10 research outputs found

    Universidad de El Salvador: ¿De- formación profesional o deformación?

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    Se ha entendido siempre por humanidades, al conjunto de disciplinas que contribuyen a la formación humana del estudiante o del estudioso, por oposición a las disciplinas de carácter científico o técnico. El conflicto surge tan pronto como se plantea, si la formación ha de ser en beneficio del individuo o en beneficio de la colectividad. La respuesta, a priori, y desde el mismo diseño de la enseñanza, se decanta a favor de la colectividad a costa de la negación del individuo. En cambio, se entiende a la psicología que es ante todo una intención de comprender y de mejorar al ser humano y a su comportamiento, en donde se observa al hombre como arquitecto de sí mismo y proyecto de sus esperanzas, en continua evolución en busca de su plenitud y su completa realizació

    Analysis on morphodynamics and evolution of bed forms in the Orinoco River

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    The Orinoco River is the third largest flow-discharge river in the world with an average water flow of 37,600 m3s-1. Due to the presence of the Guyana shield on the right bank, the lower reach of the Orinoco presents a plan form characterized by alternance of contraction and expansion zones (Laraque et al., 2013). Typical 1-1.5 km width narrow reaches are followed by 7-8 km wide reaches (Figure 1). A complex pattern of bed aggradation and degradation processes takes place during the hydrological cycle. The relationship between flow velocity and morphodynamic of sand waves and bars in an expansion/contraction channel is very important to understand the processes that control the evolution of rivers. Considerable research efforts has recently been directed towards the understanding of fluvial processes associated with geomorphology and hydrologic conditions with the river width, which are explained through the mechanics of formation and evolution of sand waves and bars

    Morphodynamic change analysis of bedforms in the Lower Orinoco River, Venezuela

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    The Orinoco River has the third largest discharge in the world, with an annual mean flow of 37 600m3 s1 at its outlet to the Atlantic Ocean. Due to the presence of the Guiana Shield on the right bank, the lower reach of the Orinoco has a plan form characterized by contraction and expansion zones. Typical 1–1.5 km wide narrow reaches are followed by 7–8 km wide reaches. A complex pattern of bed aggradation and degradation processes takes place during the annual hydrological regime. A series of Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP) transects were collected on an expansion channel in the Orinoco River, specifically over a fluvial island, representative of the lower Orinoco. In this study, temporal series of bathymetric cartography obtained by ADCP profiles combined with Differential Global Position System (DGPS) measurements (with dual-frequency), were used to recover the local displacement of bed forms in this island. The principal aims of this analysis were: (1) to understand the dynamics and evolution of sand waves and bars at this section and (2) to quantify the volume (erosion vs. accretion) of a mid-channel bar with dunes by applying DEM of Difference (DoD) maps on time series of bathymetric data. This required sampling with ADCP transects during the months of: May 2016; November 2016 and April 2017. Each bathymetric transect was measured twice, 1 day apart and on the same trajectory obtained by a GPS receptor. The spatial analysis of these ADCP transects is presented as a novel tool in the acquisition of time series of bathymetry for a relatively deep section ( 20 m) and under variable flow conditions

    Water Conservation and Environmental Sustainability from a Community Clinical Psychological Perspective

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    This study was carried out as a part of the international cooperation project “Agua Futura” for the improvement of water resource management in rural communities of Central America. Given the problem of water shortage, especially in El Salvador, the aim was to detect some key factors affecting water conservation and environmental sustainability from a community clinical psychological perspective. Ninety rural inhabitants (mean age = 46.84, SD = 17.05) of El Salvador were given a structured interview exploring their symbolizations about water conservation. Data were analyzed through computer-assisted thematic analysis, then complemented by a qualitative analysis. Several themes were identified highlighting some differences regarding the emotional salience given to water resources as a primary good, the sense of responsibility for the sustainability of water resources at the community level, as well as diverse motivations and purposes affecting water use in households. The findings support the role of emotions, representations about others’ attitudes, and defenses against vulnerability and future uncertainty about water shortage. Additionally, the shift between an individualist or collectivist perspective underlying the decision to preserve water resources represents a significant matter to be taken into account for the understanding of effective pro-environmental behaviors in the long run

    Water Conservation and Environmental Sustainability from a Community Clinical Psychological Perspective

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    This study was carried out as a part of the international cooperation project “Agua Futura” for the improvement of water resource management in rural communities of Central America. Given the problem of water shortage, especially in El Salvador, the aim was to detect some key factors affecting water conservation and environmental sustainability from a community clinical psychological perspective. Ninety rural inhabitants (mean age = 46.84, SD = 17.05) of El Salvador were given a structured interview exploring their symbolizations about water conservation. Data were analyzed through computer-assisted thematic analysis, then complemented by a qualitative analysis. Several themes were identified highlighting some differences regarding the emotional salience given to water resources as a primary good, the sense of responsibility for the sustainability of water resources at the community level, as well as diverse motivations and purposes affecting water use in households. The findings support the role of emotions, representations about others’ attitudes, and defenses against vulnerability and future uncertainty about water shortage. Additionally, the shift between an individualist or collectivist perspective underlying the decision to preserve water resources represents a significant matter to be taken into account for the understanding of effective pro-environmental behaviors in the long run

    A Working Hypothesis for the Role of the Cerebellum in Impulsivity and Compulsivity

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