695 research outputs found

    Sectoral Analysis of Financial Inclusion on Gross Capital Formation: The Case of Selected MENA Countries

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    Most governments have firmly taken a stance of promoting financial inclusion in the progressive agenda. Access to financial services is aimed at improving allocation of re- sources across small and medium firms insofar as productivity-related effects may enhance the prospects of catching the next ladder of development. Although mostly empirical literature has quantitatively measured the effects of the financial inclusion on aggregate data such as growth or productivity, we know very little of the aforementioned effects on sectorial variates. The contribution of this paper is the estimation of the effect of financial inclusion on the gross capital formation among high- and low-tech sectors by using a panel of eight MENA countries with data for approximately 38 manufacturing industries over the period 2005 onwards; the data\u27s source is United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) that comprises 3-digit level sectoral statistics. We use four measures of financial inclusion: size of commercial bank branches, ATMs, borrowers and depositors. We compare the effects by using a sample of emerging markets. The results suggest that for the MENA region the financial inclusion has a negative effect on the relative volatility of gross capital formation; this suggests that financial inclusion measures are more affecting small and medium industries concentrated in the low-R&D-intensity industries. More specifically the study finds that financial inclusion has a positive statistically significant effect on the size of gross capital formation in sectors such as textiles, leather related products, wood and products of wood and furniture industries. Policy considerations can be directed towards expanding financial services to other low-tech industries including fabricated metal products and to the medium-tech division including repair and installation of machinery and equipment industries which provides higher impact on gross capital formation and thereby economic growth

    Analysis of navigation pattern in the sport of rowing

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    The effect of weather and environmental conditions on sports has been extensively studied over the last few years (Pezzoli et al., 2010). Based upon the studies of Lobozewicz (1981) and of Kay and Vamplew (2002), Pezzoli and Cristofori (2008) have studied the impact of some specific environmental parameters over different sports using a particular impact index divided into five classes. This analysis clearly shows that most of the outdoor sport activities are strongly influenced by the variation of meteorological parameters. However the impact of meteorological conditions on outdoor sport activities has not yet been extensively studied. The aim of this research is to show that an accurate assessment of wind and wave parameters enables decisive improvements in both training and race strategy planning. Furthermore this analysis provide a very innovative working method for the applied sport research. The work has been based on in-situ measurements of both environmental and performance parameters (wind direction, wind velocity, boat speed and stroke rate) made over different classes and in different race conditions during the 2009 FISA World Championship (Poznan, Poland). In particular a detailed environmental analysis was performed by measuring the wind direction, the wind speed and by evaluating the significant wave height and the wave peak period for each class during the semi-final phase and the final phase. It should be noted that, since wind is a key parameter affecting not only the boat speed but also the race strategy, the assessment of the wind velocity and of the wind direction has been made in connection with the boat movement. The comparison between coupled wind-wave data, boat speed and stroke rate evidently demonstrates that only crews that managed the adaption to changing in the environmental conditions from semi-final to final phase of the race, were able to get better results. References Kay, J., & Vamplew, W. (2002) Weather beaten: sport in the British climate. London: Ed. Mainstream Publishing. Lobozewicz, T. (1981) Meteorology in sport. Frankfurt: Ed. Sportverlag. Pezzoli, A,, Moncalero, M., Boscolo, A., Cristofori, E., Giacometto, F., Gastaldi, S., & Vercelli, G. (2010) The meteo-hydrological analysis and the sport performance: which are the connections? The case of the XXI Winter Olympic Games, Vancouver 2010, Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness, 50: 19-20. Pezzoli, A., & Cristofori, E. (2008) Analisi, previsioni e misure meteorologiche applicate agli sport equestri, in: 10th Congress "New findings in equine practices, Druento: Centro Internazionale del Cavallo Ed., p.38-4

    A label-free microfluidic assay to quantitatively study antibiotic diffusion through lipid membranes

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    PublishedJournal ArticleResearch Support, Non-U.S. Gov'tWith the rise in antibiotic resistance amongst pathogenic bacteria, the study of antibiotic activity and transport across cell membranes is gaining widespread importance. We present a novel, label-free microfluidic assay that quantifies the permeability coefficient of a broad spectrum fluoroquinolone antibiotic, norfloxacin, across lipid membranes using the UV autofluorescence of the drug. We use giant lipid vesicles as highly controlled model systems to study the diffusion through lipid membranes. Our technique directly determines the permeability coefficient without requiring the measurement of the partition coefficient of the antibiotic.This work was supported by a European Research Council (ERC) grant (261101 PassMembrane) to UFK. JC acknowledges support from an Internal Graduate Studentship, Trinity College, Cambridge. CC is supported by the ERC. SP acknowledges the support of the Leverhulme Trust and the Newton Trust through an Early Career Fellowship. AJ is supported by the Mexican National Council of Science and Technology. We thank Thomas Muller for help with the lithography and Tuomas Knowles for the use of his lithography facilitie

    OPA1-related auditory neuropathy: site of lesion and outcome of cochlear implantation.

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    Hearing impairment is the second most prevalent clinical feature after optic atrophy in Dominant Optic Atrophy associated with mutations in the OPA1 gene. In this study we characterized the hearing dysfunction in OPA1-linked disorders and provided effective rehabilitative options to improve speech perception. We studied two groups of OPA1 subjects, one comprising 11 patients (7 males; age range 13-79 years) carrying OPA1 mutations inducing haploinsufficiency, the other, 10 subjects (3 males; age range 5-58 years) carrying OPA1 missense mutations. Both groups underwent audiometric assessment with pure tone and speech perception evaluation, and otoacoustic emissions and auditory brainstem response recording. Cochlear potentials were recorded through transtympanic electrocochleography from the group of patients harboring OPA1 missense mutations and were compared to recordings obtained from 20 normally-hearing controls and from 19 subjects with cochlear hearing loss. Eight patients carrying OPA1 missense mutations underwent cochlear implantation. Speech perception measures and electrically-evoked auditory nerve and brainstem responses were obtained after one year of cochlear implant use. Nine out of 11 patients carrying OPA1 mutations inducing haploinsufficiency had normal hearing function. In contrast, all but one subject harboring OPA1 missense mutations displayed impaired speech perception, abnormal brainstem responses and presence of otoacoustic emissions consistent with auditory neuropathy. In electrocochleography recordings, cochlear microphonic had enhanced amplitudes while summating potential showed normal latency and peak amplitude consistent with preservation of both outer and inner hair cell activities. After cancelling the cochlear microphonic, the synchronized neural response seen in both normally-hearing controls and subjects with cochlear hearing loss was replaced by a prolonged, low-amplitude negative potential that decreased in both amplitude and duration during rapid stimulation consistent with neural generation. The use of cochlear implant improved speech perception in all but one patient. Brainstem potentials were recorded in response to electrical stimulation in five subjects out of six, whereas no compound action potential was evoked from the auditory nerve through the cochlear implant. These findings indicate that underlying the hearing impairment in patients carrying OPA1 missense mutations is a disordered synchrony in auditory nerve fiber activity resulting from neural degeneration affecting the terminal dendrites. Cochlear implantation improves speech perception and synchronous activation of auditory pathways by by-passing the site of lesion

    Alkaline β-glycerophosphatase of green gram (Phaseolus radiatus)

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    Endoscopic approach for paranasal sinuses osteomas: Our experience and review of literature

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    Osteomas are common benign bone tumors of the skull and facial structures involving primarily the cranial vault, mandible, external auditory canal, paranasal sinuses, nasal cavity, and orbit.1,2 These neoplasms are usually asymptomatic and account for 0.43% of tumor in population with an incidental finding on 1% of radiographs and on 3% of computed tomography (CT) scans. [1] These solid nodular sclerotic lesions usually arise from the outer table and are usually < 10 mm; lesions larger than 30 mm in diameter are considered giant tumors.3,4,7 Most of patients with such a diagnosis have few or no symptoms, in general only 10% is symptomatic, in the second to fifth decades of life 5,6. In literature, endoscopic endonasal approaches are mainly indicated for small ethmoidal osteomas without significant orbital or frontal extension7, while large osteomas require Caldwell-Luc surgery8 or other more aggressive approaches25. We report our experience about the treatment of paranasal sinuses osteomas treated endoscopically or by endoscope-assisted Caldwell-Luc approach, achieving total removal of the neoplasms with all the advantages deriving by endoscopic technique such as closer visualization of the anatomy, no damage to the surrounding structures, better cosmetic results, less morbidity and shorter hospitalization17

    A Probabilistic Assessment of Soil Erosion Susceptibility in a Head Catchment of the Jemma Basin, Ethiopian Highlands

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    Soil erosion represents one of the most important global issues with serious effects on agriculture and water quality, especially in developing countries, such as Ethiopia, where rapid population growth and climatic changes affect widely mountainous areas. The Meskay catchment is a head catchment of the Jemma Basin draining into the Blue Nile (Central Ethiopia) and is characterized by high relief energy. Thus, it is exposed to high degradation dynamics, especially in the lower parts of the catchment. In this study, we aim at the geomorphological assessment of soil erosion susceptibilities. First, a geomorphological map was generated based on remote sensing observations. In particular, we mapped three categories of landforms related to (i) sheet erosion, (ii) gully erosion, and (iii) badlands using a high-resolution digital elevation model (DEM). The map was validated by a detailed field survey. Subsequently, we used the three categories as dependent variables in a probabilistic modelling approach to derive the spatial distribution of the specific process susceptibilities. In this study we applied the maximum entropy model (MaxEnt). The independent variables were derived from a set of spatial attributes describing the lithology, terrain, and land cover based on remote sensing data and DEMs. As a result, we produced three separate susceptibility maps for sheet and gully erosion as well as badlands. The resulting susceptibility maps showed good to excellent prediction performance. Moreover, to explore the mutual overlap of the three susceptibility maps, we generated a combined map as a color composite where each color represents one component of water erosion. The latter map yields useful information for land-use managers and planning purposes

    Addressing injecting related risks among people who inject both opioids and stimulants: Findings from an Australian survey of people who inject drugs

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    Background: Opioids and stimulants are the most commonly injected illicit drugs worldwide and in Australia. While some people who inject drugs (PWID) prefer either opioids or stimulants, others regularly use both opioids and stimulants. Limited available research indicates that those who use opioids and stimulants together, either in combination or alternating between the two, may engage in injection-related practices which potentially place them at greater health risk and could lead to poorer health outcomes. Methods: Participants were recruited nationally through member organizations of the Australian Injecting and Illicit Drug Users League (AIVL); these organizations represent PWID in each Australian state and territory. This study compared a sample of PWID (N = 535) who reported past-month injection of opioids only (N = 173), stimulants only (N = 208), or both (N = 154) on a range of health and wellbeing outcomes. PWID completed a survey assessing drugs injected, frequency of injecting, receptive equipment sharing, psychological distress, self-reported hepatitis C (HCV) status, experienced and internalized stigma, drug use salience, and community attachment. Results: People who injected both opioids and stimulants reported more frequent injecting, more experiences of stigma, and greater reported HCV diagnosis than people who injected stimulants or opioids alone. They also showed greater attachment to a community of PWID and greater salience of drug use to their identity. Conclusions: The findings of increased injecting and broader harms associated with injecting both stimulants and opioids are important for tailoring harm reduction and intervention designs for people who use both opioid and stimulant drugs, including prioritizing peer-based approaches