2,527 research outputs found

    Defining the 'Strano': Madness in Renaissance Italy

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    This thesis explores the different ways madness was defined and treated in Italian texts from the early fifteenth century through to the late sixteenth century. Although this thesis investigates how and why people were categorised as mad, various sources have shown that the treatment of these individuals varied according to different social, cultural and political contexts. In some cases madness was seen as an undesirable expression of social deviance and in other cases, a venerated symbol of wisdom. In light of these discrepancies, social structures stigmatised and often alienated those considered ‘strano’ (‘strange’) acted as powerful punitive and organisational mechanisms

    Un raig de llum pels pacients amb el càncer més mortífer

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    Premis Pharmanews-Fedefarma 2016De tots els tipus de càncer que hi ha, el de pulmó és el que causa més morts a l’any en tot el món. Hi ha diferents teràpies, però recentment la immunoteràpia s’ha potenciat considerablement després del descobriment d’anticossos que actuen sobre els receptors CTLA-4 i PD-1/PD-L1 de les cèl·lules

    Uso de una red de sensores inalámbricos con hardware y software libre que monitoriza variables ambientales en un campo agrícola

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    Publicación a texto completo no autorizada por el autorOrienta a los agricultores que trabajan bajo el sistema de agricultura tradicional, para que adopten una propuesta tecnológica que les permita aumentar los rendimientos de la producción y disminución de sus costos en los campos de cultivo, mediante la automatización de la monitorización ambiental haciendo frente a los cambios climatológicos. Para ello se emplea un sistema de red de sensores inalámbricos (WSN, por sus siglas en inglés), que son pequeños dispositivos denominadas “motas” o nodos para capturar y registrar la información relacionada a los niveles de humedad, radiación solar, radiación fotosintéticamente activa y temperatura del medio ambiente en determinados periodos de tiempo en forma continua y precisa para que el usuario final (campesinos, empresarios del agro, ingenieros agrónomos, etc.) de acuerdo a sus conocimientos puedan dar respuesta adecuada a sus cultivos respecto de lo que se está registrando en el medio ambiente. Además, de acuerdo a la propuesta escrita en el presente documento, la WSN que se ha diseñado y puesto en funcionamiento en las pruebas de campo durante diez días tiene la capacidad de auto restauración; esto quiere decir que si se daña un nodo, la red encontrará nuevas vías para encaminar los paquetes de datos que llevan la información a través de su protocolo de encaminamiento dinámico. También se emplea software libre para las aplicaciones de los dispositivos, con la finalidad de reducir los costos y se ofrece un sistema estable, sencillo y con una plataforma web amigable para la visualización y el entendimiento rápido de los valores recolectados por medio de tablas y gráficas.Tesi

    El pinsà comú (Fringil·la coelebs)

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    La puput (Upupa epops)

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    Cuereta Blanca (Motacilla Alba)

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    Restorative Injustice: A Study of Failed Implementation of Restorative Practices at an Urban High School

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    The restorative justice process utilizes various intervention strategies created by indigenous tribes throughout the world, as an alternative to procedural justice (Zehr, 2002). In modern education, restorative justice was incorporated into the public-school system, where it has evolved into a preemptive measure to combat punitive discipline policies that is often seen as both racially insensitive and detrimental to the learning of students. The purpose of this study was to examine the implementation process of a school based restorative justice program at an urban high school and focused on how these interventions were implemented, what resources were allocated, and how it was embedded within the school culture. A qualitative approach was chosen because the restorative justice process contains multiple variables, such as perceptions, feelings, ideas, personal ideology, and cultural factors. The sampling plan consisted of interviews, and field notes collected from a Colorado high school that was at the beginning stages of implementing a restorative justice program. Data was analyzed through the lenses of the district-based success criteria created by Anyon (2016) and Howard Zehr\u27s (2002) conceptual pillars of restorative justice (Zehr, 2002). Findings indicated that implementation of restorative practices at the school site was procedural and technical rather than rooted in the theory and philosophical tenets of restorative justice. Several themes also emerged from the analysis of implementation, such as restorative practices seen as disciplinary tool by administration, the isolated and variable implementation of the process, and role specific ownership of the process. Recommendations for school administration and district employees are presented in this study to assist them in ways to improve their current implementation of restorative practices

    Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS): a Potential Quality Tool for Infant Formula Manufacture

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    Breast milk is considered the ideal food for infants. However, breastfeeding is at times supplemented or replaced with suitable alternatives. Infant formula (IF) is an industrially produced food intended as a breast milk substitute, which needs to satisfy, by itself, all nutritional requirements of infants. For this reason, it is of critical importance that IF provides the adequate amounts of nutrients including carbohydrates, fats, proteins, minerals and vitamins. Laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) is a promising emission spectroscopic technique for elemental analysis, which can provide real-time measurements with little to no sample preparation. Hence, the main goal of this thesis was to investigate the feasibility of LIBS as a quality tool for mineral analysis in infant formula manufacture. Experiments conducted in this work encompassed the determination of calcium and sodium contents in powdered IF samples, pelletising samples as the only sample preparation procedure; and ready-to-feed IF formula samples, by direct analysis of liquids without sample preparation


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