262 research outputs found

    Risk management as a basis for integrated water cycle management in Kazakhstan

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    Integrated Water Cycle Management (IWCM) aims to bring together a diversity of social, environmental, technological and economic aspects to implement sustainable water and land management systems. This paper investigates the challenges and opportunities facing Kazakhstan as it its efforts to move towards a more sustainable approach to managing its finite and highly stressed water resources. The use of a strategic-level risk governance framework to support a multi-disciplinary Kazakh-EU consortium in working collabora-tively towards enhancing capacity and capability to address identified challenges is described. With a clear focus on addressing capacity building needs, a strong emphasis is placed on developing taught integrated water cycle management programmes through communi-cation, stakeholder engagement and policy development including appropriate tools for managing the water issues including hydraulic models, GIS-based systems and scenario developments. Conclusions on the benefits of implementing an EU-style Water Framework Directive for Central Asia based on a risk management approach in Kazakhstan are formulated

    Fire resistance of axially loaded slender concrete filled steel tubular columns. Development of a Three-dimensional numerical model and comparison with eurocode 4

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    [EN] In recent years, concrete filled tubular (CFT) columns have become popular among designers and structural engineers, due to a series of highly appreciated advantages: high load-bearing capacity, high seismic resistance, attractive appearance, reduced column footing, fast construction technology and high fire resistance without external protection. In a fire, the degradation of the material properties will cause CFT columns to become highly nonlinear and inelastic, which makes it quite difficult to predict their failure. In fact, it is still not possible for analytical methods to predict with enough accuracy the behaviour of columns of this kind when exposed to fire. Numerical models are therefore widely sought. Many numerical simulations have been carried out worldwide, without obtaining satisfactory results. This work proposes a three-dimensional numerical model for studying the actual fire behaviour of columns of this kind. This model was validated by comparing the simulation results with fire resistance tests carried out by other researchers, as well as with the predictions of the Eurocode 4 simplified calculation model.Espinós Capilla, A.; Hospitaler Pérez, A.; Romero, ML. (2009). Fire resistance of axially loaded slender concrete filled steel tubular columns. Development of a Three-dimensional numerical model and comparison with eurocode 4. Acta Polytechnica. 49(1):39-43. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/102170S394349

    Enhancement of the fire resistance of concrete-filled steel tubular columns by using high performance steels

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    [EN] In recent years, innovative solutions have been developed with the purpose of increasing both the load-bearing capacity and fire resistance of concrete-filled steel tubular (CFST) columns. One of these solutions are the so-called concrete-filled dual steel tubular (CFDST) columns. In this configuration, the inner steel tube is thermally protected by the outer concrete ring and therefore its degradation is delayed, which may thus help resisting the applied load for a longer period of fire exposure time. An alternative solution that might be interesting to evaluate under fire conditions is to embed an inner steel profile inside the CFST section, such as an HEB profile. In addition to the development of new types of composite sections, the use of high strength steels (HSS) in construction is increasing, owing to their excellent mechanical properties, which may also be used for an enhanced fire resistance. In the same line, stainless steels (SS) are also becoming widely used in construction due to their beneficial characteristics such as corrosion resistance, high ductility or good aesthetics. Besides, the degradation of their strength and stiffness at elevated temperature is slower than for carbon steels, hence SS may withstand higher temperatures without significantly altering their mechanical properties. This paper aims at obtaining strategies for enhancing the fire resistance of concrete-filled steel tubular columns with the use of innovative solutions (CFDST sections or embedded HEB profiles) combining high performance steels such as HSS or SS. Taking advantage of the improved mechanical properties of these steels at elevated temperatures and using the appropriate thickness ratio between the outer and inner tube or embedded steel profile, it may be possible to attain the required fire resistance without the need for external protection. A three-dimensional finite element model is used in this paper for conducting parametric studies with the different section types and material combinations, in order to evaluate the interest of using HSS and SS for improving the fire performance of steel-concrete composite columns.The authors would like to express their sincere gratitude to the Conselleria d'Educació, Investigació, Cultura i Esport of the Valencian Community (Spain) for the help provided through the project GV/2017/026.Espinós Capilla, A.; Ibáñez Usach, C.; Lapuebla-Ferri, A.; Romero, ML. (2019). Enhancement of the fire resistance of concrete-filled steel tubular columns by using high performance steels. Independent Publishing Network. 1470-1481. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/181084S1470148

    Recent developments and integration of design codes for steel-concrete composite structures in fire

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    [EN] This paper presents a review on the latest advances in the field of steel-concrete composite structures exposed to fire, studying the recent research in the area and developments of the design codes. The paper focuses in particular on concrete-filled steel tubular columns and slim-floor beams, topics where the authors have carried out extensive research during the last years. The more recent experimental and numerical studies are presented, as well as the currently available design methods for the calculation of isolated members in the fire situation. The use of advanced materials, such as high strength steel and concrete, stainless steel, lightweight concrete or geopolymer concrete is considered for the enhancement of the fire behaviour of concrete-filled steel tubular columns and slim-floor beams.Romero, ML.; Espinós Capilla, A.; Albero Gabarda, V.; Hospitaler Pérez, A. (2019). Recent developments and integration of design codes for steel-concrete composite structures in fire. Independent Publishing Network. 68-86. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/181086S688

    Simplified proposal for the temperature field of steel-reinforced CFST columns exposed to fire

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    [EN] Concrete-filled steel tubular (CFST) columns are composite sections that may contribute to reduce the envi-ronmental impact in construction through a more efficient use of resources. By embedding a steel profile inside a CFST section, a new typology is generated, the so-called steel-reinforced concrete-filled steel tubular (SR-CFST) columns, which may enhance not only the structural capacity of these composite columns at room temperature but also their fire performance. This paper focuses on studying the thermal behaviour of SR-CFST columns under fire conditions, for which purpose a two-dimensional finite element model was developed by the authors and validated by comparing the temperature distribution results with experimental tests available in the literature. Subsequently, parametric studies were carried out to analyse the influence of the relevant parameters - cross-section shape, outer tube thickness, inner steel profile dimensions, section factor - over the cross-sectional ca-pacity of SR-CFST columns exposed to a standard ISO 834 fire. Using the data obtained from the parametric studies, a simplified temperature distribution proposal was derived. In the presented proposal, the composite section was divided onto four components (hollow steel tube, concrete infill, inner steel profile web and flanges) and simplified equations and tables were developed through statistical data processing in order to find the representative equivalent temperature of each part of the section. By doing so, the reduced cross-sectional ca-pacity of a SR-CFST column at a given fire resistance period can be easily evaluated by using a single strength and stiffness value for each component of the section corresponding to its assigned equivalent temperature. This simplified approach may be helpful for practitioners in the fire design process of SR-CFST columns, for which the current provisions in Eurocode 4 Part 1.2 do not provide guidance in predicting the temperature field.The authors would like to express their sincere gratitude for the help provided through the Grant PID2019-105908RB-I00 and for the first author's pre-doctoral contract through the Grant PRE2020-093106 funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and by "ESF Investing in your future".Medall-Martos, D.; Espinós Capilla, A.; Albero Gabarda, V.; Romero, ML. (2022). Simplified proposal for the temperature field of steel-reinforced CFST columns exposed to fire. Engineering Structures. 273:1-21. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.engstruct.2022.11508312127

    Numerical investigation on the thermal behaviour of steel-reinforced CFST columns in fire

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    [EN] In previous research, the authors highlighted the limited fire resistance of slender concrete-filled steel tubular (CFST) columns. A possible solution for enhancing the fire resistance of such columns consists of embedding an open steel profile within the concrete infill of the CFST section, generating the so-called steel-reinforced concrete-filled steel tubular (SR-CFST) section, where the inner steel profile results thermally protected by the surrounding concrete, thus delaying its degradation at elevated temperatures. This strategy may result beneficial in the fire situation as compared to other sectional configurations where the steel parts are directly exposed to the heat source. In this paper, a two-dimensional finite element model will be developed for studying the thermal behaviour of SR-CFST columns and validated by comparing the temperature distribution results with experimental tests available in the literature. The numerical model will be subsequently used to carry out parametric studies, in order to analyse the influence of the different parameters, such as the cross-section shape, outer tube thickness or the inner steel profile sectional dimensions over the thermal response of these composite sections when subjected to fire. Finally, a simplified temperature distribution proposal will be developed, which may help practitioners for a fast evaluation of the cross-sectional temperature field of SR-CFST columns at a given fire resistance period by assigning an equivalent temperature to each component of the composite section (hollow steel tube, concrete encasement and inner steel profile). This simplified temperature proposal may result helpful when evaluating the sectional capacity of SR-CFST columns in fire, by using a single strength and stiffness value for each component of the composite cross-section corresponding to its temperature.The authors would like to express their sincere gratitude for the help provided through the Grant PID2019-105908RB-I00 and for the first author's pre-doctoral contract through the Grant PRE2020-093106 funded by MCIN/AEI/ 10.13039/501100011033 and by "ESF Investing in your future".Medall-Martos, D.; Espinós Capilla, A.; Albero Gabarda, V.; Ibáñez, C.; Romero, ML. (2022). Numerical investigation on the thermal behaviour of steel-reinforced CFST columns in fire. Ernst und Sohn. 429-438. https://doi.org/10.1002/cepa.177442943

    Frame transformation and geoid undulation transfer to GNSS real time positions through the new RTCM 3.1 transformation messages

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    Radio Technical Commission for Marine Services (RTCM) standardised messages play an important role in real time Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) applications such as navigation, positioning, civil engineering, surveying, and cartographic or cadastral production. One of the latest agreements on RTCM definitions contains the data fields for real time geodetic reference frame transformation and orthometric heights computation by received geoid undulations via internet protocol. These parameters can be generated dynamically by a GNSS data centre in a network of reference stations, encapsulated in RTCM messages and broadcasted to the rover location so they are centrally administered and the same frame transformations and geoid model are available to every user in the field, obtaining results in a local reference frame in real time. This paper summarises the functionality of the new RTCM 3?1 transformation messages, describes limitations and provides ideas about the possible use for solving specific problems. Test field campaigns are used to describe the real performance and usefulness of these new RTCM 3?1 messagesCapilla Roma, R.; Martín Furones, ÁE.; Anquela Julián, AB.; Berné Valero, JL. (2012). Frame transformation and geoid undulation transfer to GNSS real time positions through the new RTCM 3.1 transformation messages. Survey Review. 44(324):30-36. doi:10.1179/1752270611Y.0000000010S303644324Benciolini, B., Biagi, L., Crespi, M., Manzino, A. M., & Roggero, M. (2008). Reference frames for GNSS positioning services: Some problems and proposed solutions. Journal of Applied Geodesy, 2(1). doi:10.1515/jag.2008.006González-Matesanz, J., Dalda, A., & Malpica, J. A. (2006). A RANGE OF ED50-ETRS89 DATUM TRANSFORMATION MODELS TESTED ON THE SPANISH GEODETIC NETWORK. Survey Review, 38(302), 654-667. doi:10.1179/sre.2006.38.302.654Soler, T., & Marshall, J. (2003). A note on frame transformations with applications to geodetic datums. GPS Solutions, 7(2), 148-149. doi:10.1007/s10291-003-0063-

    Vertebrate SLRP family evolution and the subfunctionalization of osteoglycin gene duplicates in teleost fish

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    Background Osteoglycin (OGN, a.k.a. mimecan) belongs to cluster III of the small leucine-rich proteoglycans (SLRP) of the extracellular matrix (ECM). In vertebrates OGN is a characteristic ECM protein of bone. In the present study we explore the evolution of SLRP III and OGN in teleosts that have a skeleton adapted to an aquatic environment. Results The SLRP gene family has been conserved since the separation of chondrichthyes and osteichthyes. Few gene duplicates of the SLRP III family exist even in the teleosts that experienced a specific whole genome duplication. One exception is ogn for which duplicate copies were identified in fish genomes. The ogn promoter sequence and in vitro mesenchymal stem cell (MSC) cultures suggest the duplicate ogn genes acquired divergent functions. In gilthead sea bream (Sparus aurata) ogn1 was up-regulated during osteoblast and myocyte differentiation in vitro, while ogn2 was severely down-regulated during bone-derived MSCs differentiation into adipocytes in vitro. Conclusions Overall, the phylogenetic analysis indicates that the SLRP III family in vertebrates has been under conservative evolutionary pressure. The retention of the ogn gene duplicates in teleosts was linked with the acquisition of different functions. The acquisition by OGN of functions other than that of a bone ECM protein occurred early in the vertebrate lineag

    Tolerancia al alcohol en ratas sometidas a diferentes períodos de consumo agudo y crónico de etanol

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    The development of tolerance to the effects of ethanol is not uniform and may vary according to the actual and previous pattern of consumption. In this experiment we assessed body temperature and the recovery of two reflexes after a high dose of ethanol in rats submitted to chronic and acute ethanol consumption. Animals were previously submitted to chronic or acute alcohol consumption from postnatal day 21 until postnatal days 56 and 84. On the testing days, the animals received a single dose of 25% ethanol (5 g/kg, i.p.) or the same amount of saline solution. The results showed that animals were affected in the day 56 to a greater extent than in the day 84 by chronic heavy consumption of ethanol solution. With moderate and acute ethanol consumption, the 56-day-old animals developed greater tolerance. However, tolerance was not developed for the motor-impairing effects, since all groups required a long time to recover reflexesEl desarrollo de tolerancia a los efectos del alcohol no es uniforme, y suele variar según el patrón de consumo previo y actual. En este trabajo se evaluó la temperatura corporal y el tiempo de recuperación de dos reflejos tras el consumo crónico y agudo de elevadas dosis de etanol. Previamente, los animales bebieron alcohol de forma crónica o aguda desde los 21 hasta los 56 y 84 días de edad. Durante los días de evaluación, los animales recibieron una única dosis de etanol al 25% (5 g/kg, i.p.), o la misma cantidad de solución salina. Los resultados mostraron una mayor afectación a los 56 días de consumo crónico elevado de etanol respecto a los 84 días. Con un consumo moderado o agudo de etanol, los animales de 56 días desarrollaron una mayor tolerancia. Sin embargo, esta tolerancia no se observó en cuanto a los déficits motores, dado que todos los grupos necesitaron un largo período de tiempo para recuperar los reflejosThis work was supported by grants PR78/02-10972 (Complutense University), MCYT BSO 2001-2757 (Ministry of Science and Technology, Spain) and PR-01-GE-2 (Principado de Asturias, Spain

    Marked long-term decline in ambient CO mixing ratio in SE England, 1997–2014:Evidence of policy success in improving air quality

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    Atmospheric CO at Egham in SE England has shown a marked and progressive decline since 1997, following adoption of strict controls on emissions. The Egham site is uniquely positioned to allow both assessment and comparison of ‘clean Atlantic background’ air and CO-enriched air downwind from the London conurbation. The decline is strongest (approximately 50ppb per year) in the 1997–2003 period but continues post 2003. A ‘local CO increment’ can be identified as the residual after subtraction of contemporary background Atlantic CO mixing ratios from measured values at Egham. This increment, which is primarily from regional sources (during anticyclonic or northerly winds) or from the European continent (with easterly air mass origins), has significant seasonality, but overall has declined steadily since 1997. On many days of the year CO measured at Egham is now not far above Atlantic background levels measured at Mace Head (Ireland). The results are consistent with MOPITT satellite observations and ‘bottom-up’ inventory results. Comparison with urban and regional background CO mixing ratios in Hong Kong demonstrates the importance of regional, as opposed to local reduction of CO emission. The Egham record implies that controls on emissions subsequent to legislation have been extremely successful in the UK