146 research outputs found

    Aplicación del método de valoración contingente en la evaluación del sistema de gestión de residuos sólidos domiciliarios en la ciudad de Salta, Argentina

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    La higiene urbana, para una población de 489.098 habitantes, comprenden los siguientes servicios: barrido y limpieza; recolección y transporte; limpiezas de imbornales, canales y espacios verdes; y disposición final de residuos. El presente trabajo aplica el método de valoración contingente referéndum (MVCR) para evaluar el sistema de gestión de los residuos sólidos domiciliarios (SGRSD). La evaluación se realizó mediante encuestas personales distribuidas al azar a usuarios del servicio ambiental, en cinco estratos de ingresos familiares. Se indagó sobre la percepción de los usuarios frente al SGRSD mediante valoración cualitativa numérica y contingente. Se realizaron 779 encuestas distribuidas en 13 Barrios. El 38 % de los usuarios manifestaron no conocer la diferencia entre RSD de RP. Un 13 % de los ciudadanos usuarios valoraron la calidad del barrido y limpieza como excelente. La recolección y transporte de domiciliarios fue valorado como muy bueno por el 37 % de los entrevistados. Del tratamiento de disposición final de los RSD el 98 % de los usuarios desconocen las características del servicio. De la aplicación del MVCR y mediante un ajuste LOGIT, se obtuvo un excedente del consumidor individual equivalente a 5,31 dólares mensuales por catastro servido, que representa el nivel de bienestar del usuario frente al SGRSD actual. El 34,02 % de los entrevistados manifestaron la necesidad de incorporar mejoras al servicio, de los que sólo el 27,9 % contestó afirmativamente a la pregunta de la DAP. Se discute sobre la utilidad del MVCR en la evaluación de los SGRSD como herramienta para su evaluación y mejora integral

    Aplicación del método de valoración contingente en la evaluación del sistema de gestión de residuos sólidos domiciliarios en la ciudad de Salta, Argentina

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    La higiene urbana, para una población de 489.098 habitantes, comprenden los siguientes servicios: barrido y limpieza; recolección y transporte; limpiezas de imbornales, canales y espacios verdes; y disposición final de residuos. El presente trabajo aplica el método de valoración contingente referéndum (MVCR) para evaluar el sistema de gestión de los residuos sólidos domiciliarios (SGRSD). La evaluación se realizó mediante encuestas personales distribuidas al azar a usuarios del servicio ambiental, en cinco estratos de ingresos familiares. Se indagó sobre la percepción de los usuarios frente al SGRSD mediante valoración cualitativa numérica y contingente. Se realizaron 779 encuestas distribuidas en 13 Barrios. El 38 % de los usuarios manifestaron no conocer la diferencia entre RSD de RP. Un 13 % de los ciudadanos usuarios valoraron la calidad del barrido y limpieza como excelente. La recolección y transporte de domiciliarios fue valorado como muy bueno por el 37 % de los entrevistados. Del tratamiento de disposición final de los RSD el 98 % de los usuarios desconocen las características del servicio. De la aplicación del MVCR y mediante un ajuste LOGIT, se obtuvo un excedente del consumidor individual equivalente a $ 5,31 mensuales por catastro servido, que representa el nivel de bienestar del usuario frente al SGRSD actual. El 34,02 % de los entrevistados manifestaron la necesidad de incorporar mejoras al servicio, de los que sólo el 27,9 % contestó afirmativamente a la pregunta de la DAP. Se discute sobre la utilidad del MVCR en la evaluación de los SGRSD como herramienta para su evaluación y mejora integral.

    ARP-Path: ARP-based Shortest Path Bridges

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    This letter is a summary proposal for an evolution of the Ethernet transparent bridge paradigm that provides simple, shortest path bridging in campus networks. ARP-Path Ethernet Switches set up an on-demand path between two hosts just reusing and flooding the standard ARP request frame through all links and confirming the path reaching to the destination host with the ARP reply frame. ARP-Path uses the standard Ethernet frame format, is fully transparent to hosts and does not require spanning tree or link state protocol. Simulation results show superior performance to spanning tree and similar to shortest path routing, with lower complexity. Our implementations confirm backward compatibility, robustness and performance.This work was supported in part by grants from Comunidad de Madrid and Comunidad de Castilla la Mancha through Projects MEDIANET-CM (S- 2009/TIC-1468) and EMARECE (PII1I09-0204-4319).Publicad

    Mid-Infrared Photometry and Spectra of Three High Mass Protostellar Candidates at IRAS 18151-1208 and IRAS 20343+4129

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    We present arcsecond-scale mid-ir photometry (in the 10.5 micron N band and at 24.8 microns), and low resolution spectra in the N band (R~100) of a candidate high mass protostellar object (HMPO) in IRAS 18151-1208 and of two HMPO candidates in IRAS 20343+4129, IRS 1 and IRS 3. In addition we present high resolution mid-ir spectra (R~80000) of the two HMPO candidates in IRAS 20343+4129. These data are fitted with simple models to estimate the masses of gas and dust associated with the mid-ir emitting clumps, the column densities of overlying absorbing dust and gas, the luminosities of the HMPO candidates, and the likely spectral type of the HMPO candidate for which [Ne II] 12.8 micron emission was detected (IRAS 20343+4129 IRS 3). We suggest that IRAS 18151-1208 is a pre-ultracompact HII region HMPO, IRAS 20343+4129 IRS 1 is an embedded young stellar object with the luminosity of a B3 star, and IRAS 20343+4129 IRS 3 is a B2 ZAMS star that has formed an ultracompact HII region and disrupted its natal envelope.Comment: 40 pages, 8 figures, 3 tables. Accepted for publication in Astrophysical Journal (Part 1

    An H2CO 6cm Maser Pinpointing a Possible Circumstellar Torus in IRAS18566+0408

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    We report observations of 6cm, 3.6cm, 1.3cm, and 7mm radio continuum, conducted with the Very Large Array towards IRAS18566+0408, one of the few sources known to harbor H2CO 6cm maser emission. Our observations reveal that the emission is dominated by an ionized jet at cm wavelengths. Spitzer/IRAC images from GLIMPSE support this interpretation, given the presence of 4.5um excess emission at approximately the same orientation as the cm continuum. The 7mm emission is dominated by thermal dust from a flattened structure almost perpendicular to the ionized jet, thus, the 7mm emission appears to trace a torus associated with a young massive stellar object. The H2CO 6cm maser is coincident with the center of the torus-like structure. Our observations rule out radiative pumping via radio continuum as the excitation mechanism for the H2CO 6cm maser in IRAS18566+0408.Comment: 20 pages, 4 figures, ApJ (in press

    Spitzer-IRAC GLIMPSE of high mass protostellar objects. I Infrared point sources and nebulae

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    The GLIMPSE archive was used to obtain 3.6--8.0micron, point source photometry and images for 381 massive protostellar candidates lying in the Galactic mid-plane. The colours, magnitudes and spectral indicies of sources in each of the 381 target fields were analysed and compared with the predictions of 2D radiative transfer model simulations. Although no discernable embedded clusters were found in any targets, multiple sources or associations of redenned young stellar objects were found in many sources indicating multiplicity at birth. The spectral index (α\alpha) of these point sources in 3.6--8.0mum bands display large values of α\alpha=2--5. A color-magnitude analog plot was used to identify 79 infrared counterparts to the HMPOs. Compact nebulae are found in 75% of the detected sources with morphologies that can be well described by core-halo, cometary, shell-like and bipolar geometries similar to those observed in ultra-compact HII regions. The IRAC band SEDs of the IR counterparts of HMPOs are best described to represent YSOs with a mass range of 8--20\msun in their Class I stages when compared with 2D radiative transfer models. They also suggest that the high α\alpha values represent reprocessed star/star+disk emission that is arising in the dense envelopes. Thus we are witnessing the luminous envelopes around the protostars rather than their photospheres or disks. We argue that the compact infrared nebulae likely reflect the underlying physical structure of the dense cores and are found to imitate the morphologies of known UCHII regions. Our results favour models of continuuing accretion involving both molecular and ionised accretion components to build the most massive stars rather than purely molecular rapid accretion flows.Comment: 13 pages, 7 figures, accepted by A&

    Mopra line survey mapping of NGC6334I and I(N) at 3mm

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    A 5'x5' region encompassing NGC6334I and I(N) has been mapped at a wavelength of 3mm (from 83.5 to 115.5GHz) with the Mopra telescope at an angular resolution between 33 arcsec and 36 arcsec. This investigation has made use of the recently installed 3mm MMIC receiver and the Mopra Spectrometer (MOPS) with broadband capabilities permitting total coverage of the entire frequency range with just five different observations. In total, the spatial distribution of nineteen different molecules, ions and radicals, along with additional selected isotopologues have been studied. Whilst most species trace the sites of star formation, CH_3CN appears to be most closely associated with NGC6334I and I(N). Both CN and C_2H appear to be widespread, tracing gas that is not associated with active star formation. Both N_2H^+ and HC_3N closely resemble dust continuum emission, showing they are reliable tracers of dense material, as well as the youngest stages of high mass star formation. Hot (E_u/k>100K) thermal CH_3OH emission is preferentially found towards NGC6334I, contrasting with I(N), where only cold (E_u/k<22K) thermal CH_3OH emission is found.Comment: Accepted by MNRA

    Idealized digital models for conical reed instruments, with focus on the internal pressure waveform

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    International audienceTwo models for the generation of self-oscillations of reed conical woodwinds are presented. They use the fewest parameters (of either the resonator or the ex-citer), whose influence can be quickly explored. The formulation extends iterated maps obtained for loss-less cylindrical pipes without reed dynamics. It uses spherical wave variables in idealized resonators, with one parameter more than for cylinders: the missing length of the cone. The mouthpiece volume equals that of the missing part of the cone, and is implemented as either a cylindrical pipe (first model) or a lumped element (second model). Only the first model adds a length parameter for the mouthpiece and leads to the solving of an implicit equation. For the second model, any shape of nonlinear characteristic can be directly considered. The complex characteristics impedance for spherical waves requires sampling times smaller than a round trip in the resonator. The convergence of the two models is shown when the length of the cylindrical mouthpiece tends to zero. The waveform is in semi-quantitative agreement with experiment. It is concluded that the oscillations of the positive episode of the mouthpiece pressure are related to the length of the missing part, not to the reed dynamics