1,311 research outputs found

    Genetic Dissection of the AZF Regions of the Human Y Chromosome: Thriller or Filler for Male (In)fertility?

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    The azoospermia factor (AZF) regions consist of three genetic domains in the long arm of the human Y chromosome referred to as AZFa, AZFb and AZFc. These are of importance for male fertility since they are home to genes required for spermatogenesis. In this paper a comprehensive analysis of AZF structure and gene content will be undertaken. Particular care will be given to the molecular mechanisms underlying the spermatogenic impairment phenotypes associated to AZF deletions. Analysis of the 14 different AZF genes or gene families argues for the existence of functional asymmetries between the determinants; while some are prominent players in spermatogenesis, others seem to modulate more subtly the program. In this regard, evidence supporting the notion that DDX3Y, KDM5D, RBMY1A1, DAZ, and CDY represent key AZF spermatogenic determinants will be discussed

    Adubação mineral e orgânica e a densidade populacional de Thrips tabaci Lind.(Thysanoptera: Thripidae) em cebola.

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    O efeito da adubação mineral e orgânica sobre a densidade populacional de Thrips tabaci Lind. em cebola, Allium cepa L., foi avaliado na Estação Experimental de Ituporanga, SC (Empresa de Pesquisa Agropecuária e Extensão Rural de Santa Catarina), entre agosto e dezembro de 1998. Os tratamentos foram níveis de adubação mineral com N, P2O5 e K2O em dose recomendada e três vezes a recomendada, adubação orgânica e a testemunha foi a ausência de adubação. Os tratamentos foram as seguintes doses de nutrientes: 1) 30 + 120 + 60kg ha-1 de NPK; 2) 90 + 360 + 180kg ha-1 de NPK; 3) 75kg ha-1 de N; 4) 225kg ha-1 de N; 5) 80kg ha-1 de P2O5; 6) 240kg ha-1 de P2O5; 7) 60kg ha-1 de K2O; 8) 180kg ha-1 de K2O; 9) 75kg ha-1 de N + 80kg ha-1 de P2O5 (esterco de suíno + fosfato natural); 10) 225kg ha-1 de N + 240kg ha-1 de P2O5 (esterco de suíno + fosfato natural); 11)37,5kg ha-1 de N + 40kg ha-1 de P2O5 (esterco de suíno + fosfato natural); testemunha sem adubação. Nenhuma das fontes e níveis de adubação apresentaram nível populacional de T. tabaci superior à testemunha sem adubo

    Influência da modelação de elementos não estruturais no dimensionamento à acção sísmica

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    Realizou-se um estudo paramétrico sobre a influência de elementos não estruturais, executados em betão, no dimensionamento de elementos estruturais de betão armado, face às acções sísmicas regulamentares

    Achievement and competitiveness in elite youth basketball: what matters?

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    ABSTRACT: In a previous study we described the achievement and motivation variables that can explain the belonging to an elite competitive level of young basketball players, divided in two groups: elite and local. Two questionnaires were used: the Work and Family Orientation Questionnaire/WOFO Sixty-four male and fifty-two female basketball players under 16 years (mean age 15.4±0.91) participated in this study. A second group of players (14 males and 14 females) was obtained from those who were selected to play for the regional teams competing in the national youth festival. To compare the selected with the non-selected athletes, logistic regression was used. All the parameters, except mastery, explain the possibility to belong to the elite group, with will to compete and will to excel at the top of the discriminant variables. Once again, the findings suggest that a self-orientation to excellence may play a crucial role in ambition to reach higher standards in competition. The will to reach excellence in performance can be considered as a condition to aspire to participate in more specialized and demanding practice. The present study overcame the limitations of previous research regarding the selection moment, and globally confirmed the findings. The crucial need of inter-disciplinary, longitudinal research is stressed, because the path to expertise in sport is only meaningful over a long period of time. In a previous study we described the achievement and motivation variables that can explain the belonging to an elite competitive level of young basketball players (Gonçalves, Coelho e Silva, Carvalho and Gonçalves, 2011). Two questionnaires were used to assess the constructs under scrutiny, the Work and Family Orientation Questionnaire/WOFO The players were divided in two groups: elite and local. The players in the elite group were participating in a full time basis, in training centres sponsored by the Portuguese Basketball Association. For data analysis Decision Tree and Random Forest techniques were performed (Breiman et al., 1984). We hypothesised that the relation between the achievement variables as assessed by WOFO and the motivational variables measured by the DPMQ will allow clarifying the belonging and continuity to elite or local level groups. The findings, presented in Method Participants Sixty-four male and fifty-two female basketball players under 16 years (mean age 15.4 ± 0.91) participated in the study. They were engaged in competitive national level clubs. The previous average number of years of experience in Basketball was 5.8 years. The number of hours of practice and the number of game

    Palliative care professionals’ message to others: an ethnographic approach

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    Introduction: Palliative care continues to be misunderstood within the world of healthcare. Palliative care professionals are key agents for promoting a greater understanding of their field. This study aims to examine the messages, both implicit and explicit, that palliative care professionals transmit about themselves and their work within their teams and to other health professionals. Methods: Focused ethnographic secondary analysis, exploring the interactions of palliative care professionals as it happens at everyday work. An inductive thematic analysis was developed from 242 h of observation of the daily work practices of palliative care professionals, focusing on their interactions with others. The data was coded without predefined categories, and the analysis was performed independently by two researchers. Results: Palliative professionals communicate that they are part of an active team working in an organized manner. They value and feel proud of their work. Despite the intensity of their work, these professionals are always available to others, to whom they demonstrate a clear professional identity. They convey their expertise in alleviating suffering, respectful behavior and collaborative ability. Conclusion: Professionals, in their daily work, communicate through their messages the essence of palliative care. It is essential that palliative care professionals perceive themselves as potential influencers and explicitly transmit the reasons for their intervention. Otherwise, others will perpetuate the myths, misunderstandings, and lack of a positive reputation for palliative car

    Comparison of the Condition Factor of Five Fish Species of the Araguaia River Basin, Central Brazil

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    This study aims to assess the condition factor (K) of five fish species (Serrasalmus rhombeus, Psectrogaster amazonica, Loricaria cataphracta, Panaque nigrolineatus and Squaliforma emarginata). Samplings were conducted during the low-water period of 2007 and 2008 using gillnets and minnow traps. All equipments were placed along a stretch of 1000 m at 5 pm and retrieved at 7 am. Collected fish were taxonomically identified, weighed (g) and measured (standard length; mm). The fish fitness was assessed by the condition factor (K=W/L³) and compared among groups of tributaries by a Kruskal-Wallis test. From the five species considered, two (S. emarginata and P. amazonica) displayed significant differences of the condition factor among the groups of tributaries. The highest values of K correspond to fish located in the headwaters, while lowest values are observed in tributaries located in the floodplain.Este estudo objetiva avaliar o fator de condição (K) de cinco espécies de peixes (Serrasalmus rhombeus, Psectrogaster amazonica, Loricaria cataphracta, Panaque nigrolineatus e Squaliforma emarginata). As coletas foram realizadas utilizando-se quatro jogos de redes de malhar e cinco armadilhas, os quais foram colocados ao longo de um trecho de 1000 m das 17:00 às 7:00. Os peixes coletados foram identificados taxonomicamente, pesados (g) e medidos (comprimento standard; mm). A condição física dos peixes foi calculada pelo fator de condição (K=W/L³) e comparada por grupo de cursos de água utilizando um teste de Kruskal-Wallis. Das cinco espécies consideradas S. emarginata e P. amazonica mostraram diferenças na condição física por grupo de cursos de água. Os maiores valores de K de ambas as espécies correspondem aos espécimes localizados em cursos de água de cabeceira, enquanto que baixos valores são encontrados em peixes dos cursos de água na planície

    The Portuguese Special Operations Forces as Instrument of Foreign Policy: The Case Study of Afghanistan

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    The aim of this paper is to provide an exploratory overview of the Por- tuguese special operations forces as instrument of foreign policy. In doing so, we disclose new dynamics that Portugal employing in fragile states and we discuss its implications for the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. The research methodolog- ical approach falls into a qualitative case study research, which includes more than one method of data collection for triangulation and corroboration purposes. We have found that Portugal is trying to intensify its international relations within the EU, UN and the NATO, while the Portuguese special operations forces have been playing an important role to strengthen its presence within these international institutions. The new dynamics that Portugal is seeking are based on the democratic values, the rule of law and the human rights, to dissociate itself from the colonial legacy and thereby find new avenues of influence. Further research should focus on the new strategic priorities for the Afghan Government and NATO, as these priorities are changed at a relatively fast pace.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Coarse- and fine-scale patterns of distribution and habitat selection places an Amazonian floodplain curassow in double jeopardy

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    Patterns of habitat selection are influenced by local productivity, resource availability and predation risk. Species have taken millions of years to hone the macro- and micro-habitats they occupy, but these may now overlap with contemporary human threats within natural species ranges. Wattled Curassow (Crax globulosa), an endemic galliform species of the western Amazon, is threatened by both hunting and habitat loss, and is restricted to whitewater floodplain forests of major Amazonian rivers. In this study conducted along the Juruá River, Amazonas, Brazil, we quantified the ranging ecology and fine-scale patterns of habitat selection of the species. We estimated the home range size of C. globulosa using conventional VHF telemetry. To estimate patterns of habitat selection, we used geolocations of day ranges to examine the extent and intensity of use across the floodplain, which were then compared to a high-resolution flood-map of the study area. We captured two females and one male, which were monitored for 13 months between September 2014 and September 2015. Average home range size was 283 ha, based on the 95% aLoCoH estimator. Wattled Curassows selected areas of prolonged flood-pulses (6-8 months/year) and had a consistent tendency to be near open water, usually in close proximity to river banks and lakes, especially during the dry season. Amazonian floodplains are densely settled, and the small portions of floodplain habitat used by Wattled Curassows are both the most accessible to hunters and most vulnerable to deforestation. As a result, the geographic and ecological distribution of Wattled Curassows places them at much higher extinction risk at multiple spatial scales, highlighting the need to consider habitat preferences within their conservation strategy

    Cone geometry optimization and thermal behavior for lithium-ion battery separators

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    A 3D cone separator geometry for lithium-ion batteries has been optimized taking into account the increase of radius size of one side. Theoretical simulations have been carried out for evaluating the influence of radius size in the cone structure at different discharge rates (1 C and 60 C) in which it was also determined the produced ohmic heat. The value of the discharge capacity in the cone structure depends on the increases of the radius, which is correlated with the electrolyte volume and interface between free electrolyte/cathode. The optimum balance of these parameters is essential for obtaining higher battery performance through this geometry that can be used in the next generation of lithium-ion batteriesPortuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT): UID/FIS/04650/2019, PTDC/CTMENE/5387/2014, UID/CTM/50025/2013, PTDC/FIS-MAC/28157/2017, grant SFRH/BPD/112547/2015 (C.M.C.) and contract CEECIND/00833/2017 (R.G.), including FEDER funds through the COMPETE 2020 Programme and National Funds through FCT. Financial support from the Basque Government Industry Department under the ELKARTEK and HAZITEK programs is also acknowledged. F. Miranda was also supported by Portuguese funds through the CIDMA - Center for Research and Development in Mathematics and Applications, and the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (“FCT - Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia”), within project UID/MAT/04106/201