertical. From 45° inclination, the subject is tilted (1°/sec) and evaluates the alignment with the vertical gravitational.ResultsAIS SPV=7.48±4.86° with a tilt predominance to the right. It is impossible to realize statistical evaluation in this preliminary study. Our results are comparable with those reported in pusher patient.DiscussionThis preliminary study shows a disturbance in the assessment of SPV in the AIS. Disorders of the central integration of somatosensory modality could explain this result.The authors are grateful to the Harps Association's members, for their helpful comments

    Evidences for a Late Cretaceous continental arc in the Central Pontides: new insights on alternative geodynamic reconstructions for the Neotethys in Northern Turkey

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    The Intra-Pontide Suture Zone (IPSZ) is the less known one among the suture zones present in Turkey. The IPSZ is well exposed along the Daday-Arac-Kursunlu and Tosya – Emirköy geotraverses where several tectonic units can be recognized. Most of these units are characterized by the occurrence of basic rocks reflecting distinct tectonic origins and geochemical signatures. The study of the basic rocks emerges as an important tool for the geodynamic reconstruction as it can reveal the occurrence of of different types of oceanic basins, the development of a magmatic arc or the presence of rifting-related magmatism. The study of the geotraverses indicates that the imbricate stack of the IPSZ consists of four distinct tectonic units whose successions bear basic rocks: the Aylı Dağ ophiolite Unit, the Arkot Dağ Mèlange and two metamorphic units, referred to as Daday and Devrekani Units. This imbricate stack is probably the result of several episodes of out-of-sequence thrusts that affected the whole IPSZ. The Aylı Dağ Unit includes an about 5 km-thick ophiolite sequence topped by the middle Bathonian to early Callovian radiolarian cherts. In addition, a metamorphic sole is present at the base of the serpentinized peridotites. The geochemical evaluation of pillow-basalts and dykes highlights subduction-related characteristics, similar to IAT- and BABB-type lavas generated above intra-oceanic subduction systems. The Arkot Dağ Mèlange consists of an assemblage of slide-blocks, with different size and lithology, enclosed in a Late Santonian sedimentary matrix. The slide-blocks also include ophiolitic lithologies, mainly represented by basalts, but gabbros and peridotites are also found. The slide-blocks of basalts display affinites to IAT- and BABB-type magmas, signifying the involvement of subduction component, whereas no MORB-like basalt have been found. The Daday unit is characterized by metasedimentary and metabasic rocks deformed under blueschist to subgreenschist metamorphic facies conditions. The metasedimentary rocks include mica-bearing schists, fine-grained marbles and black quartzites. The metabasic lithologies, on the other hand, comprise actinolite-bearing schists and Naamphibole- bearing varieties possibly derived from basaltic and gabbroic protoliths. The metabasic rocks have a wide range of chemical compositions, displaying N-MORB-, E-MORB-, OIB- BABB- and IAT-type signatures. The Devrekani Unit is represented by an assemblage of amphibolites, marbles and micaschists showing a metamorphic climax developed under upper amphibolite facies in the Late Jurassic time. The amphibolites display EMORB-, OIB- BABB- and IAT-type signatures. The geochemical signature of the studied basic rocks provide the evidence that all the basic rocks from the tectonic units of IPSZ are derived by a supra-subduction zone. This finding can provide new nsights for the recostruction of the sgeodynamic history of the Intra-Pontide domain

    Multiple Orbitoides d’Orbigny lineages in the Maastrichtian? Data from the Central Sakarya Basin (Turkey) and Arabian Platform successions (Southeastern Turkey and Oman)

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    The standard reconstruction of species of Orbitoides d’Orbigny into a single lineage during the late Santonian to the end of the Maastrichtian is based upon morphometric data from Western Europe. An irreversible increase in the size of the embryonic apparatus, and the formation of a greater number of epi-embryonic chamberlets (EPC) with time, is regarded as the main evolutionary trends used in species discrimination. However, data from Maastrichtian Orbitoides assemblages from Central Turkey and the Arabian Platform margin (Southeastern Turkey and Oman) are not consistent with this record. The Maastrichtian Besni Formation of the Arabian Platform margin in Southeastern Turkey yields invariably biconvex specimens, with small, tri- to quadrilocular embryons and a small number of EPC, comparable to late Campanian Orbitoides medius (d’Archiac). The upper Maastrichtian Taraklı Formation from the Sakarya Basin of Central Turkey contains two distinct, yet closely associated forms of Orbitoides, easily differentiated by both external and internal features. Flat to biconcave specimens possess a small, tri- to quadrilocular embryonic apparatus of Orbitoides medius-type and a small number of EPC, whereas biconvex specimens possess a large, predominantly bilocular embryonic apparatus, and were assigned to Orbitoides ex. interc. gruenbachensis Papp–apiculatus Schlumberger based on morphometry. The flat to biconcave specimens belong to a long overlooked species Orbitoides pamiri Meriç, originally described from the late Maastrichtian of the Tauride Mountains in SW Turkey. This species is herein interpreted to be an offshoot from the main Orbitoides lineage during the Maastrichtian, as are forms that we term Orbitoides ‘medius’, since they recall this species, yet are younger than normal occurrence with the accepted morphometrically defined lineage. The consistent correlation between the external and internal test features in O. pamiri implies that the shape of the test is not an ecophenotypic variation, but appears to be biologically controlled. We, therefore, postulate that more than one lineage of Orbitoides exists during the Maastrichtian, with a lineage that includes O. ‘medius’ and O. pamiri displaying retrograde evolutionary features

    Genome analysis and avirulence gene cloning using a high-density RADseq linkage map of the flax rust fungus, Melampsora lini

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    Agroinfiltration of avirulence gene constructs. The response of flax cultivars and near-isogenic lines to expression of avirulence gene candidates (AvrM14-A, AvrM14-B and AvrL2-A) using Agrobacterium tumefaciens-mediated transient transformation. (PDF 2637 kb

    The influence of foot geometry on the calcaneal osteotomy angle based on two-dimensional static force analyses

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    Background: Malalignment of the hindfoot can be corrected with a calcaneal osteotomy (CO). A well-selected osteotomy angle in the sagittal plane will reduce the shear force in the osteotomy plane while walking. The purpose was to determine the presence of a relationship between the foot geometry and loading of the calcaneus, which influences the choice of the preferred CO angle. Methods A static free body force analysis was made of the posterior calcaneal fragment in the second half of the stance phase to determine the main loads: the plantar apeunorosis (PA) and Achilles tendon (AT). The third load is on the osteotomy surface which should be oriented such that the shear component of the force is zero. The force direction of the PA and AT was measured on 58 MRIs of the foot, and the force ratio between both structures was taken from the literature. In addition the PA-to-AT force ratio was estimated for different foot geometries to identify the relationship. Results: Based on the wish to minimize the shear force during walking, a mean CO angle was determined to be 33º (SD8) relative to the foot sole. In pes planus foot geometry, the angle should be higher than the mean. In pes cavus foot geometry, the angle should be smaller. Conclusion: Foot geometry, in particular the relative foot heights is a determinant for the individual angle in performing the sliding calcaneal osteotomy. It is recommended to take into account the foot geometry (arch) when deciding on the CO angle for hindfoot correction.Biomechanical EngineeringMechanical, Maritime and Materials Engineerin

    Updated Iberian archeomagnetic catalogue: new full vector paleosecular variation curve for the last three millennia

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    In this work, we present 16 directional and 27 intensity high‐quality values from Iberia. Moreover, we have updated the Iberian archeomagnetic catalogue published more than 10 years ago with a considerable increase in the database. This has led to a notable improvement of both temporal and spatial data distribution. A full vector paleosecular variation curve from 1000 BC to 1900 AD has been developed using high‐quality data within a radius of 900 km from Madrid. A hierarchical bootstrap method has been followed for the computation of the curves. The most remarkable feature of the new curves is a notable intensity maximum of about 80 μT around 600 BC, which has not been previously reported for the Iberian Peninsula. We have also analyzed the evolution of the paleofield in Europe for the last three thousand years and conclude that the high maximum intensity values observed around 600 BC in the Iberian Peninsula could respond to the same feature as the Levantine Iron Age Anomaly, after travelling westward through Europe

    Suppression of Plant Resistance Gene-Based Immunity by a Fungal Effector

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    The innate immune system of plants consists of two layers. The first layer, called basal resistance, governs recognition of conserved microbial molecules and fends off most attempted invasions. The second layer is based on Resistance (R) genes that mediate recognition of effectors, proteins secreted by pathogens to suppress or evade basal resistance. Here, we show that a plant-pathogenic fungus secretes an effector that can both trigger and suppress R gene-based immunity. This effector, Avr1, is secreted by the xylem-invading fungus Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. lycopersici (Fol) and triggers disease resistance when the host plant, tomato, carries a matching R gene (I or I-1). At the same time, Avr1 suppresses the protective effect of two other R genes, I-2 and I-3. Based on these observations, we tentatively reconstruct the evolutionary arms race that has taken place between tomato R genes and effectors of Fol. This molecular analysis has revealed a hitherto unpredicted strategy for durable disease control based on resistance gene combinations