24 research outputs found

    Anàlisi de l’expressió inflamatòria i la supervivència dels pacients cirròtics

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    Treballs Finals de Grau en Estadística UB-UPC, Facultat d'Economia i Empresa (UB) i Facultat de Matemàtiques i Estadística (UPC), Curs: 2017-2018, Tutors: Àlex Amorós; Guadalupe Gómez; Àlex Sànchez(cat) La cirrosi hepàtica es pot presentar de forma compensada o descompensada, caracteritzant-se aquesta última per l’aparició d’alguna complicació com ascites, encefalopatia hepàtica, hemorràgia gastrointestinal i/o infecció bacteriana. En cirrosi descompensada, és freqüent el desenvolupament de la síndrome Acute-on-Chronic Liver Failure (ACLF), definida per la presència d’insuficiències i disfuncions orgàniques i una elevada taxa de mortalitat a curt termini. Recentment, s’ha trobat que el desenvolupament del mecanisme d’inflamació sistèmica té un rol rellevant en els pacients que pateixen ACLF. L’objectiu de la present investigació, és estudiar el patró d’expressió inflamatòria dels pacients cirròtics en funció de la presència de possibles complicacions orgàniques, així com la mortalitat, considerant la mort com a esdeveniment principal i el trasplantament de fetge com a esdeveniment competitiu.(eng) Liver cirrhosis is a degenerative disease caused by the deterioration of healthy liver tissue and may be either compensated or decompensated, characterized the latter by the development of large ascites, hepatic encephalopathy, gastrointestinal hemorrhage, bacterial infection, or any combination of them. In the context of decompensated cirrhosis, the development of the syndrome known as Acute-on-Chronic Liver Failure (ACLF) is common. The syndrome is defined by the presence of organ dysfunctions and organ failures and high short-term mortality. Patients with decompensated cirrhosis without ACLF may have a single liver failure, while ACLF is defined by the occurrence of a single renal failure, single non-renal failure (liver, coagulation, circulation, respiration) associated with organ dysfunction (renal/cerebral) or patients with more than one failure. Recently, it has been found that the development of the systemic inflammation mechanism has a relevant role in ACLF patients. The first aim of the present investigation is to study the inflammatory expression pattern in a sample of 582 healthy, compensated, decompensated and ACLF patients, depending on the presence of possible organ complications. Commonly, cirrhotic patients need to receive a liver transplant which modifies their probability of dying. Because of this, the second objective of this project is to assess their mortality considering death as a primary event and liver transplant as a competitive event and quantify the risk of death of decompensated and ACLF patients according to the development of organ dysfunctions and organ failures. The results show a clear association between worsening hepatic cirrhosis, along with the manifestation of organic complications, and accentuation of inflammation. Moreover, there is evidence that ACLF patients have a higher risk of dying than the decompensated individuals without ACLF, being the probability of dying from the two groups of 37% and 16%, respectively. In addition, there is no certainty that the development of organ dysfunction or organ failure in decompensated cirrhotic patients leads to an increase in the risk of death

    Impacto del BIM en la gestión del proyecto y la obra de arquitectura: Un proyecto con REVIT

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    Impacto del BIM en la gestión del proyecto y la obra de arquitectura: Un proyecto con REVITMonfort Pitarch, C. (2015). Impacto del BIM en la gestión del proyecto y la obra de arquitectura: Un proyecto con REVIT. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/55201TFG

    AI-based glioma grading for a trustworthy diagnosis: an analytical pipeline for improved reliability

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    Glioma is the most common type of tumor in humans originating in the brain. According to the World Health Organization, gliomas can be graded on a four-stage scale, ranging from the most benign to the most malignant. The grading of these tumors from image information is a far from trivial task for radiologists and one in which they could be assisted by machine-learning-based decision support. However, the machine learning analytical pipeline is also fraught with perils stemming from different sources, such as inadvertent data leakage, adequacy of 2D image sampling, or classifier assessment biases. In this paper, we analyze a glioma database sourced from multiple datasets using a simple classifier, aiming to obtain a reliable tumor grading and, on the way, we provide a few guidelines to ensure such reliability. Our results reveal that by focusing on the tumor region of interest and using data augmentation techniques we significantly enhanced the accuracy and confidence in tumor classifications. Evaluation on an independent test set resulted in an AUC-ROC of 0.932 in the discrimination of low-grade gliomas from high-grade gliomas, and an AUC-ROC of 0.893 in the classification of grades 2, 3, and 4. The study also highlights the importance of providing, beyond generic classification performance, measures of how reliable and trustworthy the model’s output is, thus assessing the model’s certainty and robustness.Carla Pitarch is a fellow of Eurecat’s “Vicente López” PhD grant program.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Evolución terapéutica en paciente sometido a cirugía cardiotorácica.

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    Introducción: Paciente que presenta una patología pulmonar, neoplasia del lóbulo inferior derecho, sometido a cirugía de lobectomía inferior derecha más linfadenectomía. Método: El trabajo se fundamenta en la aplicación del modelo de Virginia Henderson, basado en la clasificación de las 14 necesidades según el grado de dependencia e independencia, con el fin de llevar a cabo la valoración del paciente. Mediante los datos recogidos en esta valoración se identifican los problemas reales y potenciales del paciente, que ayudan en la elaboración de los diagnósticos de enfermería (nanda). Una vez establecido el diagnóstico, se plantean unos noc y nic. Resultados: Mediante monitorización respiratoria de la saturación de 02 y la frecuencia respiratoria, una media de 3 o 4 veces por día, y basándonos en la observación del adecuado uso de la musculatura accesoria el paciente, el día del alta clínica había superado el patrón respiratorio ineficaz. La inserción de drenajes torácicos, de catéter venoso periférico y la herida quirúrgica resultado de la intervención, motivaban un riesgo de infección, al alta el riesgo de infección queda suprimido. Se evidencia un riesgo moderado de caídas, una dificultad en la realización independiente de los autocuidados relacionados con la higiene, con vestir/desvestirse y con trasferencia para el uso del inodoro, ya que necesitaba ayuda parcial y supervisión. El riesgo de caídas se controló y volvió a ser autónomo en autocuidados. Conclusiones: Identificar precozmente las necesidades del paciente permitió controlarlas y evitar riesgos.Introduction: Patient with a pulmonary pathology, neoplasm of the right lower lobe, had surgery right lower lobectomy plus lymphadenectomy. Method: The work is based on applying the model of Virginia Henderson, based on the classification of the 14 requirements to the degree of dependence and independence, in order to carry out the evaluation of the patient. Using data collected in this assessment the patient’s actual and potential problems, which help in the development of nursing diagnoses (nanda) are identified. Once the diagnosis is established, a noc and nic arise. Results: By respiratory monitoring 02 saturation and respiratory rate, an average of 3 or 4 times per day, and based on observation of the proper use of the accessory muscles the patient, the discharge day clinic had exceeded the ineffective breathing pattern. The insertion of chest tubes, peripheral venous catheter and the surgical result of the intervention, motivated a risk of infection, high risk of infection is suppressed. A moderate risk of falling, a difficulty in conducting independent self-care related to hygiene, to dress / undress and transfer to use the toilet is evidence, as needed partial care and supervision. The risk of falling is controlled and returned to be independent in self-care. Conclusions: Early identification of patients’ needs allowed to control and avoid risks

    Addressing Profiles of Systemic Inflammation Across the Different Clinical Phenotypes of Acutely Decompensated Cirrhosis

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    ACLF; Acute decompensation; CirrhosisInsuficiencia hepática aguda sobre crónica; Descompensación aguda; CirrosisInsuficiència hepàtica aguda sobre crònica; Descompensació aguda; CirrosiBackground: Patients with acutely decompensated cirrhosis (AD) may or may not develop acute-on-chronic liver failure (ACLF). ACLF is characterized by high-grade systemic inflammation, organ failures (OF) and high short-term mortality. Although patients with AD cirrhosis exhibit distinct clinical phenotypes at baseline, they have low short-term mortality, unless ACLF develops during follow-up. Because little is known about the association of profile of systemic inflammation with clinical phenotypes of patients with AD cirrhosis, we aimed to investigate a battery of markers of systemic inflammation in these patients. Methods: Upon hospital admission baseline plasma levels of 15 markers (cytokines, chemokines, and oxidized albumin) were measured in 40 healthy controls, 39 compensated cirrhosis, 342 AD cirrhosis, and 161 ACLF. According to EASL-CLIF criteria, AD cirrhosis was divided into three distinct clinical phenotypes (AD-1: Creatinine<1.5, no HE, no OF; AD-2: creatinine 1.5-2, and or HE grade I/II, no OF; AD-3: Creatinine<1.5, no HE, non-renal OF). Results: Most markers were slightly abnormal in compensated cirrhosis, but markedly increased in AD. Patients with ACLF exhibited the largest number of abnormal markers, indicating "full-blown" systemic inflammation (all markers). AD-patients exhibited distinct systemic inflammation profiles across three different clinical phenotypes. In each phenotype, activation of systemic inflammation was only partial (30% of the markers). Mortality related to each clinical AD-phenotype was significantly lower than mortality associated with ACLF (p < 0.0001 by gray test). Among AD-patients baseline systemic inflammation (especially IL-8, IL-6, IL-1ra, HNA2 independently associated) was more intense in those who had poor 28-day outcomes (ACLF, death) than those who did not experience these outcomes. Conclusions: Although AD-patients exhibit distinct profiles of systemic inflammation depending on their clinical phenotypes, all these patients have only partial activation of systemic inflammation. However, those with the most extended baseline systemic inflammation had the highest the risk of ACLF development and death

    HDL-related biomarkers are robust predictors of survival in patients with chronic liver failure

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    Abstract Background & Aims The occurrence of acute decompensation (AD) worsens the prognosis of advanced chronic liver disease (ACLD). Various insults leading to increased systemic inflammation trigger acute-on-chronic liver failure (ACLF) with dramatically increased short-term mortality. During acute conditions such as sepsis, high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C) levels decrease rapidly and HDL particles undergo profound changes in their composition and function. Indices of HDL quantity and quality may therefore associate with progression and survival in patients with advanced liver disease. Methods We studied levels of HDL-cholesterol (HDL-C), its subclasses HDL2-C and HDL3-C, and apolipoprotein(apo)A-I as indices of HDL quantity and HDL cholesterol efflux capacity as a metric of HDL functionality in 508 patients with compensated or decompensated cirrhosis including ACLF and 40 age- and gender-matched controls. Results Baseline levels of HDL-C and apoA-I were significantly lower in stable cirrhosis compared to control and further decreased in AD and ACLF . In stable cirrhosis (n=228), both HDL-C and apoA-I predicted the development of liver-related complications independently of MELD. In patients with AD with or without ACLF (n=280) both HDL-C and apoA-I were MELD-independent predictors of 90-day mortality. On ROC analysis, high diagnostic accuracies for 90-day mortality in AD patients were found for HDL-C (AUROC 0.79 ) and apoA-I (AUROC 0.80 ), very similar to that of MELD (AUROC 0.81 ). On Kaplan-Meier analysis, HDL-C 17 mg/dl and apoA-I 50 mg/dl indicated poor short-term survival. The prognostic accuracy of HDL-C was validated in a large external validation cohort of 985 patients with portal hypertension due to ACLD (AUROCs HDL-C: 0.81 vs. MELD: 0.77). Conclusion HDL-related biomarkers are robust predictors of disease progression and survival in chronic liver failure

    HDL-related biomarkers are robust predictors of survival in patients with chronic liver failure

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    Background & Aims: High-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C) levels are reduced in patients with chronic liver disease and inversely correlate with disease severity. During acute conditions such as sepsis, HDL-C levels decrease rapidly and HDL particles undergo profound changes in their composition and function. We aimed to determine whether indices of HDL quantity and quality associate with progression and survival in patients with advanced liver disease. Methods: HDL-related biomarkers were studied in 508 patients with compensated or decompensated cirrhosis (including acute-on-chronic liver failure [ACLF]) and 40 age- and gender-matched controls. Specifically, we studied levels of HDL-C, its subclasses HDL2-C and HDL3-C, and apolipoprotein A1 (apoA-I), as well as HDL cholesterol efflux capacity as a metric of HDL functionality. Results: Baseline levels of HDL-C and apoA-I were significantly lower in patients with stable cirrhosis compared to controls and were further decreased in patients with acute decompensation (AD) and ACLF. In stable cirrhosis (n = 228), both HDL-C and apoA-I predicted the development of liver-related complications independently of model for end-stage liver disease (MELD) score. In patients with AD, with or without ACLF (n = 280), both HDL-C and apoA-I were MELD-independent predictors of 90-day mortality. On ROC analysis, both HDL-C and apoA-I had high diagnostic accuracy for 90-day mortality in patients with AD (AUROCs of 0.79 and 0.80, respectively, similar to that of MELD 0.81). On Kaplan-Meier analysis, HDL-C <17 mg/dl and apoA-I <50 mg/dl indicated poor short-term survival. The prognostic accuracy of HDL-C was validated in a large external validation cohort of 985 patients with portal hypertension due to advanced chronic liver disease (AUROCs HDL-C: 0.81 vs. MELD: 0.77). Conclusion: HDL-related biomarkers are robust predictors of disease progression and survival in chronic liver failure

    Іншомовні аспекти фахової між культурної комунікації в сучасній вітчизняній і зарубіжній науковій літературі

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    У статті розглядаються основні напрямки сучасних вітчизняних і зарубіжних наукових досліджень з іншомовної фахової міжкультурної комунікації. Aspects of the professional foreign language of intercultural communication in modern domestic and foreign scientific literature. The paper discusses the main directions of current domestic and foreign scientific research in the field of professional foreign language intercultural communication

    Medial longitudinal arch development of school children : The College of Podiatry Annual Conference 2015: meeting abstracts

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    Background Foot structure is often classified into flat foot, neutral and high arch type based on the variability of the Medial Longitudinal Arch (MLA). To date, the literature provided contrasting evidence on the age when MLA development stabilises in children. The influence of footwear on MLA development is also unknown. Aim This study aims to (i) clarify whether the MLA is still changing in children from age 7 to 9 years old and (ii) explore the relationship between footwear usage and MLA development, using a longitudinal approach. Methods We evaluated the MLA of 111 healthy school children [age = 6.9 (0.3) years] using three parameters [arch index (AI), midfoot peak pressure (PP) and maximum force (MF: % of body weight)] extracted from dynamic foot loading measurements at baseline, 10-month and 22-month follow-up. Information on the type of footwear worn was collected using survey question. Linear mixed modelling was used to test for differences in the MLA over time. Results Insignificant changes in all MLA parameters were observed over time [AI: P = .15; PP: P = .84; MF: P = .91]. When gender was considered, the AI of boys decreased with age [P = .02]. Boys also displayed a flatter MLA than girls at age 6.9 years [AI: mean difference = 0.02 (0.01, 0.04); P = .02]. At baseline, subjects who wore close-toe shoes displayed the lowest MLA overall [AI/PP/MF: P < .05]. Subjects who used slippers when commencing footwear use experienced higher PP than those who wore sandals [mean difference = 31.60 (1.44, 61.75) kPa; post-hoc P = .04]. Discussion and conclusion Our findings suggested that the MLA of children remained stable from 7 to 9 years old, while gender and the type of footwear worn during childhood may influence MLA development. Clinicians may choose to commence therapy when a child presents with painful flexible flat foot at age 7 years, and may discourage younger children from wearing slippers when they commence using footwear