16 research outputs found

    Reference values of EORTC QLQ-C30, EORTC QLQ-BR23, and EQ-5D-5L for women with non-metastatic breast cancer at diagnosis and 2 years after

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    Purpose To obtain reference norms of EORTC QLQ-C30, EORTC QLQ-BR23, and EQ-5D-5L, based on a population of Spanish non-metastatic breast cancer patients at diagnosis and 2 years after, according to relevant demographic and clinical characteristics. Methods Multicentric prospective cohort study including consecutive women aged ≥ 18 years with a diagnosis of incident non-metastatic breast cancer from April 2013 to May 2015. Health-related quality of life (HRQoL) questionnaires were administered between diagnosis and beginning the therapy, and 2 years after. HRQoL differences according to age, comorbidity and stage were tested with ANOVA or Chi Square test and multivariate linear regression models. Results 1276 patients were included, with a mean age of 58 years. Multivariate models of EORTC QLQ-C30 summary score and EQ-5D-5L index at diagnosis and at 2-year follow-up show the independent association of comorbidity and tumor stage with HRQoL. The standardized multivariate regression coefficient of EORTC QLQ-C30 summary score was lower (poorer HRQoL) for women with stage II and III than for those with stage 0 at diagnosis (− 0.11 and − 0.07, p < 0.05) and follow-up (− 0.15 and − 0.10, p < 0.01). The EQ-5D-5L index indicated poorer HRQoL for women with Charlson comorbidity index ≥ 2 than comorbidity 0 both at diagnosis (− 0.13, p < 0.001) and follow-up (− 0.18, p < 0.001). Therefore, we provided the reference norms at diagnosis and at the 2-year follow-up, stratified by age, comorbidity index, and tumor stage. Conclusion These HRQoL reference norms can be useful to interpret the scores of women with non-metastatic breast cancer, comparing them with country-specific reference values for this population.Open Access funding provided thanks to the CRUE-CSIC agreement with Springer Nature. This study has been funded by the Instituto de Salud Carlos III FEDER (PI21/00026 and PI12/01842), by the Basque Government Health Department (2012111045) and by Generalitat de Catalunya (2017 SGR 452). OG and MF acknowledge CIBER de Epidemiologia y Salud Publica (CIBERESP) for partial funding to their research

    Montelukast in paediatric asthma and allergic rhinitis : a systematic review and meta-analysis

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    We aim to assess the impact of montelukast on paediatric patients with asthma/allergic rhinitis, measured using patient-reported outcome measures, compared with other treatments or placebo. Protocol registration CRD42020216098 (). MEDLINE and Embase databases were used to conduct the search. Two authors independently selected studies and extracted data, and a third reviewer resolved discrepancies. Meta-analyses were constructed to estimate the standardised mean difference (SMD) using a random-effects model. Out of 3937 articles identified, 49 studies met the inclusion criteria, mostly randomised clinical trials (sample sizes: 21-689 patients). The SMD of change pooled estimators for the global, mental and physical domains of health-related quality of life were not statistically significant. For daytime and night-time symptoms scores, the SMD (95% CI) was in favour of inhaled corticosteroids (−0.12, −0.20- −0.05 and −0.23, −0.41- −0.06, respectively). The pooled estimator for global asthma symptoms was better for montelukast when compared with placebo (0.90, 0.44-1.36). The synthesis of the available evidence suggests that, in children and adolescents, montelukast was effective in controlling asthma symptoms when compared with placebo, but inhaled corticosteroids were superior in controlling symptoms, especially at night-time. These findings of our systematic review concur with current guidelines for asthma treatment. This is the first systematic review focused on the impact of montelukast on children and adolescents with asthma, from the patients' perspective, measured with patient-reported outcome measures (PROMs

    NRN1 Gene as a Potential Marker of Early-Onset Schizophrenia: Evidence from Genetic and Neuroimaging Approaches

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    Included in the neurotrophins family, the Neuritin 1 gene (NRN1) has emerged as an attractive candidate gene for schizophrenia (SZ) since it has been associated with the risk for the disorder and general cognitive performance. In this work, we aimed to further investigate the association of NRN1 with SZ by exploring its role on age at onset and its brain activity correlates. First, we developed two genetic association analyses using a family-based sample (80 early-onset (EO) trios (offspring onset ≤ 18 years) and 71 adult-onset (AO) trios) and an independent case control sample (120 healthy subjects (HS), 87 EO and 138 AO patients). Second, we explored the effect of NRN1 on brain activity during a working memory task (N-back task; 39 HS, 39 EO and 39 AO; matched by age, sex and estimated IQ). Different haplotypes encompassing the same three Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms(SNPs, rs3763180 rs10484320 rs4960155) were associated with EO in the two samples (GCT, TCC and GTT). Besides, the GTT haplotype was associated with worse N-back task performance in EO and was linked to an inefficient dorsolateral prefrontal cortex activity in subjects with EO compared to HS. Our results show convergent evidence on the NRN1 association with EO both from genetic and neuroimaging approaches, highlighting the role of neurotrophins in the pathophysiology of SZ

    Recerca i immigració VII : migracions dels segles XX i XXI: una mirada candeliana

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    Aquest volum recull les aportacions d'estudiosos vinculats principalment al Centre d'Estudis Demogràfics (CED) de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. De fet, es basa en les ponències presentades al Museu d'Història de Catalunya el 17 de desembre de 2014 dins la jornada «Migracions dels segles XX i XXI a Catalunya. Una mirada candeliana. Anàlisi sociodemogràfica», organitzada pel CED, la Fundació Paco Candel i la Direcció General per a la Immigració del Departament de Benestar Social i Família

    Isotope evidence for the use of marine resources in the Eastern Iberian Mesolithic

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    There are relatively few coastal Mesolithic sites in the Iberian Mediterranean region, probably due to a number of factors including sea level changes and the disappearance of sites due to agriculture and urbanisation. However, recent excavations have uncovered inland sites that have marine faunal remains (i.e. molluscs and fish) and lithics from the coastal area, which both indicate interactions between the coast and the upland valleys. These inland sites are located at a distance of 30e50 km from today¿s coastline and are at altitudes higher than 1000 m. We report on additional information on the links between the coast and these inland sites through the use of dietary isotope analysis (carbon and nitrogen stable isotope analysis) of collagen extracted from human and faunal remains at the sites of Coves de Santa Maira, Penya del Comptador and Cingle del Mas Nou. The results indicate that Mesolithic diet in this region was largely based on C3 terrestrial resources, but there was measurable evidence of low-level consumption of marine resources at both coastal and inland sites

    Pharmacoeconomics of Cyclamen europaeum in the management of Acute Rhinosinusitis

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    Objective. To carry out a pharmacoeconomic analysis of Cyclamen europaeum (CE) in the management of acute rhinosinusitis (ARS) in Spain using data from the PROSINUS study. Study Design. This was a prospective observational study to compare the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness between therapies including CE vs. other therapies in the management of ARS. Methods. The study was carried out as a secondary analysis of the PROSINUS, combining healthcare resource use, productivity loses, and health outcomes from the observational study with costs representative of the Spanish Health System. Results. CE given as monotherapy appears to be more effective (cure rate) than other monotherapies (15.3% higher, p<0.05) and combination (10.3% higher, p<0.05) therapies. The addition of CE to other single-drug or combination therapies showed a statistically significant improvement in terms of cure rates when adding CE to 2-drug combinations (93.9% vs. 76.5%; p<0.05), and no significant effect when added to combinations of three or more drugs (81.1% vs. 79.8; NS). CE based therapies generally showed lower indirect costs, although only the comparison of CE alone vs. other monotherapies, with a net cost savings of 101 per patient, reached statistical significance (331 vs. 432 , p<0.05). In addition, CE-based therapies show lower cost per cured patient in all comparisons except when CE was used in combination with three or more other drugs. Conclusions. The use of Cyclamen europaeum may be associated to better clinical outcomes at no additional cost for the healthcare system, respect to treatments commonly used for ARS in clinical practice

    Perceptions from nurses, surgeons, and anesthetists about the use and benefits of the surgical checklist in a teaching hospital

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    Objective: To assess attitudes and perceptions from nursing staff, surgeons and anesthetists about compliance, utility, and impact on patient's safety of the surgical checklist in a teaching hospital. We also aimed to identify improvement opportunities for strengthening the usefulness of the checklist in the operating theater. Methods: We carried out a questionnaire-based an observational cross-sectional study. A questionnaire was distributed to operating room staff, including nursing staff, surgeons, and anesthetists. In addition to the information about surgical checklist, We also collected information regarding years of experience in the operating theater. Fisher's exact was used to compare proportions in each statement. Group discussion meetings with key professionals were held to jointly assess the results, propose improvement actions, and evaluate their feasibility. Results: The overall response rate was 36.2% (131/362). Nursing staff was perceived as the most supportive group in the use of surgical checklist. A 64.3% of surgeons considered that using the checklist prevented adverse events vs 84.2% and 85.7% among anesthetists and nurses, respectively; p=0.028. Junior staff showed a supportive attitude toward the use of surgical checklist, considering it as a tool that gives them confidence. We ended up with a list of improvement actions aiming at strengthening the surgical checklist reliability and compliance. Conclusions: The perception of the surgical checklist usefulness as a tool to prevent adverse events was moderate among surgeons, but well appreciated by junior staff. Nursing staff were especially critical regarding compliance and support by other professionals. To reinforce the usefulness perception of the surgical checklist it is needed to increase the involvement of all professionals, especially senior staff and surgical leaders

    Factors associated with readmissions in women participating in screening programs and treated for breast cancer: a retrospective cohort study

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    Background: We aimed to identify the risk factors associated with early, late and long-term readmissions in women diagnosed with breast cancer participating in screening programs. Methods: We performed a multicenter cohort study of 1055 women aged 50–69 years participating in Spanish screening programs, diagnosed with breast cancer between 2000 and 2009, and followed up to 2014. Readmission was defined as a hospital admission related to the disease and/or treatment complications, and was classified as early ( 1 year). We used logistic regression to estimate the adjusted odds ratios (aOR), and 95% confidence intervals (95% CI) to explore the factors associated with early, late and long-term readmissions, adjusting by women’s and tumor characteristics, detection mode, treatments received, and surgical and medical complications. Results: Among the women included, early readmission occurred in 76 (7.2%), late readmission in 87 (8.2%), long-term readmission in 71 (6.7%), and no readmission in 821 (77.8%). Surgical complications were associated with an increased risk of early readmissions (aOR = 3.62; 95%CI: 1.27–10.29), and medical complications with late readmissions (aOR = 8.72; 95%CI: 2.83–26.86) and long-term readmissions (aOR = 4.79; 95%CI: 1.41–16.31). Conclusion: Our results suggest that the presence of surgical or medical complications increases readmission risk, taking into account the detection mode and treatments received. Identifying early complications related to an increased risk of readmission could be useful to adapt the management of patients and reduce further readmissions

    La enseñanza de la lengua

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    Volumen que recoge ponencias y comunicaciones presentadas en el XIV Seminario Internacional sobre Educación y lenguas, celebrado en Sitges en 1989. En ellas se expone lo referente a la enseñanza de la lengua materna y de lenguas extranjeras en la escuela, su propuesta curricular y las líneas de actuación.CataluñaBiblioteca de Educación del Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte; Calle San Agustín, 5; 28014 Madrid; Tel. +34917748000; [email protected]