119 research outputs found

    Comentários sobre a díade ‘voto ideológico’/‘voto econômico’ nas eleições presidenciais de 2022 no Brasil

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    This paper has an admittedly exploratory approach, and its object is the motivation to vote in the Brazilian presidential elections in 2022. Guided by the hypothesis that Brazilian competitive democracy is already properly routinized (or in the process of routinization), the arising question is whether the prevailing element to the act of voting of the current and broad Brazilian electorate (about 156 million qualified people) responds rather to economic factors, such as the assessment of the simple cost/benefit ratio, or sociological issues, such as submission to values/ideology. We will project scenarios related to those formulations without prejudice to conciliatory interpretations, with the cautions that academic responsibility requires, and based on real-world data presented by recent research.Este artigo, com assumido veio exploratório, tem como objeto a motivação ao voto nas eleições presidenciais brasileiras em 2022. Orientado pela hipótese de que a democracia competitiva brasileira já se encontra devidamente rotinizada (ou em vias de rotinização), lança-se o questionamento se o elemento prevalecente ao ato de votar do atual e amplo eleitorado brasileiro (cerca de 156 milhões de pessoas habilitadas) responde antes a fatores econômicos, como o cálculo da simples relação custo/benefício, ou a questões de cunho sociológico, como a submissão a valores/ideologia. Com as prudências que a responsabilidade acadêmica requer e tendo por fundamento dados da realidade apresentados por pesquisas recentes, projetar-se-ão cenários respeitantes àquelas formulações, mas sem prejuízo a interpretações conciliatórias.   &nbsp

    A estrutura de capital de empresas de pequena dimensão em Portugal: uma abordagem segundo as teorias do Trade-off e da Pecking-order

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    Resumo: No corrente estudo analisaram-se os fatores explicativos das decisões de estrutura de capital das Pequenas Empresas (PEs) portuguesas, dado a estrutura de capital destas ter um interesse relevante ao nível econômico-social geral. Neste trabalho centrou-se na teoria Pecking-order (POT) e na teoria do Trade-off, considerando-as mutuamente explicativas e complementares, para avaliar o papel de um conjunto de fatores divididos em três níveis: os internos à empresa, os ligados ao mercado e os ligados ao sistema fiscal. Com base em uma amostra de 2.329 PEs portuguesas, os dados foram sujeitos a uma regressão multivariada. Os resultados obtidos mostram que a rentabilidade, a liquidez e a idade têm um impacto negativo e significativo no endividamento, evidenciando a importância dos princípios da teoria Pecking-order para as decisões de estrutura de capital das empresas portuguesas de menor dimensão. O relacionamento positivo entre a variável dimensão da empresa e o endividamento dá algum suporte à importância da teoria do Trade-off em contexto das decisões de estrutura de capital das pequenas empresas. Palavras-chave: Teoria Pecking-order. Teoria do Trade-off. Endividamento. Portugal.   The small firms’ capital structure in Portugal: an approach to the Trade-off and Pecking-order theories   Abstract: The present study analyzes the explanatory factors of the capital structure decisions of the Portuguese Small Companies (PEs), given that the capital structure of these companies has a relevant interest in the general economic-social level. This paper focuses on the Pecking-order (POT) theory and the Trade-off theory, considering them mutually explanatory and complementary, to evaluate the role of a set of factors divided into three levels: the internal to the company, market and the tax system. Based on a sample of 2.329 portuguese PEs, data were submitted to a multivariate regression. The results obtained show that profitability, liquidity and age have a significant impact on indebtedness, evidencing the importance of the principles of the pecking-order theory for the capital structure decisions of smaller portuguese firms. The positive relationship between the firm's variable size and indebtedness supports the importance of Trade-off theory in the context of the capital structure decisions of the companies analyzed. Keywords: Pecking-order theory. Trade-off theory. Debt. Portugal

    Social cognitive training improves emotional processing and reduces aggressive attitudes in ex-combatants

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    ABSTRACT: Emotional processing (EP) is a complex cognitive function necessary to successfully adjust to social environments where we need to interpret and respond to cues that convey threat or reward signals. Ex- combatants have consistently shown atypical EP as well as poor social interactions. Available reintegration programs aim to facilitate the re-adaptation of ex-combatants to their communities. However, they do not incorporate actions to improve EP and to enhance cognitive-emotional regulation. The present study was aimed at evaluating the usefulness of an intervention focused on Social Cognitive Training (SCT), which was designed to equip ex-combatants enrolled in the Social Reintegration Route with EP and social cognition skills. A group of 31 ex-combatants (mean age of 37.2, 29 men) from Colombian illegal armed groups were recruited into this study. Of these, 16 were invited to take part in a SCT and the other continued with the conventional reintegration intervention. Both groups underwent 12 training sessions in a period 12–14 weeks. They were assessed with a comprehensive protocol which included Psychosocial, Behavioral, and Emotion Processing instruments. The scores on these instruments prior to and after the intervention were compared within and between groups. Both groups were matched at baseline. Ex-combatants receiving the SCT experienced significant improvements in EP and a reduction in aggressive attitudes, effects not observed in those continuing the conventional reintegration intervention. This is the first study that achieves such outcomes in such a population using SCT intervention. We discuss the implications of such results toward better social reintegration strategies

    Factors that affect quality of life among people living with HIV attending an urban clinic in Uganda: A cohort study

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    © 2015 Mutabazi-Mwesigire et al. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited. Introduction: With the availability of antiretroviral therapy (ART) and primary general care for people living with HIV (PLHIV) in resource limited settings, PLHIV are living longer, and HIV has been transformed into a chronic illness. People are diagnosed and started on treatment when they are relatively well. Although ART results in clinical improvement, the ultimate goal of treatment is full physical functioning and general well-being, with a focus on quality of life rather than clinical outcomes. However, there has been little research on the relationship of specific factors to quality of life in PLHIV. The objective of this study was to investigate factors associated with quality of life among PLHIV in Uganda receiving basic care and those on ART. Methods: We enrolled 1274 patients attending an HIV outpatient clinic into a prospective cohort study. Of these, 640 received ART. All were followed up at 3 and 6 months. Health related quality of life was assessed with the MOS-HIV Health Survey and the Global Person Generated Index (GPGI). Multivariate linear regression and logistic regression with generalized estimating equations were used to examine the relationship of social behavioral and disease factors with Physical Health Summary (PHS) score, Mental Health Summary (MHS) score, and GPGI. Results: Among PLHIV receiving basic care, PHS was associated with: sex (p=0.045) - females had lower PHS; age in years at enrollment (p=0.0001) - older patients had lower PHS; and depression (
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