11 research outputs found

    Recobriments antiadherents sobre titani: mètodes de deposició de poli(etilenglicol)

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    Els implants dentals són àmpliament utilitzats per a la substitució de peces dentals perdudes. Tot i la seva elevada taxa d’èxit, es produeixen fallades en un 5-10% dels implants col•locats. Per evitar les fallades per infecció cal evitar l’adhesió bacteriana inicial, fita que es pot assolir amb els recobriments antiadherents. En aquest estudi es realitza la comparativa de tres mètodes diferents per l’obtenció de recobriments de poli(etilenglicol) (PEG) sobre titani per aplicacions en implants dentals. Els mètodes estudiats han estat la polimerització per plasma, l’electrodeposició i la silanització. Els tres mètodes permeten obtenir un recobriment de PEG a la superfície del titani, amb composició química semblant i una reducció de l’adhesió bacteriana. L’adhesió cel•lular no es veu significativament afectada en cap dels casos.Peer Reviewe

    The words leader/líder and their resonances in an Italo-Latin American multinational corporation

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    © 2017, © The Author(s) 2017. The problems of ‘lost in translation’ are well known. Yet some terms of English managerial vocabulary, which are perfectly translatable in other languages, remain untranslated. One explanation of this phenomenon is what Linguistic anthropology call negative semantic resonances. Semantic resonances focused on the issue of which meanings can or cannot be expressed by a single word in different cultures. In this paper, based on an organisational ethnography of Latin American expatriates working for an Italo-Latin-American multinational corporation (Tubworld), we analyse the resonances of the word leader/líder and director, direttore, capo, guida, coordinador, caudillo among a group of expatriates; all Italian, Spanish or multilingual speakers who use English as a second language in their everyday interactions. The paper explains how the different uses contribute to create a meaning of what a leader should and should not be; someone who leads without leading, sometimes a manager. The authors, an Italian native speaker who learnt Spanish during childhood and use English as his everyday language and a Spanish native speaker, argue that Italian or Spanish speakers not only avoid the words duce and caudillo (the vernacular vocabulary for leader, not in use due to the political and cultural meaning) but also the word leader/líder itself, as it resonate to the other two (violent, authoritarian, autocratic, antidemocratic leadership) but furthermore because the word, a lexical loan from English, failed to encapsulate the complexity of leading multilingual organisations like Tubworld

    Policing the Spanish language debate: verbal hygiene and the Spanish language academy (Real Academia Española)

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    This article takes a contemporary, socio-political approach to the study of the Real Academia Española (RAE) and its role in Spanish language matters. I examine the Academy’s contribution to current language debates and consider the language ideologies present in discussions of language standardisation. My investigation is framed by general and Spanish-specific works on language ideologies (e.g. Lippi-Green 1997; Schieffelin et al. 1998; Mar-Molinero 2004; Del Valle and Gabriel-Stheeman 2002). In particular, I examine how Academicians become ‘agents’ of institutional language ideologies [‘verbal hygienists’ in Cameron’s (1995) terms] by reinforcing a particular definition of the Spanish language. I critically analyse a selection of press articles (El País, ABC) and Academy publications which discuss the role, use and current state of the language. These provide evidence that language ideological debates are widespread in Spanish news media, and that the RAE takes the lead, as part of its panhispanic language policy

    B. Sprachwissenschaft.

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    B. Sprachwissenschaft

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